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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 15th, 2022


I know right?! The melted, gooey chocolate is all things- *droolssssss* xD It does look like a lava cake to me also, I honestly at this melted-point, do not care about the name or whatever it is, I just wanna dig innnn lol. 😭 *shares with youuu tooo* 🥰

Aww chocolate lasagna :o I dunno where to find it but it sounds super tempting and niceeeee for my tastebuds haha! *-*

Ooh yes, a tart, truth be told, I'm not the most experimentative or open to diverse flavors haha, sticking to chocolate feels safer usually. xD Still expanding on it slowly though, one new flavor at a time. 😆 I like blueberry cheesecake the most, in cheesecakes. :D

It does sound and look (I googled xD) quite summery and also refreshing? hehe. :P Time to hop to a bake-house pretty soon now.

Lol yes new xD 🍨 also this🍧? Haha!

mytwistedsoul OP November 15th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Lol! Agreed 😊 it needs no name. Just a spoon or fork or heck a straw at this point 😁

Tbh - I'm not very experimental with foods too much. I tend to stick with what I know and like and chocolate - well you can't go wrong with chocolate. I think you'd like chocolate lasagna. That was kind of an experiment lol - a recipe seen online. It's easy to make and doesn't need baking but it's really rich and you can only eat so much at a time lol

Chocolate lasagna _1668524623.image.png

Yum! 😋

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 15th, 2022


Hahahaha yasss a straw would work too! 😆

Aw that's very understandable, and also same, Soul, sticking to the usual, known stuff seems just safer and better. :O You're right haha, can't go wrong with chocolate (I hope we don't jinx this xD).

Omigosh it looks so yummmm 😍 it looks like an ice cream I once had hehe, it was an ice cream sandwich sorta? With biscuit textured covers stuffed with ice cream (I think I am horrible at explaining this stuff but I hope you got it 😂😭), was sooo good also (perhaps one of those "lemme try something different" moments for me haha).

You made the chocolate lasagna then? :D I'm impressed. Does Soul enjoy cooking/ baking?

mytwistedsoul OP November 16th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Gasp! No jinxing chocolate! 😯 The Oreos are crushed to make the crust. Then mix cream cheese with cool whip and spread on the crust. Then chocolate pudding and topped with more cool whip and sprinkled with little chocolate chips 😋

I do like to bake 😊 I suck at homemade biscuits though - not sure why lol. But cookies and pies I'm good with and zucchini or banana breads

I've been working at learning how to cook a little more. Can't live on hot dogs and ramen forever lol. And you? Do you like to cook or bake?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 23rd, 2022


Hehe yes, no jinxing chocolate lol.

Omigoodness, Soul, I'm drooling already, it sounds so so delishhhhh, hope to have it some day haha!

Ooh now with my question you'll be able to guesss if I cook/ bake or not lol, so question is, are homemade biscuits and cookies too different from each other (baking process)?🙈

A zucchini bread?! Is that a thing too? Which rock am I living under haha!👀

That's so true lol, ramen and hotdogs, specially ramen is comfy (and easy) food 101 but oof yes, gotta satisfy the nutrient intake also xD sooo proud of you for trying to learn, have you tried these YouTube recipe videos and stuff? Some of these "look" really easy hehe, I keep adding some of these in the "saved" playlists but somehow don't come back to most of them (lol- not proud about it). XD ❤

I feel cooking is a super-power-like skill to have, and a super power I don't have xD I can cook enough to survive though, but yeah not much, hope to learn it more also. And yes baking, again, not much, but I can bake (simple/ easy-ish) cakes and I'm grateful for it. 😁

I make great iced coffee though, if it counts as "food"?😛 (let's pretend it is haha)

mytwistedsoul OP November 28th, 2022
@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I hope you get a chance to try it. I think you would really like it 🙂

To answer your question - Idk lol. Apparently I've got a mind block when it comes to biscuits. If it's a mix I have no trouble but from scratch something gets messed up 😅

Oh my gosh yes zucchini bread is definitely a thing. You might like that too. The zucchini is shredded and it looks gross making the batter but it's delicious after its baked. Especially with coffee in the morning

