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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

justmeeva January 28th


*whispers* hi nadia :o

justmeeva January 28th


*sits and waits for eyes fren*

iloveyouxx January 28th


* pushes “meeva” over* :P /j hehe ;3

*sits w “meeva” and waits too* :3🩷🪑

iloveyouxx January 28th


I’m right here🩷>:

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

Hating time zones rn

iloveyouxx January 28th


*whispers* hi “meeva” :0 *whispers* why’re we whispering :0👀

justmeeva January 28th


*whispers* idk but it seems right :0

hru :0

iloveyouxx January 28th


👀*whispers*listening to sad songs :0 so you can guess :0


*whispers* how’re you ? :0🩷

justmeeva January 28th


*whispers* sad songs are comforting :0

it’s okay *hugs*

i’m alright :0 💕

iloveyouxx January 28th


*whispers* so sorry I’m back :0

mhm that’s true :’3🩷

yayy “meeva” hugs :0🤍 *runs after you and hugs you tight*💕😁 can’t get away from me🩷🦑

are you sure you’re alright ? :0 just making sure :’3

justmeeva January 28th


no worries, welcome back 💕

mhm, i’m okay, just thinking.

is there anything eva can do to make nadia fren feel better? :0 🩷

iloveyouxx January 28th


thinkings bad D: /j but sometimes it is :’3 some people think it’s dumb when what they go through is partially their own thoughts but thoughts are a big thing yk :’3 it can have a positive or negative impact depending on you know- what you’re thinking about :0 or just no impact just processing heh :P but anyway

what’re you thinking about ? :0 /nfta

you already did make me feel better :>🩷 I’m in your bio :> that made me so happy :>🩷 but I didn’t wanna tell you at the time cause you were talking to someone and I didn’t want to interrupt you :0 you remembered putting me at 3 am heh :’3🩷 also why were you awake that late ? D: 

but yeah as of right now, I think I’m just gonna keep trying to breathe heh :’3🤍

o and btw I don’t know if you saw but you’re in my bio too :0💕 

justmeeva January 28th


hehee thinking is bad sometimes :’). i’m happy you understand :0 

i don’t even have one specific thing i’m thinking about, it’s like everything and nothing at the same time :0. life, my own and others’, my future and past, i don’t even know there’s so much lol :’)

i made you happier yippee :0 i’m happy to be a part of your bio :0 lol staying up so late is usual for eva, her mind keeps her awake sometimes until mornings :’) but it’s okay :0

trying and breathing is just enough :) keep doing that okie? 🩷

iloveyouxx January 28th


aw i understand that >: * trades brains so that you’re too dumb to think * :P i hate thinking tbh :’3 my brains too small for that complicated stuff :P🧠 so i just break down at the thought- yeah- just the ✨thought✨

eee i hate thinking about the future / past D:  past cause well :’3 yeah :’3 and future cause- well if i tried to explain that I’d just sound negative :’3

thats not okay >: stupid mind D: *kicks floor and hurts leg* heh :’3

yeah i will🩷 it just gets hard :’3🩷

justmeeva January 28th


nouu *takes brain back* you don’t wanna know what’s all going on inside there. i’ll manage them somehow. nice try tho :p

thinking takes so much energy smh. 

*heals leg with the magic of ✨love✨* hehe :>

i’m here if it gets too hard okie? :0 🩷

*another eva hug because why not* 💕🫂

justmeeva January 28th

i spot an eyes friend :0

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

@justmeeva hi eva :0

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

@iloveyouxx @justmeeva 

*whispers* hi

i was missing you two earlier

*sits with you two*

thoughts can be hard yea

*hugs if oki*

justmeeva January 28th


eyessss 🩷

sorry for taking over your corner hehe 

hru? :0

*hugsss* 💕

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

@justmeeva no it was sweet to see u two talking

Im just meh

told my frnds when im gonna leave etc etc

hru eva?

justmeeva January 28th


is there anything i can do? :0

i’m okay, thank you 🩷

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

@justmeeva like i said, eva doing enough by being eva <3

i think i’ll be okay. A lil messed up, but okay

justmeeva January 28th


okay, but i’m here if you need anything okie? it’s okay to be a little messed up sometimes, it’ll pass and you’ll be better soon 🩷

*hugs eyes friend if ok* 💕

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

I finished bio


all of it

the book

(the book?)

the book.

My back hurts lol

Time for social studies…

iloveyouxx January 28th


for a second I thought you meant your 7 cups bio :P 

big Tw btw :’3 wouldn’t read the big blob of vent if I were you :P

aw >: i wish life would give us all a break tbh :’3 I don’t think how long it is matters that much to me, just a little break is enough :’3 to just breathe, know what it feels like to not live in fear all the time, in pressure, with dark thoughts, nightmares, trauma, thoughts that just tear you apart, with all these possibilities, and scenarios, anxiety that takes over, depression that stops you from living a normal life, just a break to breathe and feel “happy” again.. :’3 I kinda miss being happy.. :’3 I have happy moments- barely- but it’s not like before :’3

sorry- got carried away :’3 it’s 4 am here :’3 soo its just a really depressing time for me :P but yeah I wish I could give you all a break tbh :’3🩷 I wish I could help more than whatever I’m doing :’3 I don’t even know- it feels like other than helping there’s no point anymore and I really suck at helping :’3 I’m sorry- :’3 kinda suck at everything ngl- :’3 sorry for randomly being annoying :P I seem to be good at that- I just wanted to talk :’3 but yeah :’3 I’m sorry.

iloveyouxx January 28th


dang that was long :’3 sorry lovely people :’3🩷 I’m really sorry🩷

*sits* •-• kinda keep telling myself to shut up and just go back to suffering in silence :’3 but I suck at that too- ok now I’ll stop :’3 *🪑*


unassumingEyes OP January 28th

@iloveyouxx *sits with nadia* ur not annoying lovely. I miss you so much in the mornings…mornings are so hard for me. I know it seems like you dont help much, but you really really do help me. 

