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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP April 20th


i cnt believe my own eyes either xD but so far its going good??

i knew that but like not really xD i thought noni gave them suggestions- but they actually send noni-generated responses?? That actually explains so much 😭 might as welll have chatted with noni this whole time then cishudhixh 😭😭

iloveyouxx April 20th


:000 you’re sure they’re real :00 /j ahahjansj I wanna show yu smth but I gotta go hold on :0

they don’t even send them either xD look wait


for listeners next to that "type your message here.." thing there’s a button that kinda looks like this emoji:💡

if they click on that in like less than a second they’ll see a noni-generated response replying to what the member said- they click on it and some listeners do nothing but clicking on that button😭so basically as if yur already chatting w noni yeah😭😭

unassumingEyes OP April 20th

@iloveyouxx they cld be an alien from planet nice 🤔🤔/jk

Im offended that i myt have been Noni'd?? Like?? No thank you?? 😭

unassumingEyes OP April 19th

 @iloveyouxx Okoki replying here now

I thought ur tag got nommed or smth xD

"Parents arent the best at parenting at times" yeah that pretty much summarizes it


Okokok facts- i have reread pages here alott and one- i never minded ur typing styles lol dont fret about those so much lovely. Secondly before the corner it was like u never opened up and i never pushed but i made this place nd u opened up a bit nd im like proud and stuff?? Also i mean it when i say its our corner because i swear to god nadia im not good at having my own space dmdnndbd. I need friends xD and i need like my frnds to be okay or healing or trying or just alive and like watching u reach out smtimes is like "y e s g o o d" xD also in my irl frndship my frnds are amazing but they dont t a l k bout how they feel/what theyre going thru and i get it its not my business but then theres misunderstandings and fights so anytime a n y o n e honestly comes on and says "im hving a bad day" im just like t h a n k  y o u for t e l l i n g me xD do i make any sense???

I kinda regret finding cups, too. Like now i found it i cnt leave- but if id just never found it- idk. Its not anyone of urs faults tho 🩷 but- it is clouding irl a bit? Nd idk. Its like more ppl to help, worry bout, love, be loved by. More expectations- and dont say yall dont have any. If i stopped being the me you all know- there wld be a difference in our bonds. Definitely would be. And smtimes its just tiring nd its noones fault 

(M glad ur alive <3) 

Ill try to stay safe 🩷

I legit dont remember the depressing thing i thought xD but ill keep that in mind for next time (i dont think ur depressing tho- maybe just...real?) 

Humph love you 🩷

iloveyouxx April 19th


oou I think this is more..organized :0??💜



(I dunno why the top hat but it looks fancy xD☠️)

hehe I had to read that before thinking of a reply :0💕

noo I swear I was like ehjshaiaj :') I was so weird XD but it’s fine I guess thank you🩷I’m curious on how no one ever like I dunno said something or like how others saw me back then XD cos everyone kept saying stuff about my aura and how they looked up to me for the longest time and how I always had love it my heart for everyone but like :P looked up to that :P?? maybe I’m just judging myself😭

true I was the best at avoiding how’re yous😛and if I had to answer I’d just say I’m alright then ask about the other persun :P dang it I wish I was that good now😭at like supporting and giving and not getting- I like that idk :')💙

yk atp no one asked again then when a newbie asked how I was my friend came in and was like "oh nadia doesn’t like answering that so we don’t ask😊" and I’m like wait😭?? oh XD they caught on cos like I never said that XDD

xD nouu but like it’s so *wrong* :') omg like please if I make things about myself like that now can yu tell me cos I feel so bad😭I’ll stop being negative hehe- it’s our space but venting/ranting/dumping in it for me is not okie :P fair xD💖

yu make loads of sense💕thankyou💗

maybe I’m just insecure and hating on lil me XD and present me ;-; but it feels like common sense :') cos like I only apply things to me- like that I can’t vent here- I think it’s okie if evafren needs it or nibeanie but not me if that makes sense? Id love to be there and support but me getting it is wrong :P I love how my common sense doesn’t make sense✨it’s still right tho- right😭💙

awe no I understand and relate🩷I think the me you all know is just me hehe :P like I’ve shown you me in different ways if that makes sense? I use different texting sumtimes but it’s still all me I think- irl clouding I relate to that sm :') if I never found this I wouldn’t need to try to leave so hard cos I woulda never been here :P I can’t leave I want to stay but I want to leave so bad-. it’s not just about 7cups changing my irl but it changed me so much and my mind- this isn’t me :') I miss me. but i miss this every time I’m not here. It is definitely tiring- I’m glad yu relate but also feel bad cos I feel like this is how more than just us feel :')💜


