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Hall of Fame (TW)

xelimious December 4th, 2020

Reflections. I've come to realize the value of a journal in that you write down what you're thinking about, and in a sort of way you write, or in this case, type it out and as a result process what you're thinking about, or try to process it at least, and as a result, it'll be my best effort to update this diary of whatever I'm thinking about whenever it may be happening, in order to have some clarity of thought, I suppose. Perhaps relating to potential goals I may have, or literally anything on my mind. Trigger warning is up to be better safe than sorry, generally shouldn't be posting anything really explicit here. Let's see how long this lasts.

xelimious OP December 28th, 2020

Let people know, and they don't care, nor make an attempt to do so.

So be it.

xelimious OP December 29th, 2020

Never found what I was looking for. Perhaps I shall once I leave, or perhaps that is the fantasy of leaving.

xelimious OP December 29th, 2020

Sometimes I'm alright, sometimes I don't know.

xelimious OP December 29th, 2020

Sleeping on the floor, I don't need a bed anyways I guess.

xelimious OP December 30th, 2020

Forsaken and forlorn. What have I done?

xelimious OP December 31st, 2020

Wipe the blood of your hands.

xelimious OP January 1st, 2021

Sua Sponte

Of one's own accord.

xelimious OP January 1st, 2021

Don't trust in others, there's no one listening. Make way for yourself.

xelimious OP January 1st, 2021



Wonder how I'll manage this year

xelimious OP January 8th, 2021

Poor plan is going into action.

This won't really affect literally anyone, seeing as the state of my wellbeing has no bearing on anyone in this world.

I'll try not to die, and hey, I might even have a few good times.

Farewell for now.

xelimious OP January 12th, 2021

Likely my last post.

Leaving tomorrow, farewell to all.

barncat January 12th, 2021

@xelimious- I have followed your thread- am trying to read into this farewell- whether it is a cry for help- or a lliteral done with posting- just wanted you to know someone has been listening- and to acknowledge your value in this world.

xelimious OP January 12th, 2021


Thank you, that does mean a lot.

I said that it's my last post as I'm running away tomorrow, and more likely than not I won't have availability to log in and post.

Much appreciated, do not know how long I may be gone for but will try to figure something out.

xelimious OP February 11th, 2021

A lot has happened in a short period of time.

I was in a temporary group home environment, awaiting placement to either a more permanent group home or a foster home. I got placement in a foster home. Right now I would definitely prefer a group home and I'm considering doing something incredibly stupid in order to move to a group home instead. I do not care if I'll have less freedom.

xelimious OP February 11th, 2021

They wish for me to go into therapy. I am unsure how to respond to this, though I have agreed for now and am awaiting that I guess, I do not see how it could help. Apparently I am very detatched, but how could they possibly know?

xelimious OP February 11th, 2021

'They' as in the agency, I also do not appreciate how they just changed my agency and I therefore got a new case planner. I did not want that to happen. I kind of just want to go back to the group home environment I was in a few days ago. Easier. Structured.

xelimious OP February 12th, 2021

I am contemplating an incredibly stupid action in order to enact change.

xelimious OP February 12th, 2021

I have waited far too long. Wish me luck.

xelimious OP February 13th, 2021

Try again tonight. Do not falter.

xelimious OP February 1st, 2022

I did it. I successfully ran away to NYC, and after about a year of living in psychiatric wards and foster homes I'm now in a group home, and it's all right. I'm 18 now but still under the child protection agency, when I first came here I experienced a sexual assault and hence all the mental issues the past year. I feel better now although I've only been out of the hospital and in the group home for a week now, I applied for a few jobs and applied to volunteer at a few local hospitals.

xelimious OP February 1st, 2022

Looking over this thread I can see how my mindset has changed over time. It is surreal to be able to recognize this and I never thought having a diary would bring such reward. I will now use it to give life updates and possibly other miscellaneous topics.

Sometimes I feel like somewhat of a failure, seeing as I have so much free time on my hands and I'm not doing anything with that time. I have recently tried to rectify this by applying to volunteer at two local hospitals and applied for a job, now I just have to await a response.

xelimious OP February 2nd, 2022

One of the hospitals have reached out asking for my employment/volunteer experience and once I told them they didn't contact me back, either they're reviewing or they don't want me. Time will tell I suppose.

xelimious OP February 3rd, 2022

I have the opportunity to speak with a Rabbi tomorrow and on the 7th regarding my conversion.

Looking forward to moving forward.

xelimious OP February 8th, 2022

It's a shame this site doesn't have more Hebrew support available.

xelimious OP February 14th, 2022

אהבה באה?

Probably not, time will tell I suppose.