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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP April 12th

Tw im in that mood again. The one where i deliberately want to trigger myself. Thats a weird one huh? Ive searched up in these moods, how to purposefuly trigger yourself. It doesnt make sense, i know. Youre thinking "why would you want to do that?" Idk. Its like another of my own weird sh forms. Trying to trigger myself. I deserve it. I dont. I do. I dont know.

unassumingEyes OP April 12th

Can we post anything in the poetry community? For example, if i wanted to post poems by other poets, i could? 

justmeeva April 12th


if you give credit to the author, i think it’s okay <3

unassumingEyes OP April 12th

@justmeeva okay thank uu

unassumingEyes OP April 12th

In mindful minutes naybe itll make my trigger self mood go away if sis doesnt interrupt (as if)

unassumingEyes OP April 12th

Ofcourse living hurts, its dying in reverse

unassumingEyes OP April 12th

@unassumingEyes shld hv put a tw for that

unassumingEyes OP April 12th

What is living like for you?

For me, its going out at night and laughing a random things. Its my aunt visitng and my cousins peaking in as i study and inviting me to come out, theyre going to do x thing and are waiting for me. Its my close friend being online and talking with me about anything and zoom calls with friends and potato talks and being in safe spaces or meals i can eat without gagging. Its accidentally making friends during exams and eid and having people look at me and not see trash instantly. And its not all good things- its falling off swings and headaches and stammering when i speak.

Its everything but yelling and being yelled at.

unassumingEyes OP April 12th

Getting off cups for now. Hope the night goes easy on yall

Tw Hope it goes hard on me 

iloveyouxx April 12th


sorry💜I replied so late and you didn’t get to dump on me (lol:P) >:💙

mine is so long smh :')🤍you don’t have to read at all btw hehe I got carried away💕

please please take care lovely <3 miss you already :P🥔💖💖

iloveyouxx April 13th


it’s so early there I think :0 I think it’s like..6am? :P🤍I forgot if you were 2hours ahead or behind me xD💜

i dunno why I’m up so early- but I felt like checking on yu here again💕

(look at me-🥹✨slowly getting more social✨✨)/sar

I couldn’t find anything interesting that we celebrate todayy smh- just sum random things :P

national catch and release day, national peach cobbler day(didnt know that existed ;-;),there’s international FND awareness day :0💜I just found out what that was too and I feel bad heh :P💙

but other than that nothing much. :PP🤍

how’re you lovely <33? did you sleep well🩷?/nfta

unassumingEyes OP April 13th


It was 8am i think. My text isnt teeny-ing fr sm reason smh :p

12 april a lot of things, 13 april- lesser thibgs xD

I ammmmmmmmmm- maybe not okay :p Nd gonna study hehe 

Did not sleep well tbh but issok 

Hru?/nfta 🩷

Nadia being brave nd social ✨️🎉

unassumingEyes OP April 13th


It was 8am i think. My text isnt teeny-ing fr sm reason smh :p

12 april a lot of things, 13 april- lesser thibgs xD

I ammmmmmmmmm- maybe not okay :p Nd gonna study hehe 

Did not sleep well tbh but issok 

Hru?/nfta 🩷

Nadia being brave nd social ✨️🎉

iloveyouxx April 13th

*waits for friends*🩷

( @unassumingEyes @justmeeva @LoveMyMoonflowers ) <3

justmeeva April 13th


*joins the waiting 👀*

iloveyouxx April 13th


*whispers* evabuddybean :0🩷.

iloveyouxx April 13th


*waves* :D how’re you lovely💕? :3

justmeeva April 13th


*waves* :D me’s okay right now, what about you? :0

iloveyouxx April 13th


*whispers :P* happy you’re okay🩷I could be better but surviving su :0💜

justmeeva April 13th


*whispers* awee *hugs if okay* you’re doing good surviving 🩷

justmeeva April 13th
wooohooo eyes cameeeee yippeee 🥳🥳🩷
unassumingEyes OP April 13th