tryings enough🩷

i am xD? I’m real :3 why do I love hearing(/seeing) that xD cos I feel so disconnected xD and I’m like atp I’m literally not real- I think I am depressing tho- thankyou hehe idk :3

love you more🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 19th

@iloveyouxx reply no.2 xD

Noooo ur ded :000 

Frnd stop checking the tw deaths- itll get too much. Just slow down a bit 🩷

Yes and no to me being patient xD

*hugs if okay* thank you🩷

I remember :00 

I say do n o t become eyes!!! 

Okok studying tons without breaks?? Tiny little advices from eyes:  

- pause in between, look at the distance for a bit and then blink a few times. Trust me, if you dont, ur vision myt start being weird- because ur focusing too long on one thing.

- dont sit in one place the whole time u study! Itll result in cramps, sleepiness, decrease in motivation xD. Sitting near windows may help.

- try to think of urself as doing sm secret mission. Or ur a cool librarian. Whichever. Its easier for me to get stuff done pretending to be someone else then get stuff done as myself xD 

- waterrr drink ittt 

And  p l e a s e survive xD try not to stress! (So ironic of me to say-) 


iloveyouxx April 19th


yus v tragic I knuw :00/lh 



yu doooo :0000 do yu remember when yu heard it? :0💙

donut* :3/jkjk idk what this mood is again- but jshueuye too deep into the process xD😛😭

hegeisns I just looked away and blinked and started laughing cos of how bad my eyesight is and cos I couldn’t see anything for a couple minutes- ;-; T^T💜good point :’D🩷

XDD you seem to have experience XD/lh😛thankyou💕

XD yur so funny fsr😭that sounds cool tho since myself would never get stuff done🧐and would procrastinate all day🧐perhaps a cool libarian or smth would actually do stuff :3😛💕I like it xD💕

i forgot what water tasted like ahajsjjejsaj xD😭im so dehydrated xD 

"try not to stress!" ~24/7 stressed out potato frend 2024~✨

/lh/lh :PxD 


unassumingEyes OP April 19th


V.v.v tragic there should be an international holiday in ur remembrance fr

I think in my oooold school so that wld be before grade5 (age9)

Donut become eyes!!

Yass the vision thing happens so much to me xD

I hv very much experience i am n old wise granny eyes (that rhymes o.0)

Now idk what fsr means xD im pretending to be on a super cool (physics) mission rn xD 

Called it! Stressed teens never drink water smh

I mean "do as i say, not as i do" xD

You got this!🥔🥔 but no pressure!

iloveyouxx April 19th


xD I used to think the day I-(yk) every year people would celebrate-not in a good way like cos they’re happy- like- thank god :D 😭I still think that ;-; I think it’s cool when other people have their own international day lmao :0 they’re usually like *a m a z i n g* people tho xD✨

dang that’d be scary😭at least yu didn’t know the backstory tho :0 I think that’d be scary for 9yo yu  T^T💗

🍩    🍩

    👄   you were saying XD I swear I’m in such a weird mood rn ignore it :>> she was never here✨

uwheosho police sirens again- they’ve been off all day and night like what’s happening :')💙


XD 👩‍🦯‍➡️🤝👩‍🦯


XD silllyyyyyyy- fsr means "for some reason" XD

oooouu destroy that physics😈🕵️‍♀️👀🥷🤺✨✨!

true😭I still haven’t drank any water since I posted that😭"life’s too stressful to do stuff like eat/sleep/drink water :P we’ve got too many stuff to worry about to just do things we need to for ourselves so i need to prioritize doing things i need to for other things like school or family :P"~my mindset 2024

omggggeee eyeesssssss😭😛smhhhhhhh- but that’s the perfect quote for me tho🧐I always give advice I don’t do myself🧐✨😛

I gotta go but not rewriting take careeeee💖💖💖

unassumingEyes OP April 19th


My brain: nooooooo the international holiday is supposed to celebrate the fact that u lived not unlived 😭

Amazing or rich-

9yo me was like chilly being made to watch traumatizing stuff xD my sis made me watch a horror movie- my first and last. Im terrified to this day xD i was around 10yrs old 

