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RainbowRosie February 16th

Hi there fellow IDG folk šŸ˜€ I hope youā€™re all well.

Iā€™d like to talk about ā€˜Optimismā€™ = The ability to sustain and communicate a sense of hope, positive attitude and confidence In the possibility of meaningful change.

I see myself as an optimistic person or at least try to be. Ā I know there have been times when my optimism has pulled me through some difficult situations but equally there have been other times when itā€™s ā€¦dipped šŸ˜•. Ā When this happens I can go quietā€¦take myself off somewhere ā€¦maybe just read a bookā€¦not want to talk about how I feel with anyoneā€¦other times I want to talkā€¦I want to ventā€¦(thanks to family and friends who have put up with my moaning šŸ˜†). Other times Iā€™ve taken the dog outā€¦.he never complains about another walk šŸ¶ or even my moaning poor ladā€¦Before long the fresh air gets into my lungs and itā€™s then when out and aboutā€¦my head begins to feel lighterā€¦I begin to feel less stressed. Itā€™s then I see things for what they are and my mind begins to change. Itā€™s like the sun has come out behind a cloud and I begin to feel more positive and optimistic ā˜€ļø. I also now journal, just for a couple of minutes each day. Iā€™ve found it very therapeutic and quite look forward to putting my thoughts into paper.Ā 

Ok, question time;

1. What works for you when circumstances are such that you feel you donā€™t hold much optimism?Ā 

2. I love quotes especially positive quotes. Hereā€™s some of mine below but please feel free to let me know one of yours?Ā 

šŸŒ¹ ā€˜The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to beā€™.

šŸŒ¹ ā€˜The question isnā€™t who is going to let me, itā€™s who is going to stop meā€™.

The next two always make me smile šŸ˜€

šŸŒ¹ ā€˜Whatever you do, always give 100%, unless youā€™re donating bloodā€™ šŸ˜‚

šŸŒ¹ ā€˜The key to happiness is a positive mindset, a great sense of humour..and a lot of chocolateā€™ šŸ˜‚

On a more serious note; Please remember whatever youā€™re going through itā€™s important to feel our emotionsā€¦and tomorrowĀ is another dayā€¦

šŸŒ¹ Rosie šŸŒ¹

Countrygirl095 February 18th

@RainbowRosie I'm doing good rainbow roses and I just want to say I'm rooting for you

RainbowRosie OP February 19th


Hi there Stomping šŸ˜€. Thanks for your reply.Ā 

You have a great profile there šŸŒ¹

Countrygirl095 February 19th

@RainbowRosie thank you

Daybyday64 February 18th

@rainbowrosie.... I found a lot of times that happiness is just having something to look forward to. And I suppose the same could be said for optimism

Tinywhisper11 March 14th

@Daybyday64 yep! That's right ā¤ā¤ we all need something to look forward to, gives you a sense of happiness, excitment. ā¤ā¤

warmMemory6263 February 18th


Hey Rosie,

1. What works for you when circumstances are such that you feel you donā€™t hold much optimism?Ā 

When I feel I don't hold much optimism in circumstances, I like to maintain positive view on it still and try to make the best of the situation even though it was not ideal.

2. I love quotes especially positive quotes. Hereā€™s some of mine below but please feel free to let me know one of yours?Ā 

I love these quote by Maya Angelou:Ā 

  • ā€œWhen someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.ā€Ā 
  • ā€œDo the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.ā€ ā™„ļøĀ 

RainbowRosie OP February 19th


Hi there warmMemory šŸ˜€.

I like how your try to maintain a positive view, making the best out of a less than ideal situation. It ties in well with your second quote about doing your best until you know better.Ā 

Thanks so much for replying šŸŒ¹

daydreammemories March 8th


Hi, i hope you're doing okay šŸ˜Š

Well abou the first question, i would say i take myself time to calm down, to walk a bit, read, or listen to music. Then i will be able to see the horizons clearer.

