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"I might be Ok, but I'm not fine at all" My little blog (This will contain triggers)

Enchanted2024 June 14th, 2022

Heyyyyy guys, I have decided to make a little blog about me and my goal is to try and write in it everyday. This blog WILL have triggers scattered throughout it so sorry in advance

I will start with a little of my past and have a list of all my triggers i have identified so far.

TW sa, sh, su*c*de, eating disorder, abuse and probably alot more lol.

When I was in grade 3 I was sexually assaulted at school and I havn't been the same. I have been extremely careful on what I wear so it covers my body. I have tried to commit 4 times twice being the wrists, drowning and overdose for the other times. Mum is abusive because she doesn't know what happened at school so she don't know why I tried to commit. Today I also self harmed just a little bit but its still self harm and I am putting myself down for it. I dont even know why I self harm but I have been atlest once a year since my last su*c*de attempt. I have been getting awfull nightmares/flashbacks from this too so I havnt slept properly in a while lol. I am freaking out for Thursday aswell because I have a doctors appointment and I have lost so much weight its visible to me even and she some how allways can tell when I have lost weight. so I am not looking foward because mums going to be really mad after. Any way thats enough for now... See you next time and Hope u didnt get triggered. Down Bellow I have listed my triggers.

Sexual Assault

Self Harm

The colour Red

Also anyone can comment and support me! So feel free to do so!

@Listeningsarinn @Nightskypleasure @shinequeen001 @HelpfulDiamond @WarmLightXO @Londo

shinequeen001 June 14th, 2022


aww swifty, thank you so much for sharing it with us. and I'm really sorry that u had to go through a rough time. I understand how it feels and I'm always here to support you anytime u want! I'm proud of you for coming this far and I know soon you'll get over it. healing takes time and no need to rush.<3

HelpfulDiamond June 14th, 2022


Hey, Swifty. I know you went through much since we started talking, but something important I've been seeing in you is how you always try and move to the better. Even if it seems like you're really down now, you still try and fight. This is what makes you special. That you're unique, a fighter, a true fighter, a strong one so don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. I know I told you once but I'm saying it again..You're much stronger than you think. I genuinely hope everything gets better for you and I believe it will. ๐Ÿ’œ

WarmLightXO June 14th, 2022


Hi Swifty, thanks for the tag ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›

So glad you're here with us, much love ๐Ÿ’•

Nightskypleasure June 14th, 2022

@Swiftygirl13 I'm so sorry to hear that swifty but it's alright, don't worry I know you re going through so much of rough time but it will not last for ever nd eventually it will pass ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’–. Thanks for sharing your struggles . I'm proud of you for being so strong . Keep neighbors strong nd hold on. We re all here to support you in your hard times. Take good care of yourself nd always feel free to reach out for help๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’–

Enchanted2024 OP June 14th, 2022

Thank you guys are are all amazing people and I am so glad to have met u all :)

Enchanted2024 OP June 15th, 2022


A little story I wrote during my Panic Attack

Welcome to my Panic Room

There is a door just in front of her

It is open and showing a happy girl hanging with her friends,

she looks unrecognizable,

happy, free, loved, welcomed, all the things she longs to be.

Her hazel eyes are shining brighter than the stars in the night sky

her smile is wider than Saturn's rings

Her body gives off a radiant glow, brighter than the sun.

Its so close

yet so far away.

Beside her there is just empty dark space

to close for comfort but it welcomes her with open cold empty arms.

On the other side her there is a cliff with jagged sharp rock.

Its right there,

calling her name like a father calls to her daughter returning from a long trip away from home.

Its the easiest option.

All around it is dark, silent and empty.

There is a whistle of a train and it screams past her.

She watches as memories that haunt her flash past,

but it never ends,

its on a loop,

always there,

haunting her,

following her every move.

loud voices are yelling out around her

they are all so familiar,

they all are chanting insults, rude remarks, hurt, sadness, disappointment.

All the things that are her.

The pain is unbearable,

she covers her ears and screams longing for someone to save her from this never ending nightmare,

The cold empty feeling washing over her in waves,

pain stabbing at her heart,

Hurt and longing withering through her body

When she hears her own mother say those horrible words

She just want to take the easiest option

she wants to go home,

Jump and fly home, join the lost boys

and be free

never worry about upsetting

never worry about the danger

she curls into a ball crying so hard the room floods

she is drowning in her own tears

nobody to save her

all alone... lost... scared... hopeless

there is silence now,

the tears have stopped

she feels alone, cold, hurt and is longing for someone to love her no matter all her flaws.

She is still longing for it.

There is hands reaching to help her,

they prolong the urge to fly towards Never land

but only one person can save her

she has waited long enough

never land calls her to come home

all her brothers and sisters are waiting,

ready to welcome her

she will be free

but she doesnt want that

she wants her mothers love

she wants to hear the words

"I love you"

she wants to say

"I am sorry, please forgive me"

she just wants to hear the words

"I forgive you and I am sorry"

she longs to say

"I forgive you and I love you"

She wants to feel her mothers warm embrace

and be able to cry into her mothers arms like she never has before

She wants to cuddle in tight read stories

do all the things she missed growing up

she longs for her to tuck her into bed

whisper: "I love you sweet dreams and see you in the morning"

But that all seems so far away...

can she hold on much longer is the question...

