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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

amiableBunny4016 February 13th, 2023


I am so sorry. I forgot to add. We have a little surprise that Skies has left for ya!

Click here!


TabbyCat97 February 13th, 2023


Bunny this graphic is amazing!!! Super well done <3


amiableBunny4016 February 13th, 2023


Thank youuuuu!❤️


BlueSkies1021 February 13th, 2023


Oh my gosh, thank you so much for posting this for me! The graphics are beautiful and I'm so happy to have so many kind people in this community working together with me to appreciate my amazing friend :D

LilacLeopard February 14th, 2023

@FrenchMarbles you have been summoned for some appreciation by the very lovely @rezasophiea⭐️🌚

Rezasophiea has been described you to be



~ Humble

~ Accountable

I wholeheartedly agree with @rezasophiea you really are supportive, honest and open when it is necessary! Thus leading you to be a very effective mentor/listener.

Rezasophiea also left you this lovely note💙


*my own words of appreciation*

*is an opportunist* Now I saw your name on the PAT dash and I decided to take the opportunity to also appreciate you *you can't be mad now*😛Now I know how much you love colourful things and being shown love and all mushy things so I made a graphic which encompasses these things just for you. 😎😉


Click here please to view the above image clearer and bigger.

Stay awesome the both of you❤️

TabbyCat97 February 14th, 2023


What an amazingly pretty and awesome post Aishaa :o! You're so talented. The graphics are amazing 💗


confidentRabbit7311 February 14th, 2023

Hey hey everyone! I’m excited to present a lovely appreciation message for @bluerivercares from our wonderful @fromthelanofhope.


@fromthelanofhope appreciates you for being :

Supportive - They are kind and helpful.

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another.

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong, Coachable - They have a desire to improve.

Cheerful - They are fun to be around.

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

I can 100% agree with landofhope on these qualities they have observed!

Bluey, thank you for always proving support to our listeners, you are so kind funny and a great supportive listener friend for many!

Landofhope, thankyou for appreciating our wonderful bluey! I’m so glad you see these qualities in blue! Also always great to see you around!

Enjoy your day all!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 14th, 2023

@confidentRabbit7311 yay welcome to the team, Laniii! You’re doing so amazing! ❤️

Way to go @bluerivercares it’s no normal day, for you are loved every day! ❤️

Thanks for being so appreciative @Fromthelandofhope, sending beams of kindness your way! ❤️

confidentRabbit7311 February 14th, 2023


BlueRivercares February 15th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thanks a lot sunnieeee ,couldn't do without *you* :p

BlueRivercares February 15th, 2023

@confidentRabbit7311 lani thanks so much for the post and beautiful graphics

@Fromthelandofhope thanks a lot for appreciating made my day and you know I am always there for you :)
NotFound20 February 14th, 2023

❤️We have received a wonderful appreciation❤️

🌹for our loveliest @YourCaringConfidant🌹

🌺from generous @Leanna3333🌺

😍A special message shared by Leanna -😍


🎉and some amazing qualities of YourCaringConfidant 🎉


💐❤️YourCaringConfidant, Kindness is a rare and special gift in the world these days. Thank you for taking the time to show such kindness and support.💐❤️

🌹❤️Leanna, We are also thankful to you for being part of 7cups community and for sharing this wonderful appreciation with all of us. We wish you good luck on your journey.🌹❤️


YourCaringConfidant February 14th, 2023

@NotFound20 Awww, thank you for this beautiful posting! I love the prettiness of the graphic! Great job, smile spreader! <3 I appreciate all that you do to spread joy to others. You are truly a top notch smile spreader (as all our team members are, lol) and you are doing absolutely amazing! Keep on spreading smiles and doing your thing! You are awesome!

@Leanna3333 Thank you so much for the beautiful, heartfelt appreciation message. It is only 6:46a and I can say for certain that you just made my entire day! You have been such a joy to chat with and I am so glad to have come across you, as well! <3 You have displayed nothing but kindness my way and always make the effort to ask how I am. I appreciate you a great deal and hope you have a beautiful day. Thank you for making me smile. My heart is definitely feeling the love, friend. Xoxo.

NotFound20 February 16th, 2023


Hope I will be able to keep spreading smiles.


GloriaD February 21st, 2023


Thank you for all that you do for the program, Lily 🌼 I hope you are having an amazing time with us, and I look forward to seeing your amazing, colorful posts 😊

Here are some beautiful lillies for you!


NotFound20 February 22nd, 2023


Thanks for the lovely lilies Gloria 😍.

I am really glad that I joined the PAT team and am enjoying creating various appreciation posts.❤️

GloriaD March 12th, 2023


So happy to hear that Lily 🌸🌸🌸

YourCaringConfidant February 14th, 2023

There are some people we come across who make it their mission to spread love and kindness in life... in all that they say, in all that they do, in all that they write... @sunisshiningandsoareyou is one of those people!

