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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

KindWolf2023 August 23rd, 2023

TO: ⭐️🌷Tabbycat97🌷⭐️

From: ☕️Iwantacofee2009💫

Here is a wonderful, heartfelt appreciation from someone your life touched!!

Keep being extraordinary!!




Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 23rd, 2023


Oh goodness I cannot explain how adorably beautiful this graphic is! You're too good at this, Wolfyy!✨

Tagging so these lovely people can see your spectacular posting also!❤

@Tabbycat97 (go youuu bestest Tabbb Tabbb🤗) @Iwantacofee2009

TabbyCat97 August 23rd, 2023


Suuunnnn 💜🤗 I’ve missed seeing you around so so much :’) you’re just amazing!

I hope you’re doing well, and thank you so much for the tag :3 - have the bestest of days amazing sun budddyyyy. Always lovely to see you around

KindWolf2023 August 23rd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thanks Sun!!

I appreciate you and you know Vic thinks the absolute world of you.

You are so positive and uplifting!! Glad you are here!!

TabbyCat97 August 26th, 2023


Sunnnn<3 heheh I wasn't sure where else to message this. I misss you looadss sunn budddyy *hugsss*💜🫂 you're just so amazingg! :') I have been on a little break and haven't been around on forums muchhh ~ just getting ready to go back to schoolybobs :p :3

I haddd and notification tag from youuu but I lost ittt 🥲 I think it was on your corner? :0 I am not sure sun buddyy, I am super duper sorry I can't find it.

You're just amazing, still being the awweesome pawwesome Sunn we all know and love :) keep being yoouu Sunnn, you are an incredible person and we love love having you on cupsies 🫂💜

TabbyCat97 August 23rd, 2023


wolffff o: the graphic is just out of this world amassazziinngg :0 💜 thank you so much for putting this post together, im obsessed with how sweet and lovely it is :’) you’re the best at what you dooo! So great to see you on the team :3


Thank you soooo much :’) you’re such an amazing person cofee and I’m always always here for you <3 thank you for this lovely message of appreciation, it means so much to me and made me smile. It’s wonderful to know you and I am so proud of you. Keep being awesome, sweet, caring and strong - you got this 💜

KindWolf2023 August 23rd, 2023

@TabbyCat97 thank you! I wanted it to be beautiful cause you are amazing!!


warmheartedCamp3360 August 23rd, 2023

Knock knock!! A letter for @Iampapaya from THE secret *dost* :)🫡 💌

It goes "Hello papaya i thought to appreciate you before I dissapear again. You are such a special person so kind so precious please know your worth and keep fighting i know you had many bad experiences but still you are here this shows how brave you are.

Take care my dearest 7 cups friend pap❤️

With love

Secret Dost.

Whispers-: guess who I am 😛"


Click here

Secret dost also wants you to know how Purposeful, Problem-solver, Motivated, Supportive, Cheerful, Great Communicator, Humble you are 😎🫵🏻

Papaya, It's great to see you've tackled tough times and kept on fighting! 🙌🔥Also my gut feeling says your dost has sent you intentional clues perfectly personalized for you. Good luck on finding them! 😉💗

Hey secret dost, greetings from mitr (pun intended..hope you get it somehow🥲) Appreciate your benevolence and hope it comes back to you 1000 fold !! 🧡


P.S : IGNORE unless and until you didn't understand the pun and want to know what it is

So you've mentioned secret "dost" which means friend in hindi (most of them are familiar with this ***). "mitr" also means friend in hindi and my name is mit. So it's "greetings from mit-r" silly hehe *nervous laugh* ..also don't ask me why I included this explanation here 🙂💧

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 23rd, 2023


Aww not at all silly, Mitty 🧁, its cute hehe, love how you made this extra sweet with your thought and care! And yay awesome graphic as always!💖

warmheartedCamp3360 August 23rd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou hey sun thankss for saying that ..was thinking whether I exaggerated a lil bit but u made me at ease 😸💛

GrimSox August 23rd, 2023

I looove it, mit! This is neat and should be kept as a printout, framed to the wall... if you ask me 😊

Also, mit hmmm... do you know about the Iranian deity Mithra or the buddhist Maitreya? ^ ^
Anyway, maybe you could tell us what mit
🧁means? 🤔
warmheartedCamp3360 August 23rd, 2023

@grimsmark8 Thaanks charlie, so kind of you 😌✨️

Oh I didn't update you about the email thing. I actually logged in through that mail and it's working fine.

