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RainbowRosie February 16th

Hi there fellow IDG folk šŸ˜€ I hope youā€™re all well.

Iā€™d like to talk about ā€˜Optimismā€™ = The ability to sustain and communicate a sense of hope, positive attitude and confidence In the possibility of meaningful change.

I see myself as an optimistic person or at least try to be. Ā I know there have been times when my optimism has pulled me through some difficult situations but equally there have been other times when itā€™s ā€¦dipped šŸ˜•. Ā When this happens I can go quietā€¦take myself off somewhere ā€¦maybe just read a bookā€¦not want to talk about how I feel with anyoneā€¦other times I want to talkā€¦I want to ventā€¦(thanks to family and friends who have put up with my moaning šŸ˜†). Other times Iā€™ve taken the dog outā€¦.he never complains about another walk šŸ¶ or even my moaning poor ladā€¦Before long the fresh air gets into my lungs and itā€™s then when out and aboutā€¦my head begins to feel lighterā€¦I begin to feel less stressed. Itā€™s then I see things for what they are and my mind begins to change. Itā€™s like the sun has come out behind a cloud and I begin to feel more positive and optimistic ā˜€ļø. I also now journal, just for a couple of minutes each day. Iā€™ve found it very therapeutic and quite look forward to putting my thoughts into paper.Ā 

Ok, question time;

1. What works for you when circumstances are such that you feel you donā€™t hold much optimism?Ā 

2. I love quotes especially positive quotes. Hereā€™s some of mine below but please feel free to let me know one of yours?Ā 

šŸŒ¹ ā€˜The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to beā€™.

šŸŒ¹ ā€˜The question isnā€™t who is going to let me, itā€™s who is going to stop meā€™.

The next two always make me smile šŸ˜€

šŸŒ¹ ā€˜Whatever you do, always give 100%, unless youā€™re donating bloodā€™ šŸ˜‚

šŸŒ¹ ā€˜The key to happiness is a positive mindset, a great sense of humour..and a lot of chocolateā€™ šŸ˜‚

On a more serious note; Please remember whatever youā€™re going through itā€™s important to feel our emotionsā€¦and tomorrowĀ is another dayā€¦

šŸŒ¹ Rosie šŸŒ¹

exquisiteGrace9695 August 24th

@RainbowRosieĀ When circumstances are such that I feel I donā€™t hold much optimism.. I still try to look at the bright side, and question myself how can things still go in my favor to get what i want.

RainbowRosie OP August 26th


Hi Grace. I think thatā€™s it, as sometimes we donā€™t always quite know how things will turn out. Having that positivity helps get us through. So nice when a plan comes right though. Thanks so much for commenting šŸŒ¹

Anooshay September 11th

@RainbowRosie Hello, Rosie! šŸŒ–

Your optimistic journey is quite motivating. When my optimism wanes, I find that spending time with creative activities or interacting with encouraging friends makes me feel better. In terms of sayings, I adore this one:

šŸŒ¹ "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." šŸŒ¹

Remain upbeat and continue to shine!

RainbowRosie OP September 12th

Thereā€™s nothing better than creative activities or spending time with friends. They both help us have some much needed fun and gives us time to recharge.

Thanks for the quote ā¤ļø and for commenting šŸŒ¹

BeesOnFlowers September 11th


Sometimes it can be hard to stay positive! Too many of my surgeries were spent trying to squash the pessimism and feed the hope- but I've found a trick along the way:
Pretend you're an angel talking to a person in your position.

For so long, I've had to lay by myself and close my eyes while thinking about all the things I'd want someone to hope for and think if they were in my position.Ā 
'I'm so grateful you live in a time where modern medicine has come so far!' 'This will be the one, I just know it will!' 'We've come so far and gained so much, this is just another experience for the bag!' 'You'll have this experience to pass down the knowledge of to others around you!'

Just thinking about what the most positive creature in the universe might think up is an effective way for me to stay optimistic!Ā 

RainbowRosie OP September 12th

Hi Bee,

Yes, I agree as it can be difficult to stay positive. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. You deal with a great deal yourself and are here offering support to others, You are certainly an angel! I wish you the best šŸŒ¹