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Chocolate Milkshake Day
by heathermarie95
Last post
23 hours ago
...See more Did you know that September 12th  was National Chocolate Milkshake Day! Milkshakes are a great treat to have at any time of the year, but I find it the best during the hot summer weather. If you could create any milkshake what would the recipe be? My recipe: - Bananas - Lactaid Milk - Peanut Butter - Chocolate  - Strawberries Tag a few of your 7Cups friends to see their creations! ------------------------- Tagging PAT @AlleyCatNemo @AnnaSilverberg @Avaria @Bella20 @BrightIndigo @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14 @ChromaticFinss @EmberOfHope @exuberantBlackberry9105 @GloriaD @Harsvin @healingsoul4892 @Heathermarie95 @HeavenlyMagic @KindleMissie @Kristynsmama @kylersartpace @LoveMyMoonflowers @Optimisticempath @sadcat13 @sky2Ocean20 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @teenytinyturtle @TheFantasticPengua @TheGirlWhoFeltTooMuch @Walker7957 @WeEarth @YourCaringConfidant
Peer Appreciation Program
Last post
1 day ago
...See more We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable) []. ❤ If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality. Is that not amazing?!! Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself: Peer Appreciation Form [] (clickable) The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread! Want to join our team? Click here to apply. [] Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope [] Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here []. Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread []. We are all ears. Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here []. We'd like to encourage you more. (Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)
Happy Birthday! Share & Celebrate Your Birthday With Us!!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hello, 7 Cups Residents, 7 Cups is a community of compassion and support. We at 7Cups believe in acknowledging and celebrating milestones, accomplishments, special moments, and days. Days like Birthdays and Cupsversay (Anniversary at 7Cups) are some of the most important days of our lives. We want to join in your celebration and celebrate you in our own style - the 7Cups way. We share love bombs, birthday wishes, shout-outs, cookies, cakes, glitter, and hugs. We come together to celebrate each other because you matter to us. You are a part of our community and we are blessed to have you. Thank you for being a 7 Cups resident. * If it is your birthday, please let us know here. * If it is the birthday of someone you know here, please share with us here. Also, we would love to hear how would you like to celebrate your birthday here on 7 Cups or any experiences of your birthday that you are comfortable sharing with us. Also, Do you know? * You can host a small party for your friend! A 15-30 min banner can be set by a mod in the community room so you can celebrate the birthday party. The party should not clash with any prior scheduled event (check tockify []). Please reach out to the community mod on duty to let them know of the party and ask them to set an alert so more people can join in the fun. Both members and listeners can host, there are no requirements to who can throw a party! * You can also make a post for them Click here [] to see the forum section where you can make posts to celebrate birthdays. * Some rules to follow: 🎈 While it is okay to celebrate someone's special day, it is not okay to make others feel excluded. If someone is unaware of who is being celebrated, provide them some context and make an effort to include them. 🎈 All celebratory parties are public, this means anyone can join and they should be welcomed wholeheartedly. 🎈 The host who requested/set up the banner is required to stay for the whole party and ensure that everyone present feels welcomed and included. While it can be a good idea to show your appreciation and acknowledgment through such events but please don't feel pressured to host or attend any party. This is just an option for those interested. If your birthday is coming up and you want to throw yourself a party, that is also perfectly okay! We encourage and celebrate self-care and self-love. Let's work together to make each other's special days more fun! Happy Birthday, fellow cupser. I wish you a lovely birthday and a thriving year filled with joy and accomplishments.
Peer Appreciation Program
Last post
1 day ago
...See more We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable) []. ❤ If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality. Is that not amazing?!! Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself: Peer Appreciation Form [] (clickable) The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread! Want to join our team? Click here to apply. [] Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope [] Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here []. Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread []. We are all ears. Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here []. We'd like to encourage you more. (Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)