@justmeeva @iloveyouxx hi lovelies 🩷

iloveyouxx April 13th


*whispers back*

hugs are okay🩷you’re doing good at staying resilient <3 putting up with life heh :P🩷life can be really mean :') so that’s something to be proud of💕*steals 2% of evastrength to be able to survive ~better* T^T :D✨/lh.✨:P💕

justmeeva April 13th


*whispers* o nu take more D: 2% is practically nothing, considering there’s not much at all D: *gives.. 88%* there that should help you get through the day (: <3

unassumingEyes OP April 13th

@iloveyouxx posting here ij reply to ur other msg 

Queen nadia 🩷

That sounds...hard.i-yeah that sounds hard.



Hehe i have an amazing aunt

Poetry and hamsters for the winn 

That was alot to take in (but thats okay). First off im so proud of you for opening up a bit?? And you know the Mother voice (i dont remember if u read that post of mine-) shes going all like nadias so brave and im telling her to calm down its true but calm down absbdnd


About the eating disorder thing its just uhhhhhhhhjghfbf because girl do i get you but also not get you??? The comments okay i swear i live with them 24/7 noone has anything else to say except how thin i am??? And hearing about ur struggles honestly- i feel so sad when peoppe tell me of going through that- and when my bff got like obsessed with losing weight my heart legit hurt- cause Im that person? With the thin body everyones after? And i just cried in bed like last night over my weight, and all the comments, and how im getting thinner and feel weaker and its not on purpose, but i dont want it i hate it but i cant stop it?? And all these people who just. Look in the mirror and think they shld be thinner or lose more weight. I just cant. My brain just yells its not going to fix anything! Im thin and i hate it! You can eat when you want/need to eat! But i know its not that easy 

My mom doesnt like it when im complimented either


That sounds...really upsetting to find so young. I can get how that wld be almost liks...haunting? I hope im not messing up 😭

But yeah i can imagine because my imagination just has to poof it all in my head xD. But i know its different. Different to be you i guess. Im blabbering xD

Im really sorry about what ur dads doing and been doing. Neither you nor louis deserve that. Some people just...

Dont have empathy, yea.

But nadia, nadia friend. You are in a super hard position. I can not, no matter how perfect imagination i may possess, put myself in your place. I can not say i would know what to do. Or that i know what you should do. Who can know? I can tell you what i think is smart, nadia. I think reporting him is smart. But thats another kind of trauma then isnt it? To be possibly the reason your own dad is...u know. I can say its smart all i want. I dont know if i would be able to do it myself.

Your- forgive me if this upsets you but- your dads a plague, nadia. And as much as i wish for it to be otherwise, im no doctor. I can offer you sympathy and support, but no solution and that hurts but it hurts you more. 

But if its ever a question of if he deserves such harsh sentences, then nadia, nadia friend, he deserves worse than i could give him with a million bagguettes. 

Is there a possibilty for you to request life sentence instead of un-alive sentence if u were to report him?/nfta

Is that gun legal? 

(If not, what wld the sentence for that be? All nfta qs) 

I hope you can find a way to not go for the swimming then. Or if you have to i hope it goes as okay as possible and then more okay.

My turn, huh? 

Well, for my turn, ill say that mom is currently glaring at me to study, that i barely slept because i kept remembering her yelling and yelling and yellings, that my dad lost his temper and said smth uncharacteristically unthoughtful yesterday, that today is day 3 of my headache not going away, im tired to my bones 24/7 and i dont think its normal, i think this is worrying, and im really losing my grip on the things that keep me here. As in. Here, generally. Yesterday i made a rant post and deleted it, a goodbye post and deleted it, and 3,4 poetry posts and deleted all of them. Mom is in yelling mood already, im extra jumpy due to the hard night, and i know my stupid exam results will be unsatisfactory, i can imagine every single way that interaction will go down, and im still terrified of it. My dads sisters are awful, and they take pride in it, in upsetting people, my sister doesnt understand how i just cant be perfect, and everyones still viewing me as my sister part 2. I went to visit my neighbours for the first time yesterday and mom told them im in gradr 10 and one of them looked at me liks "grade 10? REALLY? you? You dont look grade10" like yeah i get i look like a 5yr old or whatever stop that?? And its like nothing big like you but the small stuffs getting too much and mom just sat down near me so im gonna leave the room- 