Sun has sent in appreciation notes for several peers and when I say they wrote each note with love, I truly mean it. <3


You have received the sweetest appreciation note from one of the SUN-niest people we all know and love. Sun wishes to let you know that you are an amazing asset to 7cups and you do so much for the community on here. Please know that all you do does not go un-noticed and you are so deserving of it to be acknowledged.

Sun has also let me know that they think you possess the following qualities:

🍓Innovative 🍓Motivated 🍓Accountable 🍓Purposeful 🍓Emotionally Intelligent 🍓Authentic 🍓Consistent

What a beautiful person you are, Aminta. Thank you! Keep on being amazing!


YourCaringConfidant February 14th, 2023


When I read the note that Sun wrote you I was like "Wow, this person truly is an inspiration!" There is no question to why Sun left you this sweet appreciation note. I mean, just look at how influential you must be to encourage someone to step out of their comfort zone and outside of themself to become a listener. That is such a beautiful thing. Thank you! Sun let me know that you are supportive, respectful, motivated, purposeful, and optimistic and I couldn't agree more. You possess such amazing qualities! Please enjoy your very sweet note from Sun!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 18th, 2023


You're berry much appreciated for making this beautiful post for @ShadowLife by me! 🥰

YourCaringConfidant March 18th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou My pleasure! <3

YourCaringConfidant February 14th, 2023


💛Supportive 💛Resilient 💛Determined 💛Great Communicator 💛Purposeful 💛Emotionally Intelligent 💛Authentic

These are all things that Sun said you are! Wow, I am impressed! As a smile spreader, it is my "job" to deliver appreciation notes and make people smile. With that said, our dear friend, Sun, the brightest of all, wants you to know that they miss seeing you around and thinks you are a phenomenal human being! Please enjoy this very sweet read and have your tissues ready!



Thank you so much for taking the time to appreciate several amazing peers! It is always a joy seeing your name on the dashboard appreciating so many people. You are truly a great person and I will always take time to acknowledge you. I see all you do for people and I think you are just amazing in every way! Please enjoy this sweet note from me to you. You deserve it! <3 I adore you, Sun! You are the absolute BEST!


[Note: I kept getting an error message when I tried putting all the notes/graphics in one posting. Breaking them up was the only way to be able to post. Lol.]

adventurousBranch3786 February 14th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant. @Sunisshingandsoareyou

Thank you so much for these kind words!

Happy Valentines 💘 day too.

VictoriaLove7 February 16th, 2023


Nicely made backgrounds, Desiree! 😃

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 17th, 2023


Omigoodnessssss! I pretend to be shocked with your brilliance lol xD but I honestly am not shocked in the least, just super pleasantly surprised for how amazing you get *every* *single* *time*. *insert a dramatic mind-blown expression* :O

From the intro, graphics, colors, individual messages, to the outro, everything is a visual treat, Desireeee. I love how the colors just pop lol, super vibrant and beautiful and ofcourse topping off with your "Desire" touch~ a touch of love, kindness, authenticity and lots of thought and creativity. ❤

Absolutely L o v e D theseee! Thank*youuu* for posting, and also for the lovely personal note hehe, it means a lot to me, I keep saving them, to look at them and smile again haha. 🥺 *you* are the BESTest Best! ❤


YourCaringConfidant February 18th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I don't want to go back and fourth with you about how I feel because you know I can and will. 🤣 I will just say you are welcome and leave it at that! Sending a great big hug your way! ♡

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 18th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Lol I enjoy the back and forth, being stuck in a compliment puddle. XD

Being stuck in hugs is a great middle ground here for sure!😛


amiableBunny4016 February 14th, 2023

Hi hi @VictoriaLove7,

You have been appreciated by your dear peer @Sunshiningandsoareyou.


text on image:" Viccc, I'm not picking any one quality because honestly all of them fit and so wonderfully. I'd explain, because I know how similar we are and how our brains work differently, soooo yes yes, you'll get a ""why?"" and a ""when?"" for all of these lol. ❤ *fumbles* haha, so hard to know where to begin 😅 I mean I have a lottttt of things I'd like to tell you and a lotttt of things I'd like to appreciate about you. Most of the mushy things I'll keep for PMs. 😈 (let's try not being mushy now lmao)


text on image: Viccccc, I remember our first actual encounter in the Academy room, couple of months ago, where we hit it off on an emoji I used (🌝)~ I've used that emoji often lol and no one seemed to be as intrigued as you about where I found it xD and honestly, that made me feel so good about you already (someone who is Observant and has an attention to detail). The sweetest thing was when you later resorted to one of my forum threads to thank me for making your then day feel better, and also linked my favorite song (where my username is from) in the post~ again, how can someone be so thoughtful and lovely to go beyond that chatroom meet and do something so sweet. 🥺


text on image: You know xD I saw you in chatrooms prior to that sometimes, and always got that very supportive, kind, respectful, polite-member vibe~ it was a nice environment wherever you were. I wonder why we never got to talk hehe. 

