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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021


Peer Appreciation from @SoftFaith2004 to @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Faith says Sun is a very amazing and empathetic person. They always come up in the forums to reply amazingly and fill everywhere with happiness 💛 Thank you sun for being amazing 💛

We all can agree Sun’s amazing positivity and contributions are uplifting J

Thank you Faith for your appreciation for Sun!!! J

SoftFaith2004 December 31st, 2021

@GoldenRuleJG Your most welcome! And thank you for posting this! 😀❤

Happy new year in advance! ❤

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021

@SoftFaith2004 Happy new year 😊❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 31st, 2021

Awww this is so sweeet!

Many thanks for the kind words @GoldenRuleJG and @SoftFaith2004 ! I cherish this ultra sweet gesture alot and it sure made me smile! I am super grateful to you for *seeing* me! I appreciate y'all lots. 🤗❤

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou no worries Sun 😊

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021


Peer Appreciation from @Sunisshiningandsoareyou to @Bubblingbreeze14

Sun says “Breeezeeeee , please say you saw this coming lol ! I have a ton of admiration for you ! I am so glad to work beside you in the PAT team ( we share some other teams too haha ) , because of PAT I got to know such a fabulous being ! You are always super supportive , encouraging and helpful ! I appreciate you being so motivated, determined, inquisitive , a great team player , someone who takes action and someone who doesn't hesitate in giving it (anything) their all ! It is always such a Breezy time with you hehe, thanks for being ultra fun, positive and just simply being your amazing *self* ! I hope you know ,your hardwork, thoughtfulness, time and efforts are super duper * seen * and appreciated! Keep shining my friend ! You are a rockstar!


Thank you Sun for your appreciation of Breeze J

bubblingBreeze14 January 1st, 2022


Thank you for a lovely post Golden ❤️ and Thank you for your lovely timing.. This just made my year! ☺️


Awww... Sun ❤️ I'm going to keep looking at this for so many days starting from today. This is just wonderful! 😍

To be honest, I kind of knew that I'm being a positive influence on people, but never expected anyone to send an appreciation for me. That is just so thoughtful! 💜

Thank you for thinking of me Sun ❤️ and for all your kind words.

It really makes me happy to know that I was able to touch another amazing persons' heart!
fantabulous Sun.. Thank you for being a wonderful friend! I always have and always will cherish our conversations and our friendship!

Sending lots of hugs on your way..

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 1st, 2022

Awwww your reaction to this is everything! Super well deserved, Breeze! More hugs your way. 🤗❤ @bubblingBreeze14

bubblingBreeze14 January 4th, 2022



GoldenRuleJG January 1st, 2022

@bubblingBreeze14 you deserve this moment breeze 😊

bubblingBreeze14 January 4th, 2022


Aww.. Golden, Thank you so much! ❤️💙☺️

bubblingBreeze14 January 1st, 2022

oh.. and Sun.. I love the pic. I really really do @Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank You ❤️

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021


Peer Appreciation from @Sunisshiningandsoareyou to @ BeTheLight111

Sun says “Hii Light, I like your username and how simple yet impactful it is ! Working alongside you has been a pleasure and if I am being too honest , I always look forward to your posts ( as a PAT member ) specially , you really put so much time and efforts in personalizing the graphics and doing your absolute best in making someone's day so much brighter ! I appreciate your compassion , thoughtfulness , friendliness and just you being a bright beam of *light* around ~ a light that is comforting and ultra warm ! Thankyou for being *you* . May the light in you continue to shine always! ⭐❤


Thank you Sun for your appreciation of Light J

BeTheLight111 December 31st, 2021

@GoldenRuleJG awwwww 🥺🌸❤ honestly when I first got to know that I've been appreciated , it was a pleasant surprise 😮 ☺ because I'd never expected this , Sun you are the sweetest person and I love how you see everybody ❤ 💗 this means a lot to me , THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥰🌸 For liking my username and also my posts , yours are great as well (wanted to let you know they are 👏 amazing) and the picture you added is very beautiful 😍

Golden thank you for putting this together so elegantly , couldn't have been done better 💓 💛 💗 you rock !!!