I found that so funny omg xD i just- ppfft the donuts xD



Fsr im exhausted xD i used it! xD

My fam took me outside fr lunch the physics is still a threat djdhdhd abort mission i repeat abort mission we need to reassess the situation-

Go drink waterrrrrrr xD 

Also i like

I make priority lists in my head o.0 

Ok funny thing nadia im like super careful bout my health and my well being but like n o n e of it is for me? Like i cldnt care less about my well being- but like sense of anticipation says i n e e d to be okay in all aspects because smth is coming and if im not okay smth bad will happen and i dont get it? But the way i make sense of it is that "smth" will happen (tw part of me thinks- smone will- unhappen-) and everyone else in my fam will be unokay then and thats why i hv to be ready- like im preparing to have to "step up" someday- and its not for me- its for those who i will be stepping up for- whoever they are- im being depressing-

Me tooooo =D for eg i hv not drunk water in hours xD 

Take caree 🩷

iloveyouxx April 19th


😭I knowww😭😭maybe imma start a new thing- be the first😏✨

whiwgsuygb yk I just googled and apparently there’s this guy that saved (fake (obv) xD) Santa Claus from a fire? and he was all like "I should’ve gotten money!" Idkk much about it but there’s a day for him too what?😭

first and last whjsha poor 10yo you🫠I watch horror movies to distract me from my life✨cos like- they’re so traumatizing and scary and just the type of thing you can’t get off your mind right? so like- now I’ve gotten my real problems off my mind✨✨(/ jk it just haunts me forever and adds to my problems aisbahajjajaja xD :>)

XD 🍩 be like eyes!🍩XDXD

hmmmmm what we thinking bout :0💙


ooommiiiiigodddddddd :0000 sorrysorry I’m not mocking yu hehe💓but every time I tell my brother smth he’s like 😱🤯🤯😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 to mock me- I got used to it eugh😭💜but actually hehe yayyyyy good job✨🎉XD

bijsiuhsuhs okayokay here’s what we’re gonna do- you go eat lunch- I’m gonna handle the physics✨😈✨pulls out friction..😈✨

(basically if yu don’t get it ajahahahahahajx- xD frictions always there slowing things down and making life harder for physics trying to keep things moving smoothly xD it’ll keep them distracted😈✨)

eyeeessssss stopppp/lh💖youre not being depressing🩷I’m an✨expert✨at being depressing🤓👆/lh💜and really you’re not at all- I get what you mean tho💙someone unhappens like everyday in my family ahajajjwhahajah- :P🤍I know we have really different situations but I understand really friend🩷and goddd you’re not depressing xD💖I love talking to you💗some other cups frends been making me feel :P lonely xD and left out xD and worthless xD (tw✨)and like why am I alive ajajajgsha I try so hard to please people and I can’t even do it with them xD and- you get it ;-; but talking to yu makes me feel better I think💕💕thankyou for being here friend💖

xD look at yu telling me to drink water without drinking water xD t t t t t t-smh. I’ll drink water when you drink water xD🚰

I have to go study eurghhgahahshejwqijs😭😭why does this make me so mad cos like I could’ve started earlier but my dad left for work and locked the door with my device and now I have so much work to get to in my weekend😭😭I promise you I’ll try to blink from time to time :> xD I love yuuuu take carrreeeee🩷💕💕

unassumingEyes OP April 19th

Part of me is like hey this listener seems good and the other part is like


Mother voice is telling me to stop it. Hahahhaha no-

unassumingEyes OP April 19th

My head hurts

A ton

unassumingEyes OP April 19th

My head hurts

A ton

unassumingEyes OP April 19th

My head hurts

A ton

unassumingEyes OP April 19th

@unassumingEyes that repeated thrice???

unassumingEyes OP April 20th

@unassumingEyes so this is still going on xD + cramps-

unassumingEyes OP April 20th

@iloveyouxx i keep feeling like i replied already cuz i typed it out thrice last night xD but apparently i didnt?? 

nadia frnd i will be s o b b i n g that day-/gen

he did  good thing nd then went “ok pay up” sjbsbdjhs nd theyre like yea hes cool lets celebrate him???

nadia dnsjhsushjz xD hv u seen the movie with the fake orphan girl?

