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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP February 23rd

@justmeeva uh yeah. My back survived- lol.

guess who didnt even notice both incidents :0 also the the motorbike almost hit me bcz mom was holding my hand (correction: dragging me around) and didnt see it before pulling me 🙄

justmeeva February 23rd


oh wow.. i’m glad you’re okay(ish..?) at least 🩷

unassumingEyes OP February 23rd

Guys. The bathroom isnt working

What was that about basic needs? Lol. Hey atleast theres no shortage of food, just water, bathrooms, light, electricity, gas to cook… 😇

unassumingEyes OP February 23rd

I keep feeling randomly faint and like…lightheaded but not dizzy. As well as nauseous. Idk whats going on…

unassumingEyes OP February 23rd


Doesnt the world know i worry? 

My cousins' fought. It was playful at first! But my 7yr old cousin got a little hurt, sobbed for like half hour and now all the adults and my sis (and ofc7yr old cousin) are mad at my 14male and 11male year old cousins

And bcz theyre male AND supposedly at fault i cnt even say anything. Rn ive taken no sides (comforted 7yr old cousin but once she stopped crying sat at a distance and didnt give an opinion) 

And u know how 14 yr old cousin's dad used to hv anger issues...

I thought I wld be the last one affected by that. Yet here i am warily watching my uncle while my 14yr old cousin is *hiding from him* 

Oof. But uncle's patience is *more* so itll be fine. It has to be fine-

Cuz tbh even if it was my cousin's fault, the last thing i want is to see him get in trouble like that

unassumingEyes OP February 23rd

@unassumingEyes hmm im supposed to not talk to my 14yr and 11 yr old cousins. Which is like, gonna be hard bcz im not gooding at ignoring loved ones (trust me, i tried) 

unassumingEyes OP February 23rd

@unassumingEyes how bad am I at ignoring ppl? 14yr old cousin just waved and i smiled back

Really bad at ignoring ppl🫡

unassumingEyes OP February 23rd

@unassumingEyes "gooding"? 😭😭

TheGambitSystem February 23rd

@unassumingEyes hi eyes, how are you doing? -💛

unassumingEyes OP February 24th

@bluesheepfriend Hey Callie! Im a but of a mix of emotions rn heh, hru? 

unassumingEyes OP February 24th

Im just casually worrying bout *all* of my cups frnds no biggie

unassumingEyes OP February 24th

Tw Uk how my health assesment on here kept giving me higher depression and anxiety levels?

100. I know its not a diagnosis, but maybe i shld get one :0 

unassumingEyes OP February 24th

I talked to mom about the cousin situation (i wanted a 2nd opinion, and she was the only one available). Surprisingly she agreed with me- not talking to the boys was just encouraging 7yr old cousin to hold grudges. She said she’d talk to my sister

I just hope my 14yr old cousin wont hold a grudge with me for “siding with them” now, cuz i was in an internal turmoil the whole.time and wld *not* hv picked sides if it wasnt for the fact that my 7yr old cousin was well…7

its not a big deal i know, cousin fights happen, its life. My brain just likes to worry 😁 

unassumingEyes OP February 25th

Cousin situation got cleared. ✨Yay✨ 

our bathroom hasnt been working for 3days <3.

unassumingEyes OP February 25th

So, like, they did it again, even tho i explained clearly why it bothered my the first time. Honestly idek why i tried- 

unassumingEyes OP February 25th

Tw i tell them, that time they ignored i had flu for like 4weeks and took my sister to the doctor her first day of flu really upset me. I told them it made me feel ignored. I told them itt was upsetting. What do they do this time? Ive had stomach ache for 5days, and sis got it today, and bam off to the doctor for sis. While telling me i dont hv it that bad. What the fish man

unassumingEyes OP February 25th


(And others)

Remember the situation in rainbow room where i filled the form for a mod and noone came?

I talked to a RS today about it and in the end they said:

"Good afternoon, the team is already aware of everything and is working to improve your situation and that of many like you. If you wish or if someone asks you, you can pass this message on to your member friends" 

Better than nothing, eh? 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 25th


i suppose. :') 💙

unassumingEyes OP February 27th

Tw- nonsense. Absolutely brilliant, useless, nonsense. 

As someone with little water, no functioning bathroom for 5-6 days, limited net, gas, electricity bla bla bla, I just wanna say,

Little things do matter.

