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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

Rant number one million, and it isnt even 12 am yet:

at my sister’s event yesterday, a couple of guys gave speeches and stuff, and one guy spoke about smth i really, really agree with

He said that nowadays, we are so focused on grabbing opportunities and focusing on going higher and higher in life and going for leadership roles, and everyone is telling their children to become this great figure or that great figure, and aiming to just…be leaders, that we’re leaving nothing behind for others, that we’re throwing others down in our quest for going up, up, up, that this is why we’re struggling as a country, as a nation, as a whole lot of countries and nations and humanity, because we’re in this desperate bid for leadership, we’re throwing teamwork behind.

This is what Ive been trying to say, and what this man said so easily yesterday. My dad speaks to me of leading, not following, of being the one on top, of being looked up to etc etc. and my sis does this. She is a leader, she is taking that advice, that role. And i have been a leader before. Its good. I admit it, it’s a satisfying role.

But what about others?

We arent a pack of wolves. We dont need one leader to guide us. This isnt the system for us- we’ve done it over and over and over again, kings and presidents and prime ministers and chiefs and all that and it leads to corruption, or lack of opportunities for less fortunate etc etc 

This is why Im satisfied with cups. We dont have a great big Mega Mod that you have to obey 24/7 no matter what. We have a community of trained mods, volunteer mods, paid mods who we are expected to respect and follow but not to grovel for we are not expected to keep our mouths shut if a mod is out of line, and these mods arent given huge benifits, just enough to manage us and to do their role smoothly, and there are door keepers, room supporters, mega members etc and lots of available oppurtinites and there are leaders but there are also communities and teamwork and people know when to step up and lead or when to step down and follow and its remarkable that the system I have been speaking of, believing in is right here, achieved because the goal was just helping and its just wow

this is what ive been saying. This is it. You lead when you lead, you follow when you follow, you step back and take a break when you need to, there’s no burnout, no corruption, just a community of cupsers

Brilliant, folks. Absolutely brilliant 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

Im ranting toooo much today ah lol imma go for now beofre i type another paragraph byebye <3

iloveyouxx February 13th


its *your* corner too :0 *your* forum :0 ranting on here is never too much :0 <3 you can rant all you want hehe <3

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

@iloveyouxx I knowww but my brain doesnt knoww lol 😫

iloveyouxx February 13th


:'3 me just wanted to let you know- one of our friendos you were wondering about has gotten their account banned >: they might be back tho- were just not sure when yet :'3

we can only hope they’re oki and will come back soon and tell us all that <3 sorry for having to tell you :'3💜

LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th


wait…. Who? 🥺

iloveyouxx February 13th


you made a forum about them😞 their account says item has been removed >: that’s them >:

LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th


aubrey……? mhm… me knows, they been gone for a long while now :') 😞💙

iloveyouxx February 13th


mhm😞 2 friendos actually.. them and- someone that was aging up :’) February 16- idk if you remember, which is why it’s sad because they won’t be in teenie land if they come back >:

both got banned for the same reason- dating :’3 me is confused on what to think :’3 but hope they come back too >:💜

LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th


oh… :') 

iloveyouxx February 13th


hehe…. :’3 I don’t want it to change how I see anyone tho- I mean I guess it shouldn’t (?)..

well on the bright side my brains too stored to have time to think about it heh :’3🧠

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

@iloveyouxx @LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs for both of you if oki* hope your frnds are alright too <3

LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th


Huggsssss 💜

iloveyouxx February 13th


havent heard from you today :0 how’re you ? you doing oki ?💕:3

justmeeva February 13th


i’m fine, thank you nadia fren 🩷. how’s you? :0

iloveyouxx February 13th


you sureeee ? :0💕💕 im oki. hehe- tcr made me feel better today- it was funny :3🤍

justmeeva February 13th


sure. i’m glad you feel better <3

iloveyouxx February 13th


•-• here if you need anything friend :’3🩷 and now tcr made me feel worse hehe- and I lost a friend :’3 but it’s oki..

