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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th

@unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx 

*cheers for eyes buddy with nadia bean* 

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

Me, before: mayb i cn get full in maths?

Me, now: nEvErMiNd-

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

Now my sis is glaring at me for taking a break like huh


You wont let me write so-

What do u want me to do???

iloveyouxx March 25th


what T^T you wanted to prep and study and she wouldn’t let you :') your fam confuzles me- :P🤍

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*confuzzled with nadia bean* 

like fr… what the heck, eyes buddy’s sister? bruh… she literally… what the heck 😭

unassumingEyes OP March 25th


My fam very confusing yes xD

They be like study then i study and they be like "ur always sitting in that corner. Why dont u leave that corner. Go play with ur cousins. Be productive. Do some exercise"

...when do i study then-?

Thing is they dont want me to study, they want me to get marks xD 

But i need to either study or cheat so here i am trynna study xD

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th

@unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx

smh 😭 *takes you and nadia and brings you to my planet* now we can live here, without any meanies or exams or studying or parents who are obsessed with grades ✨ 

ice cream for you both ✨ 

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers i hvnt had ice cream for so long yayyyy xD

U wldnt wanna live with me tho o.0 

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


what’s your favourite flavour? i think nadsey bean has like… several ice cream flavours :P that’s what she said one time i think :P but makes sense because how can you choose 1 ice cream flavour over all the other ones? makes sense to like several equally 🤔 ice cream is elite ✨ 

what do you mean o.0 🤔 you wouldn’t wanna live with me 😁 

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers favourite is chocolate and vanilla mix 😁 very nice... now i want it xD

Issok theres 3 of us. If flowers and eyes are upset nadia cn help if eyes and nadia are upset flowers cn help if flowers and nadia are upset eyes cn help etc xD

If all are upset ice cream cn help 👍👍👍

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*sends you ice cream* it will arrive soon 😁 which translates to ages and ages and ages from now, also i’m hoping that by the time it reaches your country, it won’t be all melted because it’s march and the sun is merciless where i live /lh ✨

okay 😭 :P *summons @justmeeva as well* evabuddybeaniieeee 💜

okay good idea 👍👍👍👍 ice cream helps everything except colds 👍👍👍👍👍

unassumingEyes OP March 25th


Yess sun is v merciless where i am too 😔😔

*waits ages for the icecream*

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


it might be sweet, creamy soup by the time it arrives 🥺

unassumingEyes OP March 26th

@LoveMyMoonflowers half the text is blocked on the phone😭😭

LoveMyMoonflowers March 26th


what 😭😭😭

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

@justmeeva hi lovelyy ❤️ hugs if oki/nftaa

justmeeva March 25th


*hugsssss* 💕

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

Okkii gonna go do theorems

@justmeeva @iloveyouxx @LoveMyMoonflowers group huggies if okii ❤️💙🩷🤍 

justmeeva March 25th


awweee okay good luckkk *waits for frens to join the hug* 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*group huggie* i love you all 🥺💜 so much 💙 good luck, Eyes buddy. *sends motivational ice cream* 

iloveyouxx March 25th


motivational ice cream xD💖we loves you more loveliestnibeanie💜

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


yep 😎 *sends some motivational ice cream for you* 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦 isn’t it delicious? and motivational? ✨ motivating us to fulfil our destinies ✨ our destinies include nomming more ice cream 😁 

D: you couldn’t possibly D: loving ni friend is illegal hehe 😜 

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *breaks the law and loves flowers a million times*

iloveyouxx March 25th


awwwe and I still don’t know what that is :P🤍

will miss you💞group huggies are v okiee💜

@unassumingEyes @LoveMyMoonflowers @justmeeva squeezies yous all tight🦑❤️❤️

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*is squeezed by nadsey bean* 🥺 hold on 😭 why the 🦑 emoji? 😭 /lh

iloveyouxx March 25th


wpjfsvoju glad you asked xD *puts spotlight on ✨me✨*🔦💕

su :3 I was writing another essay for an amazing frendo :3 then I said something like-

actually wait lemme find the forum xDxD💗

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


storytime with Nadia ✨✨✨✨✨ 

*waits patiently* 💜 

iloveyouxx March 25th


“*sending tight warm hugss* I love youuu sooo muchh🩷🦑 (the octopus felt fitting 😁❤️)”

su at the end of my ✨essay✨ I said that ^

i think you upvoted but I might be wrong :0💜you upvote a lot of my replies xD💕

It’s not actually an octopus🤫it’s a squid😛

in my mind it’s meant to show like :3 now that we’re friends it’s hard to get rid of me- you’re stuck with me basically :D I’m not easy to get rid of :>😛💖it also shows tights hugs and squeezies :3 you might not see it xD but I do soo :3🧃💕