Fast forward a few weeks later, when I had the pleasure to talk to you in PMs (about #formalThings lollll), you were still youuu~ you had a difficult chatroom situation as a host, and you handled it sooo professionally, you were resilient throughout and held your ground firm~ you were patient, accountable and determined to keep the chatroom vibe up, you have the knack for delegation and teamwork, you were agile in asking about ways to handle similar situations in future and you took time to appreciate my effort in sharing resources etc~ you have a desire to improve and you humbly keep the room for improvement and growth open always. You were sooooo kind and thoughtful during the chat, and patiently listened to everything I said, while also being your sweet self and appreciating me for it. ❤


text on image: I've hosted sessions too and partaken in many as well, and I know it's not an easy job for the host specially to keep the morale of the room high and ensure a safe, supportive, positive vibe; a lot of times things go south and the host has to bear maximum impact of it~ the fact you can forego all of that and continue to support the participants and do your "job" to your best capability speaks volumes about how determined, forgiving, adaptive and humble you are. 

Look at you now, you're a pro sharing circle host, you facilitate the room soooo well as a host, and do an incredibly amazing job at being welcoming, inclusive, supportive and engaging within the chat. You make people feel comfortable in your presence when you're well aware of what to do when and how considerately you let the chat flow, it shows how emotionally intelligent and reflective you are in the choice of your words and how you frame your thoughts and express your emotions. You are respectful, polite, and motivated about making everyone's sharing circle experience a great one. ❤ 


Faster forward to PAT, I was the happiest when you joined because I just knew this was the role for youuuu, you were an unofficial smile spreader always haha! I think all of us in the team and anyone who sees your graphics and postings would agree~ you make such adorable graphics, they are always super lovely to one's eye and your extra sweet cherry on top~ the kind notes you share have the power to make anyone's day.
You shared how sometimes you miss out on the colors, or the graphics not being very "up-to *your* personal standard" and how you use that opportunity to try again, and make it stand out better~ again, your resilience, the room to be inquisitive and innovative, use that "problem-like" situation to your best vantage, your thoughtfulness and your immense dedication to put forth your best effort is what shines through. ❤ 

Every where you are, you are optimistic, you are positively charged, an amazing communicator and just your authentic self (you are just you and that's my favorite thing about you) ~ you are all of these things and superrrr consistent at being youuuu! ❤


text on image: To sum, you are an incredible *you* always and everywhere. And I'm so grateful to be able to experience your brilliance. 

I've said so much already and yet there's a lot unsaid. You are worthy, you are loved, you're cared for and you're appreciated so so much not just for everything you do from hosting circles, to supporting chats, from making PAT posts to replying to your peers in the most encouragingly sweet way~ a true "Smile Spreader" in every way possible but for being everything that you are. ❤
I want to remind you that you're amazing the way you are~ you shine a certain kind of light in this world that only you have, that warms my heart so much. I love you lotssss. Please stay *you* always! 🤗


text on image: ❤ At last, all I want to say,
Is that I'm here for you, come what may,
Sending so much love your way, 
And hoping this brightens your day. ❤ 

Your Sunshine! 🌞


This is one of the longest appreciation posts I have ever done! Wohoo!

@VictoriaLove7- buddy I do not know you that well but if i am honest with you, your a wonderful, amazing, caring person. You have always looked out for others and your posts are absolutely glorious. You deserve this 19359743897503746 times!

@Sunshiningandsoareyou- you is so sweet sun buddy. I love yaaa! *hugs* you did such a long one but I loved every bit of making this post. I hope nothing is missing hehe. Thank you for appreciating and looking out for your peers.



VictoriaLove7 February 15th, 2023


Thank you soo much, Bunny 🐰 for making this design!! I really like it, and I'm saving all the pictures you made. I would have replied sooner but I want to reply with a design too! (And I spent hours designing and editing 😁) And the squares are actually bunny emojis 🐰

You have made awesome designs here and I see how you chose the images to fit with the background and the color. Thanks again, Bunny! 🐰



Sunshineee 🌞❤ this is so very beautiful. You made me cried tears of joy. I thought I am the only one who remembers our first meeting, but you remember it too 🥺❤

I am at a loss for words to describe how I feel now. You make me heart super happy, super warm. We hit it off the first time we met. You can even feel my emotions, correctly guessed what I was gonna say, and you read my mind like a book. (I also save the mushy mushy for later 😉)

(The letters in the design are kinda 'smol', I hope they are readable ❤)



And yes yes, when we first met I asked about the emoji 🌝 I said it looks exactly like your picture, 'Where did you find it?' (And you said it's just in your recently used emojis. So, I replied 'Oo, I see, I'll look at my recently used emojis then.' 😁).