🍩 be like eyes!! :p

I cn not think due to lack of brain xD

ty 🩷

not friction! *le gasp* xD

ok but my irl frnds nd i used to call walking “frictioning” sjhshjsb i cnt even- 

someone unhappens like everyday in ur family- thats exaggerated right- :o

u literally cheer me up so much 😭🩷 i dont get how talking to me could ever be good djhdjhzjknzj 

noooooooooo then we’ll both be dehydrated (that was so hard to spell???)

id be mad too xD the promise lol xD love you tooo tc 🩷

iloveyouxx April 20th


huh xD yk my cousin I like text her all the time and she replies maybe the next month☠️and then she’s like "ohhhh see I got the notification then replied in my head and thought I actually replied-" 😭

but apparently yu didn’t xD??

I thought that tone tag said "/j" xD

I’d be b a w l i n g  m y  e y e s  o u t  that day for yu- even if I’m 90yo at that time cos it better be by old age-/lh :D💗

sjehshehwhwh😭people really can’t do smth good just.. for others? and not for themselves?☠️

hshehehaywi idk why I thought of auggie TvT from that wonders move or smth- he’s not fake or an orphan I feel insulting tho me thinking of him didn’t like mean anything it was just random TvT🤍ermmm idkkk friend what’s the name :0 do you remember :00💜? does she have that like condition that makes her a kid looking adult XD💙??/lh

indeediooo🍩✨!! :p 🍩! xD

:00000 says yuuu T^T yur always thinking- and studying :P yu have so vv much brains :P I dunno how it fits :P in yur head :P/lh

😭whattt am i sayyyingggg :D✨but really lmao yu might need more head space soon :P cos yur brains too big :P/lh



whatttt😭☠️"oh ya I’m just going for a friction" "I’m just frictioning what’s up" "hey I’m gonna go on a friction call me if you need anything"☠️☠️😭

XD yu so silllyyyyy💖yus it’s slightly exaggerated xD💜maybe like every week :P TW someone died 2 days ago in car crash :P

love yuuu morreee and yus I skipped sum stuff that I’ll reply to later cos my dad woke up and I gotta go study :0 I’ll be backk tcccc🩷🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 21st


Nadia i keep typing @ nadia instead of @ iloveyouxx 😭😭

Next m o n th ? xD 



"Cos it better be by old age" right back at you nadia frnd/lh but also gen

People nadia frnd, are a weird species

Omg i love wonder xD

Its called Orphan and yes to the 2nd qs

xD 🍩🍩🍩

Maybe 🤔 i should buy a new head 🤔

It was like "hey cmon why are we just standing here lets frictionn" "im tired can we stop frictioning" "ohohoh strict maam is glaring at us just friction past her" xD

Thats sad :0 m sorry - thats a lot of unhappenings

Okk gl take care (i am not-)

iloveyouxx April 24th


nuu I’m sorryyyy I’m so lateeee🩷

XD😭apparently theres a member here with the user @ nadia :0 xD💜

xD T^T

XDD yu make me go xD a lot xD💖


:000 that’s what I always sayyyy :000!

xD reallyyy :0 I watched it like a couple times as a kiddo :3 I might rewatch it :0💙

what :0 I like guessed✨what is all thisss big brainnnsss🧠⚡️/j/j/j/lh💕imma watch it too :3💖


heyyyyy that’s a good idea :0 okieokie so let’s think🧐so this is yur head now⇒🤯xD les look at the options :3 *✨

searches "head" in emojis✨* :


ajabwuan I messed up my frequently used emojis😭I dunno what a shower or an onion are doing there-

hows this one✨✨⇒🧠👧🧘‍♀️✨

bahahahahjahajwjjwjsmajhauwjsja I can’t XD😭yur so cutu and sillyy😖🤧💖💖💖

issokayy that was my- aunts- brother :P I’ve only had a couple interactions w him :P he was really nice hehe and funny. hope he okie 💗.-.

why not love🥺💓/nfta me neither haha :P💕yk when I said I finished my math homework😭we have 120 more questions to do now😭and a speaking french test soon and a science test soon and english but not sure when- T^T💜here for yu💖

unassumingEyes OP April 24th


nuu I’m sorryyyy I’m so lateeee🩷

Issok frnd :00

XD😭apparently theres a member here with the user @ nadia :0 xD💜

:00000 i almost tagged them so mnay times 😭

xD T^T

XDD yu make me go xD a lot xD💖

I go "xD" alot myself xD


:000 that’s what I always sayyyy :000!