About the second, i read this somewhere and i liked it " you healed your wounds instead of spreading the pain, that's strength "Ā 

Tinywhisper11 March 14th

@daydreammemories that's a awsome quote ā¤ā¤ gives you a giant tiny hug ā¤

daydreammemories March 14th


šŸ„°Thank you

CJHere2Help March 12th


Hey Rosie,

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  I would like to think of myself as a relatively optimistic person, but there are times when it may be hard to remain optimistic. Whenever I'm struggling to be optimistic, I try to think about the light at the end of the tunnel. For example, I am currently in the process of trying to get into a doctoral program for clinical psychology, but the acceptance rate is very low. I sometimes think I may not get in since it is so competitive. But I know that getting rejected won't stop me from trying again; I will take time to work towards strengthening my application and try again the following year. Knowing that I have the ambition to keep going despite setbacks helps me maintain my optimism. I try my best to inspire this mindset in others. To go with the "light at the end of the tunnel" I mentioned before, here is one of my favorite quotes:

"Sometimes you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will get to a better place."

- Uncle Iroh

Tinywhisper11 March 14th

@CJHere2Help awww that's a awsome goal. Your a amazing person, just for wanting to go into that line of work. So thankyou ā¤ā¤ good luck with everything ā¤ā¤ I hope your goals and hard work pays off. ā¤ hugs you tightly ā¤

RainbowRosie OP March 15th


Hi CJ. I l just love your determination. I agree, it can sometimes feel that something is just that bit out of our reach ā€¦.so keeping that optimism can be hard to sustain. We have to keep going and working at it.

Like Tiny says, itā€™s an awesome goal to have. Thanks so much for commenting, much appreciated.Ā 

I wish you the very best for the future, you deserve it šŸŒ¹

RainbowRosie OP March 15th


Thanks also for the quote, Iā€™ll remember this one for when I need it šŸ˜€

Tinywhisper11 March 14th

@RainbowRosie I definitely try to stay optimistic. I believe positivity runs through my bodyšŸ˜ yep! My blood type is B positivešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'm a bit of a joker I like to have a laugh. But when I struggle to keep my smile, 7 cups is the place that helps me ā¤ quote - happiness is not a destination, it's a way of life

RainbowRosie OP March 15th


Hi Tiny. Hahaā€¦thatā€™s great to hear. I love to laugh myself as itā€™s no good being serious all the time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Whereā€™s the fun in that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Ā Laughing is so good for us. Thanks for commenting, your post made me smile šŸ˜€šŸ˜€ā¤ļøā¤ļø

DipityEnigma March 22nd


1. What works for you when circumstances are such that you feel you donā€™t hold much optimism?Ā 

Focusing on my passions helps me a lot. If I don't feel optimistic about something, I'll focus on what I do feel optimistic of and it helps to drown out the negative thoughts I have about the main problem I am facing. I also give myself rewards for completing a difficult task, even if it's something as simple as a piece of cheesecake. It feels so much more rewarding.

2. I love quotes especially positive quotes. Hereā€™s some of mine below but please feel free to let me know one of yours?Ā 

Ignoring a problem only allows it to grow and fester. Face the problem before it becomes too much.

RainbowRosie OP March 24th


Hi DipityEnigma. Thank you so much for your reply. I find it so encouraging Ā learning how other people deal with issues. Itā€™s interesting to hear how you shift your focus to get the desired result. This is something that works for me too, especially with the promise of a nice treat ā¤ļø.Ā 

NicoletteF March 26th


Hello! When I am feeling a little down, I have found that it is best for me to surround myself with loved ones within my friends and family. Additionally, I have found that it is helpful for me to watch movies/TV and to read books, as these outlets help me to take my mind off of whatever may be troubling me at the time.Ā 

RainbowRosie OP March 27th


Hi Nicolette. I think thatā€™s a good tonic, nothing better than a bit of TLC and a good movie ā¤ļø. Hope you are well and thanks so much for your reply. Take care, Rosie šŸŒ¹

Sompo2402 April 25th


Hi Rosie! It's great to hear how you approach optimism and navigate through challenging times. Here are some thoughts on your questions:

When I'm feeling low on optimism, I find that taking a step back and focusing on self-care helps. This can be anything from going for a walk, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in a hobby I enjoy. Sometimes, talking to a friend or loved one can also provide a fresh perspective and lift my spirits.

love your quotes! One of my favorites is, "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity" by Albert Einstein. It reminds me to look for the silver lining in challenging situations and to see them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and positivity!

