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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

LoveMyMoonflowers March 26th


(Hmm 🤔🤔🤔 we yeet them for a time and whilst they’re gone we plan a permanent solution 🤔 but the thing is, Nadsies….. my brainie too dumb to come up with a permanent or even temporary solution lmao 😁 /lh) 

It depends on what kind of device you have. for iPhones/iPads, you go to Settings and type in “Auto-Correction” in the search bar. then you click on “Auto-Correction” and you’ll see a bunch of auto carrot + auto capitalisation options and such. you can use the toggles to turn those off. (I’m one of the masters of incoherence, so if that didn’t make sense, that’s my fault lol. but never fear, Google is here! :P 🤓) idk about Android devices 🤷🏻‍♀️ it should be similar but me sure googley woogley would have better instructions probably 🥲

:') I’m sorry friend. 💙 Tbh that’s understandable though…. ): somehow i think the painful memories sort of… stick out. it’s not the same for everyone of course <3 we’re all different, yes, but i think sometimes the painful memories can be clearer or….. somehow hold a larger space in our heads. Or idk. just some thoughts but i don’t really know. 💙 

awwe i hope no one you don’t feel comfy lurking there lurks there, that’s not fun friend and can make a space feel mmm not so vv safe or comfy anymore 😞💙 sometimes I get upvotes in my private talkie spaces with people - but the upvotes are from people who aren’t tagged there….. and it feels so uncomfy @_@ :') 💜 

I hear you friend ☹️💙 overthinking sucks tbh. but it’s hard not to overthink a lot of the time. it can be painful but i think, sometimes it all happens so quickly, one thought leads to another so quickly it’s hard to avoid that kind of pain in one’s head… 😞 

One of my friend on here once told me overthinking should be in the Olympics. Lol. I’d totally get a podium position on that one :') 🤣  

Me thinks that sometimes when we talkie about things to a trusted friend it can help 💜 or when we write our thoughts, even the messier, crazier and mmm darker ones… :') in a journal/safe forum corner… it can help, perhaps make us feel heard in a way. But me understand how when we overthink, even when we have a space to write it down, when we keep overthinking and worrying it can create so much stress and it does hurt so much. 😞How does you think Nadia beanie can cope with overthinking? 💙 

Awwe 🥺💜 and Nadia beaniiee makes ni friend go 🥺 a lot, too. 💖

iloveyouxx March 26th


hi eyesfren🩷see :P now I’m the one starting convoosss :P🤍

howre you ?💜is your granny hand back and body better D: have they decided to retire a bit slower ;-;

*sits quietly and waits* <3🪑*

iloveyouxx March 26th

@justmeeva @LoveMyMoonflowers

checking on you 2 lovelies as well ^-^💖I forgot when we last talked but I already missed you both :PP💜how’re you ?🩷

justmeeva March 26th


look at you, a social butterfly ✨ :D

i’m fine, ty for asking <3 wbu?

iloveyouxx March 26th


bahahagahahahagaggasjjaja that made me laugh😭loollll I panicked pressing that post button but yusss social butterfly :D✨✨

sure you’re fine ?🩷im- okie. :'3💜

justmeeva March 26th


“you earned the Conversation Starter Badge for starting a conversation!” 🏆 (:

mhm, i’m fine. glad to hear you’re okie 🩷

justmeeva March 26th
oml i always forget to size it down smh me
iloveyouxx March 26th


hehehe it’s okiee- teenietext is comfy🛌✨🤗

iloveyouxx March 26th


eva eva eva guess what :D💕

iloveyouxx March 26th


conversation starter badge xD🩷 "I would like to thank everyone here for helping me take this big step and opportunity for a brighter and better future- *runs through the cheering crowd* xD🎉🏆🙌"

mm okiee💜last time someone that obv wasn’t fine said they were fine- and I tried to support them-it didn’t end so well TvT🤍happy you’re fine and I hope you’ll feel even better soon💕

justmeeva March 26th


hehe that made me laugh xD 🩷 one small step for a bean, one massive step for the whole bean can 💪💪

iloveyouxx March 26th


what what xD 

"one small step for a bean, one massive step for the whole bean can"-eva motivational quotes 2024💪💪💪💖

