Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
Step 1575! 🥳
After a rough week last week rife with work stress and a chat gone wrong with a listener friend which left me in tears running down my face right before I was to head off to yet another difficult workday, I turned that around by going on vacation this week 😊 and was chatting with another dear listener friend of mine who kindly and gently reminded me that its okay to be sensitive 😊👍
Step 50!!
Learned to be more mindful, and how to relax better
I'm pretty chuffed with myself today, I stood my ground with a forceful character who has been taking advantage of my predicament for the past few days, I felt really empowered after that conversation😊
that i can do it and if i cant its okie to ask for help
Yeah, ask for help I agree, what's the point in struggling?
Actually starting to eat properly.
I'm at step 1306
Finished my Undergraduate Degree
To inhale 5 seconds and to exhale 5 seconds.
It's ok to say no to people..
This here is step number 1600 for me. My daily streak is now at 10, I think.
I keep learning how hard I am on myself. Which is not helpful.
I am learning that I really do hate being late. In that ( <---- ) and other things, I talk to myself or tell myself things that I would not ever tell a friend!
I am not sure how to reverse this trend. The healthy part of me sure would like to be much more kind to myself. The negative self talk I deal with was learned (over years' worth of time), so does that mean it can be unlearned? I sure hope so. ~ Platy
Oh. And I am learning again - Grief is hard! I knew that before; but with fresh "in my face" kind of grief right now .... I am relearning that Grief is terribly hard and I do not like it!