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My father's dead

diplomaticSail1449 July 14th, 2023

My father was never present in my life, he used to come around sometimes when I was a kid but slowly stopped to do so. I was a kid. I loved my dad, as I feel every kid does, and it hurt me so much that he stopped showing up. As a kid that registered in my mind as "my dad doesn't like me anymore" and it left so much trauma. All I wanted has a kid and growing up was a family. I wanted a father so bad. I wanted a happy family. I honestly can't even describe how much I just wanted a father. And I kept waiting for him to come back. Has I grew up I started to realise how bad of a father he actually was, and since he had pretty much cut contact himself I didn't really reach out anymore either. I accepted that I didn't have a father, even if that hurt to no end. Well around a year ago he was diagnosed with cancer. I found out through my grandmother, he didn't say a single word. Not long ago I got a text from a cousin saying he had gotten worse and they didn't think he would make it. It hurt so much that even in his deathbed he didn't care to reach out to me. Deep down I always hoped that one day he would apologize and tell me he loved me, it wouldn't erase anything and I don't even know if I'd ever forgive him but I still wanted that, to know that regardless of everything my father did love me. I figured he was too stubborn to admit he didn't treat me right, but that in his deathbed, with nothing left to lose, he would call for me and at least say goodbye. He died this Tuesday, the funeral was today. I went to the funeral. I barely knew that man, but first, I needed something to prove to me he really was dead, it made no sense that he was just gone, without a single word. Secondly there was a part of me, that unhealed child inside of me, that still very much loved him and wanted to go say goodbye, but mostly I went to say goodbye to possibility of ever having a dad, all hope was gone now, we would never make amends, I will never have a dad.

My grandmother has been really really mad at me and my brother for not visiting him this whole time, so much so she told all my family they could not tell us he died because we didn't deserve to know. A cousin of my thought that was unfair and that's why I found out and got to go the funeral. When I got there I immediately started crying so much, my grandmother came to hug me and made this big deal about me coming, and eventually we got to talking. She said she was mad at me and thought she'd never even look at me again but when she saw me walk in and crying she couldn't stay mad. Eventually she told me my father asked for me the entire time, ever since he got sick.. turns out just 3 days before he died he begged her to take "his little girl" to him, and she told him that was not possible because I didn't want to go. I wanted to go but it only made sense to me to go if he wanted me there, I was waiting and hoping he'd ask for me and I was never told he was asking for me. Has it turns out the last conversation my grandmother had with my brother was ugly and so she thought I was of the same opinion and so she was mad at the both of us and never thought to tell me anything. I don't even know what she talked to my brother about. I was caught between a mess I wasn't even aware existed. And because of that I did not get to hear what my father had to say to me and I did not get to say goodbye to my own father. I don't know if it would have changed anything but I would have gotten some closure, and maybe, just maybe, I would hear my father tell me he loved me once in my life time.

I barely knew that man. Honestly I will not miss him as a person because I feel like it's impossible to miss someone you don't know, and someone that hurt you so deeply like my father hurt me. But I am greiving the lost of a possibility of ever having a dad. And I am so deeply hurt that I was never told he wanted to see me. I didn't get to hear what he to say, I didn't get to say goodbye.

I don't even know what to do with this pain. I'm so hurt.

amiableBlackberry92 July 14th, 2023


Aw I am so sorry that you are suffering so much. I understand the loss though. When I lost my father I was grieving the loss of having a real father/daughter relationship with him. My heart breaks for you ... No matter what has transpired you will be ok. It is so normal to miss him. Of course no matter what has happened you loved him. Love lives forever. It will never die.

Surround yourself with loving caring people and take good care of yourself. Grief never leaves you it just changes. Its been 9 years for me.

Your not alone my friend.

Caring and warm vibes sent to you


toughTiger6481 July 14th, 2023


I am sorry for your loss.

when people cut contact for whatever reasons it stays that way out of assumptions ... the person does not want to see you or hear from you etc... I was estranged from my mom when she is frustrating i never got the closure or explanation of things i wanted.....

you have described it correctly it is the loss of any future possibility .it is a loss of ant what ifs and it is hard to explain that to anyone who has not felt it. it takes time and there will be days trying to wish for a do-over ... but we do not get one.

diplomaticSail1449 OP July 14th, 2023

Thank you. It's good to know someone knows how I feel. People around me have been supporting but no one really understands me since they've never been through this.

It really is frustrating. I just wish I would have heard what he had to say.

And I am really sorry about your mom, I hope you're doing better now

amiableBlackberry92 July 14th, 2023


Aww sail I am so sorry your in so much pain. I understand and I am so sorry for the loss of your father. When I lost my father my grief was so profound I didn't think I would survive it. I grieved the loss of that normal father/daughter relationship I would never get.