Project Tulip Awardees August 2024
by Hope
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are well. Time to announce our latest tulip awardees, these are all the submissions since our last post. This is an award given to listeners who have been consistently supporting their members. Only members can nominate and only listeners can get this badge. You can read more about the project here. [] Note: The number of tulips next to their username indicates how many members nominated them. Nominated listeners receive one tulip (per nomination) next to their username along with the tulip badge. [] Please note a listener can be nominated by the same member only once. Members can nominate 3 listeners a month, the 3 need to be different listeners each month. ' Are you a member? You can nominate a listener for the tulip badge here. [] Kristynsmama🌷 AdrienLovesYou23🌷 incredibleRainbows2036🌷 Blacksonja7788🌷 Rach789🌷 joyfulShoe7660🌷 Sunisshiningandsoareyou🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 SparkyGizmo🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 SparklingSeashells🌷🌷🌷🌷 icedlatte000🌷 LynLyn87🌷🌷 CatNerd🌷 halcyonCloud2036🌷 fruityPond7887🌷 cristlecares🌷🌷 EnigmaticCat24🌷 Happysouled🌷 HollowBlack🌷 ChillingRain🌷 safeplacexx🌷 Just4youthe1🌷 Tulipsmile🌷🌷🌷 Safespace26🌷 Jenna 🌷 Congratulations!  @Kristynsmama @AdrienLovesYou23 @incredibleRainbows2036 @Blacksonja7788 @Rach789 @joyfulShoe7660 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SparkyGizmo @SparklingSeashells @icedlatte000 @LynLyn87 @CatNerd @halcyonCloud2036 @fruityPond7887 @cristlecares @EnigmaticCat24 @Happysouled @Communitymodanne @HollowBlack @ChillingRain @safeplacexx @Just4youthe1 @Tulipsmile @Safespace26 @Jenna
Cheers for Cheerful Appreciators!
by Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hey hey lovely peers coming across, I hope everyone is doing well. 💛 Are you someone who likes to see good in others AND tell them? Then keep reading, we’ve got something brilliant for you! You continued reading, that is the first sign of your awesomeness, and we already are a fan! (See how easy it is to see the good and appreciate?😛) Alrighty, off to the brilliant part~ *excited noises* Sooo we @PeerAppreciationProgram [] do not have a kitchen, but something is always cooking in here. We'd like to serve you all things warm, fresh, whole(some) and (extraaa) sweeeeet. Our not-so secret ingredient is *LOVE*, we add it more than what the recipe suggests, and it works amazingly as ever! 😛 This time, we've got some cheers and certificates in our serving dish! "Sun don't talk gibberish and serve (read: explain) already!" Okay!😮 Each week, we encourage you to send an appreciation for any member or listener using our appreciation form here: [;sa%3DD%26amp;source%3Deditors%26amp;ust%3D1677350506336415%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw1Ni1YGO31glhSBsE1-QBDI&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1677350506341143&usg=AOvVaw2x4erF5R2RL9q0Xs-2rCTt] [dunno about friends or enemies but *always* keep useful links closest aka bookmarked]. If you fill the form 1 or more than 1 times in a month, you qualify for the ‘Cheerful Appreciators of the Month’ Board! (Which will be updated and posted in this thread, every month) The fun part?🥰 We are Cheering for you. (Literally and Metaphorically) 🥁*drum rolls*🥁 You’ll be awarded 20 cheers for each form-filling! (For instance, 3 appreciations will get you 60 cheers, in a month. Add 20 for every additional appreciation, in that particular month) Now now here is the bonus part: You can make a self-appreciation using the form [yes you can appreciate yourself too *and* yes, you deserve it too, you humble being, using our form -isn’t it amazing!] [Spectacular graphic created by our amazing Smile Spreader @yourcaringconfidant. Want to become one? Click here [] 🥳] And *yet* That’s not it! There's more for you! 🥳 Read along~ Once your form-filling count of all time enters double digits (10 or more), you’ll get a certificate-graphic made for you in the applause of your generous and kind spirit! 💛 Truth be told, we thrive on our appreciators, the people who take time to notice the good around and acknowledge it with gratitude and love. You taking the time to value someone's presence, efforts, time, existence ~ is what the peer appreciation program here for. Peers appreciating Peers! So a big Yes, we've got our appreciators covered with all things love, gratitude and warmth from all sides~ you're showering the love to your peers, please allow us to appreciate *you* and honor *you* for your thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity as well. 💛 ------------------------- Sounds fun already? Yes or Yes! When and where to begin, you ask?💛 Right Now (we are too excited xD) and Right-Freaking-Here (click me) [] 💛 Whatcha waiting for, lovely being?! 🥰 Get! Set! Appreciate! And Be Appreciated! 💛