Facts are facts 😌

xD reallyyy :0 I watched it like a couple times as a kiddo :3 I might rewatch it :0💙

I never saw the whole thing cause sis wldnt let me 0.o but ive seen majority Wonder scenes frm utube xD

what :0 I like guessed✨what is all thisss big brainnnsss🧠⚡️/j/j/j/lh💕imma watch it too :3💖


Dont watch it!!!! (Eeeeeek sorry uve probably seen way worse but im terrified o.0 i was definitely way too young to process that movie😀😀)


Thats sofbndjdj big xD 🍩🍩🍩

Nadia frnd when my exams are over im going to try baking and snack making etc i will try donuts ^_^ i have never made anything so if i burn it o.0 forgive me-

heyyyyy that’s a good idea :0 okieokie so let’s think🧐so this is yur head now⇒🤯xD les look at the options :3 *✨

My head looks like a volcano erupted in it xD

searches "head" in emojis✨* :


ajabwuan I messed up my frequently used emojis😭I dunno what a shower or an onion are doing there-

The part of the shower that gives water is called shower head so that makes sense =D i hv no idea about the onion-

The penguin is so cute i love penguins djhdjd

Hows this one✨✨⇒🧠👧🧘‍♀️✨

Thatll work xD is it free :p

bahahahahjahajwjjwjsmajhauwjsja I can’t XD😭yur so cutu and sillyy😖🤧💖💖💖


issokayy that was my- aunts- brother :P I’ve only had a couple interactions w him :P he was really nice hehe and funny. hope he okie 💗.-.

why not love🥺💓/nfta me neither haha :P💕yk when I said I finished my math homework😭we have 120 more questions to do now😭and a speaking french test soon and a science test soon and english but not sure when- T^T💜here for yu💖

Me was being self destructive this past week o.0 bit better now (mayb cause exams are almost over) 

Thats so much work 😔 nadia buddy's school is copying my school 👀 must bonk the teachers some more 🥖🥖

I cldnt delete ur part of the post cuz i gtg xD sorry xD tc byee 💓

iloveyouxx April 28th


oof😭I wonder if they use 7cups :0💜

XDD yu dooo it’s such a vibe tho✨✨🩷~ xD



ooo :0 well I liked it honestly🩷it’s fully based on a true story :P💜but yu know augie didn’t actually- look the way he did in the movie <3 "Auggie's face is described as being different due to a craniofacial anomaly. To make him less scary, his facial features were softened in the movie adaptation through the use of prosthetics and makeup to create a less severe appearance. This helped convey Auggie's uniqueness without making him overly intimidating or frightening to viewers"idk honestly :P the "without making him overly intimidating or frightening to viewers" just😭throws me off😭I’m so random-

how sarcastic xD🩷

wbsjwuabhahabahanahahhahaha eyes I’ve been meaning to tell you XDDDDD so. I have this like thing on my tv- full of series and movies. mostly arabic ones honestly so I don’t go on it much- but I swear- I was casually scrolling through them😭and that exact movie was right there😭TW "Orphan: First Kill" 

so✨😏it like on my tv it had the *freakiest* ever movie poster?💜but me being me xD💙I clicked on it and- at the time my family wasn’t too far so I lowered the volume and didn’t hear much- you probably don’t remember much or about anything :P but **TW**(hm I know like you’d probably read right past this so :P TW: almost SA but not SA? but was never SA sorry I’m so confused myself- TvT🩷) at the very very beginning you know when that woman was walking into that place where Esther was- there was this guy :P my volume was lowered so I barely heard what was going on but she basically put her arms fully up- and- he like put both his hands at the side of her wrists😭and started going down so I just thought…um….harassment?? and then like the camera went down.. and he went down too then it showed her close her eyes- and I was about to click off😭cause I thought he was gonna……………..….but then he just stood up and like she walked in like nothing happened so snwjsbiwnsjs????😭😭😭😭😭then there was that little girl and ofcourse- *ofcourse* there just had to be those red to black flashy lights😭and I’m just like wow what a basic horror movie😭jk tho it was scary🩷just like- literally ofcourse it had to be dark😭like that’s what makes it scary😭just turn on the lights wyshusjgtihitwuyihguw😭😭😭💜and then the girl pulled out that knife then it somehow suddenly turned into a pencil when the other guys came? then they told her to put it down then they were talking about the girl- I watched a little after that :P there were more details but I’ll spare yu xD🩷I’m about to fully rewatch it tho :0 since I didn’t understand much the first time :0💙also poor 5yo you T^T I’d be horrified in every scene😭🩷

