Talk to someone online about Anxiety
Anxiety often feels uncomfortable and is a feeling we like to avoid. We experience anxiety when we are afraid or scared of something happening. Common fears include things like worrying about relationships. Anxiety can also surface when we feel like incapable of overcoming a challenge. We might feel like the task is too hard or someone’s expectations are too high. When we are afraid, or unsure of ourselves, we often feel anxious. There are a number of steps you can take to help overcome anxiety. One step that can be particularly helpful is to share what you are anxious about with a caring listener. Often times, simply communicating this fear helps you get perspective so it no longer looms so large. Also, talking about it can often put handles on it. Anxiety can feel foggy or difficult to capture with words. Once you talk about it with someone you demystify it and can then begin to take steps to help overcome it.
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She is a really sweet and empathetic person and our conversations are very...
Reviewed Nov 2, 2024
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Talk to an expert therapist about overcoming anxiety
She is a really sweet and empathetic person and our conversations are very...
Reviewed Nov 2, 2024
Talk to Kajsa NowSirenOfSerenity