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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

User Profile: MoonChild1206
MoonChild1206 December 8th, 2021

Hello Everyone!

@GhitapronoucedRita has been doing such an amazing job that @Howegeorgia20 sent them an appreciation! Here's what they had to say: "She was respectful when I spoke with her, supportive when had problem, she took time to answer any questions." - @Howegeorgia20


Hello to the one reading this, would you like to appreciate a fellow 7 Cups peer? Both members and listeners can be included 🥰 Do it right away by filling out this Peer Appreciation Form (clickable) now!

We are currently on boarding more team members to help us share even more appreciations! If you'd like to help us out, Join us here. (clickable)!

December 10th, 2021

Hi @ravensky , there is an appreciation for you by @ferventflame !

Flame says:

Raven always brings a smile to my face when she is around in the chat rooms. It’s so incredible to see her support members and converse with them, I always get to learn a lot from her. She isn’t shy of learning and asking questions about things she doesn’t understand which makes her very relatable. Despite living under tough circumstances(which I hope you get out of soon Raven, cheering for you sweet) she uses her experiences to support others. I am glad to have met her and the fact she is here with us. Lots of love for you Raven.

Raven, all the good wishes for you. -fristo

Flame has also sent you these flowers:


Hello to the one reading this, would you like to appreciate a fellow 7 Cups peer? Both members and listeners can be included 🥰 Do it right away by filling out this Peer Appreciation Form (clickable) now!

We are currently on boarding more team members to help us share even more appreciations! If you'd like to help us out, Join us here. (clickable)!

December 10th, 2021

Hello wonderful people! This is Nerd from the Peer Appreciation Team!

This glimmering appreciation goes to....

🌟 @Golden 🌟

_1639118789.Appreciating Golden.png

Graphics created by: Nerd 🤓 💜

Appreciated by: @patientZoza134 🕊️

Way to go, Golden! Keep up the great work! 💜

🌻 If you would like to appreciate an amazing member/listener in our 7 Cups community, you can fill out this form!

🌻 If you would like to join our wonderful Peer Appreciation Team, you can fill out this form!

Stay tuned for some more awesome peer appreciations! 💜

Have a wonderful day/night, everyone! 😊

2 replies
December 10th, 2021

Here are some reasons why patientZoza134 picked these qualities:

"He is helpful to me whenever I need him and I find him in front of me."

Also, here is a personal message from patientZoza134:

"I love you so much❤️"

User Profile: GoldenRuleJG
GoldenRuleJG December 10th, 2021

@Nerdtastic01 thank you for the lovely graphic :)

@patientZoza134 thank you for tagging me in - you are a really hard-working individual and i wish you all the best with your QLP programme. You are doing it well :)

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December 10th, 2021

Hello wonderful people! This is Nerd from the Peer Appreciation Team!

This spectacular appreciation goes to....


_1639119298.Appreciating Raindrops88.png

Graphics created by: Nerd 🤓 💜

Appreciated by: @NG2

Way to go, Raindrops88! Keep up the great work! 💜

🌻 If you would like to appreciate an amazing member/listener in our 7 Cups community, you can fill out this form!

🌻 If you would like to join our wonderful Peer Appreciation Team, you can fill out this form!

Stay tuned for some more awesome peer appreciations! 💜

Have a wonderful day/night, everyone! 😊

1 reply
User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 10th, 2021

What a fabulous creation @Nerdtastic01 ❤ amazing as ever.

Yay @Ng2 and @Raindrops88 ~ thanks for being super wonderful, y'all are much much appreciated ❤ love and blessings!

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 10th, 2021

Hello everyone !!! 👀

I am here with a little appreciation post for @Fristo ❤️💛

appreciated by : @Lolowise475

_1639143282.santa claus e4.jpg_1639143298.uhhh nag me enough!!.jpg

Also , they had to say :

❤️hope that you both like it ,

Light , from the peer appreciation team ,


🌻 Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

🌻 Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

4 replies
User Profile: exquisitePeace7976
exquisitePeace7976 December 10th, 2021


I love the picture! Very creative

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 10th, 2021

@exquisitePeace7976 aww thank you!! 🥺❤❤❤❤

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User Profile: GloriaD
GloriaD December 10th, 2021

@BeTheLight111 - The graphic is really lovely ♥️ And creative as well 🤩

@Lolowise475 - Thank you for appreciating @Fristo - Your heartfelt messages are truly appreciated as well 🌻 Both of you are wonderful 💛