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021

@BeTheLight111 you deserve this moment 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 1st, 2022

Hehe thankyou for the kind words back at me, Light! You truly shine so bright. 🤗❤ofcourse you are *seen* and appreciated lovely! @BeTheLight111

sia1325 December 31st, 2021

Hello Hello amazing people, I hope you are doing well! (:

Today we have an appreciation for the sweetest and the loveliest Pikachu or @emotionalTalker2260 who have been appreciated by the the brightest and kindest Sun that is @Sunisshiningandsoareyou ! ♥


Sun also sent a picture/gif for emo but I couldn't access it unfortunately! :')

Thanks for everything lovely people! You are really wonderful and I hope you keep shining bright like you always do! Loads of love! ♥

emotionalTalker2260 December 31st, 2021

@sia1325 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

😭 this is so sweettt *dramatically cries*

_1640953415.82A59431-DC54-4428-B3D2-22F2C97E6DAE.jpeg *hugs sia and sun* 🥺💕💕💕💕💕

this has made my day 😭💕💕 thank you’s sooooo muchhhhh

sia1325 December 31st, 2021

@emotionalTalker2260 Aww that's such a sweet picture! *Hugs hugss*♥♥♥ :')

bubblingBreeze14 January 1st, 2022


Wonderful post Sia. It's so lovely how you've incorporated our Emo's pic 😄


You deserve this. You are an amazing person Emo!

emotionalTalker2260 January 1st, 2022


🥺 awww, too much sweetness 💕💕💕 thanks breeze 🥺💕

bubblingBreeze14 January 1st, 2022



Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 1st, 2022

Siaaa sweeet @sia1325 , I love the graphic, so adorable! Thankyouu for posting. ❤ loads of love to you! ❤

I am super happy to see you this happy, emo! * koala hugs back * lots of loveeee💕💕 @emotionaltalker2260

December 31st, 2021

This appreciation is for

@GoldenRuleJG By Fristo

Fristo thinks that Golden has golden heart, and I love their passion on 7cups. They are humble and open to talk always. I believe they are a very good learner, and I wish their stay on 7cups leads to lot of their personal growth and progress. <3

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021

@Fristo thank you so much Fristo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021

@Fristo peer appreciation for you from @GoldenRuleJG

You are a star leader! Thank you for all you do Fristo 😊

BeautifulSun298501 December 31st, 2021

Hello All! @GoldenRuleJG wants to appreciate @DonaldDraper with these yellow stars: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

@DonaldDraper, thank you for being so wonderful! @GoldenRuleJG, thank you for recognizing your peer!

Then a little something extra:


GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021

@BeautifulSun298501 Sun I love what you have done with the post - so clever :) Amazing work. Gold stars for you too 🌟🌟😊 Thank you !

BeautifulSun298501 December 31st, 2021

🙏! Without your kind words for Don, this would not have been possible! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity and your participation! Thank you especially for the gold stars ⭐️ 😊!

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021

@BeautifulSun298501 well deserved ones for you - sending you lots of warm wishes for 2022 😊

BeautifulSun298501 December 31st, 2021

You too! Thank you!

GoldenRuleJG December 31st, 2021


January 1st, 2022

@BeautifulSun298501 Thank you 🧡

@GoldenruleJG how sweeet of you. If I was a good cohost, it was because I had a good cohost with me 😊

Thank you for the appreciation. Really appreciated.. Hope you remember that you are awesome. And hope you have an awesome new year as well 🤗

BeautifulSun298501 January 1st, 2022



GoldenRuleJG January 1st, 2022

@DonaldDraper Wishing you an awesome new year too ❤️❤️

GoldenRuleJG January 1st, 2022

@DonaldDraper I’ve been lucky to learn from one of the best 😊

anjellyna January 2nd, 2022

Hi lovelies! Today we have an appreciation for @Nerdtastic01 from @DaisyFlower32 :)

_1641092829.nerdtastic appreciation.png

I can't agree more. Nerd is always so positive and welcoming. Well deserved!

_1641093000.nerdtastic appreciation 2.png

January 2nd, 2022

Wowzers! Amazing artwork, @anjellyna! It's so beautiful, and I'm really impressed that you did it all by hand! 🤩

Dearest Daisichu (@DaisyFlower32) - That message was really heartwarming, and it really made my day a sweet one! Thank you so much for everything that you do for this community, both for the PAT and in the group chats! You are such a sunshine, and you never cease to amaze me with all of your kindness and compassion! Never change, my friend! *hugs and sends them a bouquet of flowers* 🤗 💐

DaisyFlower32 January 2nd, 2022


Omg this design is so cool! I love it! Huge thanks to Angie, but of course Nerdo <3

DaisyFlower32 January 2nd, 2022

Hello everyone!

Today we have an appreciation for the loevely, Tami (@Tami150) who is appreciated by Sun!! (@sunisshiningandsoareyou)