Tbh there's many recipes on the YouTube watch later list. Sometimes they actually get watched lol but whether it gets made is another story. Sometimes there's ingredients in it that are yuck and all interest is lost. I've actually took a step up from ramen recently and have yakisoba noodles instead but the concept is the same. Add water and microwave 😁

I'm ok with cooking basic things but following recipes it seems like it's all some alien language and I can't follow it. I may as well be reading hieroglyphics

Cakes have all the basic food needs. Eggs and water or milk and flour. I think those are on the food pyramid somewhere 😁

Coffee is life. There is no life without or before coffee. I usually heat my coffee back up when it gets cold so I'm not sure if I'd like iced coffee lol

*hugs to you ❤* I hope you're doing ok and hada nice weekend

mytwistedsoul OP November 15th, 2022
mytwistedsoul OP November 17th, 2022

Omg omg omg! We got funky colored eggs!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 19th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul So cool. 😮

mytwistedsoul OP November 20th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 😁 The Ameraucanas just started to lay! We only have three of those. Robin - Hedwig and Cheese lol

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 21st, 2022

@mytwistedsoul and Cheeseeeeeeee!😮 Yay hehe, do all of them have different color eggs?😮

mytwistedsoul OP November 22nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou cheese 😁


yep all different colors! 😊

Optimisticempath November 20th, 2022

hugs Soul 💕💕 hug-cats.gif

mytwistedsoul OP November 20th, 2022

@Optimisticempath Opti! ❤️ 😊 *pounce*


You've been in my thoughts OptiBear ❤️ and I've been sitting with you quietly

Optimisticempath November 23rd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul aw thankyou soul, I'm really happy to have your company 💕 it is vv comforting and nice 🥺 you in my thoughts too and me grateful to you

*pounces on you and keeps hugging* 🤗🤗

mytwistedsoul OP November 23rd, 2022

@Optimisticempath I'm really happy to have your company too Opti and I'm very grateful to you ❤️ 😊

*hugs Opti very tight* ❤️ ❤️



Optimisticempath November 24th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul 🥺 *hugs tight* ❤ I love this gif lmaooo 😆

mytwistedsoul OP November 21st, 2022

( Triggered) As I'm not supposed to use my sharp tongue, what does one do with passive aggressive people?

Optimisticempath November 23rd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul something happened soul? 😔 I'm sitting with you and here if you want to talk about anything oki? *hugs tighterr❤

mytwistedsoul OP November 23rd, 2022

@Optimisticempath ❤️ It's kind of a longish story. Condensed version is someone from a chat room contacted me as a listener. They're unhappy because I don't chat with them as much as they'd like. I explained from the beginning that I don't sit on site all day everyday. I don't have hours to sit and live chat. I can't. So they leave passive aggressive messages. They had before and there was a strong reaction on my part and this listener freaked. I'm trying not to block them but it's starting to cause me some issues 😞

Thank you for the hugs ❤️ *hugs back* ❤️

adventurousBranch3786 November 23rd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul. I’m glad that you set boundaries with them. I been trying to learn to do this myself. Even telling someone “no I can’t” can be stressful for me. I hope that they will stop the passive aggressive messages. Those can be very disturbing.

mytwistedsoul OP November 25th, 2022

@adventurousBranch3786 Hey Branch :) setting them is so hard but I'm finding that holding them is harder. Its like I'm just drawing a line in the sand only to have it erased

Its such a small word - no. But there's so many consequences to it. Its like you know people expect you not to say no. You know they'd like it if you just said yes. And I second and third and forth guess myself

adventurousBranch3786 November 25th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul. Omg it’s very hard for me to maintain saying no also! Irl I said no to 2 people and they kept calling me over and over again trying to see if I would back down. It was so hard for me I shook inside each time they challenged me. I didn’t back down on my no but it was very hard. I guess some people have learned to wear people down through repetition. I hope that you will be gentile with yourself. Setting boundaries is a challenging skill to learn when we didn’t learn it earlier in life!

mytwistedsoul OP November 28th, 2022
@adventurousBranch3786 That's what gets me. The fact that they keep at it. It wears you down. Makes you waver in your decision. Which I suppose is the whole intention. That you'll say yes or ok just to so they'll leave you alone. It gets to a point where a part of me wants to snap and snarl. What part of no do you not understand? And sometimes people get angry about that no. It does make you shake inside and it seems to last for days

I have to say well done for not backing down! That's a pretty big thing in my opinion! Was it any easier the second time?

