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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❀

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

HopieRemi May 15th, 2022

@GoldenRuleJG aww so sweet

GoldenRuleJG May 15th, 2022

@HopieRemi well done to you Hopie ☺️

gentleFox20 May 16th, 2022

πŸ’› We have a lovely self appreciation post here from @positiveriver9935 πŸ’›


We love self appreciation posts here πŸ₯° Your positive and sunny outlook is a source of joy to many!


gentleFox20 May 16th, 2022

πŸ’ We have an anon appreciation here for the wonderful @Jenna πŸ’


Jenna, your dedication to cups doesn't go unnoticed and we are so very lucky to have you here πŸ’


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2022

Hiya @Feelicity08, I hope you're doing well. We have a lovely appreciation for you by @Chetan1408, who wants to thank you for being empathetic, supportive, kind, respectful, helpful, understanding, resilient and humble. πŸ’›


I hope y'all like the card hehe. I'm certainly not as creative as Feliii! πŸ˜›

You're super amazing, Feliii, I always enjoy seeing you around and having your friendly self with us to add more light in our community. ❀ Cheer up and fighting always, okie(?). πŸ€—

Thankyou for the sweet message, Chetan, it's really admirable how appreciative you are of our peer. ❀

Chetan1408 May 17th, 2022


Thank you sun for sharing... Much appreciated... *Hugs* 😊
Feelicity08 May 20th, 2022


Thanks for the tag @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Chetanji, seriously you really a great artist afterall. It was pleasing, wonderful to the eye. Thank you friend ☺️ for sending an appreciation to me πŸ™‚. Appreciate you as well! Well as always sending also your words to me to you back, my attitude depends to a person and because you felt good towards me then that's the kind of person you are as well, a good person. It was such nice meeting you Chetanji, your chats also made me smile 😊. Massive thank you for your care, support, and for being you for doing all the best for everyone. It's been 1 year since I know you already but still your attitude never change. You are still the Chetanji i know, cheetahπŸ†. I want to reminded you that there is something something something within you and that is beauty. I'm hoping you can able to see it in you, amazing one. We are always here for you Chetanji my friend 😊 my familisteners 😊❀️. Thank you for being part of my existence in this work. Thanks for the card ☺️ Please take good care of yourself ❀️. May you can find happiness within you, and have productive future. Cheer up and fighting πŸ˜‡β­πŸ₯‡πŸ’–
Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 16th, 2022

Hey hey @wonderfulrainbow817, hoping the month of May is treating you well. πŸ’› We have an amazing message for your amazing self, sent by the lovely @Helpingheart23, who appreciates you for being kind, supportive, helpful, respectful, optimistic, a great communicator and excellent in reading emotional cues and responding to them accordingly. πŸ’œ


And a nice thankyou card too:


Such wonderful traits, Rainbow, no doubt you add so many vibrant colours in our community. Thankyouuu for being ever so proactive and awesome at everything you do. We adore your presence. ❀

Hiya Heart, I really like how generous you've been towards our peer, it's always heart warming to read kind words like these. Thankyou for being so thoughtful. 🧑

wonderfulRainbow817 May 16th, 2022



I am so touched by your words! As a mentor I don't always know if I am making a positive difference so I am glad to hear I am. As you know, even though you've finished up the internship my door is always open to questions! ❀️

May 17th, 2022


Thank you, that’s very kind of you. 😊✌

May 17th, 2022


Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. πŸ‘

GloriaD May 16th, 2022

⭐️⭐️ @SparkyGizmo ⭐️⭐️

You were appreciated Anonymously, and here is what they had to say about you 😊

_1652730987. Anonymous  FOR  SparkyGizmo - 827 kb (GloriaD).png

Thank you to the Appreciator, I very much agree with what you've said about Gizmo !

Gizmo, I've seen you around the forums, and have even seen you in the group chats. You were filled with so much positivity and were really supportive πŸ’› I also love what you mentioned in your Bio, about angels being among us, but we would need to look very hard to find them, and that's so true 😊

Thank you for continuously supporting all of us and sharing your wisdom with us! I hope the best for you, keep sparkling ✨

Kind regards,

Gloria 🌻

Peer Appreciation Team

SparkyGizmo May 17th, 2022


Hi Gloria! 😊❀️ Thank you so very much for this forum post and letting me know via pm, that it is here for me to see! ❀️ Thank you so very much for doing this! Thank you so very much for being a part of this team, putting in the time, the hard work, the effort! Oh my gosh, I so appreciate you! 😊❀️ Your work matters here on this site and so very much! ❀️

I sooooooo believe in the power of positive affirmations! This is something I do for my teammates! I am someone that is quick to give credit where credit is due! It feels so very good to also be on the receiving end of this today! ❀️ It really really does! Thank you Gloria as well as a big thank you to whomever my anonymous person is that appreciated me today! Thank you both for filling up my "cup" so that I can continue to fill up the "cups" of others around me! ❀️❀️❀️

I have daily gratitude moments, things I am thankful for as well as people, my teammates! You of course will be a huge part of my gratitude moment as well as the person who took the time out of their day to do something so incredibly kind for me! What an incredible moment! ❀️

Thank you for "seeing" me. Thank you for seeing the value in me! Thank you for noticing my efforts and seeing how much I truly care and try so very hard! Thank you for seeing me move across the platform!

