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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

LoveMyMoonflowers January 30th


*hugs everyone*

iloveyouxx January 30th


yippeeee :D * runs after everyone for a tight huggieee * heh you can’t escape meee ;3🤍

LoveMyMoonflowers January 30th


wouldn’t want to escape your hugs smh! 🥺💕

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@LoveMyMoonflowers exactly ^^

iloveyouxx January 30th


awwww ni buddy 🥺🩷 you’re the sweetest💜🥹 

I used to put an octopus emoji after hearts because that’s what I feel like :0 because I get so attached to people heh :’3🩷🦑

justmeeva January 30th

@iloveyouxx @LoveMyMoonflowers @unassumingEyes


unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@justmeeva <33

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

I was gonna re-read a book of short stories after a long time

Instead im stuck on the (long) introduction in which the intro-writer did a full analysis of the book

Reading ppls analysises is so fun :0 a glimpe into their world =D and a dufferent way to interpret smth- different, but not necessarily right or wrong =D 

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

My moods cn change so quickly-

justmeeva January 30th


that  is  so  relatable. 

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@justmeeva :( 💓

justmeeva January 30th


is eyes fren okie?

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@justmeeva yes and no 

iloveyouxx January 30th



iloveyouxx January 30th

Tw wouldnt read T^T

I’m still studying till now T^T it’s 11:20 pm here- I have dance class tmrw :’3 I hate that class :’3 plus 2 tests I’m gonna fail- T^T I have fitness class too :’3 everyones always judging you in that class :’3 pluss I look terrible and im breaking out- and and I have a class where I sit righttt next to this one guy and not even on chairs it’s on the floor and tw but I have a terrible fear of guys because of trauma and stuff- :’3 I’m so scared I don’t know what to do T~T I got triggered really badly awhile ago :’3 and idk if you remember @unassumingEyes but the day I got triggered and felt faint ( about 2/3 days ago ) I ended up in the hospital :’3 plus my dad just did smth and I feel like I’m supposed to cry but I just- I don’t know- :’3 I’m really tired.. :’3

sorry for venting in *your* corner @unassumingEyes , I just feel terrible rn :’3

and sorry for ruining the mood :0

* sucks it up * I’m gonna stop being depressing..


unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@iloveyouxx nadia? Love? In depressing 90% of the time. Its okay.

Are you safe rn lovely?

Im sorry so much is happening. Can u discuss with a teacher so u dont hv to sit with a guy?

Dw bout the tests. I get good marks in all of them and they do me no good. Even the fact that good tests = no yelling doesnt matter anymore :0 ur life and worth doesnt revolve around them 💓 

Hugs if oki 

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@unassumingEyes *im depressing

My spelling is awful today im sorry-

iloveyouxx January 30th



thank you.. :’3🩷

teachers don’t care and if I said why they’d just email my dad in a heartbeat-

I don’t know if I’m safe :’3

you know my dad- he’s not very safe to be around.. :’3 yet he’s always around T^T but honestly I’m not safe anywhere anymore

i feel like such a failure tho eyes - I try so hard and I get grades as of I haven’t tried at all but I’m just so tired I do try I try really really hard but at this rate idk like what if I don’t graduate or smth- I know I’m overthinking but I’ve always been a failure and I’ve never gotten better no matter how hard I tried it’s never enough-

* hugs you tight * :’3 thank you 🩷

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@iloveyouxx my bestest irl frnds try rlly hard nadia but its not easy esp if u dont hv a good personal life thats not ur fault and i always say this but this is the fault of society for failing its children and teenies

Im srry bout the school problems :( 

justmeeva January 30th


*hugs nadia friend tight if oke* i’m so sorry to hear that, it seems so difficult :c

humans do ruin a lot of things *protecs u from bad humans*

we’re here for you too okie? :0 🩷

iloveyouxx January 30th


🩷hoomans can be really cruel :c

justmeeva January 30th


i know love, they can. but that’s why you gotta put your energy to the good people in the world, not the bad ones oke? they don’t deserve your attention, you’re soo much better than them 💕

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

When i move countries my timezones arent gonna be the same as @LoveMyMoonflowers or my irl frnds anymore and that makes me feel really, really sad and lonely-

LoveMyMoonflowers January 30th


🥺🥺🥺😞 *hugs if okay*

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs*

iloveyouxx January 30th


aw >: your only an hour in the past for me tho :0 I know it’s not enough but I’ll still be here >:🤍

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@iloveyouxx <3 ur more than enough lovely

justmeeva January 30th


do you know which time zone it’s gonna be? 

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@justmeeva Its UTC + 5hrs

justmeeva January 30th


that’s not too bad :0 if i’m correct it’s only a 3h different :0 i can’t comment on your irl friends, but i have friends with a 10 hour difference too, we can work this out :0 🩷

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@justmeeva (reply limit) 10 hours difference :0 

Im willing to try anything with yalls <33

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@justmeeva sorry eva u were feeling bit better and my corner is depressing today  ^-^ just moods swing wildly today :0 

justmeeva January 30th


noo don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault! i’m not mad or gonna blame y’all ever! don’t blame yourself oke? 🩷

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@justmeeva will try <3 ty lovely

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

Somewhere in the universe

Somewhere someone's got it worse

Wish that made it easier

Wish I didn't feel the hurt

-The Worlds Smallest Violing by AJR

Bacc to songs thats the mood lol

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@unassumingEyes i giv up on spellings

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@justmeeva @LoveMyMoonflowers @iloveyouxx i really gotta go :( tc lovelies. Good night <3 

Random tidbit: nadias an hour ahead of flowers and i, flowers and i hv same time and eva is an hour behind flowers and i. Correct, yea? :00 

justmeeva January 30th


awee tc friend! 💕

*eva at 10pm*

iloveyouxx January 30th


aw bye friend take care >:🩷

yeah I think that’s right :0 since it’s 12 am for me- and 11 pm for you and ni- and 10 pm for eva, so yes :0 that’s right :0

iloveyouxx January 30th

Tw :P again T~T wouldnt read

I’m still studying 😭😭

yk I don’t really like talking about my problems cause well- I mean I do cause it feels like I never get to but when I do and people start emphasizing with me it feels so wrong since I only talk about the things I can talk about and not the more serious stuff so I just feel like I leave a dumb impression on people :/ idk how that works but like- yeah idk :P

the english test is about romeo and juliet :0 and shakespeare and stuff :0 it’s a lot harder than it seems tho heh :’3 and the science test is about everything we took this term soo it’s just so much to process and their both the same day >:

right now I’m trying to analyze a quote that’s so hard to “analyze” like how do you analyze this :’3

I’m gonna just- idk- is it just me that feels like I need to be hidden ? :P like my mind was doing that thing it does where it breaks me apart inside and I wanted to scream and cry but couldn’t :’3 then someone said smth and I threw my pencil on the table and got so mad then started crying so hard and there was no space for thinking so idk what was happening then idk what happened from then tbh- :’3 then I apologized for existing and- idk.. :P 

sorry again btw- I hate my negative energy :P I try to be positive and stuff :’3 but it gets hard🤍 just not a good time for me- again :’3 

im gonna go finish this pile of work :’3 byebye lovely hoomans from around the world :0🩷🌍