And my dads taking blood pressure medicine

I kept holding my breath last night

M so tired 

i love you too 🩷

iloveyouxx April 13th


omg :') I replied to everything till the dad blood pressure thing then had to go to ground floor fsr so it logged me out- then I replied to everything till the end and it decided it was the right time to randomly log me out cos of an error or smth😭it actually took a while so like TvT I have such bad luck :') I’m sorry but I’ll have to go again soon so imma just sumarize my replies I guess🩷


you didn’t have to readddd- a lot to take inn☠️wasn’t even half of it but this just makes me feel horrible lol (not you) :3💜question marks😭i traumatized you with my trauma I’m sorry😭😭I feel so bad for dumping on you and the a lot to take in just☠️eyeing balcony😭/lh I’m sorry😭

I wrote a really long paragraph replying to this part but. it obv got deleted :') summarized it was just..I understand🩷

im sorry- you deserve to be complimented-💙I’ve complimented you before :P💜

huh- you’re not messing up xD I just feel bad T^T🤍

honestly I’m not sure about any of the answers but I know I won’t report either so :'P I don’t consider him my dad. he is by blood and dna I guess. but he’s not my dad. :') he can’t be.🤍

ugh I wrote such a long reply for this part- the vent😭my dads coming up in a second and I don’t feel like rewriting anything honestly so.🤍I’ve gotta be fast🤍

you really can’t get a break can you :') I feel like even if you studied all hours of the day it wouldn’t be enough :')💜expectations are wild I’m so sorry >:💙awe yelling is so stressful and just tiring to get used to- I understand it getting too much :') I wish I had those like loop quiet earplugs heh :'P unca huh- lemme go reread that- not sure I understand but is this like avoiding another word or smth idk :P but friend whatever it was..probably wasn’t nice hearing😞especially since it was eid and your dad just visited and all that :')🩷I don’t think it’s normal either >: I would really not be able to put up with it😞idk how you do :') the bone pain and headaches :')💜oof I’ve done that before- but they were 2 vent posts that were publicly posted so I had to contact an admin to get them deleted :')💙but lovely I think if you were to post any of those a lot of us would be more than ready to be there and support you💕wish your mom would be more understanding😞it really isn’t all that easy...💜being compared to a sibling is beyond horrible- or anyone in general :') youre your own person your own body mind health knowledge feelings opinions thoughts emotions :P🩷no one can expect you to do anything or be like anything becos someone else is >:💜.  ☠️how judgy D:😭I look like a dumb 10/11yearold lol :P my family keeps thinking I’m all these ages and stuff and someone thought I was 9 which is so extra😭your issues don’t have to be "big" to be valid🩷you always have a reason to feel what your feeling which makes it valid🩷you don’t gotta have a like broken home heh :P anything is valid honestly🩷I know it’s getting too much >:🩷we’ll get better together💕💕🩷I’m tired too :')💜please go easy on yourself :') which is probably hard considering some people going pretty hard on you and pressuring atm-💙it’s okay to try🩷I love you a lot eyesbuddy <3 this made me sad for sum reason tho heh :P maybe that you go through this stuff- that obv makes me sad- and maybe that I like left you kinda idk speechless✨my dad didn’t end up coming :0 but I should go.💜I’ll probably see if there’s anything I missed and I’ll reply to that when I can- take care love. <3

unassumingEyes OP April 15th


Eeeee ok i read it and like hearted it but my net was so bad 😞😞 and ive been so busy like nadia frnd u will not believe how much ive been studying-

Oof so annoying when u hv to rewrite 20 times

Should i stop the ✨️essence✨️ chain? xD

No apologizing allowed!! A deal's a deal. Dw, smday ill prob be dumping tons too 🤭 seriously tho, its okay! Im seriously just not used to....being talked to xD and given information xD and told memories xD people dont confide in me so i was like 

" o h she actually accepted the offer and now i hv to be a human being nd respond :0" 

But im glad u told me 💕 and we can keep the whole u dump on me i dump on u thing whenever u need it oki? 


