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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

December 16th, 2021

There is an appreciation for you @indigoBeechwood1423

By @AlwaysMovingForward91

Always says:

The Peer is Decisive and a Problem Solver. The Peer knows what they need to do to properly handle the conflict they are experiencing. The Peer is very Respectful and is a pleasure to talk to.

Great to know about your problem solving skill, indigo! -fristo

December 16th, 2021

Hey @Bubbleflower ,

you got appreciated by

Bones says about you:

They are really funny and they are there to help no matter what.

Thanks for spreading smiles around, Bubble! -fristo

December 16th, 2021

Hi @knockoffWolf ,

You received an appreciation by @listeningArrow8342 !

Arrow says about you-

They are optimistic and always there to help fellow members even though they are a member themselves.

Great to know you, wolf! -fristo

knockoffWolf December 16th, 2021




listeningArrow8342 December 16th, 2021


awh wolf haha ily <3 /p

and the rest of the system

always making me smile when i dont want to and i love talking to pup about pokemon XD

December 16th, 2021

@passionateTurtle8456 sent an appreciation for someone. Turtle says:

There was a girl who helped quiet good , and i was amazed by her performance.

They are understanding, favorable, no humiliation, no judgments.

Glad to know, turtle, you met a kind person, may you find many kind connections on cups and beyond! -fristo

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 17th, 2021

Now we know ,where did the idea of spotting and appreciating random acts of kindness came from 😃 @Fristo !! Woohoo !

You are amazing for acknowledging and appreciating our supportive and helpful peer , @passionateTurtle8456 ! A shout out to you for being fabulously *you* ! ❤

Brittney1019 December 17th, 2021


Very strong and awesome girl!

sia1325 December 17th, 2021

Hello Hello lovely people, I hope you are doing well! ♥

I'm here with another heartfelt appreciation for a wonderful person by another wonderful person! :D

And the appreciation is for~~

♥ @29amy ♥


The appreciator is @anjellyna 💫

I checked out Amy's profile and I couldn't agree more with Angelina! You both are amazingly awesome! Thank you for all that you do for the community! Keep shining wonderful people! (:

29amy December 17th, 2021

🥺🥺 Awwe this is so sweet of you Angiee!! 😭 You’re the best LCI co-host and such a wonderful friend!! 🥺😚 Thank you Angie and Sia! 💛@anjellyna @sia1325

sia1325 December 17th, 2021

@29amy You deserve it Amy! (:

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 17th, 2021

Awww yay sweet sia 's first amazing post! And we see nothing short of briliance here! Happy to have you with us @sia1325 ❤

I agree as well, @29amy 's profile is fantabulous ~ and not to call out my *sweet tooth* self lol, but I caught " chocolates and cheesecake " in the first glance xD now we know where all these sweet vibes came from :p ! We appreciate you, Amy ! And rooting for your future endeavours ❤ 🍰🍫 Keep it up !

Hello lovely @anjellyna , you're awesome sauce for appreciating our peer ! Thanks for spreading kindness around ! Much love to you ❤

sia1325 December 17th, 2021


Aaaaaaaa Sunieee thank youuuu! I am so glad that you found it amazing! Happy to be here! :')♥♥♥

Kiwii7 December 18th, 2021

Hello everyone! :)

We have a appreciation post for @brilliantTurtle89 🐢

Appreciated by @umbrella ☔️


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 18th, 2021

This Is super awesome @Kiwii7 ❤ Lovely to have you onboard 🤗 *high fives* on the first post !

Way to go @brilliantturtle89, you deserve all the appreciations in the world 🤗❤

Yay @umbrella, you're so appreciated for making our peer smile ! Sending smiles and positive beams at you ❤🌻

GloriaD December 18th, 2021

@Kiwii7 - Thank you for your post Kiwii, love it 💛

You have been appreciated @brilliantturtle89 - that’s so amazing 😁

Thank you @umbrella for appreciating your peer - you are amazing too 🌻

December 18th, 2021

Hello wonderful people! This is Nerd from the Peer Appreciation Team!

This fantastic appreciation goes to....

🤗 @YouAreNotAlone01 🤗

_1639805030.Appreciating YouAreNotAlone01.png

Graphics created by: Nerd 🤓 💜

Appreciated by: @Hi76 👋

Way to go, YouAreNotAlone01! Keep up the great work! 💜

Stay tuned for some more awesome peer appreciations! 💜

Have a wonderful day/night, everyone! 😊

YouAreNotAlone01 December 18th, 2021

@Nerdtastic01 thank you so much for this🥺💜

December 18th, 2021


Of course! You deserve it! 💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 18th, 2021

Hey hey lovely people coming across, I hope y'all are doing well !

By now we already know what's coming after, soooo let's get to it soon, can't freaking wait for this one , it is our very own @GoldenRuleJG 's moment to shine brighter now ! ❤

Goldennnn your peers have quite the eye to catch you sparkling , some of the qualities we see and appreciate in you are....(almost all of which that are mentioned in our peer appreciation form lol ) , your Supportive , Helpful , Empathetic , Respectful , Inquisitive , Humble , Determined and Optimistic nature! What adds the shiniest gleam to your light, is your Ability to read emotional cues, your Attitude towards learning and constantly improving yourself and ofcourse your Awesome communication skills !

