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Positivity & Gratitude

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Chocolate Milkshake Day
by heathermarie95
Last post
23 hours ago
...See more Did you know that September 12th  was National Chocolate Milkshake Day! Milkshakes are a great treat to have at any time of the year, but I find it the best during the hot summer weather. If you could create any milkshake what would the recipe be? My recipe: - Bananas - Lactaid Milk - Peanut Butter - Chocolate  - Strawberries Tag a few of your 7Cups friends to see their creations! ------------------------- Tagging PAT @AlleyCatNemo @AnnaSilverberg @Avaria @Bella20 @BrightIndigo @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14 @ChromaticFinss @EmberOfHope @exuberantBlackberry9105 @GloriaD @Harsvin @healingsoul4892 @Heathermarie95 @HeavenlyMagic @KindleMissie @Kristynsmama @kylersartpace @LoveMyMoonflowers @Optimisticempath @sadcat13 @sky2Ocean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @teenytinyturtle @TheFantasticPengua @TheGirlWhoFeltTooMuch @Walker7957 @WeEarth @YourCaringConfidant
Peer Appreciation Program
Last post
1 day ago
...See more We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable) []. ❤ If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality. Is that not amazing?!! Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself: Peer Appreciation Form [] (clickable) The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread! Want to join our team? Click here to apply. [] Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope [] Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here []. Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread []. We are all ears. Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here []. We'd like to encourage you more. (Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)
Happy Birthday! Share & Celebrate Your Birthday With Us!!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hello, 7 Cups Residents, 7 Cups is a community of compassion and support. We at 7Cups believe in acknowledging and celebrating milestones, accomplishments, special moments, and days. Days like Birthdays and Cupsversay (Anniversary at 7Cups) are some of the most important days of our lives. We want to join in your celebration and celebrate you in our own style - the 7Cups way. We share love bombs, birthday wishes, shout-outs, cookies, cakes, glitter, and hugs. We come together to celebrate each other because you matter to us. You are a part of our community and we are blessed to have you. Thank you for being a 7 Cups resident. * If it is your birthday, please let us know here. * If it is the birthday of someone you know here, please share with us here. Also, we would love to hear how would you like to celebrate your birthday here on 7 Cups or any experiences of your birthday that you are comfortable sharing with us. Also, Do you know? * You can host a small party for your friend! A 15-30 min banner can be set by a mod in the community room so you can celebrate the birthday party. The party should not clash with any prior scheduled event (check tockify []). Please reach out to the community mod on duty to let them know of the party and ask them to set an alert so more people can join in the fun. Both members and listeners can host, there are no requirements to who can throw a party! * You can also make a post for them Click here [] to see the forum section where you can make posts to celebrate birthdays. * Some rules to follow: 🎈 While it is okay to celebrate someone's special day, it is not okay to make others feel excluded. If someone is unaware of who is being celebrated, provide them some context and make an effort to include them. 🎈 All celebratory parties are public, this means anyone can join and they should be welcomed wholeheartedly. 🎈 The host who requested/set up the banner is required to stay for the whole party and ensure that everyone present feels welcomed and included. While it can be a good idea to show your appreciation and acknowledgment through such events but please don't feel pressured to host or attend any party. This is just an option for those interested. If your birthday is coming up and you want to throw yourself a party, that is also perfectly okay! We encourage and celebrate self-care and self-love. Let's work together to make each other's special days more fun! Happy Birthday, fellow cupser. I wish you a lovely birthday and a thriving year filled with joy and accomplishments.
Having Gratitude During Bad Days
by Angelanj
Last post
...See more Hey guys! What are some things you do to have gratitude even while you're having a bad day?
Words of Affirmation & Ways to Say "I Love You"
by Heather225
Last post
August 30th
...See more I was just answering a prompt here about underrated ways to show someone you care and for me, it's the verbal sentiments. Words can be powerful! People whose primary love language is Words of Affirmation feel most loved and appreciated when they receive compliments, words of encouragement, expressions of affection, and verbal acknowledgment of their efforts and feelings. So I wanted to do something fun with this! What's something(s) someone can say to you that would make you feel loved or cared for? I'll start: "Text me when you get home." "This reminded me of you." "Let me do that for you." Your turn! 💗
🌟 Community Positivity and Gratitude Celebration! 🌟
by IzumiMizuki
Last post
July 6th
...See more Hello everyone, Let's turn this thread into a celebration of positivity and gratitude within our 7 Cups community! Your voices and experiences matter here, so I invite each of you to join in: 🌟 Share Your Gratitude: What's something or someone on 7 Cups that you're grateful for? It could be a supportive listener, a helpful conversation, or even a moment of personal growth. 🌟 Spread Positivity: How has someone's kindness or support here impacted you? Feel free to share a positive experience or a message of encouragement for others. 🌟 Reflect and Connect: Take a moment to reflect on your journey and connect with others who are on similar paths. Let's uplift each other and celebrate the strength we find in community. Together, let's make this thread a place where gratitude shines bright and positivity flourishes. Your contributions make our community stronger! With joy and gratitude, Izumi
