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Announcement!! New Criteria to join group support rooms going live!

ASilentObserver January 9th, 2020

*Attention 7Cuppers*

As you all probably read my earlier post on the criteria changes to join group support rooms! Today, we will be going live at 3 pm ET.

On Jan 09, 2020 (Thursday) at 3 pm ET, new criteria to join rooms will be launched.

I hope many of you able to join the Group Support Rooms. If some unable to, please read the criteria to join rooms here and take the actions to complete the tasks and earn the badges to unlock the rooms.

Also, I request the community to ensure a compassionate and respectful environment and participation. It is a trial phase and after two weeks, we will be following up to make necessary changes to keep our Group Support Rooms safe and moderated for all. So, make efforts to keep the rooms safer and respectful for everyone.

Thank you all for the good teamwork.


2. Also, we launched the Text Description to explain what you need to unlock rooms. It is only supported in Web Browser right now and not applicable for 7 Cups App.

Here is how it works when you log in through browser - When you log in to your account and in case you unable to join Group Support, you will see something like this -


And, when you click on it, it will show you the information on what you need to do to get rooms unlocked-


We introduced this feature for both member and listener accounts!

Read the first post here!

Shearwater January 10th, 2020

I would have to leave this site, all thanks to update. Ern badges, then swear an oath - what's next? Swear an oath to swear an oath, swear about swering on swearing? having 100 badges to be able to participate?

It's all about un-needed bureaucracy. Site owners may be fine with that, I am not.

Bye-bye :(

ASilentObserver OP January 10th, 2020

Sorry to hear about it! But we not doing any bureaucracy but trying to ease the process while keeping rooms moderated and safe too for everyone!

Cloud13 January 10th, 2020


Cloud13 January 10th, 2020


28smiles4you January 10th, 2020

@ASilentObserver this is so confusing to someone who truly needs help and is maybe not so focused @ this point in there lives. Some in fact have become dependent upon a group or certain person in these chatrooms in order to succeed. I hope that 7cups can better explain how to unlock the support that some may find very crucial. I appreciate this site a great deal and hope to be able to use it whenever is necessary, but constant changes disrupt the genuine efforts involved on my path to wellness. I appreciate all the staffs time and engery put forth to help those in need.

sincerely 28smiles

ASilentObserver OP January 10th, 2020

@28smiles4you We have introduced that feature with this change Smiles. When you are unable to join rooms, you will see something like this for your account- 68c11333c797cdf3fbf483fc740bfe40.png

And, when you click on it, it will show you the information on what you need to do to get rooms unlocked-


At present, the above feature only available in Web Browser mode. Due to technical constraints, it is not available for 7Cups App

Lifer January 10th, 2020


Good Morning. Where do I find these directions? Thanks for your help.

ASilentObserver OP January 10th, 2020

@Lifer I hope you able to see it here -

Lifer January 10th, 2020

I agree! I LOVE 7cups, it helped me survive a terrible time in my life and continues to support me. But when I need people to chat with, I need them right then and there. I can't plan when that's going to happen. And though I appreciate listeners, it's the chatrooms, even the limited chatrooms, that continue to help me. I've made new friends there as I continue to search and value old ones. I feel immediately connected when I'm in a chatroom. Please bring them back.

ASilentObserver OP January 10th, 2020

@Lifer Are you on app or web browser to use 7Cups?

goldenSummer1863 January 16th, 2020


I agree. I'm not interested in talking to a listener, I have a therapist for that. I enjoy the group chats and they've really helped me out.

Pinkie00 January 10th, 2020

@ASilentObserver I am not seeing this Option ? I can see the same rooms like I have been and that is it..

ASilentObserver OP January 10th, 2020

@Tulipdancer What all rooms visible to you? Tulip. Can you please let me know?

As per your profile, you have all the badges to access rooms, so I think you can see it.

Pinkie00 January 10th, 2020

@ASilentObserver Thank you , I now have them !!! :)

lilmango January 10th, 2020

Sigh, how is member oath as a forum post reasonable use of anyone

ASilentObserver OP January 10th, 2020

@lilmango I hear you, Mango and appreciate all the support lately in the rooms.

But, Member Oath is just like a reminder that we understand our community guidelines and comply with it while being supportive to our fellow community members.

You are supportive and I hope you understand how important it is for our group support rooms that whosoever joining us, treat us with the same respect and compassion the way we providing them.

I understand this can be an inconvenience to many of our community members and my apologies for it. But our intentions are to provide better and safe support to all and not cause disturbance.

lilmango January 10th, 2020


I understand the goal here. In fact, I prefer the rooms to be safe and respectful. I question however if a C&P on a forum post is helping to reach the desired goal. I would assume its mostly a waste of time for everyone involved in the process (posting and processing/maintaining the post, and badge management).

ASilentObserver OP January 10th, 2020

@lilmango Well I hear you Mango. See it as setting expectations with our community members. I hear you it is not the best way. But, I believe we will figure out the better way together. heart

January 10th, 2020

@ASilentObserver Thanks for the update

ASilentObserver OP January 10th, 2020

@Magicallykermit58 Thankk you kermit

Dudereino75 January 11th, 2020

Cant find the group chat. Was in a state of panic and not able to read and navigate properly. Needed to chat. This made it impossible.