You have complimented me so times i cld burst 💕

Cause im messing up-

No, course not. He doesnt need to mean anything to you- he ought to but he just chose not too and be awful instead. Thats not a dad😞

 "I feel like even if you studied all hours of the day it wouldn’t be enough" you hit the nail right on the spot. Like yesterday, when i studied from breakfast to 2hours past dinner no break and moms like- "im worried u didnt prepare well. You better not get bad marks" o.0

I hate the yelling nd i always get so angry and like when im sad i dont cry but when im angry i cnt stop crying nd its so awful

Ive had a headache since day 2 of eid. Continuous. Not normal, even with my normal headaches. Dad says to go to the doctor, mom says it might hv smth to do with 'that time of the month' u know... idk but it got real bad today. Lesser now xD

Think thats the problem. Like. Whys everyone supporting me? Idk how to explain :/

Idk how to reply....noone deserves to be compared to others, yeah.

I dont know-

Omgg same nd they dont even bother to like hide it they straight up be like oh i thought u were 9 like??? xD

love you too 💕💕 I try, sort of. I dont know. Anyways, sorry for the real late reply, ive had a hard time. And. I missed u today. I missed kinda everyone today. I kinda wanna dump but all thats coming out is 'im tired' like a 5yr old kid. Maybe we're all five year old kids inside. Anyways-  

Take care💕

unassumingEyes OP April 15th


Eeeee ok i read it and like hearted it but my net was so bad 😞😞 and ive been so busy like nadia frnd u will not believe how much ive been studying-

Oof so annoying when u hv to rewrite 20 times

Should i stop the ✨️essence✨️ chain? xD

No apologizing allowed!! A deal's a deal. Dw, smday ill prob be dumping tons too 🤭 seriously tho, its okay! Im seriously just not used to....being talked to xD and given information xD and told memories xD people dont confide in me so i was like 

" o h she actually accepted the offer and now i hv to be a human being nd respond :0" 

But im glad u told me 💕 and we can keep the whole u dump on me i dump on u thing whenever u need it oki? 


You have complimented me so times i cld burst 💕

Cause im messing up-

No, course not. He doesnt need to mean anything to you- he ought to but he just chose not too and be awful instead. Thats not a dad😞

 "I feel like even if you studied all hours of the day it wouldn’t be enough" you hit the nail right on the spot. Like yesterday, when i studied from breakfast to 2hours past dinner no break and moms like- "im worried u didnt prepare well. You better not get bad marks" o.0

I hate the yelling nd i always get so angry and like when im sad i dont cry but when im angry i cnt stop crying nd its so awful

Ive had a headache since day 2 of eid. Continuous. Not normal, even with my normal headaches. Dad says to go to the doctor, mom says it might hv smth to do with 'that time of the month' u know... idk but it got real bad today. Lesser now xD

Think thats the problem. Like. Whys everyone supporting me? Idk how to explain :/

Idk how to reply....noone deserves to be compared to others, yeah.

I dont know-

Omgg same nd they dont even bother to like hide it they straight up be like oh i thought u were 9 like??? xD

love you too 💕💕 I try, sort of. I dont know. Anyways, sorry for the real late reply, ive had a hard time. And. I missed u today. I missed kinda everyone today. I kinda wanna dump but all thats coming out is 'im tired' like a 5yr old kid. Maybe we're all five year old kids inside. Anyways-  