It would have been nice to learn these things at a younger age with some guidance instead of fumbling our way through it all now as adults.

adventurousBranch3786 November 28th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul It wasn’t any easier with the second person. I almost gave into to them but was somehow able to stick to my no. There is now a third person that is doing the same thing. This time I am finding it a little easier.

mytwistedsoul OP November 28th, 2022
@adventurousBranch3786 Oh no! The second one must have been harder I guess? Especially knowing how hard the first one pushed your boundaries. Thoughts of do I want to go through that again and wondering if it would just be easier to say yes and get it over with. I'm sorry to hear its happening again. I'm really glad it's easier to stand your ground this time though. Guess its one of those things we need to keep practicing on. You got this!
adventurousBranch3786 November 28th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul. It was equally as hard as the first but in the end I was glad that I did it even though it was hard. At least I didn’t get pressured into doing things for these people. I’m going to keep trying ,hopefully it will come more naturally with practice! Btw I’m sorry for posting that boundaries post here. I didn’t realize that you had already seen it.

mytwistedsoul OP November 29th, 2022

@adventurousBranch3786 Nothing to be sorry for Branch ❤️ I'm glad you did post it. It will be easier to find it now when I need to read it again.

Its really good you didn't give in to pressure or they'd keep doing it. Now they know that you'll stand your ground. I think you did great!

Optimisticempath November 24th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul aw I know how stressful the passive aggressive behaviour is and just makes us feel more annoyed and disturbed :( idk also hard to wrap my head around the fact that it's a listener causing you more stress .... aren't they here to like reduce the stress we feel from irl already and make us feel better lol?? 😔 I hate it when people make it worse .... if you cant make it better ....atleast dont make it worse .... it's just sad and vv annoying

I'm sorry Soul if i said anything i shouldn't have , i just sense that their messages really brought you down and I don't like it 😕 you do not deserve this and it is vv valid to feel as you do too ❤

boundaries are so hard ... we have had this topic before and I know you struggle with them too so I can understand how much more difficult it is for you to deal with this situation (which btw is totally uncalled for) also :(

please don't feel the obligation to reply to them or chat with them , you don't have to be here or here to chat with them all the time or as much they want to ... it's ok to say no, or simply not reply if they keep disrespecting your boundaries... if the push coms to shove... sadly yeah there's the block and report tool ...ik it's not easy using these too despite knowing there's a need for it and it's there for a reason :') *hugs* me here with you okii🤗

mytwistedsoul OP November 25th, 2022

@Optimisticempath *hugs Opti tight* ❤️❤️ you didn't say anything wrong and you've nothing to be sorry for ok? You're allways so gentle in your replies. Thank you ❤️ It did bring me down 😕 I kind of just keep to myself more and avoid being here. It's hard because I like being here. I don't have a whole lot of people in my life except here. My fault cause I keep to myself and don't socialize in the real world

I just don't have good luck with listeners I guess. Boundaries or my lack of them no matter how hard I try to hold them. It's just like another reminder that I struggle with expectations - epic failure. No matter how hard I try it just never seems to be good enough - so I tuck myself farther and farther away from people

I've been standing my ground - I guess - sort of 😬 and just didn't reply to any of it because the second to last comment seems manipulative. The last one was - Idk justifying what they said. 😕 Which I struggle with that too and guilt trips and this person seems to be good at them all. I don't even know if its intentional or just how this person is - if that makes sense. Like maybe they're not aware of it? But yet if I say something about it they comment back that I don't have to worry about them 😞 sometimes I think it would just be easier if people just tell me what to do. Then I can't make the wrong decision that upset everyone. But at the same time being told what to do or not do causes me problems too. It shouldn't be this complicated - should it?

