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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023

@trueconfidant123 Very welcome!!

freedomauve August 9th, 2023

@RogueOne1983 Thanks for your kind words. I wish a good journey on 7cups to you.

CalmRosebud August 9th, 2023

@RogueOne1983 @tinywhisper11

Sweet! We're all pretty awesome together, aren't we? Thanks for the Appreciation which is as Sweet as you are!

Rogue, you made it pretty and all, thanks everyone!

Love and Courage, Tas

MakunaHatata August 14th, 2023

Always putting smiles on people's faces are you tiny. Thank you for your shout out. I'm very pleased, humbled, and grateful to cross my path of life with yours. You deserve great things Tiny! I hope you know "you got a friend in me" (Yes, I just quoted Toy Story!) I'm always here for you girl!

<3 -P

Thank you for making this cheerful post! I'm loving the brightness of it. Sending out some positive vibes!

<3 -P

RogueOne1983 August 14th, 2023

@Parker64 thanks thanks much appreciation!!

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023

TO: ⭐️@warmlightxo

from 💫@fristo🐟

A warm message of appreciation; you are wanted, needed, and missed!


WarmLightXO August 12th, 2023

Thank you for this gorgeous graphic Rogue! I so appreciate all the thought and kindness that went into this message.

@fristo thank you for everything, I too remember you dearly and hope to one day return to this fabulous group of humans 💚

RogueOne1983 August 14th, 2023

@WarmLightXO most welcome!!

I always enjoy seeing you in chat! You brighten my days so I made this special!!

heathermarie95 August 9th, 2023

Hello @Tinywhisper11

You have received an appreciation from @RogueOne1983


To Tiny -

It is great to see how

much you have accomplished here.

Keep up the great work!

To Rogue -

Thank you for being

the kind person that you are!

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023

@heathermarie95 thanks Heather this looks great!! And did so fast too, thanks thanks!!

Tinywhisper11 August 9th, 2023

@RogueOne1983 awwwww rogue 🤗 thanks sweetie ❤❤❤ I really appreciate this😁❤ I love you

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023


Welcome!! Love love love to you!! 💜💛💙

VictoriaLove7 August 9th, 2023

Hiya ヽ(ヅ)ノ Nini @nini1222 🎉

you got an appreciation from @Orca03 🐋


From me

@Orca03 Thank you for this appreciation. You are a wonderful person! 🐋

@nini1222 Thank you for being a wonderful listener. You are appreciated! 🎉

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 9th, 2023

Hey hey lovely Lolaaa, lil cute birdies have a shout out for you from @Rogueone1983. 💗


Thankyouu for showering so much kindness around, Rogue, sending lots of love your way! 💗

@Tinywhisper11, you are the brightest smiley being around, your presence is a gift to the world! Never stop being you, Lola! Big hugs! 💗

VictoriaLove7 August 9th, 2023


You created vv cutu graphic with little birdies, Sunshine! 🌞❤

The font color in the graphic is red, and the legs of the birdies are yellow, so the typed letters are red and the names are in yellow! ©️ Sunshine's style 🥳❤

I owlways love your style! 🤗❤

Tinywhisper11 August 9th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thanks rogue ❤ thanks sun ❤❤ I love you both ❤❤❤❤❤❤

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023


Love and appreciation Tiny!! 💜💛💙

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023


Thanks Sun; this is pretty and just what I wanted to say!!!!

Appreciate you!!💛💙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 10th, 2023

@RogueOne1983 sending-love.gif

VictoriaLove7 August 9th, 2023

Hiya (๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝* Hawaii @Hawaii968 🏖

you got an appreciation from @cheebsra 🐈‍⬛


From me

@cheebsra Thank you for this appreciation. You are a wonderful person! 🐈‍⬛

@Hawaii968 Thank you for keeping things organized for sharers in SC! 🏖

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 9th, 2023

The sweet as a lollypop herself hooman @Tinywhisper11 has sent some sweet kindness your way, @Blitzkryeg and @convivialCar2749. 🍭💗🍭


More lollypops and hugs for all you wonderful people! 🍭🤗🍭

VictoriaLove7 August 9th, 2023


The lollipop graphic you created is super cutu, Sunshine! 🌞❤

The lollipop emojis in the message look exactly like the graphic you made. The colors of the lollipops are pink and the names are in black, so the typed letters are pink and the names are in black! ©️ Sunshine's vv original style 🥳❤

You are owlsome! 🤗❤

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023


What a cute and original way to do this! Nice work!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 22nd, 2023

