Someone to Talk to About Managing Emotions
Emotions can often feel overwhelming. Many times in life we are shamed for feeling certain emotions. Males are often socialized to not feel sad or afraid. Females are often discouraged from feeling angry or strong. All of us, whether male, female, or other, experience the full spectrum of emotions. When we wall off emotions or keep them from our awareness, the emotions do not go away. Instead, they patiently wait and grow stronger the more we ignore them. One reason we ignore them is we fear that we will become overwhelmed if we feel them. If we are angry we fear we will do something we later regret. If we are sad, then we fear that if we give into the sadness that we’ll never stop crying. These are legitimate fears, but they are untrue. Feelings are meant to be felt. When we experience them they pass through us like a cloud passing through the sky. The process of getting comfortable with and beginning to accept your emotions can feel scary. We are here for you and want to support you as you take those first few steps. We know what it feels like to have out of control emotions or deep tendencies to want to avoid certain emotions. Sometimes just knowing you can talk to someone about your feelings can be a huge relief. We are happy to walk with you as you take these first steps in owning your feelings and living a richer and more textured life.