I found a way xD🍩🍩🍩🍩

:0000000000000000 that’s so cool :000000 I’ve made like hot chocolate xD and cereal xD and..egg sandwiches xD I think you’ll make the yummiest most nom-able donuts :3🍩🍩💕

shower head :00 shower 🚿:0👩🏻‍🦲- shower head :0000 sorry :0xD it’s how I cope✨T^T

awwe same tho and seals and hamsters and bunnies and turtles :3🐧🦭🐹🐰🐢💕friend is it just me or like isn’t the penguin emoji so like off🐧like why the side view- 

I feel like I pictured the penguin emoji standing or sumthing :P 

ou and I didn’t mention kitties cos I *love* *love* *love* them- so much that it’s unexplainable- and I talk about them everywhere :P so it’s obvious xD clear without being said xD💕💕💕🐾🐾🐾

friend I made a discovery :0 that’s actually not an onion :0 look this is the onion apparently🧅*goes to chatgpt for answers✨* ouuuhhhhhhhh :0000 it’s a.. "garlic bulb" :P💜*goes to chatgpt for more answers✨*

su this is what it said :0💙"That's because the 🧄 emoji, which looks like a garlic bulb, is often used metaphorically to represent a head or brain, due to its shape resembling that of a human head. It's not an official representation of a head in emojis, but it's used in that context informally." what-😭

free if you can make it happen😭💜


awwwwee >:💕soso happy you’re better🩷i hope it lasts💕/sovvvvvvgen💗but if yu ever wanna dump on me again- yu genuinely can🩷I like listening to you- it makes me happy when you talk🩷/gen/lh💕💕

fr🥖🥖I don’t think🥖🥖🥖they were bonked enough🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖

xD it’s okaaayyyyyy💗I’m happy I taught you about that thing xD💕like it makes me feel so🧠🧐👩‍🏫☕️😏🤓xD💖

replying to yur other post- it’s been 4/5 days🩷way way way way wayyy too long🩷I genuinely missed you too <33 thankyou for waiting for me and for always trying so hard🩷I love you <3💗

lovely I wanted to tell you. only one(cups) persun knows and well another persun too but they literally could not care less anymore not even when. this. :') cos I mean. well nevermind I’m not gonna just rant on yu after disappearing for so long🩷I. don’t want to say anything. but I guess other reactions hurt me. everyone on cups has hurt me :') what am I saying everyone irl hurt me too it doesn’t even matter- which is so unrelated sorry. but I just wanted to tell you I was leaving🩷not- well. idk when. but- not too far from now. we can talk about it if you’d like but I think that’s all I’m gonna say for now💖

also- I haven’t actually told anyone it. but the two cups friends(?)figured it out💜so consider yurself special😛💖yu really are to me tho💗

im so sorry again for poofing T^T 4/5 dayss😭I missed yu so much <3🩷howre yuu and everything💖?I’ll look at sum posts I missed in a minute :0💕tttylllll <3333🥔💖🤗💖🥔

unassumingEyes OP April 21st


Heavy rain, flash floods ki-l 100 people in Pakistan-

More than 33 kil-ed in flash floods in Afghanistan-

Flash floods in the past few days kill hundred in Pakistan-

Lightning and floods in KPK province of Pakistan ki-l several-

Whats going on with the world nowadays- 😔

iloveyouxx April 21st


i thought yu said don’t check the deaths :')🩷/lh I know😞someone in his like seventies died here…then that social media guy then 4 other people from here and 3 of suffocation obv and 2 of accidents-(cos yk- the weather was violent (': ) this has been the heaviest rain since 1948-. sumone that goes to the same mosque my grandfather does told him how him and his wife got stuck in their car and the water went up to their window- they couldn’t open the windows or doors or anything and the oxygen was really really limited- 2 guys somehow? managed to break the car and get them out-? just trying to survive :') I’m honestly fine tho. indoors the whole time :P it’s gonna rain again wednesday and thursday but less ofc💜that same guy also said his wife had like heart problems or smth so they had to get her out first- so sweet and sad hah :')💖I’m gonna reply to that other thing in a second :0💙and I finished all my hw btw✨got a bunch wrong but o well just wanted to get it over w :D💕yaaaaaayyyyyyy🎉💖🎉

unassumingEyes OP April 21st

@iloveyouxx i didnt check the deaths- the news told me o.0

Thats a....lot :0 m sorry. Glad u were safe 🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 22nd

