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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

@unassumingEyes forgot that was also a swear word. Um i meant the fire šŸ‘€

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Smone in the house is awake lol cnt even be dramatic alone lolĀ 

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Lol lights off! Electricity gone! Welcome to darkness! Hahah im probably in crisis rn bruh

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Is 9am and im supposed to be studying but its dark now and id rather-

lets not finish that thought

its 9am and mom will be home soonĀ 

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

9.12 am and moms homeĀ 

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Theres like one person in tcr and i feel bad for them but i m so not in the mood to be fun lol

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Im sick yay stomach problems now i get to hv tons of medicine and if it gets work get a drip šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³/sar

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

@unassumingEyes ***worse

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Itā€™s insane

How easy it is to lie

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Mayb the sense of anticipation is just me waiting to die

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Ipad is 11% and i dont hv the electricity to charge it

i shld prob save the battery i hv but im selfish and lonely nd not leaving cups

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Still dont hv electricity mom thinks itll be gone all day dk whyĀ 


unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Our water source depends on electricity and electricity off ā¤ļø

Its expected to cm back on in an hour or so lets see :0

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Electricity backk :0

Finally i cn see lol

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Today, my cousin (14 male) asked his mom for smth to eat and she kept giving him options. The more she offered the more agitated he got, who knows why. My mom called him and gave him some puffs, biscuits etc and he walked away smiling

For one moment today I loved my mom.

I dont know what his parents are doing wrong tbh but i can see it's somethingĀ that's making him act out like that and that something always seems to be counter attacked by my parents somehowĀ 

Life is so weird. People are so complicated

unassumingEyes OP February 14th


To be honest, thereā€™s something about you thatā€™s just so relatable

To be honest, I see so much about you thatā€™s celebratable

But Iā€™m tired of living in a world full of empty words

So Iā€™ll let the walls down, Iā€™ll ease my guards

I love that you always have something to say

Cause somehow, having you talk takes the thoughts away

I love that youā€™ve always been so welcoming

Even when you there was chaos incoming

I love that you listen so well

Ā I love how you make my heart swell

Yeah Iā€™m positively seething

Cause of how hard it is, being

But Iā€™ve got you around with me

Your support makes me feel ready

And I get that the thoughts hurt

But I see your true worth

And it aches to see your pain

To struggle to believe in being okay

But my recent emoji is a chair

Cause right now, weā€™re both here

And weā€™re warriors, when we shouldnā€™t have to fight

But youā€™re my strength, your support is my might

And none of it is really fair

But though it hurts, Iā€™m so glad youā€™re here

iloveyouxx February 14th



justmeeva February 14th


awwee eyess smhh šŸ„ŗ thatā€™s some serious talent you have, i love this so so so much šŸ¤§šŸ©· you are absolutely amazingg *gives a biggg longgg hug if oke* šŸ«‚šŸ’•

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

@justmeeva *hugss* love you eva buddy ā¤ļø

justmeeva February 14th


love you moreeee ā¤ļø thank you so much šŸ’•

unassumingEyes OP February 15th

Tw honestly my low moods are increasing ( i have no idea why- ) and im getting thoughts despite never hving rlly wanted to- u know.Ā 

Honestly, if I didnt believe in an after life iā€™d probably have done it by now. Which is kinda scary

so i cant rlly say ā€œi dont wanna do it at allā€ etc, even tho i dont know why i wanna do it, but i know one thing for sure

As long as im in my relatives house, I wont do it. There are kids here, man. Im not that messed up. Not gonna happen.Ā 

When i move to my own home? Wellā€¦idk. Because, i dont want to do it- to some extent. I think I want to run away more. I think I want to restart more, not end it. I dont know. But I know how people- how people are affected by a close one doing it.

and i know that if i did it noone on here would ever know

thats why i say for certain I wont do it. Wanna? Kind of tho idk why. Will do it? No, no for sure

But I might run. I can feel it in my blood that I want to run, I really really want to run

But i never do anything without plans A,B and C. Cups was actually plan B, when another ā€œchat with a listenerā€ thing stopped working. Cups was a good plan, i think. Iā€™ll always plan. If I run, itā€™ā€™ll be planned. That I can swear.

(wellā€¦i almost never do anything without a plan. I dont plan holding my- i cnt seem to say it nowadays but yea. Also wanted to do that last night but mom was there. Bummer. Probably good, actually, but uk. Bummer.)Ā 

unassumingEyes OP February 15th


another rant

Kinda wish smone came on at cups at this time but as long as yalls are getting sm sleep its okšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

this actually feels kinda big reveal, like the breath thing, cuz i never told anyone. Its not a big deal tho

thereā€™s a voice in my head I call mother

my actual mother is called a native word for mother. The voice in my head is literally called, in english, ā€œmotherā€

Mother is a gentle voice that gives me advice or affection when I cnt go to my mom for it. I dont` know what mother is, i dont think its a system, i dont hv any other of the stuff google describes lol, definitely no memory gaps etc, i dont think Ā mother fronts or anything.Ā 

Sheā€™s just there.

