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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP January 29th


feel like everyone in the house is mad at me 24/7

iloveyouxx January 29th


🩷 that’s so unfair tbh :’3 I know no matter who’d be in that situation the reasons wouldn’t be valid :’3 I understand why you feel like that >:🩷 please try to not let it get to your head :’3 how we’re treated doesn’t represent how we are at all tbh >: which is unfair- but yeah :’3 life goes on :’3

i know it’s hard but you got this :0 I’ll be here the whole time :’3🤍

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

@iloveyouxx thanks nadia. Me here for you too <3

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

Has anyone heard of the ugly caterpillar story or did I seriously make that up? Because no one I know remembers it :0 

iloveyouxx January 29th


*searches it up*

it does exist :0 there’s a website to the story( first one to show) but it’s now unavailable :/ maybe that’s why :0

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

@iloveyouxx :0 i knew it was real =D

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

In my bio I've written that I’m one of those “weirdos” that like maths.

“Weirdos” was supposed to be like quoting what others say, not what I believe, but is that offensive to anyone else who likes math? Should I remove it-?

iloveyouxx January 29th


i saw that before :0 I never thought it was offensive- not that I do like it heh :P but I don’t think if someone likes math and sees it theyd get offended :0 the quotes make sense because it’s what a lot of people think :P I think it was clear that you didn’t mean that they were weirdos :0 just what other people think :P I think it’s oki🤍 but your choice ofc :P💜

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

@iloveyouxx thanks for the input lol

if anyone says anything ill remove it

its not like im famous and everyone’s reading my bio lol :0

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

Tw (seriously be careful ppls)

Wanna know a messed up joke my parents made everytime I misbehaved when I was younger?


"We should hang her by the door"

I was an innocent idiot and thought they meant like, hang my arms on a clothes hanger and put it by the door.


Not that-

LoveMyMoonflowers January 29th


*sits with eyes buddy* 

:') that’s horrible that they said that. I’m so sorry friend. 😞 that’s so hurtful and terrible :') and you absolutely don’t deserve that. you were a child. 😞 you were small and innocent 💜 and i promise you were not an idiot at all 💙 *big big comfy huggies for you if okay* 

honestly i wish our parents genuinely cared… school, life, the world… everything becomes too much tbh. And on top of that :') things at home. It’s hard. 💜 i wish parents realised that their children are whole universes 💙 they’re so much more than just… a body. With a mouth to feed. They’re so much more than that. 💜

i’m so sorry they said these things to you when you were young 😞 

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs tight* thanks flowers

Idek about my dad...its like he cares but doesnt know how to :0 like 90% of the times hes so good but when he messes up its real bad uk :0

Mom cares about our accomplishments only. She doesnt care bout our struggles. Thats not rlly caring :0

I get what u mean. Life wld be so muh more bearable if we just had good homes   :[ 

LoveMyMoonflowers January 29th


*keeps hugging you* 

oof ): i understand that tbh. I get what you mean. my dad’s kinda the same way :') i’m sorry. 😞💜

your mum really doesn’t sound very caring ): it hurts when all they care about… are your accomplishments. Grades. And all that. but that’s not entirely who we are :') we’re hooman beans 💙 with emotions 💜 and lives… struggles. Hopes. Dreams. experiences. pain :') and so much more. 💙

true. 😞 i agree buddy 💜 *big squeezes for you*

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs* it could be worse. Atleast i hv amazing frnds like u :0

LoveMyMoonflowers January 29th


perhaps it could be worse :') but that absolutely doesn’t justify how much your parents have hurt you. 😞 you don’t deserve that :') it’s horrible… 💜 

I guess that’s why we have each other. life is crazy and messy and *** and idk… these are just screens. And this is just the internet :') but at least we can try to be there for each other the best we can 💙 i’m grateful for each and every one of my lovely friends here 💜

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

@LoveMyMoonflowers uk, these are just screens, and this is just the internet, but u all mean way more to me than just random ppl i met online :]

Maybe some of us dont hv the best home. But we hv the best cups, and i think, at the end of the day, there isnt much difference ^-^