14 Days of Gratitude & Positivity Prompts! 📑
by JujuBears
Last post
June 29th
...See more 🌟 Welcome to a 14-day journey of gratitude and positivity!🌟  Each day, we’ll explore a new writing prompt designed to uplift our spirits and cultivate gratitude.  Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, this challenge is for everyone!  How It Works: * Every day for the next 14 days, check this thread for my latest prompt! * Set aside a few minutes to reflect and write. You can keep it short or dive deep— up to you! Let’s kick off our gratitude journey with our prompt of today below! 😊
Lessons from 7Cups
by wishfulWillow6962
Last post
April 29th
...See more Hey everyone, Some of you may know me, others may not, for those who don’t nice to meet you briefly.  Those who do know me though, may know that my time on this site is drawing to a close at least for the near future although I hope to visit at some point. Throughout my time on the site, one thing stands out and that is all the things I have learnt and gained during my time here.  Once deciding to leave this site as a listener, I wanted to create something that wrapped up the site for me. After doing so, I have decided to share it. Between joining and leaving there are so many aspects that are important to learn. While a lot of this applies to listeners, some parts also apply for members too.  I hope that at least some people here enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed creating it.  Here is a link to it, in case it is easier to see (clickable) [] 7Cups will always be a part of my memories and will never be forgotten. But for now this is a goodbye from me to everyone here.  Tagging @AnnaSilverberg thank you for giving me the idea of making this post.
Something that made you laugh!
by Jenny022
Last post
March 17th
...See more What is something that made you laugh recently? 😍
The "Pay it Forward" Chain
by ASilentObserver
Last post
February 19th
...See more Hello everyone,  This week we are celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week. This post is part of the February Group Support Event: Kindness, Courage, Connection []!  Life can be a whirlwind, and sometimes, a small gesture can leave a lasting impact. This happened to me a few months ago, and it serves as a constant reminder of the power of paying it forward. Today, I want to share one such story.  As a listener, I listened and supported a member who was going through depression. It was so challenging for them that they didn’t feel any hope of overcoming depression. After a month or two, they went inactive, and no updates. I was concerned. After 6 months they came back and they told me how their life changed positively. They have a caring partner and a new job and they feel hopeful again. And, they decided to become a listener to support others.  This experience taught me two valuable lessons: * Random acts of kindness, no matter how small, can have a profound impact. We never know what someone else is going through, and a simple gesture can brighten their day or even change their perspective. This gesture can be as simple as listening and supporting someone, sending a thank you or appreciation message through the PAT form [], or anything in between.  * The ripple effect of kindness is real. When we pay it forward, we inspire others to do the same, creating a chain of positivity that spreads far beyond our initial act. This isn't just about me, it is about you too. Think back. Has someone ever shown you unexpected kindness? Did it make a difference? Now imagine the impact of that kindness rippled outward, touching countless lives. Here's your challenge: Share your own story of receiving or giving kindness. Then, choose one small act of kindness to do and pay it forward. You never know how far that ripple of kindness might reach I encourage you to share your own story of receiving or giving kindness. Let's inspire each other to be the change we want to see in the world. Remember, it doesn't have to be grand gestures. A kind word, a helping hand, or even a simple smile can make a difference. @suryansh @Heather225 @fristo
My Band Weekend
by AvyIsKing
Last post
February 15th
...See more So I had an amazing weekend at my band trip, and i just wanted to post about it ! So Thursday we got to the church and i got to see my friends, it was my one friend, lets call her V's birthday (:. we had a 2 hour drive and me and V and our other friend O all talked the way there. When we got to the hotel, it was HUGE !! We were located on the 15th floor, so we rode the elevator up. I was sharing my hotel room with 3 girls, E,V,O. We got unpacked and hung out. Then we had rehearsal from 6-9:30. Then after rehearsal there was a mandatory jazz performance I wasn't required to go to, so i went back to my room and rested. I ran down all 15 flights of stairs on the way to rehearsal in my boot. The girls i was sitting next to were so so so so nice ! 2 people didn't show up so instead of 23rd chair, i was 21st. We ran through 3 pieces, it was fun ! Then we went back to my directors room and hung out and talked til 11, which was hotel curfew, and we went back into our room, and talked some more, and went to bed at like 2. The next morning, we all had rehearsal at 8:30 am. i got up and showered and headed to rehearsal. E,V, and O were all in the 11-12 red band, i was in 9-10. The one girl i was sitting next to, A, i actually sat in front of her 2 years ago, and she was my friend and we instantly clicked and talked it was amazing. The other girl, K, was so nice, shes a red haired lefty too, we instantly got really really close and were doing silly goofy things and she was the most amazing friend I've made so fast ! We had a lunch break at 11:30, for 2 hours. I went up to  my room, and me and E,V, and O hung out, talked and ate. We went on the balcony and there were these boys down there heeheheheh. they wanted a cookie so we threw one at them. they ate it. we also threw a piece of cheese. we could've gotten kicked out for doing it, but oh well. the boys wanted our room number, and we told them