Mantras To Live By
A mantra is "a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone's basic beliefs."
A mantra is a self affirmation that you can repeat & think to yourself. Itcan help you be reflective about your personal thought patterns and work on improving them. Pick 1 or 2 that you want to work on and make a commitment to thinking them this week. Say them to youself when you wake up in the morning and before bed.
Let us know how it goes!You can create your own & share them here. Here are a few for you to start with:
I love myself and accept myself in this moment.
I forgive myself.
Keep your head up & your heart open.
My life is a magical gift.
This too shall pass.
I am strong & vibrant. I bring my unique opinions & world view to everything that I do.
I will accept the change that I cannot change.
|| Look at yourself if you can't see how beautiful you are stare at the mirror longer look a little bit closer because you are beautiful and loved you just can't see it now; To this day ||
Smile because yo[u]can and will recover ️[okay?]
|| You are a human You will cry You will die but You can NEVER LET ANYONE TEAR YOU DOWN ||
|| They say arrogance is a bliss;John Green ||
|| When everything is made to be broken don't let yourself break ||
Be the change you want to see
If everything is important, nothing is.
Clear the clutter to make room for what and who really means something. Works both literally and figuratively. Remove toxic people.
be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter dontmind, and those who mind dont matter.
there are three options. live with it, die from it, or build a bridge and get over it.
In Hindi , it is said "chinta chitake samaan hai". It means 'worrying is like funeral pyre' , it burns you slowly and turns you to ashes. So not to worry and work to solve problems.
It will all be okay in the end; if its not okay, its not the end.
When you replace "I" with "we", illness becomes wellness
I like that!
Your greatest test is when you are able to bless someone else while you are going through your own storm.
"Never regret anything, because at one point it was exactly what you wanted."