I agree with what you said. Happy moments are there, but it doesn't feel the same as being happy anymore. I dont know. It feels like life’s one big test we never wanted to take, you know? And sometimes it feels like whatever we do, we fail that test. Its like, student burnout. We just want a break, from school, from pressure, from life. Life burnout.

Im rambling. Anyways. 

Hugs if okay? I think if happy moments are all we got so far, we should treasure them. I treasure you.

iloveyouxx January 28th


I’m so tired eyes :’3 I try so hard- so hard nothings enough it’s never enough I’m just not enough..I don’t know what to do anymore :’3

god why am I so depressing :P sorry

i wish people at least pretended :’3 like at least lied to me- cause it just feels like the only times where I was really happy were the times I was blinded from the truth :’3

I don’t know if I do help :’3 I hope I do.. I try :’3

all I do is try tbh- I try to keep fighting I try to keep going I try to keep breathing I try to not break down I try to not give up I try to stay strong I try to help I try while being treated like some useless peace of garbage I try to look pretty I try to be enough I try to prove others wrong I try to resolve conflict without making it worse I try to make my dad happy I try to stop overthinking, being “dramatic” , thinking about things that are so far away from now.. I try to keep my head above water I try to “control” myself I try to deal with my emotions I try to smile when I’m so broken I try to laugh when I’m so hurt I try to make others happy all I do is try I try I just try so hard and it’s never enough but I try while dying inside and I try till I can’t keep trying and I try till I don’t see a point anymore cause no one wants me to keep breathing no one wants to see me smile no one wants me to keep going no one wants me to keep fighting everyone loves to see me cry, see me breakdown, see me hurt, see me broken, it’s entertaining it’s what they want to see they all just want to get rid of me but tbh i know who I am i know i do and tbh i just dont get it cause i dont exactly do stuff that'd make me deserve any of this and i just want the pain to end but yeah just gonna put a warning not to read any of this :P sorry for being dumb :'3

im sorry you relate to the happiness part :'3🩷 honestly i wish everyone was happy.. even the people that "dont deserve it" .. :'3 youre not failing anything what you do is enough and if anyone thinks youre failing they switched the marks w someone else :P /j i know what you mean :'3🩷

you can ramble whenever you want hehe🩷:'3 just look at me writing essays🤧

but really youre allowed to talk about yourself too🩷:'3

i love you :’3 and I’m sorry life’s being really mean rn :’3 o and for that essay🤧🩷

justmeeva January 28th


trying is the best thing a person can do nadia love. i know exactly what you mean, to some people you’re never enough, but that’s not your fault. it’s theirs. not being enough for someone doesn’t mean *you* as a person aren’t enough. i know it’s hard to remember, especially if everyone seems to tell you the opposite, but you really are enough. more than enough even. i know what it feels like, it’s not fun, but it’s not your fault. 

i will forever want you as my friend. i will forever want you to keep going. i will forever want you to keep trying. i will forever want the best for you because that’s what you deserve. i will forever have faith in you. 

sometimes just being there, just existing, just listening is enough help. and you, my friend, are very much help no matter what you do. 


unassumingEyes OP January 28th

@iloveyouxx dont apologise lovely

I get why youre tired. Sometimes i wanna punch all the cruel ppls in the world and stuffs. I know it doesnt seem enough to you, maybe it wont for a long time, but you are so much more than enough for me. You're so kind, and helpful, and dedicated, and comforting and i know these words wont change a thing. I know i cnt stop it from hurting. But even if u feel less in ur own eyes, or in the eyes of anyone else, u mean so much to me. Im so grateful for u. This world, this place of ignorant people, it doesnt deserve all the kindness you bring to it

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

Im probably gonna fail school practicals

fail as in get B or C but yeah 

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

My friends, both irl and on here, are so nice i cld burst (in a good way!)

iloveyouxx January 28th


aw I’m glad you have nice people irl and virtually too ! :> 

but no bursting :0 hehe /j

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

@iloveyouxx nadia ur the nice frnd too :0

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

I saw a website talking bout how 7cups was not good, they tested it out etc etc

theyre like instead of actual support, ppl just get hugs etc etc

and the listener training isnt good as there are trolls etc etc

i think the point isnt that 7cups is the best, or an immediate solution to your problems. Its like, yeah, you can rant to me about ur financial troubles etc etc, but i cant solve those troubles for you? Im literally just a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to give hugs. Thats kinda what 7cups is, you know? I cant say anything about the paid therapy, and stuff, but yeah. The forums and all that, its just, a friend for when you need one the most. Encouragement and hugs, you know? Not answers

Plus, they only had one person test out the site, and i think that could hv tampered with the results lol

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

@justmeeva thanks eva lovely <3 im here if you need anything too, oki? 

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

also *hugs*

justmeeva January 28th


mhm ❤️

unassumingEyes OP January 28th

I have like 99 notifications on cups

Ninety nine-

iloveyouxx January 28th

@unassumingEyes does that even happen-😭