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 11th, 2021

@GloriaD thank you 🥰

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 10th, 2021

hello lovely people ,,, now I bring another appreciation post for the day

This time for @Lueurspace who was appreciated by @SuryanshSingh

so , here it is :_1639147270.Cute Peach Mothers Day - Instagram Story.jpg

_1639147256.Golden Leaves Recognition Certificate.jpg

post created by : @bethelight111 🌸 from the peer appreciation team


🌻 Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

🌻 Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

5 replies
User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 10th, 2021

❤ All things love for @BeTheLight111 , @Suryanshsingh and @Lueurspace ❤

I appreciate you ,Suryansh for seeing all of the things I see in lu, she is everything that you said and more ~ an absolute magical being , blessing us all, one at a time ~ so very grateful to know you luuu 💖💖 huggles

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User Profile: lueurspace
lueurspace December 10th, 2021


oh gosh sunnie xD ❤️ I love you so so much! I am very grateful to know you and to have you as one of my dearest friends here, sunnie. I have got so much love for you in my heart and I consider myself to be the luckiest to be your friend. thank you for coming into my life, for staying and for just blessing my entire life with the wonderful things (well... mostly **YOU**) you brought in my life. I am forever grateful *hugs tightly* ❤️

The point is, people improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don't?

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User Profile: lueurspace
lueurspace December 10th, 2021

@BeTheLight111 thank you so much for posting such a lovely message for me! The design is so lovely and I just love love love love it! <3

@SuryanshSingh I was so surprised to see this and I can't thank you enough for how much you have made me smile with this, Suryansh. You are really a special teenie for me and I appreciate your presence in my life so much. I have always admired you for your leadership skills and the way you carry yourself in the community. I was most impressed by you when I really saw how much effort and time you put in for the teams you are leaders of, especially Chat Support. It gave me a wonderful opportunity to work with you and I am grateful for it. Your words make me smile and trust me, it has been an honour for me to be there for you. I value the trust you have put in me and I appreciate you sharing with me, all that you do. I feel comfort in showing you my silly side too :P I am very lucky to have you as my friend and to have you consider me one! Always going to annoy you- I mean to support you (xD) I mean it - you are wonderful; all that you do and all that you are, you are a delight to be around. I love talking with you and I am more than happy to just have the opportunity to converse with you. Lots and lots of love and care for you, Suryansh. Stay your awesome self and psst, you are so so so appreciated by all of us (*ahem* especially me!) :) thank you so much for this message, it put a huge smile on my face! ❤️


The point is, people improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don't?

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User Profile: Suryansh
Suryansh December 10th, 2021


Glad you liked it, Lueur 😊 From a stranger, to my dearest friend here, you have become so special! Will reply to other remarks mentioned in your post in PMs xD

User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 10th, 2021

@lueurspace glad that you liked it <3 ^.^

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 10th, 2021

😄hi everybody ,,once again

I am here to announce that another precious 7cupser has been appreciated by her peer

*drum roll*

this time it is @tyedyedbutterfly65 and the appreciator is @sunisshiningandsoareyou :))) !!

_1639150083.Butterfly Hexagon Pink Weekly Schedule Planner.jpg

much love ,



_🌻 Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

🌻 Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

6 replies
User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 10th, 2021

Awwww such a pretty graphic, light ! I soooo appreciate you for making this 💖💖💖 @BeTheLight111

Sending more hugs to @Tyedyedbutterfly65 🤗🤗

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 10th, 2021


User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 December 10th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you so much Sunshinny !! <3 I have shared up above !! Hugss and Blessings !! You are so kind and sweet and one awesome teammate !!


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User Profile: Tyedyedbutterfly65
Tyedyedbutterfly65 December 10th, 2021

@BeTheLight111 Wow I am setting here crying my eyes out !! <3 Thanks so much Sunshinny <3 I am just shocked to be honest !! lol Not by you because you are such a sweet teammate and have one of the biggest hearts ! <3

BeTheLight wow thanks for doing this !

I have been here since July of 2018 I came here after having brain surgery , moving and then losing my Daddy and My Furbaby . My heart was broken and I needed some place to come and help others and also get some help myself .

I have not been around as much lately due to my health, my hubby's health and I have a new grandson !! So life for me has been busy with some great things and some pretty rough things and also being honest I have felt really not wanted here on the site :( for some time and with some not returning messages I kinda felt that it was true and I may need to leave completely .

I have a soft heart but at times I wanna blow up and ask why are things so difficult here when they shouldn't be and why are people in cliques and should not be.

I see so so many awesome teammates with big hearts and souls that are here for the right reasons and do care about the members and fellow listeners. ! This is one great site for FREE and has so much to offer and I do tell people I know personally to come here and use the forums and self help guides and attend sharing circles and sessions. etc..