The train returns and she continues to curl into a ball rocking,

muttering to her self,

"I need you mum, why cant you tell?"

she longs for a reply..

She feels a hand on her shoulder and when she looks up 7 cups sits and joins her

not letting her be alone

longing with her

holding her tight

not daring to let go

She cuddles in tight and buries her feet in the ground making sure to hold on

she continues to rock as 7 cups smothers her in hugs and comfort while she waits

but how long will that be?

Will 7 cups stay with her?

Or will they leave her with herself and the jump to Never land...

Enchanted2024 OP June 15th, 2022


Writing this stopped me from SH so I might do it more often.... Just not sharing with people I know in real life they will say I need help....


Londo June 15th, 2022


I'm glad you have a coping mechanism other than SH, and I'm sorry you felt pressured enough to resort to SH

CalmRosebud March 13th


I love it how writing helped you to not self harm. Poetry is such an expressive language and I love the way you write.

Londo June 15th, 2022


We'll stick around as long as you'll have us :)

Enchanted2024 OP June 22nd, 2022

I have been trying to distract myself a lot lately and have started following these people on social media. they post inspirational quotes or just hard facts on life..

These are just a few of them that got to me today. They are so true.

Walk away from anything that gives u bad vibes, there is no need to explain or make sense of it its ur life

pov: when ur life gives u bad vibes ๐Ÿ˜€ (this was my input on that one)

quote: God will put u back together right in front of the people who broke u

when that person is gone (also my input)

hey in case no one has told u lately, I am so proud of you, I'm proud of you for pushing through everything that ur going through. you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. And you are capable of doing anything in this world... I believe in you.

the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, and the most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see people suffer they do...

you have to let ur hurt go it's changing u. You used to seem so full of life full of joy, happiness. But now it seems like there's always something heavy on ur heart, on ur mind.

I don't think people realise how much strength it takes to pull ur own self out of a dark place mentally, and if u did that today, or any other day, I am proud of you

sometimes the reason good things aren't happening to you.. is because you are the good thing that needs to happen to other people

Brain: Ah, we are about to do it again aren't we? heart: do what? disappear. Brain: yeah you know what happens when we get this way. heart: yeah I don't think we should do it again. Brain: and why is that? Heart: because I don't know if I'll come back again...

These are quotes or reminders or facts that just are too true to go unnoticed. The world is just pushing all these away no actually I am just pushing them away. I find it hard trying to be happy again especially when I think I have to measure up to the girl that I used to be... So carefree, so full of joy, so happy. There is one good thing I know I will cherish when I come out of these times... I am able to notice when someone isn't all right and I may not know how to relate to them but I sure have a heck load of issues that I have/am facing. and a heck load more to come. I just hope after 8 years of this pain, hurt, depression, hiding, and longing to be loved I will break through soon and I will learn to love myself for who I am and remind people that they are NEVER alone. I know how it feels to be alone in a crowded room/world. We all do and we all can help each other and stick together. You are never alone when you are here. We love you all for who you are and I know you guys all love me for all I am. I want to hurry up and get over this feeling... I am ready to do what it takes. I am ready to accept my past and move on the best I can and I hope you guys can help me through it because it means opening the box I have locked deep, deep down and letting it all out. It will be hard but I have you guys to help me and I hope you will bear with me and be patient, please. I won't mean to offend anyone but Ik I will be going in and out of crisis moments but I will push through. I will get help if it comes too much and too strong. I am doing this for myself. I am doing this for my friend who I miss so very much. I miss you Sammy and I am sorry you did that trying to save me but it hurts more... I am never going to see you again until my time is up, but I will live it to the fullest and do everything we planned to do together. You will always be with me and I am so so sooo sorry please forgive me and I will be patient waiting to see you again and I won't make any shortcuts to get to you quicker. I love you so very much (friends way).

Sorry for the little rant...

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2022


Hey there, thankyou for inviting me to your little space. โค I hope you don't mind me commenting here hehe.

For starters, you never have to apologize to share your thoughts and feelings, a "rant" if you call it, is more than welcome also, this is your space after all and you're allowed to share as much or as little of whatever you want/ need to. โค I for one, am really proud of you for making this space to share, we can all use some space to ourselves and I recently came across something "I'm allowed to take up space." more like an affirmation for someone, but this one hit really hard lol, often we make ourselves believe otherwise sadly and there comes in the guilt trips of taking space. But yes, let's trace our steps back and reassure ourselves that we are indeed allowed to take as much space needed and to simply *be*. โค

I love quotes too and I believe in the power of words also, specially with quotes though, it feels as if someone before us has been there too, has experienced what we are feeling and managed to give some words to it, I feel it validates our thoughts and feelings in a way, assuring us that we aren't alone and are allowed to feel as we do.

