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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 6th, 2023

Your proactive presence is really not not-noticed, @Azuladragon30, thankyou for all you do!💛

Way to go, you enthusiastic appreciator @tobedoctor, you're all kinds of amazing!💛

amiableBunny4016 May 2nd, 2023
Heyyy Amazing Hoomans,

Today we have an appreciation for someone amazing!

@beck1, you have received appreciation from @confidentRabbit7311!

@beck1 shows these qualities:
Consistent, Resilient, Great Communicator, Supportive

Thank you Beck for being so helpful and lovely towards other listeners and managing your time to help others! You are a wonderful person and I have seen you around in forums! Keep being the amazing person you are!


beck1 May 2nd, 2023


Thank you @confidentRabbit7311 for such a sweet message. I appreciate you

VictoriaLove7 May 2nd, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We got a special appreciation for
@victoriousblue17 🌸

From the one who shines brightly in Cups

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞


These are the qualities that Sunshine find in you


From me

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for your innumerable contributions to Cups. This community is so lucky to have you. Thank you for everything, Sunshine. I'm truly blessed to have you in my life. ❤

@victoriousblue17 Thank you for picking simple but kind words for your posts. You are appreciated! 🌸

victoriousblue17 May 2nd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 and @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you both! It's made my day.
VictoriaLove7 May 3rd, 2023


Sure thing! 😁 Keep up the good work!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 3rd, 2023


Always appreciate your beautiful posts, Viccc. Thankyouuu so much for everything!❤

VictoriaLove7 May 4th, 2023


I'm the one who is blessed to have you in my life, Sunshine 🌞

Optimisticempath May 2nd, 2023

Hi @The1NOnlyVenus you have received Two amazing appreciations 💚

from @anatomParticle 🥳


And from @tobedoctor 🥰


You are so special Venus 💕

Thankyou chocolates for the sweet peers, Atom and Doc 🤗

May 2nd, 2023

@The1NOnlyVenus it's for you ^^

The1NOnlyVenus May 3rd, 2023


Incoming paragraph!

I just wanted to say, thank you so so much for whoever appreciated me🩷 it really means a lot to me and just makes me really happy knowing that I am able to support others who need it, and here’s to whoever needs to hear it, I may not have a listener account, however I’ll still try my best to stay active and listen to your problems, even if I don’t relate to them I’ll be listening to you, everyone deserves to be heard, understood, loved, cared for, accepted and respected, You are valid. You are loved. You matter. You are perfect the way you are, don’t ever think any less of yourself, because you are worth simply living for, someone out there cares deeply about you, you may not spot them but they’re still there, always know that no matter how tough situations may be, you’re strong and will always be, I wish everyone a lovely day ahead of them!

Optimisticempath May 2nd, 2023

💛 A secret friendo said they dont have words after saying the sweetest things for you 😮 @NebulaCreation isn't that amazing, someone having so much kindness and appreciation for YOU they feel any words are less 💙


You're pretty cool too secret friendo 💙 thankyou for this luminous appreciation! 💛

NebulaCreation May 3rd, 2023


aw this is literally so sweet- thanks secret friendo <3

Optimisticempath May 2nd, 2023

friends-hug.gif@Elle5319 has the most beautiful message for "All the members new and old that come to my sharing circle sessions M-F 9pm" 💕

Feel free to tag them Elle :)

"I appreciate everyone who comes to my sessions. It honestly helps me to be there hosting. I appreciate everyone for being supportive and following the guidelines without disruption or arguments. It's a safe loving space for everyone to share, and I appreciate y'all so much for helping facilitate that. I appreciate the sharers that open up and share what they're going through. I'm so glad you're there, and you're never alone, because we're here for you! I appreciate y'all for being there for me too! I've met amazing people in sc that I consider like family to me now. Y'all have gotten me through some really hard times. Whatever we're going through, we'll get through this together! 💕"

I can really relate with how important it is to have kind people around as a host and how much it helps one feel comfortable 💕 Really glad you all offer each other a safe space 💕

amiableBunny4016 May 2nd, 2023

Heyooooo Lovelies,

Today we have an appreciation for a very *special* and *beautiful* person.

