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21,925 M Aiming High 1
PathStep 84 Compassion hearts3,399 Forum posts853 Forum upvotes1,488 Current upvotes1,488 Age GroupAdult Last activeNovember, 2023 Member sinceJune 19, 2023

✨️The only path to peace✨️

✨️Is fighting the evil that wants✨️ ✨️anything but.✨️



"people need to get some actright knocked into them"


"Happiness is not a destination, it's a state of mind. You don't go looking for happiness, you create happiness."


"the obstacle is the path"

"you must live with love, because living with hate will split your soul…..don’t pity the dead, pity the living, particularly those that live without love…! ...agh why are we soooo cruel to each other?"


"make bad choices, get bad outcomes"

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RogueOne1983 profile picture
Chatroom Behavior
Motivation & Accountability / by RogueOne1983
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October 30th, 2023
...See more So I am Rogue I am very much a fighter and I don't mind being knocked around a bit. I have been hearing and seeing around the site people saying, I am staying out of the chatrooms they feel unfriendly unwelcoming and I am going to add sometimes unsafe. I have noticed more mods around which is the site's official response. The problem here is mods are basically gatekeepers; they are there to stomp fights deal with real bad behavior. They are not there to make sure people say hi to each other or are basically friendly to others we the community are responsible for that. Pledges are popular around here so now I would like you to take one with me: ⭐️🏆Except for Sharing Circle, I now pledge that every time I enter a chatroom, I will greet everyone there.🏆⭐️ ⭐️🏆If I notice someone has entered the room whilst chatting, I pledge to greet them also.🏆⭐️
RogueOne1983 profile picture
Making It Alone...Making It Work
Relationship Stress / by RogueOne1983
Last post
October 25th, 2023
...See more I Can Do It With first husband and his family I had become a big spreading mushroom I was almost completely dependent and they enabled helplessness. This all changed when first husband fell to addictions and I had to run for my life with clothes on my back, my purse, phone and laptop.  I never saw him or that house again. It was terrifying. I moved out of state it was the single biggest leap of faith in my life. My legal family wanted me close by to maintain control ensure I kept their abuse a secret. In the new state I got my own apartment. I was not that responsible but I was growing fast and shrinking in size as my life depended on it! Husband and I finalized divorce they wrote the decree 9/11. I ran for my life 2nd husband years later on 9/11; not planned! Now on third best final marriage; now I can say I have lived in five states and I know I can fully care for myself as I do it daily. No regrets!!
RogueOne1983 profile picture
Rogue's Arts & Crafts Thread
Arts & Crafts / by RogueOne1983
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December 9th, 2023
...See more So I also am going to post here pics of stuff I have made.
RogueOne1983 profile picture
50 & Over Community / by RogueOne1983
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October 7th, 2023
...See more
RogueOne1983 profile picture
Twilight Time
50 & Over Community / by RogueOne1983
Last post
September 27th, 2023
...See more The days wear on. I spend more time at home more time sleeping. Nurses. Meds. So much to remember in terms of what to take when. It is autumn I always loved the changing of the seasons. October everyone already getting excited. Halloween is a major favorite holiday around here. I have learned the genuine importance of love thy neighbor. My neighbors are nuts. Think college dorm the RA is never on duty. Somethin' always crazy happening here. I have been through some truly utterly devastating heartbreaking things last few weeks. Found out info that just about put me under. The worst wounds are inflicted by those who say they're your friends. I will never give up Jesus. His church is His children. He came here, died, rose, who is with Me? Those of us who said yes. We are His kids. The Lord knows who are His. The rest are harlots. My 2nd husband the abuser is behind bars yayyyy! My current last and best husband H. we are enjoying the time.
RogueOne1983 profile picture
Please Pray For Me!
Religion & Spirituality / by RogueOne1983
Last post
December 24th, 2023