Showcase your Smile Spreading Talent 2!
Last post
September 13th
...See more Are you applying for the Smile Spreader Role []? Did you choose the option 'I want to be a smile spreader, but not good at making the graphics. Please give me alternatives to making the graphics.' in the application form? Time to showcase your smile-spreading talent! Appreciation Post Mock Test: ♡ Make an appreciation post and include in your post either of the three: 1) a pretty and positive handmade drawing/ 2) a warm and lovely handwritten note/ 3) a kind and uplifting audio message using in reply to this thread, using the info below. (You need to include one of the three!) ♡ Make sure to quote the appreciator's words exactly and clearly for the appreciated peer!  ♡ Make sure you have tagged both the appreciator and the appreciated peer and have clearly stated who has appreciated whom. @fristo has sent an appreciation for @KindHuman  The Appreciation Message Reads: "Hi Kind Human, you do wonders in the 7cups community. You stay calm and balanced in your time here. You are so good at self-care and self-kindness too. We are lucky to have you as a part of our community!" Use the appreciation message above to create a warm and beautiful appreciation post for @kindhuman from @fristo Can you do it? Let's goooo! Create a good post to make the appreciated peer (@kindhuman) feel special!  (check the appreciation posts made on this page [] for inspiration.) ⭐ It is mandatory to add either of the 3 in your post: 1) Pic of a handmade drawing, 2) Pic of a handwritten note, 3) A kind and uplifting audio note satisfying the community guidelines [] ⭐ Make sure the pic or audio is clear!
🎉 Appreciation Form Updates! 📝
Last post
September 1st
...See more Are you interested in receiving updates about the appreciation form? If anyone is not aware, the appreciation form may be used by any member or listener at any time to send their appreciation to anyone at Cups! This makes them super happy and makes their day as the smile spreaders (peer appreciation team) make some very good vibes posts based on the appreciation you sent! Amazing, is it not? 😊👏🌟 ------------------------- I am Appreciation Form, Bookmark me! [] (Clickable) Keep using the appreciation form and spreading smiles! You can also join our team here. [] ------------------------- @sadcat13 will be using this thread to update us about the seasonal and festival changes in the appreciation form.  Any suggestions or feedback for the changes in the appreciation form? Use this thread to share! Yaay! 😍 ------------------------- Additional Activity: Write something kind (anything) for yourself today. Let's become amazing at loving ourselves so that we can be best at loving all! ------------------------- Inviting Kindness Crusaders of the Community (the masters of expressing and inspiring kindness among everyone): @HachiBee @Tinywhisper11 @Georginahowe @AuRewolf @Annasilverberg @Healingtalk @Lovemymoonflowers @Fristo @Wishuponastar968 @Lou73 @Jenna @Hope @Tobedoctor @Calmrosebud @Mytwistedsoul @Faithfulzareia @Suryansh @Kindheartedlily @Chevy81 @Chillingrain @Drherrington @Dreamicicle8467 @Kristynsmama @Sleepypersonforever @Amy @Adventurousbranch3786 @Heathermarie95 @Insightfulphoenix @Iampapaya @Yourcaringconfidant @Yourbuddy30 @Internalacceptance @Teenmorgan16 @Sirenofserenity @Affyavo @Katedoskocilova @Reganl @Wishfulwillow6962 @Benittaj @Amiablebunny4016 @Recliningfate @Spongbobishappy @Walker7957 @Patienceimpatiens @Mindfuljourney22 @Sadcat13 @Kindnessmatters2020 @Politeocean @Musokehere @Compassionatearrow @Daf8 @Dancat1128 @Positivepumpkin22 @Communitymodiris @Silverseastar @Brahmm
Project Tulip 🌷 🌷 🌷
by Hope
Last post
September 1st
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing well. As you know, listening is the very soul of our platform. We value our listeners and are very grateful for their time and efforts. To further show our appreciation and provide a way for the community to acknowledge dedicated listeners we are launching this Listener Appreciation Initiative. Starting this month, members will be able to nominate a listener for the Tulip badge. Interested in reading how the badge came into being? Click here! [] Our aim is to acknowledge the work of exceptional listeners who have consistently supported a member(s) for a long period! Who can be nominated? Only listeners can be nominated and only members can nominate. You as a member can nominate a listener if: The listener has consistently supported you in PMs, rooms, or forums. ✔ The listener has at least 100 1-1 chats (You can see this number next to 'Chats' on their