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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❀

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

GloriaD January 12th, 2022

Hey !! Hope everyone is doing ok 🌻

There is a special appreciation for -


and you have been appreciated by .... @oneliness !! πŸ’š

Would you like to see what oneliness has to say about you ?

I've put their messages for you in the card below 😊

_1642006808. oneliness  FOR  turqoiseOrange7980 - 282kb (GloriaD).png

oneliness would also like you to receive this quote, and it certainly is meaningful ! πŸ’›

_1642007483. oneliness ---- turqoiseOrange7980 - 28kb.jpg

Really kind of you to appreciate your peer - oneliness πŸ’š

And turqoise, its really amazing to hear that you've been moving ahead despite the obstacles - hoping the best for you πŸ₯°

πŸ’› Sending lots of hugs πŸ’›

Kind regards,

GloriaD from The Peer Appreciation Team 🌻

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 17th, 2022


I so love the color scheme in this entire post, Gloria! And the graphic is just so amazing! Well done. 🌻❀

GloriaD February 14th, 2022


Just saw this today, thank you so much Sun! πŸ’›

January 13th, 2022

Hello wonderful people! This is Nerd from the Peer Appreciation Team!

This heartwarming appreciation goes to....

🌷 @eternalHeart99 🌷

_1642045775.Appreciating eternalHeart99.png

Graphics created by: Nerd πŸ€“ πŸ’œ

Appreciated by: @cherryyblossoms

cherryyblossoms also sends you this wonderful image:


You are doing an awesome job as a listener, eternalHeart99! You have made cherryyblossoms feel very supported, and that's what it's all about! Keep up the great work! 🌷

Stay tuned for some more awesome peer appreciations! πŸ’œ

Have a wonderful day/night, everyone! 😊

cherryyblossoms January 13th, 2022

yayy finally its posted, sankyu~

eternalHeart99 January 13th, 2022

@cherryyblossoms hey thank you a lotttt . I am really happy that I was actually help you... no matter how less it might be . And remember... I also found a great friend in you 😊 .

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 13th, 2022

I am kinda sad and happy posting this one!

Dahlia, you've created a massive impact here, and on your friends. You deserve all the love in the world! Thankyou for being the wondrous human ( or should I say mermaid? xD ) that you are! We all love and appreciate you so much! And you'll be so so so missed, but know that we are all rooting for you always! *hugs* ❀

One of our sweetest peers here has a very touching message for you and I feel honored to share this moment with you two lovelies!

Thankyou for being your lovely self, @starlasky , I love seeing you and your heart fairy self around (πŸ˜›)πŸ’™

Here's what Starla has to say about the beautiful,


Oooh and that's not all, starla also says *thankyou*,


Much much much love to y'all and ofcourse, lots of virtual hugs and cookies! ❀

January 14th, 2022

Hello wonderful people! This is Nerd from the Peer Appreciation Team!

This thoughtful appreciation goes to....

🌻 @Thoughtfulsoul2221 🌻

_1642133882.Appreciating Thoughtfulsoul2221.png

Graphics created by: Nerd πŸ€“ πŸ’œ

Appreciated by: @Jfl1619

Thank you for being so supportive and nonjudgmental, Thoughtfulsoul2221! Your contributions are admirable, and keep up the amazing work as a compassionate listener! πŸ’œ

Stay tuned for some more awesome peer appreciations! πŸ’œ

Have a wonderful day/night, everyone! 😊

thoughtfulSoul2221 January 14th, 2022

πŸ₯ΊπŸ€§ πŸ₯°aww thank youuuu this means a lot to me. Little things like this make my day I really appreciate. I can’t express how happy it makes me to know I’m able to help someone out there.

azuladragon34 January 14th, 2022


azuladragon34 January 14th, 2022


_1642144366.Peer appreciation post.jpg

azuladragon34 January 14th, 2022


Tagging: @Arunarora12 (Appreciator) and @Soulflower17 (Appreciated peer)

bubblingBreeze14 January 17th, 2022


This is wonderful! Great post Azula ❀️
anjellyna January 15th, 2022

Hello amazing humans!! @funnyZebra5328 has appreciated @YourEmmmie :)

Zebra has appreciated Emmie for: πŸ’›

Being Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Being Empathetic. They look to understand and share the feelings of another.

Being Patient. They take the time to calm down before they act.

