Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
I've learned that I don't need Don Juan anymore.
When your feeling off, you might be afarid. Afraid to do something you want to. But its better to fail trying then to fail to try.
i learn the same thing each time its super repetitive
Love yourself. Respect yourself. Be yourself.
Yes! And always trust yourself you. Stay safe
@GlenM I am learning to celebrate the small victories in recovery!
@baylinAnderson123 - GOOD!
baby steps, small steps, tiny steps leading you TOWARD a goal - for which recovery definitely counts :) ----- gets you a baby, small, tiny bit closer to the bigger "final" goal.
Keep going, baylin! You got this :) :) Platy
@cyanPlatypus6370 Thank you so much for your words of incouragement!
At Step 60.
140: I have been doing quite terrible the last few days. Behind on all work, inadequate sleep, can't focus during the day. Last week was productive, but something happened on Friday and I let it ruin every day up until today. It makes sense for me to feel upset and nervous, but the problem has blown way out of proportion.
I have been avoiding something, and then avoiding other work too. The last few days, I procrastinated because I was upset, stayed up late, accidentally took a multiple-hour nap, procrastinated more because I was upset I wasted time, and now it's late again.
I don't have a solution. But for me, I don't think this will be about finding a perfect solution, just improving things a little bit, day by day. Eventually things will go back to being a little bit okay.
Practicing a change in my reaction to stress. It is a work in progress.
I've made it to step 35. I've started to be mindful of someof my safe behaviours and I challenge myself to gradually break away from them is I catch myself doing them.
@GlenM step 150. I've learned that apparently empathy overload is a thing, sort of like sensory overload. Brains are weird.