profile) ✔ No Newbie badge Your listener does not meet the requirements yet? Worry not, you can come back and nominate when they do, we will be here! How does it work? Click HERE [] to open the nomination form. At the end of each month, we will announce the Tulip badge awardees and put their names on our wall of gratitude []! Each month more names will be added to the wall. What if someone gets nominated more than once? The first nomination will get you the tulip badge. While the badge cant be awarded again, you will however get a tulip added next to your username on the wall of gratitude! For example: ◦ Hope 🌷 ◦ Laiba 🌷 🌷 The number of tulips (🌷) indicates the times you received a tulip from a member. Some things to keep in mind: A member can nominate a listener only once. The same member can not nominate the same listener again. A member can nominate up to 3 listeners in a month. ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ Follow 7 Cups on social media Instagram - @7Cups []​| Twitter - @7Cups [] & @7CupsTeen [] | Facebook - 7CupsOfTea [] | Youtube - 7 Cups of Tea [] ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎
Appreciating Smile Spreaders
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
August 28th
...See more Welcome! 🌞 To our Smile Spreader Appreciation Forum! 🌞 This amazing forum, that you wonderful spark of light have found is dedicated to our 🌞 Smile Spreaders 🌞 Yes! Those who make all those amazing and wonderful appreciations that you make or get! If you haven't noticed this amazingly positive corner of 7Cups, we invite you to see the magic and enjoy it! You wonderful spark of light, can find it: HERE! [] 🌟 Oh wow! Wasn't that amazing! 🌟 And it gets better! To make more of that magic, you can do that: HERE! [] Amazing! Right? Absolutely wonderful! The Appreciation Program, what is it? It is a place where you can see the good in others, and share it with them. When we see good qualities in others, our heart grows and kindness flows. Here's a brief description, taken from the Peer Appreciation Program Forum: You can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7Cups peer. The peer could be any fellow Cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Now, lets see the wonderful Smile Spreaders be appreciated!
Become a Top Appreciator and Earn Love Monster Badge!
Last post
August 21st
...See more Hi Community! Are you someone who loves to appreciate people? If you are one, you can now earn the Love Monster badge! What do I need to do to earn Love Monster? Every month, we have people at 7 Cups appreciating their favorite cuppers using our appreciation form -click me []. Starting this month, we will be awarding the Love Monster badge to the top appreciator of the month! In case the top appreciator already received Love Monster in one of the previous months, then the second top one gets it! Likewise, the third top one would get it if the top two already have the badge. And so on. Interesting? Fascinating? Let's get started! If you need to bookmark the appreciation form link to easily find it, here is the tiny URL of the appreciation form: Can't wait to witness all the smiles and good vibes that will be exchanged in the community through this initiative! Tagging some of our appreciators from the past: @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Amiablebunny4016 @Yourcaringconfidant @Chetan1408 @Victorialove7 @Annasilverberg @Independentgrapes4222 @Hawaii968 @Benittaj @Bluerivercares @Tabbycat97 @Tinywhisper11 @Waterfallsofnature36 @Tobedoctor @Elwinthisside124 @Keith22534 @Jasmineishereforu @Gloriad @Optimisticempath @Violetveritas @Purplesea7109 @Yougotmyback @Goldennest2727 @Calmmango9611 @Darkerplaces @Blueskies1021 @Orca03 @Magnificentnutella @Cheebsra @Confidentrabbit7311 @Howegeorgia20 @K87 @Teenytinyturtle @Journey144 @Liv125 @Innatejoy9602 @Onlywinter @Trueconfidant123 @Lovemymoonflowers @Jefferythebunny319 @Patienceimpatiens @Lyricalangel70 @Amicablewater4529 @Amiableblackberry92 @Amiablepeace77 @Yourbuddy30 @Tae22534 @Joyhappyness @Daf8 @Meaningfulsilence @Thatchristlover @Somebodyspicy @Gk955 @Lovingpeacefulheart @Icareuk @Wingstoyou @Clio9876 @Floatingdandelion @Toughcup4675 @Calmcoral @Magicalocean594 @Delicatebutterfly78 @Havenonearth @Jass1301 @Sukoloveshito133 @Tu100Ot @Iampapaya @Cherry2000 @Phoenixbutterfly97 @Violetnotes @Littlebirdie30 @Lolowise475 @Hopefulbambi @Elle5319 @Theoneaviva6345 @Iamwhoiamwhoami @Dreamsandwonders @Whyme3112 @Compassionateoak202 @Impudentincognito @Autumn1100Winter @Tulipsmile @Skyblueclementine1798 @Rogueone1983
Project Tulip Awardees 2024!
by Hope
Last post
August 3rd
