Hi, fine that you found me here and decided to come to my account. You are welcome. I myself am a survivor of sexual assault, so I know it can be a hard struggle to deal with that trauma sometimes.
My actual new main issue to support together with sexual assault recovery awareness, prevention and recovery is awareness, prevention and exit support from sects and similar groups and institutions.
For all female fellow listeners, and expecially for the new ones: I know that sometimes here are some guys strolling around, that try to get sexting or inappropriate chats with you. If you got insulted that way, fell free and welcome to contact me. I will support you with that issue and with getting rid of them, despite of the fact that is clearly forbidden in the rules of 7cups of tea. If you are new and need help with the functions of 7 cups I can help you to report them. Not let them demotivate you please. Your service as listener here is so valuable. Greeting from me to you. :)
My other very important (but not only) issue is supporting survivors of sexual violence. Were you affected with victim blaming in any way? I know that sucks. Please don´t belive that people who can´t or don´t want to understand. There is nothing that is your fault. Concerning to victim blaming, this clip belongs to my absolute favorite by the way:
Other great impulses for sexual assault survivors, for recovery and building up selfesteem again, expecially in the context mentioned above:
A Rape Survivor Says Why Clothes Are Not The Reason Women Are Assaulted | Book of John Gray | OWN
Brussels recreates rape survivors’ outfits to tackle victim blaming
Do Clothes Cause Rape? Are Women wearing Short Dresses asking for it?
For me it was (and it is) always helpful and comforting to know a safe space to talk to be belived and understood. If you need to talk about cases concerning, ptsd, trauma flashbacks, trigger, and so on generally and expecially concerning to the aftermath of experiences together with sexual violence, feel free to contact me. You are welcome. :)
My other other major subject is selfesteem, image, and personallity. I think theese two subjects can be connected and go togehter very good by the way (if necessary). Feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to meet you.
Other subjects I can give support in are:
Training motivation,
work motivation,
building a strong personality
fitness and nutrition