LoveMyMoonflowers March 26th


i need to quote this in my quote corner please 😭🤣

LoveMyMoonflowers March 26th


me is fine-sies friendo :o thankiiieees. 💖 

unassumingEyes OP March 26th


And yes my granny back and hand have slowed down their retirement👍💕

unassumingEyes OP March 26th


Congrats for the convo starter badge 🏆🏆🏆

My day was rough lol. Exam went well (🥳🥳🥳) and the sirs at the exam centre were nice nd respectful 


I got travel sickness xD 

Cuz the ride to and from the center is like an hour long

Tw I threw up

Twice 🫠🫠

Hru frnd? 💕💕💕

iloveyouxx March 26th


thankyouthankyou *bows*🎉👏💪💕xDD

omggee yipppeeeee my cheering was effective !! =D🥳💖🥖🤗/lh but actually good job🩷you studies really hard :P and tried your best- and that’s why I’m proud of you💕not becos of whatever mark you get🩷

D: ee I hate it when I throw up- like I just feel horrible :')🤍 I’m sorry fren :')💜

*tw* idk :P mentions of vomiting I think :P💙

not very fun fact xD but when I was in 1st and 2nd grade I went and came back from school by bus- it was horrible T^T so for those 2 school years I vomited every single day. and no not like *almost* every single day- just every single day :P they tried everything- like switching my seat and stuff but it just got really predictable and everyone gave up :P I was too young to care tho :P I didn’t think anything of it but I did have to go to school feeling horrible- since I’d only vomit on the bus when we were on the way to school- early in the morning- but never when we were going back home :P🤍

three 💕s?🥺💕why does that make me so happy hehe <33 I’m tired hehe and could be better but I’m surviving :D💜

im sososo sorry for the late reply >: I upvoted this right when it got posted but then had to go for a long time :')🩷sorry fren💕

unassumingEyes OP March 27th


dont worry bout the late reply im like 12 hours late :p 

I had a similar thing! Um i went by bus from grade 1-5 xD. And not everyday, but alot of the days, i got sick. I didnt always throw up but i hated that more cuz it meant the nausea stayed xD. It was also opposite for me that like, i had it on the way home, not to school. Atleast i was okay at school xD. 

*memory of my sis waving a jelly at me in the bus like “u want some” while im trynna not-throw-up* *shudders*

Not me forgetting what i was going to type now xD


thank u bout the whole…cheering and the ‘not because of ur marks” thing. I still didnt do as good as u-know-who wanted, but i think i cn get 95%? Thats still, i mean, not bad…

im legit so tired of stupid marks and exams and yeah-

*deep breath*

i literally cant remember what else i was gonna say so hugs if oki 💕💕

unassumingEyes OP March 26th

@justmeeva @iloveyouxx @LoveMyMoonflowers

Beep beep group hug attack (if okay!) 💕💕

Missed yalls today but i was too sick to cups till now 😞😞😞

justmeeva March 26th


awee welcome back eyess 🩷 *hugss and waits for de other frens*

iloveyouxx March 26th


*joins in* xD💕💕💕

iloveyouxx March 26th


I was late to this D:💜

missed you too eyesbuddy💕hope you feel better >:💕

its v okay ! <33



LoveMyMoonflowers March 26th


*huggles youuuuuu* 

unassumingEyes OP March 26th


iloveyouxx March 26th


today was quite a ":P" day for me :P💙what makes you go ":P" :0💜? 

I feel like ":P" has a whole specific mood behind it ;-;

unassumingEyes OP March 27th


It does, doesnt it? But i cnt name the mood for the life of me. Its just… :p xD

unassumingEyes OP March 26th

Tw head. Aches. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 

unassumingEyes OP March 26th

Gonna close cups cuz still hv sm nausea gn everyone 💕💕💕

justmeeva March 26th


tcccc lovely hope you’ll feel better vvv soon 🩷🩷

iloveyouxx March 26th



LoveMyMoonflowers March 26th

i’m late…… 🥺

iloveyouxx March 26th


awwwee it’s okie🥺I’m too💜*waits for eyesbuddy to com again *hopefully* feeling better*💕