Bunny appreciates this person so so so much <3

@Fluffysheep8 <3

You have been appreciated by @taylorhugs12! <3


Fluffy is forgiving, Optimistic, Supportive, Cheerful and Respectful!

You deserved this appweciation so so mwuch fwuffy! You me best fwend! And I agwee with Taylor. Taylor, thank u so so so so much for remwinding fwuffy of how amazwing fwuffy is! We be smoll togwether hehe!

Love chu fluffy and taylor! *hugs for both if okay*



YourCaringConfidant May 3rd, 2023
The following self-appreciation is dedicated to @Lightprune1000. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am to be able to deliver this note to Light.

💜 💚 💜 💚 💜 💚


Light, I am so sorry that someone has hurt you. It hurts knowing that people are being unkind to you when you are such an amazing person! You deserve to be happy and treated with the most upmost respect... and love. However, I do have to say that I applaud you for rising above even when you are being mistreated. I applaud you for not letting your frustrations get the best of you. You got it right, Light! You most certainly deserve to self-appreciate because that is you loving on yourself.
Way to go!!!


@Lightprune1000 Sending hugs and smiles your way. I hope you are feeling better! 😃

YourCaringConfidant May 3rd, 2023

@LightPrune1000 Sorry, I forgot to attach the quote! You can view it here to read it as many times as you need.

victoriousblue17 May 3rd, 2023

This special appreciation is from @Lightprune1000 to @Fristo:


@Fristo, you are:

🧡 Emotionally Intelligent - You read emotional cues and respond appropriately. 🧡

🤍 Respectful - You try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood. 🤍

💚 Supportive - You are kind and helpful. 💚

🧡 Great Communicator - You speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation. 🧡

And from me, @victoriousblue17, I just want to add thank you for being such a supportive rockstar to everyone here!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 3rd, 2023
For someone who is
🐡 Coachable
🐡 Inquisitive
🐡 Patient
🐡 Intuitive
🐡 Respectful, and
🐡 Great at communication

You certainly do deserve all the appreciation @Autumn1100winter, and I'm so glad you noticed your wonderful qualities and appreciated yourself for being a good person! 💛


Super proud of you for being so kind to yourself. You deserve your own kindness and love too. 💛


OnlyWinter May 3rd, 2023


Nemo!! Thank you!! this is so amazing!! You made my day!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 3rd, 2023

@Autumn1100winter Yasss! So happy to hear that!

OnlyWinter May 4th, 2023


I'm gonna submit more, pretty please make more nemo for me 😀

You got the knack for making graphics, Sun!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 4th, 2023

@Autumn1100winter Aww that's so sweeet hehe, and yes please feel free to share more appreciations, I'll be happy to make more for you when I get the chance to. ❤

SophTheListener2022 May 3rd, 2023

🐸Hey hey amazing people! Here's an incoming appreciation from @autumn1100winter to @FineFrog15


For a bigger picture click here!

Note from me:

autumn1100winter: You are amazing for sending in this heartfelt appreciation. Keep being amazing and kind!

FineFrog15: You deserve all the happiness, and you have so much positivity. Keep spreading positivity!

(Sent by autumn1100winter) 🐸💚

FineFrog15 May 3rd, 2023



I cannot thank you enough! big big *hugs* ❤️ Interestingly enough, resolution to what that was weighing heavily on my mind has been found. I'm feeling pretty darn fantastic right about now. I can't wait to see you in the MCR!

😊❤️😊❤️ Thank you for being so very kind to me! ❤️

OnlyWinter May 4th, 2023


Yayy, Froggy!! 🐸 big hug 🫂

What's the resolution? 🐸

FineFrog15 May 4th, 2023


Hi Winter! 😊❤️ The resolution is that we as humans are fallible (including me). Ultimately, I have to take ownership in the situation that made me sad. In the end, the fault lied with me.

I'm happy to admit when I am wrong. I'm happy to apologize to others if I misjudged. Not that it ever justifies anything.......we bring to the table a past, past hurts, experiences, etc. Sometimes I guess we can just get a little scared? We, as people, can have "knee jerk reactions" that maybe have to do more about us than the other person. I know it's wrong to do so and someone else should never have to "pay for the sins of others".