The sparrows on the roof, the fact that all this effort in the bathroom has been because of three socks, my14yr old cousin making kites at 5am

Life is ***. There’s no denying that. Its a fact. And it isnt easy, I had like one cup of water all day yesterday, the other day i almost fainted, if i wake up at the wrong time i dont get breakfast for hours. So many times i feel too tired to keep going. I just want to stop existing so often now, but I was born in a desert ffs- i know the importance of life. I know the beauty of life. I get we as a people feel like it needs a purpose or smth like that, i know we feel like our existence if useless if we’re not contributing or smth, but maybe our purpose is just to be. Maybe we’re so focused on being good enough, we don't realize how incredible it is to be alive. How our living is enough. The sparrows arent here to keep natures balance or smth- we all poofed out of nowhere, we could all poof into nothing in seconds, we dont know, the trees arent planning to give us *** oxygen, theyre just surviving and we’re getting the oxygen as a bonus, we’re not here to be amazing, we’re not a waste of space if we’re not amazing, we’re alive. 

Maybe the reason why so many of us want to di*e, is that we’re supposed to be living this life, instead of just holding it, surviving it. Maybe we dont hv to prove anything, maybe we just have to be, maybe somewhere up there, something is looking at us the way we look at small plants thriving in deserts and is saying, wow. They’re alive despite everything.

The cactus in the desert has thorns. It’s *** only adds to the beauty of it’s life.

None of that means i dont want to stop existing sometimes. None of that means im glad to be here rn. None of that means Im okay. It means i can look at a baby and know i was that once too. It means i can recognise that just as its a miracle how nature survives despite everything, its a miracle im here too. It means i dont like life yet, but I recognise it’s beauty. It is light in the face of tragedy, it is light that leads to tragedy, it is all, it is nothing, it is the universe, it is the lack thereof, it is you

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


*sirs with eyes buddy quietly, if okay - and offers hugs* 💜

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th

sits* i can’t spell

unassumingEyes OP February 27th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *gentle hugs* hi love

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


hi eyes 💙

i see the wonderful @justmeeva is here too :0 

justmeeva February 27th



LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


*peekkks at the peekerr peeking* 👀

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


now we just need @iloveyouxx 👀 

unassumingEyes OP February 27th

@LoveMyMoonflowers @justmeeva @iloveyouxx bonding over a random rant i wrote xD. Thats us lol <3 

But the corner has been a bit quiet recently 🤔 do i need to bribe with cookies? 🤭❤️

justmeeva February 27th


*whispers* missed you eyes buddy 🥺

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


lol 💙 i thought it was just me 😅 i guess the corner really has been quiet then. i thought it was just my silly brain :P but nope. and yeah i think cookies might help ✨ cookies improve everything ✨ 

unassumingEyes OP February 27th

Cookies are the best :p

*missed u too eva. And flowers and nadia- <3*

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


i love how eyes still calls me flowers :P

unassumingEyes OP February 27th

@LoveMyMoonflowers well, its like, the name doesnt matter, but the memories matter, and u matter, and ur memories matter, so the name with ur memories matters, so its flowers for like life i guess lol. Unless u ever want otherwise, heh <3 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


lol i get that 💙 and nah it’s okay i don’t mind, flowers is cool (: 💙

unassumingEyes OP February 27th

@LoveMyMoonflowers oki <3 but if u ever change ur mind, thats oki too <3 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th



unassumingEyes OP February 27th

U ever just copy smth frm cups, see it in ur copied stuffs, wince and quickly delete it? How on earth does my sis not know about cups yet, im so clumsy xD 

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


oh like copy/pasting? 😅 be careful eyes 💙 don’t want your sister finding out one day :') then again, what do you think would happen if she found out…? /nfta

unassumingEyes OP February 27th

@LoveMyMoonflowers uhhh tw yelling, threatening to tell mom, idk if she wld or not shes unpredictable like that, probably wld say either i leave cups or she'd tell mom, might get physical if im not careful but-


My sis Logically, she shld hv known by now

Which means either she knows and isnt doing smth about it for some unknown reason or...

I cnt even think of the second possibility. She shld know. Its like, her thing xD. It doesnt make sense for her not to know. But it also doesnt make sense for her to just...let me 🤔

I dont know 🤷‍♀️

LoveMyMoonflowers February 27th


*hugs if okie* i’m sorry friend that would be terribly scary and horrible 😞 i’m so sorry she would do that :( especially if she’d get physical? 😞 nuuu friend she doesn’t seem like a vv nice sister. :/ 💙 i wish some hoomans were more gentle. 💙

i hope she doesn’t know but if she does and isn’t doing anything about it - maybe she just doesn’t care? do you use cups in a private tab? 💙 or is all the cups stuff in your history? :o 

unassumingEyes OP February 27th

@LoveMyMoonflowers private tab. Thats also why i hv trouble reporting stuffs- taking a screenshot is a risk xD 

And shes not a v nice sis but shes not a v bad sis. Like she cares, but shes more...idk. shes a mystery. Shes just...different. and smtimes its not a very nice different