Take care💕

unassumingEyes OP April 15th

@unassumingEyes whys everything postinh twice today 😭😭

iloveyouxx April 16th


XD I wish my replies would post twice insteada delete themselves for no reason like thattt TvT💜

iloveyouxx April 16th


ibhowiuygsghuysbuyga why does it keep doing that😭I didn’t even leave cups or anything the screen just turned grey and the page restarted nd everything was gone- TvT🤍

awwe it’s okayyyy🩷studying D:💜eyyyyyeeeessss😭/j I know it’s not like you’d prefer it :')💙

im rewriting rn T^T it just takes so much more energy when you like have to rewrite the whole thing a second time :')🤍(rn I’m writing this a third time but I’m too tired to complain T^T🤍)(fourth time now what the fluff😭I saved sum of it tho so that’s why you can see me slowly losing it in this part :P🩷/lh)

XD noooo keep it going XD ~✨~✨~✨✨✨eSsEnCe✨✨✨~✨~✨~

…*sobs*- (not cos of yu)🩷

XD speaking of human being yk when I was little I used to *genuinely* think it was human bean- and every time I’d hear someone say it irl or in a cartoon or anything I’d hear it like that ;-; I think I realized when I was like 9- ;-;💙

XD nooo friend yur so sweet💕but I’m not doing that to you TvT- I always need it XD💙but really I’m not gonna do that to yu or prolly anyone now-. still not cos of yu heh :')🩷I guess I just. I dunno- lmao I wrote a list of why I wasn’t but deleted it :P they were mostly just things my dad told me before. ex: "people have their own lives and problems no one’s gonna care about you" but dw they only apply to me :3💜/nav

dud this is genuinely the third time I’m replying to this part and I kept writing such long paragraphs for it too T^T awe nu you’re not messing up🩷you’re great at supporting💖💖I don’t think anyone ever could’ve or has helped me the way I needed to be :'3💜you can’t help the helpless- no one can- and no one expects you to💙/nav I know my situation is cough✨unique✨xD I legit shoulda just said something like~"I ran out of my pralines n cream icecream and I have to wait a whole 48 hours to get a new pack😞💔💔"~. insteada just😭yeuh I feel kindddaa more lonely :D but it’s not like it’s yur faulttt/gen💕I never expected yu to try to help either way. I just- ranted- and it got *very* long :D I always tell peoples I never expect anything from them- ever and I really don’t🩷


…O-O omiigodd :') I’m kinda curious what *would* be enough to yur family-/lh not in a rude way- just like :')?💜does your brain not..explode TvT🤍from all that studying TvT🤍?? I really could not ever😭just the pressure and all the studying- the little times I’ve sat down and studied in my life I’d end up breaking down and crying so hard or just losing it- I genuinely cannot :')💙

😞it really does sound awful..-I relate-and understand🩷

oof you got them in eid I’m so sorry :')💙yus omg you should go to a doctor D:🩷/lh💕what- is that a possible thing hold on TvT *googles*✨what’s estrogen? :P I just googled that too but I don’t understand anything- it says the drop in "estrogen" may cause headaches- mm why do I feel like I’m so inexperienced atp- but friend I don’t think it’d cause it to be this bad >:💜id visit a doctor if possible💕

oop we have almost opposite problems T^T but I’m too tired to rewrite this part😭sorry🩷I should actually try harder to avoid this😭it happens way too much atp-

huh hehe yu don’t have to reply if yu don’t know how to xD🩷

help exactly like XD😭atp every time I see one of my cousins I ask them how old I am cos they keep thinking I’m 9 I don’t even look 9 at all but still😭sumtimes they just choose to think I’m joking/lying about my age like is it that bad-☠️/lh 

hehe yu remind me of my history teacher in a way :P💜love yu more always💕💕💕/vvgen💗

iloveyouxx April 16th


omg finally ;-;🩷

unassumingEyes OP April 16th



I wrote a whole super long reply to ur post and dad called and i came back and it was deleted-- and then i forgot to reply later o.0 and here i am- 6hours later-

(Mom found a stain and started blaming me goodness knows how old the stain is what is this 😭😭)

I was studying when u posted this o.0 and im going to study now o.0

Fourth time skfjkdjdkdjjf 


Hugs if okay

Human bean skdjkd so cute

I care🩷 nd ironically- im not a fan of my life rn :p nd my problems cn go in the dumpster for all i care :p so u know. The offers open, but no pressure. And i promise if i ever be like ohh thats too much dumping on me or if i just am not in the mood ill tell u 🩷 so u dont hv to worry bout burdening me or anything :p

(Whats nav stand for o.0?) 