ASilentObserver OP January 11th, 2020

@Dudereino75 I messaged you Dude. Please check your message box

SuperDiamond January 11th, 2020

I take member oath

RarelyCharlie January 11th, 2020

@SuperDiamond See this message from Laura on October 15th last year: So Long 7 Cups....A Message from Laura

(Maybe if would be useful if someone could update Laura's profile?)


CrazyStairs January 11th, 2020

@ASilentObserver where do i find the oath at?

LexIris January 11th, 2020


ah this is better! thanks for the update obs! :D

Lifer January 11th, 2020

Thanks for opening all of the rooms! I'm so happy! Thank you!!!

UnicornsandRainbowsQueen January 12th, 2020


Moky January 12th, 2020


"Easy to Join Group Support Rooms NOW! Today I am here to share GREAT news with you. I hope you will feel delighted to hear it."

..... is this a bad joke of some sort?

I click on the notification for a new announcement. I land on a forum post. That forum post starts with "As you all probably read my earlier post on the criteria changes to join group support rooms!" I click on that link as well. I land on the second page of a forum thread. I click to get to the first page of that forum thread. I read that as well. I click on the next link to the member oath that I found out I now need. I land on a post from 2014. I copy the text of the oath to post my answer. I find out that it is impossible to copypaste it into the box as I am on my phone using the app. And that it is also impossible to type out the entire oath because I would have to switch back and forth between the segments all the time as I cannot remember the entire oath all in one go. I give up. After the first anger has passed, I get on my laptop. Which causes me significant back pain at the moment. To do all the steps again.


I contacted Obs some week or two before and said that the site is impossible to navigate, it is extremely difficult and frustrating to try and keep up with the changes and unmanageable for a new member or stressed people to figure out how things work and what you need to do to gain information. Specifically what you need to do to gain information when you have a problem with the site. Obs responded with an "I hear you" and "we are going to do what we can to change this". Now its just become worse.

Instead of implementing a few actual changes to the navigation of the site, like setting up a new tab in the navigation menu that summarizes the changes and what you need to do to gain access. Or making the member oath a default that everyone has to agree to when signing up or logging in for the first time after the changes, we get this odyssey. Instead of working on the site, you make everyone else work for support. This does not help members or the site in any way. It just helps to keep and drive people away and 7Cups to an early grave.

I have to say I am by now truly bitter over the ongoing, headless, and less than half-baked changes. I usually don't pull out the joining date card, but I've been here since 2014 and seen quite a bit of change on this site. 7Cups has helped me tremendously to get my life in a better direction and to get through some severe periods of crisis. The site no longer can though. Not because the people would have changed so much. But because the site has become impossible to use. From my point of view, there are major, significant changes that do not work in any way yet are implemented without any actual warning or input from the community taken into account beforehand. I am truly frustrated with the situation. And I cannot see how the whole array of hoops that we now have to jump through to get access to vital support systems will help to attract new members to the site or keep old ones. Yet alone improve the situation.

Sour greetings


EvelyneRose January 12th, 2020


Moky I hear you and just wanted to say if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to PM me.

Methodic January 13th, 2020


I agree with you. I actually just joined recently and sort of understood that I had to earn my way to groups, but did not know how. Now after following the so called steps to oath, I can not cut and paste, type the long message either. I have never used my computer for 7cups, but since the only thing I can do here for a while u til I apparently talk to a number or listeners I really see no point in continuing with 7cups.

The site nav, and the fact that only 1 or 3 listeners I have spoken to actually had any value. What is the point of the site?

So, I am going to give it another try for a few days, if the listeners are still poor (1 left me hanging, 1 was fine, and 1 was to tired to talk but assuming they have woken in the past 3 days never followed up) and I can't get in to any real discussions this week, I won't be back.

Just like my life, no one will miss me.

Fablechampion January 15th, 2020


Lena1224 January 16th, 2020

@Moky please help me... I can't access to the support group anymore.. How can I?

misskendra January 15th, 2020

How do i earn honest voice by leaving review for listener. I cant unlock my group chats!!!

AffyAvo January 16th, 2020

@misskendra Have you rated and reviewed any of the listeners you have spoken with? There was a glitch with the honest voice badge not being retroactively rewarded, but you don't appear to have any in the series that tend to come afterwards.

You can go back to previous chats, as long as the listeners still have active accounts and write a review and give a rating (both are required together now).

misskendra January 16th, 2020

@AffyAvo how do i give a rating? Is it the nominate badge?

AffyAvo January 16th, 2020

@misskendra Go to my chats, from there bring up any of your previous chats.

Click the star, it brings up a popup where you write your review and check the number of stars for a rating.

heartsong11 January 16th, 2020


Hello! I haven't yet received a check mark in the "honest voice" box, but I did leave a review for my Listener. Is there something else I'm missing? Thanks for your help.

RarelyCharlie January 16th, 2020

@heartsong11 As a listener I've found that reviews can take several days to be processed, because someone has to read all the reviews, and positive and negative reviews are handled differently. For example, one week I didn't take any chats at all, and at the end of that week two reviews appeared. They must have been for chats from a week or more before.

Therefore I think it's possible you will only get your badge when your review is completely processed, and that could take a few days.
