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[Photograph Challenge] - Nature Clicks

FrenchMarbles August 20th, 2022

Hello all, after two whole weeks of being off having an exciting vacation, @SpritelyStrawfruit and I came up with a wonderful challenge!

Nature Clicks - ALL forms of Nature is accepted.

(including ducks)

EmbStitcher33 August 20th, 2022

I took this one on the East shore of Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin a
few years back when we went there purposely to get some great
pictures - with no trees and hills in the way (Wisconsin is known for
lots of both) - of the Traverse of Venus, in front of the Sun.

Willofheart August 21st, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 That looks like the perfect place to unwind and relax! Beautiful beautiful sunset 💛

MistyMagic August 23rd, 2022

@FrenchMarbles Great to have you back!


(whats wrong with ducks?)

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Willofheart August 23rd, 2022

@MistyMagic hey look! A Duck! XD

HealingTalk August 25th, 2022


Beautiful composition!

It shows your great aesthetic sensibility,

I like the stark contrast and the gentle curve of his neck.

hopefulSmiles6137 August 23rd, 2022


hopefulSmiles6137 August 23rd, 2022

@hopefulSmiles6137 _1661273603.b_nfQkAJZZgkgt9JyVP4pYdOIYl.jpg

HealingTalk August 25th, 2022



I love those photos that capture a crucial moment!

Being static conveys so much dynamism!


HealingTalk August 23rd, 2022


Dark clouds, a sun ray illuminating just 1 butte, and a tiny rainbow in Monument Valley, USA


mytwistedsoul August 24th, 2022

@HealingTalk This is amazing! So beautiful!

HealingTalk August 24th, 2022


Thank you!

It was just an instant, and I had my camera ready...

Heather225 August 25th, 2022


absolutely breathtaking

HealingTalk August 25th, 2022


Thank you Heather!

Was 95% good luck and 5% fast reflexes.

MistyMagic August 26th, 2022

@HealingTalk the perfect moment captured for all time! Brilliant!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

HealingTalk August 26th, 2022


Thank you!

Just before I was very disappointed. Such an amazing place, but it suddenly became very dark, covered with rain clouds, and a thin rain started. It's not supposed to rain In such a huge utterly dry desert.

But then Nature gave me that gift for an instant, and my photography self became very gratified and grateful.

jasishereforallofu August 24th, 2022

@FrenchMarbles _1661339050.IMG_20220823_193146.jpg

jasishereforallofu August 24th, 2022

@FrenchMarbles 💕 _1661339070.IMG_20220823_193132.jpg

jasishereforallofu August 24th, 2022

@FrenchMarbles 🌸_1661339099.IMG_20220814_172541.jpg

MistyMagic August 26th, 2022

@jasmineishereforu i love your photos, and the flower is so pretty, do you know what it is? Have you tried google lens to find out?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

jasishereforallofu August 26th, 2022

@MistyMagic I didn't but i will try and find out ❤️

EmbStitcher33 August 26th, 2022


EmotionsListener August 26th, 2022

I love taking pictures of clouds...


MistyMagic August 26th, 2022

@EmotionsListener so do I, have you ever tried cloud reading? This last picture would be a good painting too!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

EmotionsListener August 26th, 2022


When it comes to cloud reading I mostly do that only in the sense of using the formation of clouds to predict the coming weather. But I have also done the more fun searching for meaning in the clouds, for example in the picture above I can see a 'dragon' (right) climbing up onto the darker cloud on the left. In theory dragons are like a strong power and success symbol... So as I was sitting by the water looking up at those clouds and thinking of my partner and such I'm seeing the success of being with her soon. 😆

I suppose that would make for a nice painting. I mostly love to get pictures where you can see the sunlight escaping around the cloud.

EmbStitcher33 August 28th, 2022


Funny you should say that... "that this picture could be a painting." When I look through my viewfinder, my objective is to paint a picture with what I take... sort of 'see the picture' before I click. Sometimes it works really well, sometimes I just take a snapshot. But in some situations, I really try to paint that picture. 😊

EmotionsListener August 29th, 2022


I do try to frame pictures when I take them as well, not sure other's appreciate my efforts but I do. :D

modestKiwi7021 August 27th, 2022

Like this if you like space and astronomy

MyNameIsNicole August 27th, 2022


Hi, this is a picture I took of a river:

_1661617565.river is blue.jpeg

(just joking, frenchie took it :p)

Positron2 August 28th, 2022

Sierra Nevada Mountains


mytwistedsoul August 28th, 2022

@Positron2 This is awesome!

HealingTalk August 28th, 2022


Oh! Those are so beautiful, so well captured and so uplifting!

Nature makes some gorgeous things...

Your photos made me feel better by taking the time to look in detail at each one.

August 29th, 2022


Thank you so much. It means a lot to me ☺️ Which picture do you like best? My favorite photo is the one with the brown butterfly. I really enjoyed taking that one. I always find it difficult to get a butterfly or a moth to stop for a photo, so this memory will last a lifetime. After taking this pic, I went home and looked for an article about encountering brown butterflies. I like to decipher things, especially when trying to interact with animals/insects, and I found something that made my day. Here's the link

HealingTalk August 29th, 2022


Yes, having such a beautiful butterfly posing for you is such a unique opportunity! Once in a lifetime!

I love it because it shows so well the intricate, exquisite drawing patterns on her wings, and her head is also well defined. Even taking into account the loss of detail due to uploading. The original must be stunning!

I didn't know they have such a deep spiritual meaning. The article is very interesting and revealing.

I do see butterflies as metaphors for the soul, and their life cycle, so different from that of our branch of Animalia (they grow first, then differentiate) as the archetype of personal transformation.

The one I like the most is Nr. 12, an Hibiscus flower I guess, with five large pink petals, its stigma and anthers at the forefront, some dew drops on the petals, and a budding flower to the right.

It is such a powerful expression of Life and Beauty!

Congratulations on taking such gorgeous and meaningful photographs.

You certainly have a particular sensibility and affinity with Nature.

You are good friends...

August 29th, 2022


I agree that a camera can only capture certain things, and looking at them face to face is definitely a different experience.👌

Thanks for taking the time to read the link I sent you and look in detail at the images I uploaded. I am glad you like the hibiscus, it's one of my favorites too.☺️

You seem to be someone who understands things to a great degree. It's nice to have someone so thoughtful appreciate your work. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. Your positivity is contagious.💛

HealingTalk August 30th, 2022


You are welcome!

Your beautiful photos captured my attention...

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UniversalSmile August 29th, 2022

Your flowers pictures are very beautiful!! It's really nice seeing pictures of tropical flowers here❤

August 29th, 2022


Thank you 😊

August 28th, 2022



joyousArrow2499 August 28th, 2022

@FrenchMarbles _1661709779.IMG_20180601_182545-EFFECTS-01.jpeg

slowdecline48 August 29th, 2022

Would a cloudshot count for "nature clicks"?


In Advance of Hurricane Elsa

July 2021