justmeeva February 13th


*hugs nadia fren* 

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

Feel low lol


unassumingEyes OP February 13th

Feel like nothing, act like nothing thats how it goes what else do you expect

iloveyouxx February 13th


ni !🥺 no no no :’3 sorry I know this will definitely be annoying because I’m drawing attention to it, but I wont let you leave ni no not ever D: youre way too special to leave smh :’3 I’m not like those normal friends that say they support your decision lmao :P I love you too much..>: I would write one of my essays but the time I have on here is very limited rn and I’m taking a risk by staying and writing this lmao :’3 but no I won’t watch you leave and say I support your decision because I really don’t :’3 in fact I’m very against it and if that decision is made I’m gonna bawl my eyes out at night🤧 I have strict love- so sorry for that too. :’3 I don’t want this to be pressuring tho :’) but I love you ni I don’t wanna just see you go😞/p I know this is like very terrible and prolly makes you want to leave more heh :’3 it’s cause I’m rushing. I’ll write something proper later if I have to heh :’3 can I ask why..? >: ehem this might be me trying to act like how normal friends are but- ( :P ) “tho I want you to stay I support your decision” :P first part was true- I want you to stay :’3 I wish it was enough.. :’3 really really hope it’s just like one of those times where you end up changing your mind >:

ee time running out D: 

sorry again for the low quality paragraph :P it sucks I know but I wanted to say *something* before I had to go..

me loves you ni :’3🩷 vv much🤍/p

anddd..yup gotta go :’3 pleas take care :’3 please..🤍


LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th


awwe lol who said it was low quality smh 🥺🤧💜 *hugs if okay* 💙 your awesome Nadia friend. hehe. 💜 but idk… me thinks me will leave… :') 

iloveyouxx February 13th


it is heh :’3 *hugs ni buddy tight* 

no you’re more awesome :0💜

>: now we’re both avoiding saying something pressuring @unassumingEyes :’3

lmao you know it’s true when eyes uses “😫” for the first time😛/lh

I guess me will just sit and hope for the best :’3🪑🤍if it’s what you really want I don’t want to pressure you into a decision you don’t like >:💜( even if I’m highly against it :P/lh)🤍

LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th


*huggie wuggies* 💙 

Nadia friend I has question for you if okie :o 

iloveyouxx February 13th


o question :0 ofc it’s oki :0

LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th


mmmm nvm it’s okie 

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

@iloveyouxx me had to look for the "😫" emoji bcz none other fit :p

It is the embodiment of my soul when i think of flowers leaving :0

iloveyouxx February 13th


lmao mines more like..actually wait whys “😫” so fitting :0 heh :’3 “😫🤧😖😖” that’s how this makes me feel :’3🤍

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

@iloveyouxx yeah that’s pretty much it 😫

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

@iloveyouxx @LoveMyMoonflowers i feel literally the same 😫 these eyes are gonna be tear filled if you leave tbh ive been avoiding you before i say smth pressuring 😫😫 but that doesnt mean i want you to leave or anything i promise i just want things to work out for you <3

LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th

@iloveyouxx @unassumingeyes

big hugs for you both if okay <3 

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs*

iloveyouxx February 13th


no no I like questions :0 unless you don’t wanna ask anymore <3 and sorry for late reply

LoveMyMoonflowers February 13th


no need to be sorry friend <3 it’s okay 

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

I don’t :p 

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

I don’t :p 

unassumingEyes OP February 13th

Another poem on the anticipating thingy i feel- as it intensifies when im low :0

You ask me why I’m floating

Where am I headed to?

I say, is there anywhere for me to go?

Anything for me to do?

You watch me, you ask me, you question

How, when the answer is staring right at you

I live in a world, where people are dying even when alive and it’s not their fault

What else, what else am I supposed to do?

You tell my I don’t have to help em out

You tell me it’ll all work it out

Can you feel it? That creeping doubt

Can you feel me, just yearning to shout?

Cause life’s not a fairy-tale

We don’t all get that happy end

The good suffer- it isn’t fair

But the old road will always bend

You ask me why, I tell you why

It’s cause we love in a world where we know despair

Why should I be grateful, that I’m safe

When there’s so many out there, who have no-one to care?

Why should I do anything?

Why should I make myself a life?

Why should I live, instead of just surviving?

Why do I get to live without that strife?

How can you show me the world’s wonders

Knowing what we’re leaving behind?

How can you tell me to smile and laugh,

When there’s darkness out there, for us to find?

It’s true that I can help them not

But in my heart, they have a spot

And so I’ll float and wait and wait

And something’ll happen, something awful, something great

unassumingEyes OP February 14th

Tw heh sm times i get abit too curious about death

unassumingEyes OP February 14th


I think the after life is kinda unfair. Like 5yr old me was so glad there wld be a “forever life”

but now?

cnt even look forward to death without worrying bout *** lol