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are well. Time to announce our latest tulip awardees, these are all the submissions since our last post. This is an award given to listeners who have been consistently supporting their members. Only members can nominate and only listeners can get this badge. You can read more about the project here. [] Note: The number of tulips next to their username indicates how many members nominated them. Nominated listeners receive one tulip (per nomination) next to their username along with the tulip badge. [] Please note a listener can be nominated by the same member only once. Members can nominate 3 listeners a month, the 3 need to be different listeners each month. ' Are you a member? You can nominate a listener for the tulip badge here. [] Here are our nominees!  @AnnaSilverberg🌷 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 @SparkyGizmo 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 @SparklingSeaShells🌷🌷🌷 @Brighteststarinnightssky🌷 @nestlecrunch🌷 @Tulipsmile🌷🌷 @peacefulpurple08🌷 @jovialPeace5099🌷 @parakeetenjoyer29🌷 @gentleStrawberry6277🌷 @cathugsandharmony🌷 @CaringPeach🌷 @hopefulPeace65 🌷 @LittleBirdie30🌷 @Mesther93🌷 @Josh3889🌷🌷 @AstralScion26🌷 @Hermionetps🌷 @MrTsukimi🌷 @jasishereforallofu🌷 @autumnthemoth🌷 Congratulations to the following @AnnaSilverberg @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SparkyGizmo @SparklingSeaShells @Brighteststarinnightssky @nestlecrunch @Tulipsmile @peacefulpurple08 @jovialPeace5099 @parakeetenjoyer29 @gentleStrawberry6277 @cathugsandharmony @CaringPeach @hopefulPeace65 @LittleBirdie30 @Mesther93 @Josh3889 @AstralScion26 @Hermionetps @MrTsukimi @jasishereforallofu @autumnthemoth
Showcase your Smile Spreading Talent!
Last post
July 29th
...See more Are you applying for the Smile Spreader Role []? Time to showcase your smile-spreading talent! Appreciation Post Mock Test: ♡ Make an appreciation post with a pretty graphic in reply to this thread, using the info below. ♡ Please try to include some kind words for the appreciated peer and the appreciator, in your post, it could be your way to present the appreciation creativity! ♡ Please don't hesitate to showcase your creativity with text, font, emojis, gifs etc. You can add any gifs or images in your post also, along with the graphic containing the message from the appreciator! @fristo has sent an appreciation for @KindHuman The Appreciation Message Reads: "Hi Kind Human, you do wonders in the 7cups community. You stay calm and balanced in your time here. You are so good at self-care and self-kindness too. We are lucky to have you as a part of our community!" Use the appreciation message above to create an appreciation graphic post for @kindhuman from @fristo Can you do it? Let's goooo! Create a good graphic to make the appreciated peer (@kindhuman) feel special! (check the appreciation posts made on this page [] for inspiration.) ⭐ Update: Creating a graphic/ Graphic-use for the appreciator's message is now mandatory. ⭐ If you are new to making graphics, here is a step-by-step graphic guide [] to help you.
Gratitude Rain!
by LynLyn87
Last post
July 28th
...See more Hello, Hope you all are doing well  I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone in the Gratitude Rain community! You guys spread so much love and joy to our lovely listeners! They do so much for us and you do so much for them! Cookies for all of you joy spreaders 🍪 And welcome to cookie land my new friends! I wanted to take this chance to remind you guys that we are all here for you! This is a community, and that makes us a family :) if you ever need anything remember to reach out, you are cared for, of you have questions, comments, or need someone to talk to you have people here for you  Thank you again! Hugs and cookies for all 🩷💚
Honoring Heather - Community Director
by ASilentObserver
Last post
July 11th
...See more Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well. Today is a special day, it is Heathers Birthday! Heather is our Director of Community. They have been with us for two years and in this short period they have made a tremendous difference. Heather has many traits but the one which stands out is her ability to truly listen to you and make you feel heard. On this happy occasion, we wanted to give heather something fitting, something that represents her dedication and becomes a part of the community she so loves. Upon careful consideration, we decided to create a badge in Heathers Honors. A badge that will represent what she loves, what she stands for, and promote those very traits in the near future. Introducing! Badge: Tulip The name was picked by @asilentobserver. It is derived from Tuna and Flip, Heathers beloved birds. Thank you to Cris (7Cups Senior Engineer and our Tech Guru) for creating the badge on short notice. The badge stands for ‘Being an exceptional listener and will be used to show our appreciation for exceptional listeners of our community. We have also launched the Project Tulip to further support the acknowledgment of our wonderful listeners! 🌷 Click here to read more [] about Project Tulip Reply to this thread and wish @Heather225 a happy birthday!