(btw I’m replying to your above reply- I haven’t read it yet but you quoted what I said at the beginning :3 that’s all I remember but then I got tagged a lots su sorry for keeping yous waiting💞)

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


ah, me sees. :o 💜 hehe that’s a sweet story 🥰 /gen 

upvoted which reply, nadia beanie? :o 💜 

(awwe it’s okay friend <3 your free to take your time with replies, me understand how when we get loads and loads of tags that can happen and that okie <3 I understand . 💙)

iloveyouxx March 25th


hehe thankyou thankyou🧃💞

the one with the 🦑 story heh :0 it was on one of our frendos posts-💜

(thankyou for being so v patient and reassuring🥺💖I hav 3 tabs open all on different threads :P🤍su it taking a while to multitask rn :P💜)

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


me confuzzled :o was it in this thread nadia buddy? :o 💜 

iloveyouxx March 25th


nunu- lemme just put a link :0💕

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


Oh, me sees. 😮💜 yes I did upvote that post because you is a sweet hooman, a sweet friend who cares about her friends and wants to give them hugs 💜 and comfort, and kind words - because that’s who Nadia friend is. <3 a kind hooman <3

you deserved that upvote :P /lh 

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

*comes up for air after a sea of maths* G a s p-

One chapter and ...5?6? exercises left (we ignore the objectives left...shh....can do that after dinner as well so shhh...)

Two hours till dinner i can do this i can do this 


*takes a break and feels infinitely guilty for doing so* 


unassumingEyes OP March 25th

@unassumingEyes mom, stressing me out as per usual :p

unassumingEyes OP March 25th

I started the break like 3 mins ago but imma go back to studies byeee :p

iloveyouxx March 25th


nuuuuu I missed you >: ugh 20minutes :'P byebye eyesbuddy🩷take care <33 don’t drown in work please :P❤️

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


(Shhhh, I’ll tell you a secret… ‘tis a group of evil fairies D: the tag poofing fairy, the essay nomming fairy and other ones who do silly Billy thingies around forum land D: of course this is just my belief 😎 but it’s logical right? :P)

Then that applies to you too 🥺💜 The best people bring out the best. <3 and you do just that, too. you see, appreciate and bring out the good and the beautiful in people. 💜 

Daddy 😭😭😭 lmao that legit cracked me up so much lmao. <3 my iPad does the same thing. My phone doesn’t 😮💜 Perhaps Nadia beanie can turn off auto carrot on her phone/device? 😮 

Hehe me not sure me will have to check my diary space now lol 😭 my memory is so garbage, like dude… what the heck Ni 😭🤣 and yeah, 80+ pages….. why? Because I talk a lot in forum-land 😎 that’s me ✨ lol. 

Awwe me sorry lovely 😞 does Nadia beanie know what makes it stressful? ): perhaps it’s thinking about… mmm, maybe what other people think/ will say when they read the posts/ entries? Perhaps then Nadia beanie can make another safes diary - one asking for no replies/lurky lurking? :o 💜 what do you think might make the current diary space the safes, comfy corner it needs to be for Nadia beaniiee?🥺💜 

Awweee 🥺😭😭😭 even if you do love me more friend it’s still such a vvv lovely thing to be loved by a friend 🥺 and a vvvvvvv sweet friend too. <3 so me thinks me has the advantage lmao 😜 /j /lh 

This day hasn’t come yet? 😮 because literally every time I talk to you Nadsies, your melting me and I’m overwhelmed by the sweetness and kindness and I’m like 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 /gen 

iloveyouxx March 25th


(omgggeesss nibuddyyy you’re so right D:< they’re on a secret mission to make communication in forum land as hard as it can possibly be for da hoomanbeans D: it’s vv logical ! :P but how do we stop them..)

ou idk how to do that lol smh :')💜suuu how do you do that again :0😅great ni :3😛🩷🥕

xD nope mines garbage too :P😭i have a very talented ability in remembering the bad things tho :>..T^T🩷

nunu it’s not that💕I give hoomanbeans that I’m comfy w lurking a VIP pass xD💞but if a hoomanbean without a VIP decides to lurk then :P oh wells :P they won’t get anything ✨special✨from my space hehe🩷I think it’s just that I overthink there xD like one time I just listed out all the things that could go wrong in term3 and just worrying about everything- and I stress myself out :P it’s like I don’t have space in my brainie anymores so I overthink there but mm it doesn’t help does it :'3💙that’s all tho fren💜

yuss and it’s vvv lovely to be loved by such a vvvvvvvv sweetttt hoomansoul like nibeann💖😛

awweee🥺😭nibeanie makes me go🥺a lot don’t they🥺💕💕