I wonder even if there are moments where we are so happy that something feels just too good to be true? I can't "wait for the other shoe to drop" and go "poking holes" into things that were never there to begin with. That's no way to live and we can miss out on so much joy by doing that.

Sometimes communication can be difficult, both parties can misread signs. Maybe a few of mine were misunderstood at first blush. That would be minor comparatively speaking and I didn't have to let it snowball that's for sure. With relationships, and any type of "ship" it may be, can come adversity. Just a fact of life. Aha moment....many times it's how you find resolution to it all, how you do your personal best to apologize and in the right way, take responsibility for it so that things can get back on track. Mission accomplished!

I'm actually glad that it was my fault (interesting concept to explore). It's hard enough as people to change ourselves. Herculean feat to try and change others (I don't suggest trying to change others). Glad that they aren't the one that needs changing at this moment. It's me. This is the good news! 😊❤️😊

Today, this Froggie is a most happy one! Thank you for caring about me. I send big *hugs* ❤️ I care about you to. Thank you for being such a good friend to me! 😊❤️😊

OnlyWinter May 4th, 2023


I think it is not your fault. 😮 and you have the right to feel upset.

But I don't know the whole story, like they were being pushy, then days later apologized for it? Some people apologize just to get away with things, but their true character is revealed already.

But it's not that I don't support you finding peace, but I think you are not the one to blame, Froggy 🐸

FineFrog15 May 4th, 2023



OnlyWinter May 4th, 2023


The froggy background is cute!! 🐸

FineFrog15 May 4th, 2023



I think so too! Thank you! I am most grateful that both of you gave me a smile when I might not have had one for myself. *hugs* ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 3rd, 2023

Linnnn do you now see what I was saying just today lol xD got another amazing hooman aka @Sirenofserenity to confirm it for us!💛


Your dedicated, compassionate, inquisitive, resourceful and enthusiastic approach towards everything you do is super appreciated! Thankyouuu for being a gift to the community @richuyulin, as Siren said too! So proud of you always!💛

Can say the same for you too, Sirennn, your extremely proactive, committed and supportive presence isn't any less of a gift hehe, and is super valuable to the community, thank*you* for being absolutely fantastic at being you!💛

May 3rd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you so much for taking the time to post this!

@SirenOfSerenity thank you so much!! Group chats is where I shine and I love helping others level up. 😃 You're an amazing leader yourself too! One whom I've always admire, you take on so much, and yet always find the time to show gratitude to those who help. 💜

VictoriaLove7 May 3rd, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊

We have a special appreciation for
@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞

From @confidentRabbit7311 🌸


These are the qualities that Lani find in you


From me

@confidentRabbit7311 Thank you for giving this appreciation. Hope you be kind to yourself. (maybe send self appreciation!) 🌸

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for the numerous things that you have done for Cups. You are an incredible gift for life. I'm truly grateful to have you in my life. ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 3rd, 2023


Such a sunny and sunflowery post hehe, thankyouuu, Viccc, you make me smile always!❤


Aww this is super unexpected and just what makes it extra special for me, Laniiii, thankyouuu for such a sweet, encouraging, appreciative message. You've made my entire week hehe. You're awesome-sauze!❤ Sending 🥕🎂 :P

confidentRabbit7311 May 3rd, 2023


VictoriaLove7 May 4th, 2023


That is in my favorite to do list, the most important one, to make you smile, Sunshine 🌞

amiableBunny4016 May 3rd, 2023

Heylooooo Beautiful People,

Today we have an appreciation for the lovely @HealingBeams!

@HealingBeams has been appreciated by @confidentRabbit731!


click here

You have been appreciated for showing the following qualities:

Having the Ability to Delegate, Motivated, Coachable, Supportive, Patient, Respectful, Great Communicator

Wohooo! You are both amazing and I am so so so proud of you both!



Healingbeams May 3rd, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 thank you for this colourful post❤️

Thank you for your kind words @confidentRabbit7311 ❤️

SophTheListener2022 May 3rd, 2023

Heyoo! I've got a very positive and joyful appreciation from @toughCup4675 to @Mariposa8


For a bigger picture click here!

Note from me:

toughCup: Thank you for this amazing and sweet appreciation. Keep spreading kindness!

Mariposa8: You are so awesome for spreading smiles and laughs all around. Never stop laughing and smiling!