A Big Warm Welcome to Everyone Visiting or Joining our Positivity & Gratitude Community!

Our community aims to spread positive vibes through forums, chatrooms & growth path activities for everyone to grow and move forward in life.

❤ Click the "Join this Community" button to stay updated with our featured community activities.

❤ Click the "Check-in Today" button to let us know how you're doing. We care about your well-being!


Learn more about our community activities below!

 1. Join our Forum Activities  

Start exploring our forums with a few ones listed below :

(Forums mentioned below are clickable)

  Welcomes & Connections

  Positive Messages & Reminders

  Insights & Positive Experiences

  Cupversaries & Birthdays 

We have 14 forums open for everybody! Check out our complete list of forums Here


 2. Join our Chatroom Activities in the Positivity Corner Room  

We have weekly Guided Discussions & Positivity Mini sessions!

 Check out our Upcoming Positivity Mini Sessions in this forum: Positivity Corner Sessions 

Note: Chatroom will be visible at the discussion time here


 3. Join our Growth Path!  

Moving Forward with Positive Focus


  Additional Information  

1. Join our taglist to stay updated with our regular activities Here!

2. Meet our amazing team Here!

3. Interested in joining our team? Click Here!

4. Have queries related to P&G - community or team? Please contact: @CheeryMango / @VerseArt

5. Share P&G community-related feedback Here

6. Appreciate a person Here

Community Guidelines

Positivity & Gratitude community aims to provide a space to spread positive energy, hoping to inspire everyone on 7cups to grow & move forward in their life.


So here are few things to remember and follow:

 Spread positive vibes only

❤ Everyone is welcome to create threads & participate in the forums mentioned with these notes:

 [Community Use] & [Team & Community Use]

❤ Be respectful and supportive towards everyone

❤ Take good care of yourself

❤ Stay strong, stay hopeful & enjoy!



Forums with the notes mentioned below are open for both thread creation and participation:

[Community Use] & [Team & Community Use]

These forums are open for everyone's use!


Forums with the notes mentioned below are only open for participation:

[Team Use] & [Admin Use]

Please do not create threads here. 

(Threads created here will be moved to other forums)


These guidelines are specific to the Positivity & Gratitude Community. We kindly request you to follow them, as well as the basic Forum Guidelines. as they are to ensure clarity, positivity & safety for everyone!

Community Leaders
Community Mentor Leader
Community Mentor / Teen Community Star
Community Resources

7 Cups Self-Help Guides related to Positivity & Gratitude



❤ Getting Unstuck


 Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

Exercise Motivation


Also here is a guide for all the Searching Souls: 7 Cups for the Searching Soul

Check out more Self-Help Guides Here


7 Cups Mindfulness Exercises related to Positivity & Gratitude (Under or Approx 15 Minutes)

❤ Acceptance 

Acceptance of Thoughts and Feelings - Part 1     Acceptance of Thoughts and Feelings - Part 2

❤ Joy 

Befriending     Happiness at Work     Joy

❤ Power and Change 

Positive Change     My Intentions Have Infinite Organizing Power     Ten-Minute Wisdom Meditation     

The Secret of Attraction

❤ Love & Compassion 

Loving Kindness Meditation     Loving the World     Loving-Kindness Meditation     Self-Compassion Break

❤ Imagination 

The Five Minute Miracle - Imagination     Feeling Excitement     Eating a Piece of Chocolate

❤ Self-Esteem Assistance 

Self-Esteem Blackboard

❤ Motivational 

Change Yourself - Don't Wait for the World to Change     Aging with Integrity     Risk and Planning for Success     

Sport Motivation     Hot Air Balloon Motivation 

❤ Energizing 

Energizing the Body and Mind

❤ Relaxation 

Lotus Flower Relaxation     Sunrise On the Beach Mindfulness      Tropical Garden Mindfulness     

Bouncing Ball Mindfulness      Cloud Castles     Magic Bubbles      Magical Forest     Rainbow Sandbox Mindfulness

❤ Guided Meditations 

Guided Forgiveness Meditation

Guided Meditation: "A Moment of Calm"

Guided Meditation: "Coming Home to Presence"

Guided Meditation: "Living, Vivid Hereness"

Guided Meditation: Metta (Loving kindness)

Guided Meditation for Love & Positivity

❤ Meditations 

Living Carefree     Ten-Minute Wisdom Meditation


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