Being a Great Communicator. They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

Having a Growth Mindset. Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills, they believe growth is always possible.

Unfortunately the message on the image is cut off! But Zebra says:

Emmie shows respect and empathy by always asking people how they're feeling when they enter a room, and listening to them w/o interruption if they are sharing. Emmie. I appreciate being asked how I'm doing bc it makes me feel like someone I've never met before truly cares and that makes me happy. they also show patience by helping out in the circles and sticking with someone until they feel better. Emmie has good communication also and can articulate feelings really well as well as helping others figure out how they're feeling. and I just overall appreciate the kindness and more uplifting mood that's in the rooms when Emmie is in them with meπŸ’—πŸ’—

I agree that those are some really great qualities :) Emmie, thank you for being such a warm and welcoming member of the community here πŸ’› Zebra, thank you for appreciating your peer! Keep being awesome, you two amazing people :D


YourEmmmie January 15th, 2022


awh my gosh this made my night!!! thank you so much @funnyZebra5328 <3

YourEmmmie January 15th, 2022

heyheyhey! emmie here with an appreciation post for @prio ! brought to you by @cherryyblossoms <3 keep up the good work and support prio!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 17th, 2022


Such a soothing vibe, Emmie! Love the graphic! πŸ’š

29amy January 15th, 2022

We have an appreciation post here for @Zoup for being...

⭐️ Supportive
⭐️ Kind
⭐️ Helpful
⭐️ Empathetic
⭐️ Resilient
⭐️ Patient

The appreciator says: "We have been through a lot together. I have seen him grow quite a bit and I couldn't be prouder of him. I remember a lot of moments spent together. Moments of laughter and joy but also struggle, despair, grief and sadness. "

You are awesome! @Zoup

for-making-members-feel-welcomed-and-seen-here-in-7-cups-you-had-made-them-believe-in-themselves-by-paying-close-attention-to-details_1642273030. For always offering your time to hear members out, you have always provided insp.png

Graphic created by @29amy βœ¨πŸ’›

NeverendingSparkles123 January 16th, 2022


This is fantastic!

BeautifulSun298501 January 16th, 2022

Hello All! I have a wonderful and anonymous appreciation for @Smallbean4 here:


Thank you for being so amazing and helpful! And whoever took the time to appreciate this person, you are amazing for recognizing these qualities in your peer!

Smallbean4 January 16th, 2022

Awe. Thank you so much. I’m happy to help anyone I can 🀍

SuperStar00 January 20th, 2022


thank you soo much , it means a lot

you made me happy * smiles in arabic *

bubblingBreeze14 January 17th, 2022

Hello Hello wonderful people!

It's time again for another special appreciation. One of our very own.. Someone I appreciates a lot and a lot. I really hope this peer knows that! πŸ˜‹β€οΈ

Ok Ok.. I hear you, not going to take long to reveal who this wonderful person is. It's none other than our very own PAT team member, our very own friend, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou [ aka Sun β˜€οΈ ]

This appreciation was sent out to you by your very own sibling πŸ˜„ @Moonlemon48

Thought of rendering the appreciation in a magical way as possible to appreciate both of these amazing peers. πŸ˜‰
@Moonlemon48 for being so wonderful and appreciating your fellow peer. It means a lot Moon. Thank you for taking a moment to recognize Sun! πŸ’™

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou for being as awesome as you are and doing everything you do for all these peers and for the community as a whole! We all value you a lot ❀️

You both are AMAZING...!!! πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™

Here it is... Hope you both will like it!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 17th, 2022


Flood alert lol😭

Breeezeeeee, this peer knows and appreciates you so much more! You're spectacularly fantabulous my friend! I am so grateful to your support and cheerful vibes, thankyou for being a Breeze of all things amazing around! Big *hugs* ❀ I love the graphic, the post, your sweet words...everything! πŸ₯Ί @bubblingBreeze14

Moooon buddyyy ( or should I say sibling haha ), you've got some tricks up ya sleeve lol, I am pleasantly surprised for this ultra sweet gesture and immensely grateful for all the warmth and kindness you bestow upon me and this community always! Thankyouuu for seeing so much value in me, I cannot possibly explain how much it means to me. *makes a heart full of my happy tears* 😭❀

The last phrase is just the most sweetest cherry on top of this wonderful cake, that I m going to cherish forever ~ "I'll shine the light right back at you." πŸ₯°