Ohh, I dunno exactly but i have heard about them i think. Did a quick Google search and took some notes.

  • Mithra , commonly known as Mehr or Mithras among Romans, is an ancient Iranian deity of covenants, light, oath, justice, the sun, contracts, and friendship. Mithra is also a judicial figure, an all-seeing protector of Truth, and the guardian of cattle, the harvest, and the Waters.
  • Mithraism, the worship of Mithra, the Iranian god. Known as Mithras in the Roman Empire during the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
  • Maitreya or Metteyya, also Maitreya Buddha or Metteyya Buddha, is regarded as the future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology - the 5th and final Buddha of the current kalpa. His teachings will be aimed at reinstating the dharma, a vital concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism.
  • The name Maitreya is derived from the Sanskrit word maitrī "friendship", which is in turn derived from the noun mitra "friend".
  • Vedic Mitra is a prominent deity of the Rigveda distinguished by a relationship to Varuna, the protector of rta.
  • According to a historian of Mithraism, John R. Hinnells: "The god is unique in being worshipped in four distinct religions: Hinduism (as Mitra), in Iranian Zoroastrianism and Manicheism (as Mithra), and in the Roman Empire (as Mithras)."

Mhmm that's quite a history. I didn't expect this much. I actually like looking for histories or meanings behind and I have done it couple of times before for my name especially.

Mit is a tiny part of my complex name, and hardly anyone uses it in real life. But in my wierd fantasies, people call me that as if it's normal. I've never told anyone about this, but I want real-life people to recognize me by that acronym. Somehow, the 'cupcakes' became connected to it. At first, it sounded weird to me while pronouncing, like it's incomplete and some might think of MIT college. But I still like it.

mit🧁 hehe

I don't usually talk about my name to anyone because it brings up bad memories for me. However, it has changed a lot now. :)

GrimSox August 25th, 2023

@warmheartedCamp3360 Wow, absolutely wow! I love that you took decided to do research and make notes, that's so cool buddy 😍 I love history 🤗

GrimSox August 25th, 2023

@grimsmark8 oops also I think this 🧁 is very unique and creative ^ ^

warmheartedCamp3360 August 24th, 2023

@Iampapaya glad you like it papaya 💗✨️

Ohh it was you @callumking2000 😎

heathermarie95 August 23rd, 2023

Hello @rafinha23

You have received an appreciation from a Secret Friend!



Your Secret Friend also sent you a trophy!


To rafinha23 -

It is great to see all

the positive reviews you received.

Keep up the great work!

To Secret Friend -

Thank you for sending

in an appreciation.

Keep being the kind

person that you are.

NeurospicyGirl August 23rd, 2023

Hello everyone! We have a rather lovely appreciation for @BeeCake @itsThatKidCasper @Rosepetalxx @Saukun @WellsFiction and it comes from @tinywhisper11


They have also noticed these following qualities in you



🩷🌸 a little note from me 🩷🌸

@BeeCake @itsThatKidCasper @Rosepetalxx @Saukun @WellsFiction - it is so great to see you have developed a support system here on 7cups

@tinywhisper11 - thankyou for this beautiful appreciation, we appreciate you being here on 7cups


NeurospicyGirl August 23rd, 2023

@tinywhisper11 also wishes to send @BeeCake @itsThatKidCasper @Rosepetalxx @Saukun @WellsFiction some plushies!


KindWolf2023 August 23rd, 2023

@SomebodySpicy beautiful loving this!!!