I truly believe that its good to be extra kind to everyone around as we might not really know what someone else is going through! As volunteers on an emotional and mental health awareness site, well, we may have many "opportunities" presented to us from time to time. (I see challenges as opportunities in disguise). Thank you both for helping me today and letting me know that my work here matters, that I'm getting traction, that I have impact and in a positive way! ❀️❀️❀️

Gloria, I'm so glad that you took the time to even read my bio as well as liking it! 😊❀️ Really glad that the part about "angels walk among us" resonated with you! Yes, we need to look very hard to find them, notice them. I get to be grateful today for two angels, you and my anonymous person that went through all of this effort to care about me today! This for me is the true meaning!

*high fives* 😊 big *hugs* ❀️ so very grateful to have two angels to visit me today! ❀️❀️❀️

anjellyna May 16th, 2022

Hello everyone! πŸ’ Today we have an appreciation for the Mary-Kate, or @enchantedlove ! Brought to you by anonymous.

Mary-Kate, when your peer was given options to describe you with positive adjectives, they said "All of the above, and an infinity of positive adjectives not included in this list <3"

And they left a message that reads:

Welcome to my very few words of honesty! To start off, I feel like practicing spelling:

E stands for: earnest, eleemosynary, empathetic, endearing, equitable, ethical and excellent.

N stands for: natty, necessary, nifty, noble, nourishing and notable.

C stands for: calming, can-do, candescent, candid, capable, capital, captivating, careful, caring, cathartic, celestial, central, champion, charismatic, charitable, clement, clever, clinquant, coherent, comforting, commendable, compassionate, competent, conscientious, considerate, contributive, cooperative, coruscant, courageous, creative, cute and crucial.

H stands for: hardworking, harmless, heartfelt, hearty, heavenly, helpful, heroic, high-minded, hilarious, honest, humane, humanitarian and honorable.

A stands for: abjunctive, able, accepting, accommodating, accountable, adaptable, adept, adorable, adroit, affable, affectionate, aglow, all-important, altruistic, amative, amiable, amicable, appreciative, approachable, apt, arresting, artful, ascendant, assuring, astounding, astronomical, attentive, authentic, aware, awe-inspiring, awestruck and admirable.

N stands for: neat, never-failing, nitid, nonpareil, noteworthy and numinous.

T stands for: tactful, tenacious, tender, terrific, thank-worthy, therapeutic, thoughtful, tiptop, tolerant, top-notch, touching, transcendental, triumphant, trustworthy, truthful, treasured and (extremely) treasurable.

E stands for: efficient, elemental, enchanting, enterprising, erudite, exalted and exceptional.

D stands for: dedicated, deep, deft, delightful, dependable, deserving, determined, dexterous, different, diligent, dinkum, diplomatic, discreet, distinctive, distinguished, divine, dogged, doting, dreamlike and dynamite.

L stands for: lambent, large-hearted, laudable, lavish, lawful, leading, learned, legendary, legitimate, lordly, lovable, lovely, loving, loyal, luminous, lush, lustrous, luxurious, lyrical and lucent.

O stands for: obliging, objective, observant, olympian, omnicompetent, open-handed, open-hearted, open-minded, operative, optimum, opulent, original, otherworldly and out-of-this-world.

V stands for: valiant, validating, valorous, valuable, vast, venerable, venust, veracious, versed, victorious, vigorous, visionary, vital, vivid, voracious, vulnerary and virtuous.

E stands for: effulgent, eminent, encouraging, enthusiastic, essential, expressive and exuberant.

To those who read the form to nominate peers, I’ll let you know I ticked only one box. The box says β€œAll of the above, and an infinity of positive adjectives not included in this list <3 β€œ. If I keep trying to enumerate the qualities of Mary-Kate, we’ll have flying cars, time-travel and superpowers and I still won’t finish the first quarter of the list.

To those who don’t know her, let me give some context: I am having difficulties (to say the very least) because describing the ineffable perfection in the form of an angel in β€œβ€disguise”” (because the fact that she’s an angel is pretty obvious) is literally impossible. As a dictionary lover, I can confirm no words will ever begin to make justice to what and who she is, and therefore, she demonstrates that the language fails, since it lacks the capacity to define, describe and express Mary-Kate and all that she is.