Grief never leaves you it just changes over time. Of course you loved your Dad no matter what. I did too. Love never dies it lives on inside of us forever. Grief changed me forever but I am ok. And you will be ok too.

Take good care of yourself and surround yourself with loving caring people. If you get in a way that you don't know how to cope reach out to a therapist they can teach you ways to deal with it all.

Sending you caring vibes.....


diplomaticSail1449 OP July 14th, 2023

I've been in therapy for years and I've been in contact with him trough the whole process, he's been amazing. And I really do need him to learn to cope with this. Thank you so much. People around me have been really supporting but they don't understand me, they don't understand why I'm so upset over sometime I barely know. It's good to know I'm not alone and someone understands me. Thank you.

amiableBlackberry92 July 14th, 2023


I can feel that pain and I just was worried about you being alone. You have people here who want to support you.

Sorry about my double message -I sometimes am tech challenged.

I hope you have a listener here at cups.


diplomaticSail1449 OP July 14th, 2023

Don't worry I'm not alone, I've got plenty of people around me who love me and support me even without fully understanding. My therapist even texted me this couple of days just for extra support and I've I've got a Therapy session in a few days. I will be ok. It's just that right now it's the middle of the night so no one's really available and I came here to vent cause I am really overwhelmed with all this feelings. But thank you so much for your support, it really does mean a lot ❤️

amiableBlackberry92 July 14th, 2023


I Love 7 cups for those middle of the night I am upset and can't sleep. I am around here so I will check here to see how your doing. I am so super glad you have a support system in place. Thats great news. I didnot. Your very fortunate in that way.

Your a strong person


diplomaticSail1449 OP July 14th, 2023

Thank you so much ❤️

diplomaticSail1449 OP August 8th, 2023

Hi. Don't know if anyone will see this but I wanted to add to this post.

It's been almost a month since my father passed away. I feel like I'm doing better but honestly I'm not sure. I make sure I keep my life and routine going cause I know if I don't things get really bad for me. But it feels forced, fake. Like I'm not supposed to just keep my life going after such a traumatic event. It feels like I'm trying so hard so seem like I'm ok but I'm so broken inside. I'm doing better because since I have more going on I don't think about it as much. And because my father was not present anyway, nothing really changed so I'm still in denial. It feels like my father dying should have been such a big change in my life but it really wasn't, and that makes everything so unreal. I'm pretty sure I've been disassociating through the pain, and that's so scary. I look at myself and it does not feel like it's me.

I came here to vent everything and I've just discovered that I can't even put most of my feelings into words. I really just don't know how to describe it all. I'm scared, and broken, and I'm so tired...

But I mean, I guess I am doing a little bit better somehow ?. I guess it's just a really slow process...

If someone does see this, again I do have all the help I need, including professional help, you don't need to worry. I just come here to vent. It's a really good outlet for me.

amiableBlackberry92 August 9th, 2023


Hi Sail, I understand this forced routine ....the first year after my father passed I was in a daze but on auto pilot getting through life....time does make it a little better . at first its like an open wound and it hurts alot and theres reminders when you least expect it. I think your doing a great job coping and your a smart person to get pro help. I wished I had done that. I did not get help for 5 years and I should have done it sooner. Anyway keep on doing what your doing and yes this is a great place to vent.



purpleFig7203 August 13th, 2023

I can get that losing your father would be a great loss even if you have not been able to be close with him. I am sorry to read that your grief is somewhat disenfranchised with regards to those around you. I am glad they are supporting you even while not fully understanding.

In addition to losing him you also lost the hope that you would one day get to have have him express fatherly love toward you. This is no small thing. You deserved to have a loving father in your life and you did not have that and now it's a closed book in many ways. This is an enormous loss

Please take care of yourself as you process this grief.

In your posts, It stood out to me that that. Was a layer of people filtering the communications between family members. It seems like there was some judgement, anger, miscommunication, and filtering of communication between family members. I would consider that these things might have been present your entire life and may habe had an impact on the situation.

Good to read you are able to maintain your day to day routines. That is a sign of great strength. I hope you find healing and comfort.

diplomaticSail1449 OP August 21st, 2023

Hi! Thank you so much, it really means a lot to read those words.

Yes I do now understand that maybe I didn't have the full picture of the situation. I was a kid and naive as it was happening and so I'd believe anything I was told. I'm honestly now torn between trying to learn what was really going on, and just letting it go. It's over now, it won't change anything. And although I now know that my father did love me in his own way, it was not how a father should love their child, in my opinion at least. He left when I was only one year old, there was no miscommunication then. But although I'm obviously angry at him, you are right when you say there was a lot of miscommunication through my entire life built on anger and judgement that I was not aware of, and I have since the first post found some things that slightly changed my perspective.

I just wish everything would have been different.

Again, thank you so much for your kind words ❤️