This is the loveliest note I have ever received and I am forever grateful for your presence in my life. You made my day, my night, my week. I love you too lotss and lotss. And I am here for you, always ❤♾

You are my unutterable blessing and I am in full Sunshine now 🌞❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 21st, 2023


Thankyouu for the beautiful graphics and your lovely lovely notes, Shining Buddy! You're soooo wonderful! Love yaaa! 🤗❤ (yes haha all is included lol, thankyouu for taking this longer text alsoooo, I'm so thankful to you)



Awww *heart meltsss* this is so so so so lovely, Vicccc, just how thoughtful could you be lol. (I know, I keep saying that because you keep on leveling up and so beautifully) Thankyouuu for the such a poetic, mushy-sweeet note, the fact you took time to make these posts, even when you could've avoided, just adds to how special you are and how blessed I am to know you. 🥺 *tightttt hugssss* ❤

While everything about this is *perfect*, I especially love the owliees wearing sunflowers and holding dandelions. 😭 How cute! (And yes yes lol, the graphics are sooo legible, your editing is spot on as always💛)

I'll spam your PMs soon with more haha! 🥰


VictoriaLove7 February 21st, 2023


I am the blessed one to find you among the billions people in this world, Sunshin 🥰 *hugs back tightttly*❤


GloriaD February 21st, 2023


Wow, this certainly is a long appreciation, and that shows how much @Sunisshiningandsoareyou cares about @VictoriaLove7 💛💛💛 You deserve this love Victoria, and I'm hoping lots more happiness for you 🌈

And Bunny, you did amazing to include everything mentioned, GOOD JOB 😊😊😊 I've also observed the many posts you have made so far, thank you for spreading so much happiness 🥰


VictoriaLove7 February 21st, 2023


Thank you, Gloria for your kind words and I wish you lots of happiness too! 😃


amiableBunny4016 February 14th, 2023

Hi Hi @Lauren387,

You have been appreciated by your amazing peer @YourCaringConfidant aka Desiree!

Desiree has kindly already done the graphics for me!!!! (thanks for making my life easier :)


To see a clear image : Follow this Link

You have been appreciated for having these qualities:

Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Agile - They change course as needed

Intuitive - They have an ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning


@Lauren387- Thank you so much for being a wonderful part of the community! You are very much appreciated by your peers hehe! I do not know you that well but I can see that you sound very supportive and amazing. You deserve care and appreciation! You is very valuable to community!❤️

@YourCaringConfidant- Desiree I think you already know what I want to say... You is amazing. Thank you so much for leaving an appreciation for your peers. *hugs if okay* Desiree, i love the graphics btw! You is very talented buddy. Keep up the good work!❤️



lauren387 February 15th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016- Aww, thank you sooo much! It really warmed my heart 😁 .. and the graphic is amazing!!! So I'll be the procrastinating perfectionist pea on the left and you be the one on the right, deal? 🤣

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 14th, 2023
Day in and Day out, more and more people becoming aware of your iconic self's awesomeness, @FrenchMarbles and I'm so very happy to see you recieving all the appreciation you deserve (and more). 💛

Who is the lucky bean this time? @0m is. Yay! 💛

I have a theory xD that Amazing people have an eye for other Amazing people. 0m here is an example, for they are super amazing themself for being uber kind, respectful, supportive, humble and encouraging always. 💛

Frenchieeeee, I should do a separate one for you again. XD You're all kinds of amazing And I C O N I C-ally you. Appreciate you lots. 💛

0m February 15th, 2023


Thank you so much for posting my appreciation in such a beautiful way. Love it! <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 21st, 2023



Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 14th, 2023

Hey hey @inventiveMango9097, thankyou for being your strong, true and dedicated self. We've got sky-ful of kindness for you to shoo away any blues by the lovely @BlueSkies1021. 💙


A reminder by Skies:


This is so sweet, Skies, thank*you* for being an amazing listener who's always super supportive and positively-impactful. You create a massive difference to the lives you touch, and are very much appreciated also! 💙

Sending lots of love and best wishes your way, Mango, super happy to know you've got supportive people who believe in you, and see how hard you try. Yesssss, you are doing amazing and deserve being applauded for it. Keep it up. 💙

YourCaringConfidant February 14th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou OMG, that graphic is everything! Love all the colors together. It looks amazing! What a beautiful post!