@iloveyouxx also i missed this but congrats on finishing all the work 😭🩷🩷✨️✨️🎉🎉

unassumingEyes OP April 21st

Eyes, april 21, 2024: 

- wakes up with bad cramps

- has pain meds

- feels sleepy with pain meds

- tries to study

- falls asleep

- wakes uo at 7pm

- wakes up at 7pm- 

- freaks out over studies

- does 1 (one) out of 7 chapters left and comes back on cups 

- is an idiot


iloveyouxx April 21st


omigod friend that sounds like such a bad day D:🩷gosh I’m so sorry like smjaqjswkq :')🩷smh for life deciding to be meanie to yu today🩷yur the v opposite of an idiot D:💜I wouldn’t even *try* to study after the pain meds :P💜I’d just sleep :P and let myself sleep :P🩷not cos I love myself or anything just xD💜yu have too high expectations for yurself lovely🥺💕7 chapters is sm on its own D:💜I wish I could tell yu to go easy on yu but w all the work and pressure I don’t think I would :')🩷I wish I could tell yu to believe me when I say you’re not an idiot and what you do is so more than enough🩷but. :')💜I wouldn’t believe it either in yur place :')💜I love you🩷I hope yu can try to believe it <3💖

unassumingEyes OP April 21st

@iloveyouxx i have high expectations for myself? Look at my sister. Im serious. Despite how jealous i get- im still worried. Girl's expecting too much of herself. She doesnt get it when i tell her to slow down. Oof. 

I appreciate it 🩷 and i will try to believe that 🩷 sometimes i almost do. Itd be nice to believe someday🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 22nd

Tw Is it bad that this point with a member frnd-ish on here ive gone from- i hope they dont unalive to- i hope they find peace even if its in death? Because i legit look at their situation and think- theres a reason theyre giving up? Maybe theres a limit to positivity? I try to be logical- and for so many people i think they have a chance, thye cant give up yet but- and ill never tell them this but- for them its just- id never wish death on them but if they were to gain it- peacefully- it feels like thats the only happy ending left for them? Miracles happen- and i hope something better turns out for them- but the way things are atm- id have given up if i were them long ago- despite all attempts to be logical- is that bad- that i understand why they want to be gone- and dont really have an argument against it-

unassumingEyes OP April 22nd

@unassumingEyes (its none of yall btw- i doubt who it is will actually ever find this) 

unassumingEyes OP April 22nd

Tw she’ll be yelling in a bit. I could prevent it maybe- but im dumb like this. I dont. I just dont. If i prevent it now, itll just happen a while later. Why bother

unassumingEyes OP April 22nd

Tensions rising, 

Not surprising, 

When will the volcano blow?

With angry glares

meaningful stares,

And no safe space to go 

(my brain o.0) 

unassumingEyes OP April 22nd

@unassumingEyes the "volcano" did blow, btw. It wasnt thaaaat bad tho 

unassumingEyes OP April 22nd

Help i have maximum 5+1/2 chapters and minimum 4chaps left to do today its 3pmmmm 

and if i do 4chaps instead of 5 and a half today ill hv to do 1 and 1/2 chap + numericals + conceptual questions tomorrw which is a l o t so its like do i do alot today or a lot tomorrow 😭😭

unassumingEyes OP April 22nd

@unassumingEyes *inhales* i was interrupted and now its 4.30pm with exactly the same amount of work left???? 

*screams into the void* 

*the void screams back* 

unassumingEyes OP April 23rd


See? The yelling is like 90% of my problmess today mom had a headache and when she has headaches shes either really nice or reallly mean and today she was really nice (no yelling at a l l) and despite:

1. Stress over exam tmrrw

2. Bad headache 

i can still confidently say today was a good day and i felt more like myself because there was no stress of  her yelling/glaring

unassumingEyes OP April 24th

Today was my last exam minus practicals. I got kinda overwhelmed 😅 the girl sittin in front of me kept asking me the answers and the teacher kept yelling :/ i got one mcq wrong :/ nd idk bout the rest of the exam- it was easy but i cldnt focus- next is practical exam on 29th. Yay/sar

Wish they wld be over already. 8may seems so far away-

unassumingEyes OP April 25th


she already did once but its not over i cn feel it shes going to snap 


im so close to crying rn im alone with here and there so=o much tension in the house i cn feel it shes going to yell