...See more My health is very poor I am under constant attack. My life is Bizarro World. My medical case has sparked a federal investigation! I am tired of being walked on forgotten shoved in corners I need stuff too. Please pray for me thanks!!!
RogueOne1983 profile picture
Ruthlessly Living A Life Good For Me
Healthy Living / by RogueOne1983
Last post
September 27th, 2023
...See more Reposted from question asked in another thread.... ------------------------- Ok so I just posted about 2nd husband and I do not consider him a mistake. Mistakes Are Awesome Mulch💫 He was my rock bottom. I had been raised severe childhood abuse and when you are raised being abused, you do not know how to choose people and situations that are actually good for you. You accept the unacceptable as normal. And so my first marriage lasted many years; it eventually collapsed as he was "married" to his parents they came first always. I learned afterwards to start choosing things I wanted. My legal mother treated me as a live dress up doll; I was not allowed even personal expression in clothing, and shamed if I got "out of line" did, said, or even wore anything they disapproved of. I ended up marrying 2nd husband and hit rock bottom in terms of what I was willing to put up with and allowing people to use and abuse me. Sobriety At Last💫 I then camped out at a sobriety club for about three months which in actual fact saved my life. My sobriety wasn't from drugs and alcohol; it was from allowing people and situations to use and abuse me. I proudly took a one year chip at a local Celebrate Recovery this last December. Selfishness Ain't Recovery💫 I continued to ruthlessly pursue life in MY best interests, screw what other people wanted or thought. I am not talking selfishness/self-centeredness. I am talking: NO people pleasing, allowing someone else to run my life, make bad personal decisions so someone else would be happy, or put up with *** treatment to be accepted. ------------------------- What Entails A Life That Works For Me?🌻 * "NO" to bad living situations. Fix mess of past; do not make any further crap business/financial decisions. Do not "trust someone" to do any essential task and then have nowhere to live when they fail it. * Eventually good decisions piled up. I have a home, a husband, a bank account and have painfully rebuilt utterly destroyed credit. * I have plugged into many different community groups and contributed where able, so am reaping the fruits of these wise investments. ------------------------- In A Nutshell...💫 Ruthlessly pursuing life in MY best interests means, today: Responsibilities🌾 * Rent and utilities get paid in full, on time. * Bills keep current as able * Budget and buy so home is supplied with food, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, trash bags, other life necessities. * Home is clean stays clean I am too sick to recover it from allowing it to fall into disaster!! * Good relationships with neighbors. Relationships🌾 * Father, Son, Holy Spirit FIRST * Husband SECOND * Believers/Neighbors/Teammates THIRD ------------------------- Conclusions💫 Love others share what's given. Say please when you ask and thank you when you receive. Too sick to work but I do little volunteer tasks as I am able. ✨️THAT is ruthlessly living life in MY best interests!!!✨️
RogueOne1983 profile picture
He Abused Me; I Am To Blame (Abuser Talk)
Relationship Stress / by RogueOne1983
Last post
September 6th, 2023
...See more TW: ABUSE My 2nd husband hit all the following areas of abuse: * * * ✔️ physical ✔️sexual ✔️cheating with multiple women ✔️crime ✔️addictions ✔️lies ✔️thieving money ✔️ abandonment ✔️humiliation ✔️gaslighting ✔️control ✔️threats ✔️triangulation ✔️manipulation and games ✔️running when most needed ✔️worked me like a dog ✔️claimed my income was his spent it on his "friends" ✔️made us homeless ✔️allowed others to abuse me. ------------------------- So I left him. His life then tanked and... ------------------------- Everything that then happened was my fault! I should not have left him!! He has some kind of rights to me in his mind but he feels he has ZERO responsibilities. ------------------------- He should just be able to do whatever he wants and I must give up my happy life, current husband and go be miserable with him for old times' sake. ------------------------- Well he is entitled to his opinion. And to live the life he chooses. He opted out on life with me years ago by doing all that. It might help to accept it.
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