@RogueOne1983 @VictoriaLove7

Thankyou both, I appreciate the kind compliments!❤

VictoriaLove7 August 22nd, 2023


It is vv cutu and creative graphic, Sunshine! 🌞❤

You are the pioneer in making cutu graphic shapes! 🤗❤

me love chu original style ©️ Sunshine 🥳❤

RogueOne1983 August 22nd, 2023


Very welcome!!✨️🩵⭐️

LoveMyMoonflowers August 9th, 2023
Helllooo theree bestest bunnyy, aka @amiableBunny4016 !! i really am so happy that you’ve taken the time to write this beautiful appreciation for yourself <3

The note reads: ‘The world is scary, yet we are stuck between fear and shame and hopelessness. Sometimes the smiles make us wanna laugh and sometimes the jokes have the best of us and we are at the highest peak of our life and it's amazing. Other times you want to scream in the middle of nowhere and cry and just be alone. Yet never finding peace within yourself. Me. But what if I could conquer mountains I never heard of or cross the biggest roads and directions in my life? What if I could. Change the world for who I am today? Yet selflessness cripples inside of you and that tension hits us. But that doesn't mean appreciating myself is impossible or something that I can't do. Because if you can be worthy and loving and beautiful then anyone else can be those words. And I may not live up to or follow expectations of anyone else but that doesn't make me any less than anyone. Because I can be beautiful and loving and worthy of care. I can be myself. I can feel happiness and warmth and joy. I can cry and scream. I can be this person. This person who I am today, I can't be any proud of her. She is strong and brave and I'm sure she will get through it when she finds herself. She is Bunny. This girl. She is who she is. And I will stand with her everyday. I will stand by myself, beside myself, behind myself, in front of myself, because I am me and thats just reality. And it's beautiful.’




These are the traits best bunwee observed in herself as well <3 and honestly, i agree with every one of them 🥹


A little note from me:

No words can explain how happy i am that you’ve appreciated yourself, bunwee <3 your beautiful, bestest bunwee-self… and, well, I don’t think I’ve got any words either to explain how beautifully written, and how truly heartwarming this letter is 🥹 when I first read it, tears leapt into my eyes and rightly so <3 *sends loootsss of lovee ❤️and hugggs 🤗 and cookies 🍪🍪 for bunny if okiee* we love chu sm bunwee, and we appreciate chu so muchhh. And I’m so truly overjoyed to know you’ve taken the time to appreciate yourself too<3<3 🥹

magnificentNutella August 9th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers Niii, this is such a pretty and cute post! I love it 🌸🌸

@amiableBunny4016 I love your self appreciation bunny, it is so well written 💜💜

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023


A tour de force great post!!!

ThatChristLover August 10th, 2023


oh my goshhh this looks so good Ni!

and you totally deserved this @amiableBunny4016!

NeurospicyGirl August 9th, 2023

Hello there @SupportiveMitch you have received a lovely appreciation from @VioletNotes


They also submitted this lovely image for you



💓 From me 💓

@SupportiveMitch - Thankyou for being a listening ear to so many and offering your support to them.

@VioletNotes - I can see that you too are a listener and have supported many people. Keep up the good work!

We are greatful to have both of you here with us on 7cups <3


magnificentNutella August 9th, 2023


Woah such a pretty and well organized post, Amy!❤ I love it💫🍫

A very nice and cute appreciation too!

NeurospicyGirl August 9th, 2023


Thankyou so much! I sometimes feel less is more with posts 🥰

SupportiveMitch August 9th, 2023

@SomebodySpicy @VioletNotes

Vi you are an absolutely amazing positive spirit in TL, I’m so grateful for your commitment to ensuring TL is a supportive space and your activity in there is outstanding.

i am so grateful for your feedback and kind words, and I will be sticking around for a while, so don’t worry you’re stuck with me. 🥰🥰

Take care! :)

RogueOne1983 August 9th, 2023


Very nicely done; glad you are here!!

GoldenRuleJG August 9th, 2023

@Fristo has got a peer appreciation from @Hawaii968!!!

Hawaii says: "There isn't enough words to tell you how important you've changed my life. Your positivity is infectious and I love what you with the Positivity Corner. It's always the best part of my day! You are so supportive and always have an ear for me! You are caring, compassionate and above all, just wonderful! (Favorite cookie Monster)

Graphics from Hawaii - very thoughtful messages to fristo :)


Graphic created with canva:


Georginahowe August 9th, 2023

@GoldenRuleJG This is so pretty summer

GoldenRuleJG August 10th, 2023

@Howegeorgia20 thank you 🩷

magnificentNutella August 9th, 2023

@GoldenRuleJG Such a pretty and enchanting post!😊🦋

GoldenRuleJG August 10th, 2023

@magnificentNutella thanks ❤️