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as a human

in the big hard world

and i'm proud of you

for that


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Pen Pals / by mysteriousClover
Last post
January 8th
...See more @BirdKing449 hi bird, i got your tag in your other forum but i didnt wanna reply there because i had already told most people but i did/am leaving cups and its so so random that im back haha, i was so bored tonight and decided "hey i should go look at notifs" so here i am but otherwise quick updates, i hiked 42 miles in 8 days on a backpacking trip thiis summer, made freshman volleyball team and we went 20-4, still learning guitar and i opened an etsy shop :0 i hope all has been well with you! i really should've reached out to you after you aged up but i think i was at camp and it slipped my mind, you really were such a huge part of my life and its crazy that i have known you for a couple years at this point i hope you're able to see this post before i deactivate again, but if not, i'm thinking about you!!
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checking in!
Pen Pals / by mysteriousClover
Last post
November 11th, 2024
...See more @mack hi mack! i've been thinking about you today as so many milestones came all at once, and i've realized i've known you for longer than i thought. in a couple weeks, i will have been on cups for 2 years. i joined when i was freshly 13 and i just turned 15 which is crazy. feeling so so old. i made the freshman volleyball team, which at my school is better than some schools varsity teams around us, which has been really fun. i've picked up guitar and am doing speech and debate again now in high school. i'm a frreshman! i am also quitting volleyball after this season, just because of how much of a mental game it is and it wasn't really fun anymore. it'll be so good for me long term though! in terms of how i was a year or even 2 years ago, i've made a lot of progress. i'm doing a whole bunch better and its crazy for me to look back on how it was just even in january of this year. i also backpacked 42 miles over 8 days this summer which was insane. on the flip side,  i hope you're doing well. truly. you've always been such an awesome person to be around, you're so so funny and care about people you love to the deepest level. i hope everything with you had been going well since turning 18 or even 19 i think now. adulting seems like such *** but i hope its been treating you okay. if you do see this and end up replying, how are you? how have you been and what have you been up to? i hope you see this tag, even if you don't reply, just know i'm thinking about you and sending so so much love 💛
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[tw] oh if my engine works perfectly on empty, i guess i'll drive
Journals & Diaries / by mysteriousClover
Last post
September 2nd, 2024
...See more please nobody reply unless i know you
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General Support / by mysteriousClover
Last post
March 10th, 2024
...See more @mack heyy mackk i've been missing talking to youuu hows everything? hows yoshi and mochi and other animals of which i forget the names? how are youu?
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1 year
Positivity & Gratitude / by mysteriousClover
Last post
October 9th, 2023
...See more dearest @axtyn @olivetree1728 @astraeuss @mack @jodythinkstoomuch @darkerplaces @alexander0712 @dinosaurblitz @avyisking @swiftygirl13 @amiablebunny4016 @birdking449  and anyone that i might have forgotten, my apologies it’s late.      so, about 4 days ago marks my 1 year on cups, and throughout that year you guys have done so so much for me i can’t even begin to explain it well. from years old licorice and spiny videos to getting stuck in a tree many a times and counting down until camp along with some still owed leggings (@mack smh), you guys have helped me create some amazing memories that i will forever carry with me now. thank you all for encouraging me throughout some really tough times, and laughing with me when i’m an absolute idiot. this past year getting to know all of you has really meant the world to me, and you guys are all great friends that i think about all the time.       i’m not very great with words so this will end up being very short, but i hope my point gets across. thank you all for changing me. thank you for supporting me though anything and everything, and i appreciate all of it more thank you all will every know. you all have created impacts on my life that i don’t take for granted, and i don’t take any of you guys for granted either. i’m so so so very grateful for each one of you, and i can’t say it enough. to some of you, thank you for making me laugh whenever, your spirits in the rooms light them up and i’m always so happy when you’re on. thank you to others for supporting me no matter what, and always being there for me no matter what. thank you some for counting down the seemingly endless days until camp with me, and for that i will be forever grateful.      so no matter what you did for me specifically, thank you all for making 13 a little better. i’m so grateful for all of you and you all will forever hold a piece of my heart. so so much love, clov.
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Reading & Writing / by mysteriousClover
Last post
October 19th, 2023