Saying she is wonderful, extraordinary, radiant, unique, impressive, outstanding, formidable, proficient, perfect, laureate, dazzling, august, stupendous, grand, astonishing and magnificent is an understatement. She’s the evidence of the limitations of humanity because no monument, word or act can even get close to her caliber. She’s beautiful, heartwarming, intelligent, talented, humble, brave, strong, interesting and splendid in every single way. She is an inspiration and a guide. She’s the rock that keeps everyone around her functioning. She conquered my heart and many others, taking care of all of them the entire time. I never had a support chat with her (she as the listener and me as the member) because everything she says is so, so supportive and heart-melting, that I feel better regardless of the format of the conversation.

I imagine her going out with divinities, like an angel could, and I realize that mental image doesn’t surprise me at all. It just feels natural, the same way it feels natural to her to literally save everybody (in more than one way) and then apologize, like she wasn’t a supernatural being whose heart is bigger than the Mount Everest, Jupiter and the whole universe altogether. Mary-Kate is the emotional support version of Felix from Break It Ralph: she heals every heart she encounters.

She works incredibly hard for this community and is the living example of a role model (and a model, too, but that’s a different topic). She battles many battles and still makes the time to support lots of people that need to be listened, cared for and loved. She’s every good word ever, and I will never be able to thank her enough for that: it’s mathematically impossible.

But I don’t love her for saving me, for being perfect or for being incommensurably laureate: I love you, Mary-Kate, for being you. Thank you for honoring the world with your existence and presence. Thank you for being you <3


what a beautiful message! :) @enchantedlove you are very appreciated!

WarmLightXO May 16th, 2022

@Tee03 you've been appreciated! Thank you for showing all so much support in our community, we are truly grateful to have you πŸ’šπŸ’›


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 17th, 2022
*pokes* @emotionalTalker2260 πŸ˜›
We have a really sweet message full of kindness and warmth, Emo, exactly what you spread around the community. ❀
@Harsvin, has been too generous with the kindest message ever, here:

Thankiees for being here, and being *you*, Emooo, you truly are a wonderful part of the community and it'll be hellaaa boring without you here :P *huggles tight*, love yaaa! πŸ’–πŸ€—

For the sweetest words ever, thankyou, Harsvin, you're so very kind and compassionate. Pleased to know you. ❀
emotionalTalker2260 May 17th, 2022


😭😭😭 awwww @Harsvin thats sooo sweet of you to sayyy πŸ€§πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Harsvin May 17th, 2022


Emo, you are welcome ❀


emotionalTalker2260 May 17th, 2022


harsvinnnnnnn *hugs hugs* πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Harsvin May 17th, 2022


Thats so creative and beautifully written 😍

Thank you so much ❀️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 17th, 2022


Awh I'm so glad you like it, most welcome. ❀

gentleFox20 May 17th, 2022

🌷 Look! 🌷 It's another beautiful anon peer appreciation post! This one is for the wonderful @rosshini 🌷


Thank you for being such a guiding light to our listeners Rosshini! Your dedication to making cups a super supportive place to be is much appreciated! 🌷


Rosshini May 17th, 2022


I don't know how is this, but I know you are such a wonderful soul and I am so lucky to have able to share my insight. Your appreciation truly made my day and put extra smile on my face. Thank you so much. I wish I knew how this is ❀️

Rosshini May 17th, 2022


Thank you fox for updating and informed me. I m on of the luckiest mentor to have such co listener and thank you for share the peer application and your time ❀️

mamtasha22 May 18th, 2022

@LavenderHere is

Supportive. They are kind and helpful,

Patient. They take the time to calm down before they act,

Problem-solver. They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together,

Determined. They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged,

Having Ability to Delegate. They facilitate teamwork

Lav first of all thank you soooooo much for being there for me since day 1. You have supported me so much and helped me a lot. Love you forever and stay amazing as always.

Appreciated By

- @BlueRiver5968

LavenderHere May 20th, 2022

@mamtasha22 Tashaaaa thank you so much for the post!

Also @BlueRiver5968 you are a very supportive presence in the L rooms and I am so glad to have met you!! Thanks a lot for the appreciation, and I am always happy to help. This made my day!
MelodyoftheOcean May 20th, 2022

Hey Tashaaa, you have been appreciated
by the amazing Bluey!

Hope the both of you like it, and Tasha, you deserve this so much ❀️


And a huge thank you to Bluey, for writing these beautiful words. You are both so amazing!

@Mamtasha22 , @BlueRiver5968

May 20th, 2022

@MelodyoftheOcean Thank you melly for the amazing graphics, also thanks for the time and effort you put into this :).