RainbowRosie OP April 25th


Hi Sompo. I agree, just taking that step back and focusing on self care can do us the world of good. Hobbies are a great way to relax and distract us too.Ā 

Thank you for the quote, Iā€™ll remember this one. Thanks so much for commenting and have a great day šŸŒ¹

Callmemav April 30th


Hey that was very inspiringĀ 

RainbowRosie OP May 1st


Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated šŸŒ¹

IagoParis May 6th

Hello Rosie, very interesting :)

Me feeling down usually happens when I'm getting overwhelmed, so for me what it works is to stop and to do nothing. Feeling my body (like caressing my hands, for example) helps me better by taking my attention away from my thoughts.

With respect to quotes, they are somewhat more about compassion, but I think they fit here too:

- "I respect myself in this process"

- "May I live with ease"

RainbowRosie OP May 9th


Hi lago. I agree as when I feel so very overwhelmed it can certainly bring me down. By stopping and doing nothing can be ā€˜groundingā€™ and gives time for some ease, some compassion and space for ourselves. Thanks so much for replying šŸŒ¹

delicateMonkey May 17th


I find that it is difficult for me to hold optimism when things go the way I don't want them to. I am a big planner and very routine, so when the reality doesn't match my ideal, it can be difficult to cope with.

"My troubles are only temporary. Favor and rejoicing are mine forever."

RainbowRosie OP June 23rd


I hear you. It can be so very disappointing when something doesnā€™t turn out the way weā€™d hoped. It can certainly leave us feeling underwhelmed and totally lacking optimism.Ā 

Two great quotes, the first one I certainly remind myself of now and then. Thanks so much for your reply and sending apologies for the delay in responding, Iā€™d only just seen it šŸ˜€šŸŒ¹

ScorpiaD June 28th

@RainbowRosie I like to see myself as an optimistic person as well. I always try to see better outcome on things even if it doesn't always happen for the better.

RainbowRosie OP June 28th


Thatā€™s good to hear, even when the chips are down you still try to maintain your positivity.

Thanks so much for replying and I wish you a great weekend ā¤ļøšŸŒ¹

ScorpiaD June 28th

@RainbowRosie I hope you have a great weekend as well!

CreativeKombucha July 25th


I always tell myself that I am going to get through the rough time.

RainbowRosie OP July 29th


Itā€™s good you remind yourself of this. Being positive through the rough times isnā€™t always easy. Have a good week and thanks so much for commenting šŸ˜€šŸŒ¹

seaturtle54 July 31st


1. I usually think about God's plan and trust that everything will work out. I also try to just relax, take deep breaths, and think good thoughtsĀ šŸ˜„

2. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison

I love the quotes you included by the way!

RainbowRosie OP August 6th


Yes definitely. Ā Plenty of deep breaths, they do help.Ā 

Thanks for commenting and posting the quote. Itā€™s not one Iā€™ve heard of, but Iā€™m a bit of a ā€˜collector of quotesā€™, lol.Ā 

Wishing you a good week šŸ˜€šŸŒ¹

seaturtle54 August 6th


You're so sweet, thanks for replying! Wishing you a good week too :)


1- I try to think of life as a game and negative events as difficult levels so i know that at the end of that level, i get a huge bonus

2- "Change does not come unless you grab opportunity by hand and never let go."

"Luck is What you make of it"

RainbowRosie OP August 18th


Hi Luffy. Thatā€™s a good way of dealing with things. Life at times can certainly feel like a game with its ups and downs, twists and turns.

Thanks so much for your reply and wishing you a good week ahead šŸŒ¹šŸ˜€

Paul07 August 19th

When I feel like I'm lacking optimism, I personally like to listen to classical music as I find it soothing and it puts me in a state of mind where I feel like my negative thoughts just dissipate, allowing me to feel ready for optimism!

RainbowRosie OP August 21st

Hi Paul, oh yesā€¦.definitelyā€¦as listening to music can be so soothing and leave us feeling calm šŸŽµšŸŽµ Iā€™m not sure I could live without music! ā¤ļøā¤ļø thanks so much for your reply šŸŒ¹