That sounds so alone tho-

Enough for my family is sis- and im not sis and never will be (enough/sis-)

Maybe my brain is exploding and thats why i hv headaches :p


Estrogen- like i dont know the full details- but it has something to do with females i think- 

I plan to go to doctor if headache still there tmrrw morning- if parents agree- cuz then itll be 7days- and thats...really long- even sis is worried now- like its not a huge headache but its really, really consistent. Ive had pain meds 4-5 times now and it still hasnt gone (usually 1 med works for me-)

Sometimes my brain just poofs 

Sndknfks dyou think theyre pretending or do they genuinely think ur 9 cause skdjnd

(Wonders bout the history teacher part)

Dont compete with my loveee/lh 🩷🩷



iloveyouxx April 16th


awwe I wish I saw the whole super long reply hehe xD it’s okayyy 7cups likes to be like that T^T💜

huh shes really looking for anything to blame you on now that you’re studying all the time😭

noooo >:0/lh I swear my brain would explode TvT💙

yus fourth like whyy TvT🩷


hugs are okie💕💕

😭I was such a dumb kid :P I have so many stories of me being my dumb baby self T^T🩷I was so cutely idiotic :')🩷

*pulls problems outta dumpster and hugs tight*💖nah I’m already burdening yu xD nd I already dumped too much xD lmao help T^T this is yur space friend and yu deserve support too💗I have a space :P it makes me feel *horrible* lol :D I think I’ll make a post. before I leave. no I’m not leaving soon :P I’m here with you💕just when I do- imma force myself to :P to make that post and leave- I need to :') Idk why but I do. 💙

(nav stands for "not a vent" :0💜)

hehe it does doesn’t it XD and it is. I’m always alone hehehehe :3 it’s okay🩷I just try. and fail ahhsisksjaj :'P 

that’s so sad >: having expectations you clearly can’t reach :')💜

oop good point tho :p💭🤍


xD prolly-

>: even yur sisters worried now :')? 7days really is hella long if yur time passes while yur in pain TvT🤍I wish I could give advice but honestly I know I’d do something dum :P and google is the same old thing ;-; + it’s hard to be distracted if you’re mostly studying or smth T^T💜I’d sleep xD but prolly not that easy either🩷

idkkkk😭it’s v sndknfks TvT/lh💙

(Wonders bout the history teacher part)

XD this is v lighthearted and not to be mean :0 he just says anyways a lot hehe- and sumtimes he doesn’t know what he’s saying nd he gets carried away a lot :P💙I think I thought about you with the anyways part that’s all xD/lh🩷but dw it’s fine I say huh a lot lmao- :P💜

nooo your love is v competable compared to mine xD I’ll always love you more heh🩷💕

unassumingEyes OP April 17th


Me strolling in hours later to respond 😎😭

yes she is- fun- 


kids are so cute dhcjyhdkuhdk

*our space* *our corner* 

i get u kind of but id rather u didnt leave- at all- but like obv i get you shudhidh

oh xD

trying is good ❤️ i hope we cn keep u sm company sometimes

yea welllll im gonna have to accept that-

naps give me headaches so that would be- unproductive/lh and yeah woke up today (just now-) and headaches a liiiittle worse so m a y b e doctor-

i do say anyways a lot dont i- i kinda get carried away too zD thats why i say anyways- it means im getting too carried away and im trying to get back on track now xD

i was gonna say smth but that sounded depressing- its nothing bad tho- it just wasnt phrased right xD 