@unassumingEyes <33

LoveMyMoonflowers March 26th


*gentle hug attack for Nadia if okay* 

unassumingEyes OP March 27th

@LoveMyMoonflowers @iloveyouxx *hugs both of u if oki*

unassumingEyes OP March 27th


*deep breath*

thats how u know its gonna be a real big rant-

Tw but nothing specific just incase cuz i dont know which direction this rant will go-

sooooooooooo have yall ever noticed a thingy i do where i sometimes over-describe or over-rant (?) about a thingy/feeling? Yes? No? Well i kinda do it lol. Even in my ✨head✨

now note the kicking practice. Note chief. “He” is new. Why do i listen to him when he tells me to practice? Note that. 

future. Thats a rough topic for some of us. I might do another rant on that, but thats not the focus right now. Ive mentioned future sometimes. I plan alot of things for it. Like. Not “ill go skydiving” or something. Business plans. House plans. When ill move out. How long i will withstand pressure to marry. That kinda thing. I plan it all. I tell noone. These are my own plans. Note that, too.

I always tell someone when i feel sick, weak, or have some weird pain. Why did i need to tell yall about granny back? I didnt. I did it anyways. Note that.

I watch alot. I eavesdrop. I should be ashamed of that, but its impossible not to eavesdrop. Mom and dad talk about their secrets really loudly. You cant help but hear.

But i watch alot. I watch people. Dynamics. Grandmother and aunt have tension between them. Theres a stress in my cousins relationship with his dad. My sis strives for dads approval but usually gets moms more. That doesnt mean he doesnt approve of her- he just doesnt show it as much as mom. My younger cousins will lie for attention, and theyll be believable lies. 

I watch people. Note that.

I cry everytime the urge is there, as long as its at home. I dont hold back. Note that.

Now bring all that together. 

Excessive ranting. On the surface, the reason is to get out all the emotions, prevent bottling em up and clearing my head. On the surface.

Listening to chief. On the surface, he has good advice, so why not. On the surface

Future plans, and carefully watching the present. On the surface, im, what, observant? Obsessive?

Telling someone about my pain. On the surface, im whiny. Cant handle the smallest things. Im ‘weak”. Same thing for crying. 

Now take a deep breath. We’re diving under the surface.

I tell someone, anyone, about my pain to be on the safe side. Im underweight-ish, and have a history of not being healthy. If anything happens, it shall not be said that it was because “noone knew i was having x symptoms’. They will have known. And they will have known because i always tell.

Crying, and excessive ranting. Same real reason for both. If anything happens, i will not be too stressed, or full of so many bottled up emotions, that i lose my calm and break. I watch everyone hold in their tears. I shake my head. If anything were to happen, i think, you’re facade will crack, and that bottle of emotions will erupt like a volcano at the worst time. No, i process my emotions as much as possible, so if anything happens, my bottle will have space to hold any panic, and i can remain calm. If the logic seems faulty, ill admit, its never been tested. No worries. Itll be tested one day.

Listening to chief. Need to practice. Why? 

Need the strength.

Future plans. Avoid being caught off guard.

Watching people. Know my allies, my friends, and my enemies. Need to trust someone? I watch, and i see, so that if i do need to, i know who to trust and who to avoid. 

Notice something? Probably not. Who’d stick around for such a long rant? But if you did, let me refresh your memory a bit.

“If anything happens…”

Thats it. Thats the point im trying to make. That, my friends, is the sense of anticipation. The sense that says, something big, good or bad, is coming, and you must prepare. And all that above, is me preparing. So yeah, in a way, i do self care. Care with my emotions, my body, blablabla. I do that. But its not for me in the same way it is. Im not dealing with my emotions or stuff to be healthier or healing. Im just preparing. Preparing for something. 

Anxiety? Maybe. Never tested it. Thats something adult-me will check out. Im too much of a coward (hah) to ask my parents to get me tested. 

For now, its the sense of anticipation. And when it says prepare? You better believe im going to prepare.

Hope itll be enough

unassumingEyes OP March 27th

Idk im not okay rn

justmeeva March 27th


*sending you optional hugs* 🩷

unassumingEyes OP March 28th

@justmeeva *hugs*

unassumingEyes OP March 27th


unassumingEyes OP March 27th

Dint wanna be in a bad mood before sleeping but wht cn i do bout it lol