*hugs OptiBear tight again* Thank you for being here and for being so kind and gentle ❤️

Optimisticempath December 9th, 2022


*hugs back tightly * awww Soul thankyou ❤ it means so much

I really understand how difficult it feels .... you dont need to keep away from a resource for you tho because of some random people, this is your support system and you deserve to have one ❤ it is easier said than done but we can try to remove the unsupportive links of this system and keep the rest mhmm? .... it be ok to not engage anywhere you don't feel comfy with ... the struggle of finding a good listener is relatable also :/

what about the setting or maintaining boundaries usually puts it off for you? I don't think it's your job alone Soul ... you're not a failure ❤ *hugs* trying hard is not failing.

Nope it shouldn't be this hard :( the dilemma is real, between wanting to know the right thing to do and discomfort with being told about it ... some people make it so much more complicated for us I feel :/ it's very manipulative at times and we keep blaming and finding faults within ourselves.... you're the kindest, Soul always very thoughtful and caring ... and I wish more people respected that more about you and were mindful of your comfort also :(

im sorry it's been a while here :") any updates? Did they say anything post your effort of setting some boundaries and staying your ground? how are things currently?

you don't need to thank for being with you ... ofcourse I am and happy to also 🤗*hugs back tighterrr* ❤

mytwistedsoul OP December 13th, 2022

@Optimisticempath Hey Opti ❤️ We did talk about it alittle after I wrote about it here. I forget sometimes that everyone can read these posts - so - guess maybe you can tell what happened next 😬 He's being careful with things he says and I'm trying to keep in better touch. Compromise I guess? I guess it's just hard because I know he's dealing with things and I am too - so we're doing one day at a time

With setting boundaries - no was never an option before. There was consequences and in some ways I figure people wouldn't say or ask for something if they didn't need it? Idk - my thoughts are really convoluted about this subject *smh* I do better with other people's boundaries. I try anyway. Sometimes I might forget and mess up. I know I don't need much help for blaming myself or finding fault with me. That's one place I actually excel 😕

No sorries needed Opti ok? *hugs Opti tight* ❤️

Optimisticempath December 13th, 2022


aw yes D: hope it was a safe chat and not like a confrontation ... you only shared your feelings and you're allowed to ❤

um yeah a compromise sounds alright I guess 😅 it seems they really like being in touch with you, honestly Soul anyone would ... you're such a caring hooman being 🤗 hope people on their listener account know better with boundaries also ... you don't need to be doing all the hard work or taking the blame always on yourself ... you don't deserve it either ... it's a tough topic and a complicated situation fr, ik you try hard and care for everyone ... and keep doing your best... you're doing as much Soul, it's ok to sometimes mess up or falter also ... no one's perfect and again, you don't need to take blame always alone :/ ik the excelling at being a self critic thing too well also sadly ... it sucks being good at that lol 😐 for every mistake you hold yourself up for ... I'll be here to remind you that it's ok and bonus , something you suck at ... do you know you absolutely fail at being Un-kind Soul 😮You also fail at being ungrateful 😮 and you fail terribly at being a bad-friend 😮 .... in other words, you excel at being kind, grateful, and a great great friend 💕🥰 and I'll keep reminding you that whenever needed! *hugs tightterr* thankyou⛄

you look so good in your pfp hehe 🎄

barncat December 18th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul- . Sorry to hear someone was taking advantage of your kind soul as a listener. Please know how much you are valued in this community. ❤️🐴🐴❤️

mytwistedsoul OP November 25th, 2022

@NoneTheWiser Hey :) It's definitely ok to say. Thank you for such a kind and thoughtful gesture. I appreciate this so much 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 7th, 2022

Dropping off some hugs and good vibes. 🤗❤

How has Soul been?

mytwistedsoul OP December 7th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *hoards all the hugs and good vibes* 😁

Soul is - how much time do we have? lol

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 7th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul All the time Soul needs and a little more always! ❤

Hehe good luck hoarding, it's an endless supply of hugs and good vibes now! 🤗

mytwistedsoul OP December 8th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou You're allways so kind ❤️❤️

*sends endless hugs and good vibes back to Sun* 😊