Still love you tonsss 💕

iloveyouxx April 18th


nah yu shush cos now I’m strolling in *days* later to respond😎😭😭

Im sorry friend :’) parents aren’t the best at parenting at times :P🩷


nouuu- yk like yesterday or smth I went on here and went to the first page ever- and read everything up to like page 15- I literally made everything about myself like what😭and I used emojis too much and I was *so* childish eurgh- and I used this :’3 too much nd I still put space between emoticons ahhh😭😭😭(ex: : ) : P : D insteada yk :) :P :D) I literally read what I used to say and I’m like eww ughh😭I was so cringe ;-; but my main point✨I acted like it was *my* space and everyone acted like it was fine what TvT and @justmeeva would come in and start supporting me and you’d come in later and say smth and like you 2 never said anything about me burdening the way I did or getting too much😭I really owe yu a lot for that :P💖but yeah sorry for getting carried away💗

awe I wouldn’t like yu to ever leave either💜I kinda wish I never discovered cups T^T the way I did is such a long story haha but I think I would’ve been .. TW*  dead- honestly. I wont talk about it obv cos no one wants to here bout that XD💖but I feel like Idk a lot of things would’ve been different if I never found this- not the dead or alive thing no ;-; maybe in school or with people idk.- I would’ve been doing different things in my free time or focusing more on other stuff and thinking less about things on here and more or things from my irl life and the list goes on :’) idk.- gives me a weird feeling to my stomach- issokay💙


yus to doctor :0 but but make sure yur mom doesn’t keep yu waiting *too* long cos it might just keep getting gradually worse and TvT💜stay safe- patient but not too patient :P💙

XD makes sense XD

huh nu frend I sound depressing all hours of the day :0 my brother tells me I look depressing all the time- and every time I say smth he’s like your so depressing :P not forced but yu can still say it hehe I’m the most depressing persun I know✨🖤🤭

stilll love yu morrreee😛💖💕

justmeeva April 18th

@iloveyouxx [because i was mentioned (:]

*slides in, gives you a surprise hug, and runs away* (back to the darkness :D)

iloveyouxx April 18th


evaaaaa omg🥺💖💕💕I missed yu so much lovely and surprise I was just tagging yu in my space rn :P🩷youll get a notif soon💗*squeezies yu before yu can run away* >:D I missed yuuu stay🩷*pulls yu outta darkness and gets a flashlight* :P jkjk pulls you into the light and hugs you tight💖you’re easy to get attached to smh💗maybe I should save the convo for that notification :0 I love you evafren <3

unassumingEyes OP April 15th

So im not gonna get all political and stuff- but for everyone in middle eastern countries/countries near the middle east, my utmost support goes out to yall in these escalating tensions 🩷 I dont know if yall even know about said tensions- heh- but my friends in kuwait are freaking out- and its kinda difficult differentiating between whats true and whats rumour right about now. Also shout out to people in Oman who just went through those floods- hope everyones okay 🩷 International news can be depressing- but i think it also teaches empathy and spreads awareness. Id rather know of my fellows suffering and hurt with the burden of knowledge than not know 🫠 big big hugs to everyone 🩷 i cant say everything will be okay o.0 but i think we have some experience with not okay- and we can make it okay again. Something like that? 🩷

iloveyouxx April 16th


whattt :0 wait so I just googled and apparently my country is in the middle east like how did I not know that?? T^T💙I dunno what escalating tensions means :')💜yu guys make me feel so dumb😭atp I’m questioning if I’ve really been living cos like TvT I googled it but I don’t get it🤍thankyou for making this post friend🩷omg I just looked up and the sky’s *green* hold on imma get a photo in a second-

awe I used to live in oman at some point I had no idea D: it’s honestly a beautiful place tho with lovely people :P💕hope they’re okayish🩷some people didn’t- make it- apparently I feel so bad :')🩷I think almost all schools in the UAE were canceled today cos of the rain- it got inside our apartment and we’re on second floor :') it was really high too- spread from the balcony into the bathroom into other rooms into the living room :P there was lightning too- and the rains just really loud but I think it’s a lil better now🩷

I agree friend🩷it’s not always okay but we can be there to support each others till we can make it a lil more okay again I think🩷