I'm sorry for your loss, loss of a loved one changes us in so many ways ~ you are soooo allowed to be gentle and patient through the whirlwind of emotions you feel when you go back to them and the thoughts surrounding such. Sending lots of love and blessings your way, lovely. โค

I'm really proud of you for trying and wanting to accept yourself, love yourself and more. You deserve it too like any other. One step at a time, aye(?)

Enchanted2024 OP June 22nd, 2022


Thank you sun you are always welcome in here lol and ye I just say sorry for the rant to feel a bit better about it. I don't normally like sharing this since it is so personal.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2022


Yay thankyou hehe, since we'll be meeting often now though :P what's your preferred name in cups? ๐Ÿ’›

Aww and I get how it works :( completely okay to share though, you did great by letting it out. <3

Enchanted2024 OP June 22nd, 2022


Swifty is great! wbu? what can I call u?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2022


Swifty is indeed! I'm good with any nicknames really hehe, Sun works the best for most people, since it's short and sweet I think lol. Or ofcourse feel free to come up with any nickname you'd like. ๐Ÿ˜Š

tidyHickory3283 June 22nd, 2022


just say f you world!!! ๐Ÿ–•

Enchanted2024 OP June 22nd, 2022


YEssssss Hickory!!! XD

Enchanted2024 OP August 1st, 2022

Hey, I haven't posted on here for a while XD Haven't been the best tbh. I've been really overwhelmed and have been mentally and physically not good. Ummm I have been self-harming daily again for the past 2 months or something and my ED is really bad I can't remember the last time I was able (or willing) to keep my food down some days I can't even keep liquids down. Panic Attacks have been out of control Idk what else XD

Enchanted2024 OP August 8th, 2022


Ok to finish that last post off. I am not coping well and am in a bad state very often. I have tried many ways to try to lift my mood but mum took my laptop away from me unless I'm doing schoolwork so I can't even listen to music and draw to calm down and ground myself so I resort to SH without even noticing and the last time I did I harmed pretty bad. I have been considering often and it's quite scary TBH I think I am capable of doing it properly this time if I could get enough time alone but mum won't leave me home alone and is constantly checking on me if I'm in a room alone. I can't even go for a shower without her having to check on me.

HelpfulDiamond August 8th, 2022


Hey, Swifty. I'm sorry to hear you're going through that. You were having great progress but unfortunately it really went down for you which I actually didn't expect. I just want to remind you that you were able to overcome the first time and I was able to overcome a similar experience. I'm not any better than you and that's why I'm sure you'll be able to do it. Swifty, I know it's hard, and I know it's easier said than done but please stay strong ๐Ÿ’œ We all got you

Enchanted2024 OP August 8th, 2022


I'm sorry Diamond things got really bad with mum. and all then she took all tech away from me and I'm only just slowly getting it back plus older sister has been a bit of a *** to me too. I haven't had access to technology as much and that meant no music either or drawing. so there went my coping ways (safe options)

Enchanted2024 OP August 8th, 2022


still no excuse tho I just need to grow up and stop acting immature and babyish

CalmRosebud March 13th


Itโ€™s difficult when tech gets taken away. Yโ€™all young people rely on tech so much! There are people who will help you. I believe in Angels.ย 

Enchanted2024 OP March 13th


It wasn't really the fact that tech got taken so I couldn't scroll on social media that got to me it was more the fact I couldn't get to cups XD

yourbuddy30 August 9th, 2022

@Swiftygirl13 Im so sorry you had to go through so much. I wish i could be there for you. I hope you overcame that situation right?

Enchanted2024 OP August 9th, 2022


Kind of, I'm still going through a lot of it and struggling quite bad.

yourbuddy30 August 9th, 2022

@Swiftygirl13 you can always feel free to talk to me..its okay...we are here for you

Enchanted2024 OP August 9th, 2022


Thx :')

Enchanted2024 OP August 11th, 2022


Thx, as for how i'm feeling.... it's hard getting on in life atm mum not helping with it and just not great mum took away music from me soooo I don't have that anymore.

CalmRosebud March 13th


Oh dear.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 11th, 2022


*sits with Swifty* <3

Enchanted2024 OP August 11th, 2022


*sits with Sun*

Enchanted2024 OP August 11th, 2022


Hru going?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 14th, 2022


I'm doing okay, Swifty, thank you for asking. <3

Here with you, aye! How was your day? <3

Enchanted2024 OP August 14th, 2022


Thats good u doing ok (but are u fine at all? XD)

My day was yeah don't wanna think about it XD. I tried to eat though, didn't go too well but eh Ummm had a huge argument with a friend on Saturday and they threatened to tell my mum about me sh daily andddd she was coming over later that day and she did tell mum soo that was I bet very entertaining for her XD. but eh

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 15th, 2022


(Hehe yes, fine fine xD)

Aw that's really awful thing to do as a friend, being threatened to like that, after the fight and the already not so good mental health was probably the last thing you needed, I'm so sorry to hear the day didn't go okay! :/

Glad you did try to eat, despite it being a struggle for you. <3

Somedays are quite eh, we just try to hold on tight and let them pass. Hang in tight, aye?

Enchanted2024 OP August 15th, 2022


Yeah I g so XD