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Happy Birthday Moana

CaringEzra February 14th, 2023

Hey everyone!! It's a super special day today! Please join me in wishing the beautiful and amazing Moana a very happy birthday!!

If you know moana then you know what a kind and caring presence they are on cups and how much they deserve this special day. *puts out balloons and streamers and a fancy banner and cookies and cakes and yummy snacks*

*throws confetti in the air*



Moana, Happy Happy Birthday loveliest friend!!! I hope you have an amazing birthday, full of gifts, smiles, sparkles, glitter, yummy food, and happiness! I hope that this next year is full of all good things. You are an absolutely amazing human being with such a bright loving personality. I know you're capable of achieving everything you want. You always amazed me by how much you have overcome and how strong and kind you are. I'm so proud of you, soooooo much. I wish you could understand how much but I can't put it in words. You are bestest friend and I am so lucky that our paths have crossed. Your friendship is something I will treasure forever. Don't ever forget how amazing and strong and worthy and important and how much you matter moana, okie? I am always here for you. You're amazing and beautiful, both inside and out. Sending lots of balloons and cake your way bestie! So much love <3 estre


Tagging some friends to help celebrate!

@JustMeUwU @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @mytwistedsoul @GoldenNest2727 @JuliaEWriter @Optimisticempath @MyNamaIsNicole @WarmLightXO @LavenderHere

CaringEzra OP February 14th, 2023
Whoops I forgot to tag @theboymoana ! So sorry!
YourCaringConfidant February 14th, 2023


Happy birthday! I'm bringing the cake! Lol.


theboymoana February 14th, 2023


thank you !!! I hope is big cake I like that picture a lot !🎉💛🎂

YourCaringConfidant February 14th, 2023

@theboymoana Of course, the cake is big enough for everyone to get a slice. Lol. :) Yummy cake.

Optimisticempath February 16th, 2023

CAKE!! @YourCaringConfidant me will have a slice of this yum cake also then ☺ thanks 😄

Nomifordays February 14th, 2023

aww this is such a cute/sweet thing to do!

Happy Happy birthday Moana! hope your day is a bright and special as you!

theboymoana February 14th, 2023


thank you Naomi that is so nice you say that 🥲🎉💛

February 14th, 2023


Happy birthday Moana! I'm so happy to see you in the chat rooms, you are a shining personality 🌟 Wishing you the best birthday yet!

theboymoana February 14th, 2023


thank you lots and thank you always being so nice to me !!!🤗🥳💛

MistyMagic February 14th, 2023

@theboymoana Happy Birthday!!! 🍕🍕🍕

Listening - One Step At A Time!

theboymoana February 15th, 2023


thank you lots nice friend🥳🎂

mysteriousClover February 14th, 2023


happy birthday!!

i hope you have an AMAZING day, because you really do deserve every minute of it <3

theboymoana February 14th, 2023


thanks clover !! You are such nice friend 🥲🎊🎂

theboymoana February 14th, 2023


essie friend this all so nice and makes me feel so happy and lot of love 😭🥲💛💛💛💛you are such nicest person ever thank you being best friend to me and always listen and help and understanding

thank you make birthday here special and really really like picture is perfect beach party 🎉☀️🌊🏝️🥳🎊🎁

I’m sending lot of hugs and love to you my nice nice essie friend🤗🤗💛💛

AffyAvo February 14th, 2023

Happy birthday! Lucky you, you get to have multiple celebrations and they are all deserved 😊

theboymoana February 15th, 2023


thank you !!I got lot of good birthday times yesterday was not so sad like think would be only little bit most time was good day🥲🎉🥳

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 14th, 2023

@Estrellitaa @theboymoana

How so sweet always, Starsieee. I love your kind message and the beautiful graphic. ❤ Thankyou for tagging me, always happy to join for cake. :P

Hey hey Nahoa, I'm so happy to see all the love pouring in for you, you truly deserve all the kindness and celebrations always. 💛 Happiest Birthday, lovely. I hope you have a wonderful day and year ahead. Know that we see you, and are proud of you every day, for trying your best. 💛

Sending you love, cookies and squishmallows. 💛


theboymoana February 15th, 2023


Thank you say so much nice things I was scared would have saddest birthday but wasn’t saddest had so much good things and thanks being proud

I really like that cats picture to thank you 🥲🥳💛🎂

BlueRivercares February 14th, 2023
@Estrellitaa so sweet of you to make this post for Moana

Happiest birthday @theboymoana stay blessed<3

theboymoana February 15th, 2023

@BlueRivercares thank you lots !! 🎊🤗🎉

BlueRivercares February 15th, 2023

@theboymoana your most welcome :) hope you enjoyed your day

theboymoana February 16th, 2023

@BlueRivercares I did ! Was worried going be very sad but only little sad day rest time good

BlueRivercares February 16th, 2023

@theboymoana yayyyy glad to hear that :)

theboymoana February 15th, 2023

@OliveTree1728 thank you olive !! I didn’t go in rooms couple days needed break but birthday was not so sad like I think was just little sad was better see so much nice words from everyone 🐻🐻🍪🍪🍪💛💛💛💛

sunshineKoala34 February 14th, 2023


Happy Birthday 💕

theboymoana February 15th, 2023

@sunshineKoala34 thank you !!!💛🎂🥳

Justbreathingx9 February 14th, 2023

Happy Birthday!!

theboymoana February 15th, 2023

@Justbreathingx9 thank you lots !!🥳💛🎉

JustMeUwU February 14th, 2023

@Estrellitaa the tag didn’t work, I’m still here hehe :) happy birthday again to @Theboymoana! I hope you had an amazing day with cupcakes, cakes and everything you love. You deserve so much happiness, joy and love because you are such a special human being;)



Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 14th, 2023

@JustMeUwu it didn't for me either. 😮

I'll retag everyone, just in case. ❤

@mytwistedsoul @GoldenNest2727 @JuliaEWriter @Optimisticempath @MyNamaIsNicole @WarmLightXO @LavenderHere

theboymoana February 15th, 2023


thank you friend day was not so sad like I thought was lot good things happen for me !! You are good friend to me saying so much nice things to me😭💛🤗

Optimisticempath February 15th, 2023

Thanks for the tag 💕

Happy birthday @theboymoana, you deserve all the happiness in the world 🤗

theboymoana February 15th, 2023

@Optimisticempath thank you friend so nice to me !!🎉🥳🎂

hustleking5230 February 15th, 2023

🎂Happy Birthday 🎉🎊💝

theboymoana February 15th, 2023

@hustleking5230 thank you lots !!😄🎉🥳💛

Filmlover12 February 20th, 2023

I hope u have a good birthday and year to come.


theboymoana February 20th, 2023

@Hopeandjoy12 thank you !! 💛😃🍪🐻

WinterTheWeasel Tuesday

Hey moana ik this is a old post but wanted tag u to see if u can pm me?