That's not all, we have more to say to you 😮

Here -:


A huge shout out to @brightwindow2311 and @BeautifulSun298501 ( and ofcourse to Sunisshiningandsoareyou xD ) for telling you how very *seen* and appreciated you are, Golden ! Keep shining always and keep spreading smiles always ~ y'all are so cherished!

Bright and Beautiful , thankyou for being a part of this smile mission , I think we did good ! *high fives* ! Keep being amazing y'all ❤

🤗 Sending hugs 🤗

GoldenRuleJG December 18th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou wow thank you so much for this post - I’m genuinely touched and grateful for giving me this moment. What a lovely poster - good choice! You put smiles on many faces! ❤️

@brightwindow2311 - thank you so much. Continue to inspire others and I cannot thank you enough for the times you have given me such awesome peer support. You are fab. Please know it ❤️

@BeautifulSun298501 - continue to put smiles on faces. I’ve seen the wonderful reviews you get from members and the very good answers your give in chatroom discussions. You too have an empathic nature . ❤️

You all are wonderful individuals. Thank you for putting a smile on my face 😊

BeautifulSun298501 December 18th, 2021

Awe, thank you!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 18th, 2021

@GoldenRuleJG awh happy smiling ❤

DaisyFlower32 December 19th, 2021

Hi everyone!

We have a appreciation post for the lovely Sun (@sunisshiningandsoareyou) who is appreciated by

Appreciated by the amazing nutella! (@amazingNutella24)1639877559_1639877680.image.png

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 19th, 2021

Omigoshhhhh this made my day, and certainly the upcoming week tooo 🥺! Thanks so so much, Nutttt ! It truly means * a lot * to me to hear such kind words from you , you are someone I have high regards for , whom I admire so much as a listener , leader but most of all, as a human and so it is all the more gratifying, to be appreciated by you ! I am so touched hehe ! Lots of love and hugs to youuu ! Keep being your amazing self always dearie , @Amazingnutella24 . 🤗❤

And yayyyy Daisy, your first post in this thread and it is for me, so very happy hehe ! I love your graphic so much, you've clearly put in lots of time and efforts for this , and I am so thankful ! Welcome to the team and shine on, lovely @DaisyFlower32 ! ❤🌼

DaisyFlower32 December 19th, 2021


Aw thank you!

DaisyFlower32 December 19th, 2021

Hi everyone!

Today we have an appreciation post for RIver! (@RIverTheWolf) who is appreciated by Arrow! (@listeningArrow8342)


BeautifulSun298501 December 19th, 2021

Hello All!

I have here another appreciation for @lollipop550 . @Taqi1 wants to recognize you because you are:

  • Supportive
  • Empathetic
  • Patient
  • Determined
  • Great Communicator

@Taqi1 also left a special comment for you - "Willing to talk to someone like me, very kind an beautiful."

Way to Go, @lollipop550, for being a wonderful peer!

@Taqi1, thank you for appreciating your peer!

If you are reading this post and you would like to appreciate someone for being amazing click on this peer appreciation form link .

( edited by Sunisshiningandsoareyou to link the correct form )

sia1325 December 20th, 2021

Hello Hello amazing people, I hope you are doing well! (:

Today we have an appreciation for the amazingly awesome cat @Nerdtastic01 and they have been appreciated by the one and only Sun lovely Sun that is @Sunisshiningandsoareyou ! ♥


Thank you for everything you do wonderful people, it's always soo great to see you both around! Loads of love and keep rocking! (:

December 20th, 2021


Aww, Sun! I am at such a loss for words, and I feel so touched! Thank you so much for this appreciation, and I am so happy to make such a difference to this community! *hugs* 🥰


Thank you so much for the amazing card, Sia! I love all of the colors, and I especially love the paw prints! 💜

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 20th, 2021

Awww you deserve it and more , Nerd ! *hugs* ❤ @Nerdtastic01

Sia sweeet @sia1325 , I love how you've mentioned our names hehe , and whatta fantabulous graphic, loved the detailing! Thanks alot ! ❤ love back at youuu!

sia1325 December 20th, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Of course I had to mention that ahaa! And thank *you* Sun! You are really amazing! ♥♥

sia1325 December 20th, 2021

@Nerdtastic01 I'm so glad you loved them, Nerd! :')♥

DaisyFlower32 December 20th, 2021

Hi again everyone!

Today we have an appreciation for the wonderful Faith (@SoftFaith2004) who is appreciated by Sun! (@sunisshiningandsoareyou)


SoftFaith2004 December 20th, 2021


Oh my! Thank you very much! ❤ I appreciate you and everyone who is always here to spread kindness like this ❤

Today is my birthday, and this is a most beautiful gift I received (with some more) 😀

Thank you very much! ❤@sunisshiningandsoareyou

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 20th, 2021

Awww yayy Faith , glad to know our timing was so spot on then , Happiest of Birthdays @SoftFaith2004 , wishing you well in life always ! ❤ * sharing your favorite treats *

Thanks for posting, Daisy , super amazing graphic. ❤

SoftFaith2004 December 21st, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for appreciating me! Aww thank you ❤ You people make me so happy! ❤

December 21st, 2021


Ooo, happy belated birthday, my amazing friendo Faith! 🥳

sia1325 December 20th, 2021

@SoftFaith2004 Happy Birthday Faith! *Sends lotss of sweetss* I hope you have an amazing day like the amazing person you are!

@DaisyFlower32 Really loved the graphic, Daisy! (:

DaisyFlower32 December 20th, 2021


Thank you, Sia!