NeurospicyGirl August 23rd, 2023

@KindWolf2023 Thankyou! I felt really inspired today so decided to create all 3 graphics used in the post

teenytinyturtle August 23rd, 2023

Hey @SomebodySpicy here's a wonderful appreciation message from @sunisshiningandsoareyou

I completely agree, you are an amazing team member of PAT and I love your posts 🐢💚

Sunnn, thank you (yep, I said it but I'm also sending you hugs, pizza, and fluffy hamsters), for always appreciating your peers and making cups so sunny!


NeurospicyGirl August 23rd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou - Sun, thankyou so much, I love working on the PAT team with you too and your wonderful encouragement and positivity

@teenytinyturtle - thankyou for making this beautiful appreciation 😍 it's so lovely to have you on the PAT team too

KindWolf2023 August 23rd, 2023

@teenytinyturtle hear hear!! Beautiful appreciation for Amy!!

GrimSox August 25th, 2023

@teenytinyturtle @SomebodySpicy Love your posts Amy, you definitely have pinked up PAT so much with your creativity and warmth ^ ^

teenytinyturtle August 23rd, 2023

Hey @rubyjane00

Your kindness and appreciations have been returned your way by @sunisshiningandsoareyou


Thank you for being so cheerful and wonderful. 💜🐢🩷🫂

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 23rd, 2023

@teenytinyturtle @somebodyspicy @rubyjane00

Awww thankyouu for the sweet posts for both Amy and Jane, teeny! And hehe fluffy hamsters are the besttt!🥰 *hugs back* appreciate y'all wonderful people lots!💗

KindWolf2023 August 23rd, 2023

@teenytinyturtle so sweet and pretty love this!!

GrimSox August 25th, 2023
@teenytinyturtle Teeny, you are soo talented omg! 🥺🥺🥺 The way you match everything in the graphics to perfection, I think we need lessons in cuteness from you 😳

@rubyjane00 meow meow fellow PAT cat, I been watching your skills and im feeling very good looking at your works

@sunisshiningandsoareyou You always have the kindest encouragements, I dunno how you bring this so consistently... I'm so glad that you exist in my life 🌞
🌞🌞 Thanks for making my life beautiful! 🤗
LoveMyMoonflowers August 25th, 2023


Agreed! 💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 25th, 2023


Thanks for making me cry?!🥺

Smh smh, you're too sweeeeeeeet, Charliee, thank you for being *you* and making the world a better, more beautiful, more loving place to be.💖

When the world is filled with people as beautiful as yourself, it's not difficult putting across some words to *try* to appreciate you/them!

I said try because, there's never enough words available to convey some gratitude in the exact depth that you *deserve*, but one gotta try, mhm?!💖

Grateful for you, everyday! 🤗💖🤗


GrimSox September 5th, 2023



Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 5th, 2023

@grimsmark8 Haha so awdorableee!


rubyjane00 August 25th, 2023

@grimsmark8 thank you so much, you are the sweetest 🫶🏼

LoveMyMoonflowers August 25th, 2023


So adorableee! 😭💕

VictoriaLove7 August 23rd, 2023

Hiya ( o˘◡˘o) Fristo @Fristo

you got an amazing appreciation from

@Nightowlwho 🌙

Nightowl 🌙 says


The qualities that Nightowl 🌙 find in you, Fristo ⭐


Nightowl 🌙 sent this self- care kit for you ⭐


From me


Thank you for this appreciation. Hope you be kind to yourself too! 🌙


Thank you for this space for appreciation. Hope you be kind to yourself and keep being you, Fristo! ⭐

KindWolf2023 August 23rd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 amazing post you outdid yourself!!!

VictoriaLove7 August 23rd, 2023


Thank you, Wolf!

KindWolf2023 August 23rd, 2023



Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 23rd, 2023


Aww the cookies in the jar is such a creative idea, Vicc, well done!❤ *sneaks some cookies from @fristo 's jar and nom nommm* 🥰

VictoriaLove7 August 23rd, 2023


Thank youu, Sunshine! 🌞❤

*nom nom cookies 🍪 too* 🤗