Many many thanks, Moon! I so look forward to our forum interactions, and simply seeing you around is a treat also, your forum presence and support is remarkable. Your *entire* existence is remarkable, thanks for being the most glowing Moon ever! Big *hugs* and lots of love! @moonlemon48 ❀

bubblingBreeze14 January 18th, 2022


Awww sun ❀️❀️ I'm flattered.. *looking for the right words to say... where are these words when I need them*
I'm sending back a lot of big hugs, cause ultimately I'm lost for words.. πŸ˜„

I'm honored to have such a wonderful friend like you Sun! 😍

And, I'm so glad you like the graphic πŸ˜‰

Moonlemon48 January 18th, 2022

@bubblingBreeze14 The graphics are magnificent! Thank you breeze!

@sunisshiningandsoareyou My dearieeee, you deserve it soo soo, wait no, you deserve so so much more than this! And yes I've always got tricks up my sleeve *winks* and siblings? I'm laughing so hard xD *hugs*

bubblingBreeze14 January 18th, 2022


πŸ’œβ€οΈ Thank you Moon πŸŒ™ And, you're welcome! I'm so glad you liked it.. 😍

crang17 January 18th, 2022

Hello all, I want to share with you a really touching appreciation made by an anonymous person for @Brightheart993!

Personally, I am very pleased to make this post for you as I saw how amazing and helpful you are in our community! Indeed, you seem to be such an empathic and loving person. All those sharing about you just prove it.

I hope you would have a wonderful 2022! Stay safe and awesome here and outside 7cups!


Brightheart993 January 18th, 2022


Thank you so much to whoever wrote this! You made my day ❀️❀️.

I love being part of this community and helping others. Thank you so much ❀️

crang17 January 19th, 2022

@Brightheart993 I am glad you are happy about this. You deserve this appreciation. Cheers! ❀️

GloriaD January 18th, 2022

Hello amazing people 🌻

For today, I have an appreciation by @oneliness again πŸ’š

And the receiver this time is ...............

@exuberantKite1525 !!!

*Hugs from oneliness* πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

Kite - here's a vibrant graphic for you 😊

oneliness-for-exuberantkite1525-98_1642516188.7kb (GloriaD).png

Also, here is a quote that oneliness wanted to share with you πŸ’š


Thank you for appreciating your peers, oneliness - I'm sure many appreciate you back as well πŸ’š

With hard-work and positivity within you, I hope you'll be able to achieve what you would like to, Kite πŸ€—

Hope all of you will have a good rest of the week πŸ’›

Kind regards,

GloriaD from The Peer Appreciation Team 🌻

exuberantKite1525 January 18th, 2022

@GloriaD ❀️

January 20th, 2022

An appreciation for @kindRiver3576

By @awesomeForever

"KindRiver3576 made me feel optimistic."

Thank you, River, for making your peer feel optimistic<3 -fristo

kindRiver3576 January 20th, 2022

Thank you so much ☺️

January 20th, 2022

An appreciation for @Greenchoice1

By @mxnxkay15


"Umm.. actually he was an amazing friend too me. Very motivational and supportive in so many ways! -- Kay."

Glad to get to know you, Greenchoice. I loved this quote on your bio: β€œOnce you start making the effort to β€˜wake yourself up’—that is, be more mindful in your activitiesβ€”you suddenly start appreciating life a lot more." -fristo

January 20th, 2022

An appreciation for @considerateSmiles

By @peacefulKermit5876


"She is a very good listner she knows how to make someone properly let out their thoughts"

I am glad to hear this appreciation for you, smiles, keep spreading good via listening. -fristo

January 20th, 2022

An appreciation for @aticuest

By @neatTurtle9621


"Empathetic because she really understood what i felt" always make me cheer.png

Thank you for being so understanding to your member, aticuest. -fristo

January 20th, 2022


fantastic program...I absolutely adore the dedication of the peer appreciation program team

January 20th, 2022

An appreciation for @ComfortingEagle

By @DepressedAnxiousDude81


"Comforting eagle is the type of person i can speak with that helps me feel better and I actually enjoy my conversations with her that i have lost track of time talking to her many many times. She makes me feel like i am being listened too by a professional therapist."

Thank for being an amazing listener to your member, Eagle. -fristo