Itā€™s weird, because mother is me but mother isnt me, you know? Sheā€™s well, the motherly parts of me, merged into one voice. When im helping a friend, or on here, and feel over whelmed, mother is at the back of my head, whispering soothing stuffs and advice on how to help.

Mother came when I was 12. Alot happened when I was twelve (TW):

- Dad got covid and fainted in the bathroom. (We called an ambulance, i thought he was unaliving)

- the sense of anticipation started

- my friends and i had several fights

- my grandfather went to hospital and had a (big TW) gun, my father had to talk him into putting it down through the phone in front of me (i may talk more of that smtime)

- when my dad got better and cld stop quarantining, everyone hugged him- but my mom didnt let me ā€œbecause i was dirty and needed to bath firstā€

- I cheated in my exams

- I got obsessed with fanfictionĀ 

- Mother became.Ā 

Soā€¦.yeah. That was a rough year-. And now, I have mother! Oof

Mother uh, sheā€™s quieter nowadays. Idk why. It isnt rlly helping the loneliness. But she isnt gone so yay?

This feels so weird. I-Ā 


justmeeva February 15th


*sits and listens*

unassumingEyes OP February 15th

@justmeeva itā€™s only been a while but i missed you šŸ„ŗā¤ļø mornings are so hard :ā€™( hru eva?

justmeeva February 15th


awe it felt like quite some time since i last talked to you too :0 iā€™m okayish. *hugs if oke* šŸ’•

unassumingEyes OP February 15th

@justmeeva *hugs* im glad ur oki <3

unassumingEyes OP February 15th


Me rn cupsing when i gotta bath and study today <3

unassumingEyes OP February 15th

*doesnt study*


my datesheet arrived bruh i need to study šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­

justmeeva February 15th


go studyyy *throws a fortune cookie that says that today will be a good study day* :pĀ 

unassumingEyes OP February 15th

@justmeeva aww <3 5 more minutes lol

smtimes i feel motivatedā€¦then my sis enters the room and i dont wanna study anymore :p

unassumingEyes OP February 15th

Did eva buddy get any sleep?/nfta

justmeeva February 15th


mhm, still tired but itā€™s kind of an everymorning thing now so itā€™s fine (:

did eyes buddy? :0

unassumingEyes OP February 15th

@justmeeva i slept too much :0 i was sick so mom let me sleep till late. Now im trynna find the motivation to move and study lol

*shoo tiredness* i hate being tired, lol. Itā€™s soā€¦tiring heh. Im glad u slept tho :0

justmeeva February 15th


*gives motivation (as if i would have much to share lmao)*

unassumingEyes OP February 15th

@justmeeva lol thanks <3 imma try to study but dont be surprised to see me back on cups :p

did u know Mother (in my head) can also scold me :p its more gentle than my actual mom, but sheā€™s telling me to study nevertheless hehe

imma listen before my actual mom realizes im not studying :p

tc eva <3 thanks for taking sm of the loneliness away :p ā¤ļø

justmeeva February 15th


i has to go to school but iā€™ll ttyl oke? best of luck with studyinggg šŸ’•

unassumingEyes OP February 15th


no srsly im gonna write abit more bout the freezing myself thing so tw

I don't rlly know where to start

But everytime I bath, thereā€™s a longing in my heart

When I close the tap, an Iā€™m met by cold

Oh, I feel so terrified, and oh, I feel so bold

Cause thereā€™s a part of me that just wants to be frozen

Thereā€™s a part of me that sees that time as golden

Two steps away, a towel, a promise of warmth

Two steps away and I canā€™t seem to walk forth

Thereā€™s shivers in my body but all my mind can say,

ā€This is what you long for, you deserve it anywayā€

Iā€™m shaking to get out, my coughā€™s getting worse

ā€Tell me why you belong in this universe,

Tell me why you deserve the heat you think you crave,

Tell me why you donā€™t deserve an icy graveā€

Tell me why I donā€™t

Tell me what I want

A battle between heat and cold

Feel like rotten mold

And only two regrets,

That I go back to warmth so quick,

and my ashamed breaths

justmeeva February 15th


*sits with eyes friend* šŸ©·

LoveMyMoonflowers February 15th

@unassumingEyes @justmeeva

*sits with eyes buddy and evabuddybean* <3Ā 

justmeeva February 15th

@unassumingEyes @LoveMyMoonflowers

i gtg prepare for class, but iā€™ll check on you 2 once i can alright? love you vv much šŸ’•