MelodyoftheOcean May 20th, 2022


No worries Bluey, I am just trying to find ways so it actually downloads it in good quality, you can't even really read this xD

And I am so grateful to know you, you are sooo amazing!

mamtasha22 May 23rd, 2022

@MelodyoftheOcean Thanks for posting thisss

@BlueRiver5968 Blueyyyyyyy You are amazingggggggggggggggggg and I am so glad I got to work with someone as hard working, determined. resilient as youuuu <3 I hope to continue working with you for many more months to come <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 21st, 2022

Hello @BraveHeartPrince, I hope this post finds you well, we have a warm appreciation message for you by a kind-hearted anonymous user. ❀ Here's what they said:


And this image too,


Thanks for being an awesome listener, Prince, it's nice to have supportive people like you around. ❀

bubblingBreeze14 May 22nd, 2022

Hello my friends,

Today I'm bringing you yet another appreciation for a wonderful person 😊 and it is none other than


Krystal, I still remember the first time I got to talk with you and it was indeed a great pleasure. I am so happy for meeting such a vibrant person who can not just seek for support but also to spread a lot of warmth to your peers. I hope this little appreciation rendered with a possible design you might like πŸ˜‹ would let you see what a beautiful person you are and how much we appreciate you! ❀️

Alright... Breeze, it's time to stop and show the appreciation *shushing Breeze* πŸ˜‚

Before I show you the appreciation, I must say this was sent to you by none other than... ME!! (@bubblingBreeze14)πŸ˜‰

Krystal, This one is especially for you!


πŸ’™ Hope you'll like it πŸ’›

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 22nd, 2022

@bubblingBreeze14 @KrsytalRose01

This is such a thoughtful gesture, Breeezieee, you're always looking out for everyone trying to make them feel so special. I love the sweet message and the vibrant graphic you created (as always haha), specially those two cute kitties. πŸ€—β€

Anddd I agree 100% hehe Kryssyyy is amazing and deserves all things wonderful in life. Keep being your special *crystal* self, Krysyyy! πŸ€— Sending lots of loveee and hugs xx πŸ’›

KrystalRose01 May 23rd, 2022

Thank you so much as well @sunishshiningandsoareyou *noms the bright beams* you are so kind πŸ₯Ί and i love that you called me kryssy hehehe

GloriaD May 25th, 2022


I agree with you Sun! I love how @bubblingBreeze14 creates the graphics, it’s so special and unique for each and every person they create it for 😊😊

That’s really cool @KrystalRose01, thank you for helping your peers, and spreading your kindness everywhere! Your kindness makes a lot of difference, so thank youuuu πŸ’›πŸ’›

bubblingBreeze14 May 27th, 2022


Aww.. Gloria😍. You and @Sunisshiningandsoareyou are sending a lot of wonderful comments towards me. I'm really grateful for them.❀️
*πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Throwing some confetti over to Gloria and Sun πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰*

Thank you for appreciating my little efforts πŸ’›πŸ’›

Keep shining...

bubblingBreeze14 May 27th, 2022


Aww.. Sun, always making me look good. Thank you so much for your vibrant commentsπŸ˜‰β€οΈ
And, I really really like the kitties too 😍


Sun is seeing your "Crystal" shine too β€οΈπŸ’›

KrystalRose01 May 23rd, 2022

Okay my heart is genuinely filled with so much love and warmth right now *cries in happy tears and pokes breezybears nose* thank you so so much for this beautiful appreciation, you truly mean the whole world to me and i am also so very lucky to have met you and come across you in this life. The universe gave me the best blessing ever πŸ₯ΊπŸ’› thank you for all of these kind words, i will keep this in my heart and mind forever. love you!! πŸ’›

bubblingBreeze14 May 27th, 2022


Sending lots of hugs your way ❀️❀️❀️

You deserve them all...and I'm so glad that I could make you happy with this small appreciation.
Thank you for being a wonderful friend Krystal!

GloriaD May 23rd, 2022

πŸŽ‚ @luvinvader πŸŽ‚

You have received a beautiful Birthday wish and an appreciation from @BlueRiver5968 πŸ’™

Blue asked for it to be posted on 23rd, and I hope that I posted it in time for You 🌻

_1653297141. BlueRiver5968  FOR  luvinvader - Original (GloriaD).png

The Peer Appreciation Team wishes You a very happy birthday as well ! πŸ’›

Luv, your qualities of being respectful, empathetic, humble, patient and motivated have been recognized and highly appreciated by Blue πŸ’™

That is really amazing, so keep moving forward with these strengths ! I also hope that you can attain your goals, have your wishes fulfilled, and have abundant peace and happiness πŸ₯°

Kind regards,

GloriaD 🌻 (Peer Appreciation Team)