...See more i didnt wanna put this in my other thread so im here now (': but for my schools speech and debate team i had to write a 5-10 minute speech that i will then memorize and then compete. soo this is like my 3rd draft, and yk i'm ok with it for now (': the theme or topic or whatever is the idea that home isnt a physical place. nobody has to read it, but if u do n have any feedback that would be great bc i have to compete it (': @axtyn @olivetree1728 @amiablebunny4016 @darkerplaces @avyisking @birdking449 Imagine your house. Is it big, small? Tall or short? Is it white, gray or tan? Think about every single small detail that makes your house yours. The sturdy, shady, shimmering oak tree in your front yard, the long cobblestone walkway into your warm welcoming house, the bent and broken basketball hoop in the driveway. Picture it all. Now, I want you to imagine your home. What comes to mind? The same house with the oak tree or the basketball hoop or is it a new picture? When most people think of home, they envision a physical structure, commonly the one that they were raised in, or have spent the most time in. One that they know very well, or one they just moved into after hard times. One that seems to give them that feeling of home that many seek to find. What is home? If you were to look into a dictionary you would find this definition. “Home. noun. a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.” However, someone who has had a good home could argue otherwise. The word home goes so far past the concrete assumptions that many people make about it, and is filled with values that most people can’t put into words. We are what makes our home ours. Home isn’t a structure, it's a feeling. A feeling of love, comfort and safety. The importance of old memories, stories that go with you everywhere you go and people that make life worthwhile. We ourselves house that feeling. Along with all the harder feelings like anger, sadness and most of all, happiness, we also have the ability to feel what home really is. You can’t be put into a place and be forced to feel like it is your home. Home is wherever you make it. Home could be anywhere in the world, anywhere you’re at peace. Home is where we can dare to be our own selves, at our very best, all the time. Where you can speak your truth, without fear of being shunned for doing so. Over the last 5 years of going and returning from the place I know I can always call my home, I’ve learned that home isn’t physical. It isn’t 4 walls and a roof, it isn’t an apartment complex or a condo. Not a place you go on the weekends or the family house being passed down for generations. Home can be a sunset while sitting on the beach feeling every emotion possible with people you love. Home is a long, warm, tight hug holding together the bits and pieces of your life when you can’t bear to hold it together by yourself for much longer. Home is friendships made, even friendships lost. Friendships that year by year feel like they could last a lifetime. The people that care for us through our brightest and darkest moments and most of all, the people that make you feel loved no matter how you show up. When I am with my people, I am home. When one is stuck in uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations, they might find themselves reaching for bits and pieces of what they associate most with their home. Reaching out just to grasp onto a memory of what they once had, just for a minute. Just to feel at home like they once did, longing to be brought back to where they felt at home. They might find themselves looking for the specific taste of their great grandma's chicken soup that was always made for them when they were sick or the sweet melody of a song that can instantly bring them back to their home. They might even be looking for the smell of their late dads cologne that he always wore to fancy events. Home is memories triggered by bits and pieces of growing up. Since I come and go from home so frequently, I often find myself longing to go back. Recently though, I’ve realized that it wasn’t the physical place I was coming and going from that I missed so much, it was the people I only got to see every 11 months that I missed most of all. It was the act of just being where I was and feeling what I was feeling with those people. It was sunsets on a log in the middle of the woods and screaming songs while canoeing late into the evening. It wasn’t the cabins or the common areas, it was the singing and dancing wherever we were. It was the connections with people that I know could and will last for years even after leaving. Home is a reminder of all the good in the world. Home is where you can live and thrive, not just survive, not going through the motions day by day. Home is something that gives you the energy to keep pushing through, even though you know the long journey ahead won’t be easy .Home is knowing no matter what happens, you have something or someone to fall to. Someone that makes you feel safe and loved, something that reminds you of everything amazing you could do when you grow old. Home is reassurance that you will be ok. That everything will be ok. I want you to imagine your home. What comes to mind now? Is it the sturdy shady shimmering oak tree or is it the broken down tire swing attached to the lowest branch, where you and your sister spent days in the sun swinging around. Is it the bent and broken basketball hoop, or is it rather the memory of shooting baskets with your dad in his cologne before a work event.
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happy birthday axtynnn ❤
Positivity & Gratitude / by mysteriousClover
Last post
May 18th, 2023
...See more hi hi hihiiiii happy birthdayyyyyyy i hope u had a real good day today because you deserve itt! you have sm pressure with school n everything, you deserve to have a good nice day for urself every once n a while, and i really hope today was one of those days for u. u don't give urself the credit u deserve axy, ur going through so much yet u show up everyday for all of us on cups n ik we all appreciate it so so so so much. so truly, thank u for being u, and i hope u had a real nice birthday <3
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happy birthday avyy ❤
General Support / by mysteriousClover
Last post
March 21st, 2023
...See more @Jefferythebunny319 happy birthdayyy!!! sorry if i'm a little late but i hope you had an amaaaazaing day because you deserve itt ❤ you are such a kind amazing person and im so glad i met you because i looooove seeing you in roomss!! you bring soooo much joy to wherever you are, and are so amazingly kind and deserve all of it and more back at you ❤❤
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