the room that the only boy on our trip was staying in. then we walked around and asked anyone we saw if they wanted a mini oreo. then i had rehearsal from 1:30-4:30. it went awesome. then we went to dinner at a pizza place, it was so yummy, i shared a pizza with V. then we went to an orcestral performance by the local college, and it was awesome, they brought there dancers. Then 2 more hours of rehearsal ahahah. Then we had a another break, and we walked around asking more people about cookies. Then we went back to the room and I got to help my friends with their college homework, it was so much fun i loved it. Then we all went to bed, then yesterday morning i had rehearsal at 8am, til 9. getting ready for my concert. I had some time and bought a t shirt and hung out and got ready, then had dress rehearsal at 12:45, for my concert at 1:30. i got my period like 2 minutes before i went on -w- but it was awesome, I played so well. I will never see K again, shes moving to colorado and doesn't have a phone. that makes our friendship even more special. I rode home with my director and i slept in the car lollll. it was an exhausting weekend and im still recovering but i loved the weekend and i didn't want it to end. there i was happy and i was having fun and i felt special. it was the closest i ever felt to being normal, save fo when im with my boyfriend.  @tinywhisper11 @lovemymoonflowers @fluffysheep8 @darkerplaces
The Broccoli Noodle Soup 🥣 | Stories for Good Life Series
Last post
February 14th
...See more Hiya, Community! How many of you like Broccoli Noodle Soup? Well, this son and father loved it! 😊🍜 At a certain point in time, Broccoli was quite expensive and hard to come by. So whenever they got broccoli the next two or three meals would be broccoli noodle soup. So one time the father and son were having dinner and there were two bowls of soup; one with two pieces of broccoli on top and the other one didn't have any broccoli. And so the father said, “Son, choose which bowl would you like?” And so of course the son said, “Hmmm I want the one with broccoli on top!” And so the son was eating his broccoli noodle soup joyously. Then he looked at his father's bowl and when his father was eating soup, in the bottom of the bowl there were like four or five pieces of broccoli. He said, “Whoa wow!” And then the father looked at the son and he said “Son, don't always rely on what you see, there's always something deeper than what the eyes can see”, and so the son said “Okay..” The next day there was broccoli noodle soup again! The father put both bowls; one bowl had two pieces of broccoli on top, and the other one didn't. So the father said, “Son, choose which bowl of broccoli you want.” So the son said “Mmm I know this trick” and he picked the one without the broccoli on top. And so he was eating and his father ate the bowl with the broccoli on top. So the son was eating, eating, eating, and he waited, waited to get to the bottom because he was like “Oh there must be lots of broccoli there” but there was nothing, there was nothing 😮 And the father looked at the son and said “Son, don't rely on just one experience. Different things can happen at different times; you just never know!” The son said, “Okay, okay..” And then the next evening broccoli noodle soup again! So the father put two bowls of broccoli noodle soup; one with two broccolis on top, the other one without. And he said, “Son, choose your bowl!” And the son said, “No. Father, you choose. You choose whichever one you want and I'm fine with whatever is left.” And so his father chose one bowl and started eating and gave the other bowl to the son. To the son's surprise, when he was eating, he found not one, not two, but five pieces of broccoli in his soup 😍 And he was enjoying it thoroughly. He looked at his father and his father said, “Son, you cannot rely on what you see you must look deeper. You cannot rely on just one experience because different things can happen at different times but you can rely on goodness. Whenever you have a good intention in your heart goodness will always come back to you in some way, in some shape, in some form. Today just happens to be broccoli.” ------------------------- Discussion questions: 1) If you were the son, how would you respond if your father asked you to choose a bowl of soup?  2) Why can’t we rely on what we see? Why can’t we rely on what we experience? 3) Share a moment where goodness actually came back to you. ------------------------- Did you find this story helpful? To be notified of the new stories in the series, reply to this thread with the words "Add me to the Stories for Good Life Series Taglist!" New Story: What’s in the box? 📦 []
A Spiritual Insight
by positiveWind451
Last post
January 14th
...See more
just some feelings
by Keith22534
Last post
November 13th, 2023
...See more I was scrolling through the forum and saw some very uplifting posts and i felt like i belonged here after a long time. Thanks to all those people who make 7 Cups such a better place! Thankyou for making 7 Cups a family! I'm grateful that you guys are here.  <3
by KatelynSlaterDreamer
Last post
November 7th, 2023
...See more I recently learnt how to write poems and have been writing a lot to help put my thoughts into words. I hope you'll enjoy :) ------------------------- Never forget artists choose what they mean, they are the ones who decide how it should be seen, others my try to ensure it deceives, removing the context as freely as they please, but intent is a root that grows from your tree, which creates the paper a canvas for expressing your free ------------------------- In the end I'm sure we'll be fine, its just a matter of finding the rhyme, to allocate enough room for our placement in time, never-forgetting it will never truly bend, what we need is to make it a friend ------------------------- We better ourselves to try and defeat, the fact that we're constantly slipping on feet, sometimes our own but we're fully grown, what does it mean for an adult to be so prone, stuck in neglect to the very test, is the only thing that matters being better then the rest? They all reflect my personal life, journey, and feelings, if you like them I'll definitely post more :)