Or i cld be spitting nonsense as per usual =D 

LoveMyMoonflowers January 29th


awwe no, i agree with you. 💜 it’s like - we are all real hoomans after all. Just… far away. 💙 but we’re real 💜 and we’re buddies 💙 and we are here for each other 

unassumingEyes OP January 29th

@LoveMyMoonflowers mhm <3

unassumingEyes OP January 29th


Me gonna sleep flowers :0 Take care love...good night 💓

justmeeva January 29th


*peeks and whispers* goodnight eyes fren :0 💕🌙

LoveMyMoonflowers January 29th


take care my sweet friend 💜 good night 💙 and sweet dreams 💜

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

Went to school today :0 i wish i cld go tmrrw and the day after but noones cming because of practical exam on sunday :00

My frnd gave me a bracelet 🥹

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

Tw for...religion?

U know, the religion I was born in makes you ask about the after life alot. About ur deeds. Would you be filled with unbelievable regret or unbelievable relief? 

I try to think about, I really, really do. But I cant seem to. My mind just...asks questions. How, Why, Where, When, How? 

Its funny, how easy it is to think about myself until i try to think about what should matter the most. Then Im thinking of everyone else. Of everything else. Of everywhere else.

How is it fair that we exist, only to be tested for our loyalty?

Who am I to question it? 

Why is life so messy? Why is the largest proof religion can provide us ancient books we cant trace back? 

What will I feel after I leave this world? Why would I feel anything? What part of this is really in my hands? What part isnt? 

I dont understand

unassumingEyes OP January 30th


also dumb
and probably needs help bcz yeah

Sometimes I hold my breath on purpose at night to feel myself struggle to breath and yeah 

iloveyouxx January 30th


* sits with eyes * >:🩷 I’m here oki ? :’3🤍

(tw) I don’t think I’ve ever done that before- but I do struggle to breathe most of the day tbh.. :’3

can I ask why you do ? >: is it to know how it feels like ? or smth else ? 

please to try to be gentle with yourself..🤍 and sorry for replying late btw- here’s a cookie to make up for it🍪:P


unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@iloveyouxx dw bout it :0 

and kinda like…idk. I dont know why i do it, i guess.

iloveyouxx January 30th


aw that’s oki- I do a lot of things I don’t get :P like having so much time to get ready but waiting last minute just to panic :0 wouldn’t recommend :0 or walking around the house randomly- or staring at my piles of homework wanting to just finish it already but never actually starting .. :P yep. that’s me heh :P

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

The post above? Bad post. Dont look at that post. Ugly ugly post

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

Im confused

and kinda nervous

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@unassumingEyes can anyone sr :0 

iloveyouxx January 30th


coming :0🤍

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

Im getting worked up over nothing

unassumingEyes OP January 30th


I dont like the word "hanging" bcz of smth i mentioned in an earlier post

Not a trigger exactly but a mood ruiner

I think just for a while bcz of memories nd stress but yea

iloveyouxx January 30th


yeah I understand.. :’3 I’ll make sure not to mention that tho :0 I don’t think I’ve ever even said that in the past like.. I don’t remember when I last said it heh :P

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@iloveyouxx thanks nadia 🥹💓

Guess whose eating an apple bcz noone cn expect me to study while eating hehe

iloveyouxx January 30th


did I read that wrong or do you mean you can’t if you weren’t studying ? :0

im glad you’re eating tho :0 I love food :>  (tw) * says that while starving their self* :P


unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@iloveyouxx nadia :0 eat pls/ no pressure

I meant I cant study if im eating

So i eat to not study lol :0 

iloveyouxx January 30th


ohhhh that’s great :D you get a break- and a snack ! :>🤍

and thank you for caring :0🤍 just tw anorexia- feels like it’s destroying me :P heh :’3

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

@iloveyouxx *hugs if oki* (reply limit)

unassumingEyes OP January 30th

Count On Me - Bruno Mars

@justmeeva @iloveyouxx @LoveMyMoonflowers