Thank you once again sweet Sunshinny <3 yes I know it is not the real username but this is what I do is change usernames lol and for Sunshine they are so bright and shinny !! <3

God Bless and Thanks to everyone who supports me and appreciates me !

Tye ❤️🌹

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 11th, 2021

@Tyedyedbutterfly65 you matter to us ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ more than you think , thank you for being here 😄😊😊😊😊

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 29th, 2021


Goodness Tyeeee, you're the sweetest ever and you have the biggest heart ever . Never let anyone tell you otherwise okiee.

It makes me really upset to hear you're feeling less included here, you out of everyone here are the absolute epitome of inclusive and welcoming, I've always been in awe as to how naturally you include people, involve them in some conversation and make them feel welcomed ~ if one person deserves to feel the love and comfort they give out to others back, it's *You*.

I am saying this today, Tye, you will always be needed, seen, loved here ~ you're our lovely Tye lol, one who's the most cheerful, supportive, goofy and simply amazing!

I hope the people you're waiting on for replies, come back to you sooner. Your feelings are super valid, I get how things can be around here sometimes. ):

As for off cups, I get how life can take turns, sending good thoughts to you and family. Take super great care of yourselves okieee and get well soon quickly! And woo woo wooo you're a grandmom Tye 🥺 congratulations!! I am sooo happyy for y'all! Celebratory pizza on you haha, I am waiting to nom some. XD

Biggest *hugs* to you my lovely, Thankyouu for the kindest, most sweetest words for me, they mean a whole lot to me really and I cherish your nickname for me. Lots of love,

-Sunshinnyy !🤗❤

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User Profile: GoldenRuleJG
GoldenRuleJG December 10th, 2021


@amazingNutella24 I appreciate you 😊

Infinity compassion hearts and cheers for all your hard work. You are incredible. Star-quality Leader. Thank you so much for all you do!


Wanting to speak through the heart about a peer? <3 Please look into this link HERE

Keen to join the Peer Appreciation and spread the positive vibes? <3 Please look at this link HERE

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User Profile: amazingNutella24
amazingNutella24 December 11th, 2021

@GoldenRuleJG @Fristo

Aww this is so thoughtful of you 💜 Totally made my day! Thanks a lot for being amazing and carrying this great project! You're amazing, always remember that 💜

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User Profile: GoldenRuleJG
GoldenRuleJG December 11th, 2021

@amazingNutella24 💖💖💖🙌🙌You deserve this moment

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 11th, 2021

hello my lovely 7cupsers ❤️😄

I present here an appreciation post for our versatile peer , who has a lot of important roles here on 7cups and deserves all the appreciation , the one and only @HealTheHealer who was appreciated by @robynLouise

here it goes :

_1639246788.Night Sky Asking  Search Bar Instagram Story.jpg_1639246835.Decorative Starry Night Social Media Graphic.png



Robyn , thank you for being such a sweet and thoughtful person , also Heal (: i wanna add that your presence always lights up the group chats (:

keep being awesome both of you

Post created by : @bethelight111 , a part of peer appreciation team .

Appreciator : @robynlouise

Appreciated peer :@healtheHealer


🌻 Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

🌻 Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

2 replies
User Profile: Kyoshi
Kyoshi December 11th, 2021


thankyou for making this post ❤️

@robynni thank you for your kind words ❤️❤️

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 11th, 2021

@HealTheHealer ❤️❤️

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User Profile: BeTheLight111
BeTheLight111 December 11th, 2021

👀 hey everyone !! Light here , back with a little post ❤️

Appreciated peer : @VaryingCloud

Appreciated by : @sunisshiningandsoareyou

_1639249573.Pink and Grey High School Book Review Worksheet.jpg

hope that you both like it ^_^


🌻 Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

🌻 Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

2 replies
User Profile: VaryingCloud
VaryingCloud December 14th, 2021


Ohhh Sunnn!!! ❤️ I am so touched!!! ❤️ You made me shine✨ even more today just like how you always do with your spark and warmth always! “There is always light behind every cloud..” ⛅️ 😛 : ). Words cannot express how I’m feeling right now : ) ❤️ (with such beautiful words of appreciation from someone like you) ! Big *hugs* to you with love and appreciation in abundance ❤️🤗!


Absolutely loved the graphic and your style Light❤️! Thank you so much.❤️ : )

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User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 29th, 2021


You deserve all of it and more, sweetie Cloudieeee! ( yes, light is right behind the cloud xD ) Lots of love and hugs! 🤗❤

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