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Our community aims to spread positive vibes through forums, chatrooms & growth path activities for everyone to grow and move forward in life.

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 1. Join our Forum Activities  

Start exploring our forums with a few ones listed below :

(Forums mentioned below are clickable)

  Welcomes & Connections

  Positive Messages & Reminders

  Insights & Positive Experiences

  Cupversaries & Birthdays 

We have 14 forums open for everybody! Check out our complete list of forums Here


 2. Join our Chatroom Activities in the Positivity Corner Room  

We have weekly Guided Discussions & Positivity Mini sessions!

 Check out our Upcoming Positivity Mini Sessions in this forum: Positivity Corner Sessions 

Note: Chatroom will be visible at the discussion time here


 3. Join our Growth Path!  

Moving Forward with Positive Focus


  Additional Information  

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2. Meet our amazing team Here!

3. Interested in joining our team? Click Here!

4. Have queries related to P&G - community or team? Please contact: @CheeryMango / @VerseArt

5. Share P&G community-related feedback Here

6. Appreciate a person Here

Community Guidelines

Positivity & Gratitude community aims to provide a space to spread positive energy, hoping to inspire everyone on 7cups to grow & move forward in their life.


So here are few things to remember and follow:

 Spread positive vibes only

❤ Everyone is welcome to create threads & participate in the forums mentioned with these notes:

 [Community Use] & [Team & Community Use]

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❤ Stay strong, stay hopeful & enjoy!



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Please do not create threads here. 

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These guidelines are specific to the Positivity & Gratitude Community. We kindly request you to follow them, as well as the basic Forum Guidelines. as they are to ensure clarity, positivity & safety for everyone!

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Community Resources

7 Cups Self-Help Guides related to Positivity & Gratitude



❤ Getting Unstuck


 Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

Exercise Motivation


Also here is a guide for all the Searching Souls: 7 Cups for the Searching Soul

Check out more Self-Help Guides Here


7 Cups Mindfulness Exercises related to Positivity & Gratitude (Under or Approx 15 Minutes)

❤ Acceptance 

Acceptance of Thoughts and Feelings - Part 1     Acceptance of Thoughts and Feelings - Part 2

❤ Joy 

Befriending     Happiness at Work     Joy

❤ Power and Change 

Positive Change     My Intentions Have Infinite Organizing Power     Ten-Minute Wisdom Meditation     

The Secret of Attraction

❤ Love & Compassion 

Loving Kindness Meditation     Loving the World     Loving-Kindness Meditation     Self-Compassion Break

❤ Imagination 

The Five Minute Miracle - Imagination     Feeling Excitement     Eating a Piece of Chocolate

❤ Self-Esteem Assistance 

Self-Esteem Blackboard

❤ Motivational 

Change Yourself - Don't Wait for the World to Change     Aging with Integrity     Risk and Planning for Success     

Sport Motivation     Hot Air Balloon Motivation 

❤ Energizing 

Energizing the Body and Mind

❤ Relaxation 

Lotus Flower Relaxation     Sunrise On the Beach Mindfulness      Tropical Garden Mindfulness     

Bouncing Ball Mindfulness      Cloud Castles     Magic Bubbles      Magical Forest     Rainbow Sandbox Mindfulness

❤ Guided Meditations 

Guided Forgiveness Meditation

Guided Meditation: "A Moment of Calm"

Guided Meditation: "Coming Home to Presence"

Guided Meditation: "Living, Vivid Hereness"

Guided Meditation: Metta (Loving kindness)

Guided Meditation for Love & Positivity

❤ Meditations 

Living Carefree     Ten-Minute Wisdom Meditation


Check out more Mindfulness Exercises Here


7 Cups Questions & Answers related to Positivity & Gratitude


Getting Unstuck:



Exercise Motivation:


Check out our Forum on Additional Positivity Resources (Outside 7 Cups)