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I don't like going through this every month

exuberantBlackberry9105 December 24th, 2023

I never really talk about this, because i feel a bit embarassed, but i guess this is me venting about my periods, and i dunno which subcommunity this belongs in so i'm posting in general support. But anyways, my periods are really hard to deal with right now. They're painful and messy. My mother wont let me use anything but pads and i find them very irritating for my skin. I'm leaking all the time, and it's really messy. I don't have the freedom to lie down whenever i want because i'm worried I'll leak if i lie down. i dont understand why my pads leak all the time even if they arent fully soaked, maybe i'm not using them properly? I cant even swallow the period cramp meds properly because i'm pretty new to swallowing tablets. My periods cause me so much stress and anxiety every month and it's not fun. i hate dealing with this.

tagging my forum buddies @Cottonn and @bestVase7265 if you dont mind, feel free to ignore this tag if i'm bothering you

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 24th, 2023

@Cottonn Yeah it is natural hehe, just not something we talk about a lot. Yeah, i have used pads from different brands, but I've never used one brand for one whole period, so i guess i cant really tell.

No, it isn't like extreme pain, i still can stand if i want to, but it's hard to not lie down and it's very annoying even if it isn't extreme. but yeah, i have seen a doctor about this. my mother became a bit concerned and took me to an obgyn in may this year. she seemed like a pretty nice doctor, and she said that it's not something i should worry about, that i need to gain a little weight (because i'm pretty skinny) so i could grow stronger than the pain, that i need to exercise, that i need to take one medicine every day and that period cramp med if i have painful cramps and she needed a blood test, but that was normal. She told me to come back in 3 months if nothing got better.

But things really did get better in terms of the pain and the medicine helped when it did hurt. it's been a long time since may now, and i have reached the weight she wanted me to reach by the end of the year (I've probably reached more than that, i dunno because the last time i checked my weight was in july and i had already reached where the obgyn wanted me to reach), i'm not quite as regular about the exercising as i used to be, but i still do exercise once in a while. my mother however made me discontinue that med that i had to take every day. i still take that pain med whenever it hurts.

But it hurts a lot more these days as compared to the first few periods after i saw the obgyn. i don't know why, maybe it's because i'm not taking that everyday medicine any more or maybe because i'm not so regular about the exercise, i feel like the exercise reason is not as likely, because i still get some exercise, maybe not very day but at least once a week. What do you think?

I do think i know how to wear pads properly. i just don't understand why I'm always leaking, so I'm basically questioning everything. but when i really think about it, i started periods more than two years ago, and I've been using pads the whole time. I don't usually leak if I'm standing or sitting straight all the time, that is, as long as it's not too heavy. the problem arises if i sit in a more relaxed way or lie down. use two pads? i cant really imagine how i'd do that, but i think an overnight pad covers the length of two regular pads. but for me, it's not much about the length being too short, it's about things leaking out the side. i was kinda hesitant to share that because it's a little graphic, but i don't feel like i have a choice now! anyway, any idea how i can prevent that mess?

Hot drinks to help with pain? i dunno. the only drink i really have is water. i don't drink anything else, no not even tea. my parents have tea every day, but I'm not old enough to have to according to my mother (now i get reminded of something interesting every time i think about that, so that's on my mind now especially with new year nearby). anyway, now i did a little google search and i see a lot of things come up, i realise that that tea isn't something great to have during periods because of the caffeine anyway haha! maybe herbal tea is an exception, but that's not a thing in our home anyway. But anyway, all of the drinks recommended for period pain arent a thing in our home, maybe other than water. So i really don't know what to do.

Haha, i agree, the first few days are usually more painful. today's my fourth day so I've luckily not been in much pain today. okay, you want me to tell you when things get better in terms of what?

Thank you so much for your reply by the way, i really appreciate it. Take care Cottnie. 💙

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 26th, 2023

@Cottonn I thibk its possible that stopping the medicine is causing my pain to be back. First off, maybe my pain reduced under the effect of that medicine and stopping it made the pain come back. And as you mentioned suddenly stopping a medicine can cause the pain to be back. I have no idea if the medicine was even meant to be stopped because the doctor never mentioned anything about stopping it.

I know cotton pads are supposed to be better. I dont think the pads i use right now are fully made of cotton. I think pads made of cotton tend to be more expensive, i dunno if my mother will buy them for me. But I'll see.

Size actually causes me a lot of confusion. I usually use regular size during the day at home unless it's very heavy. But what do i do if i wanna lie down for a bit? Do i change it just for lying down? Or do i wear an xl all the time just because i might want to lie down sometime throughout the day? I manage okay during the night, i use either xl or overnight pads depending on the flow. I also manage ok when i go to school or anywhere out during the day, i use regular or xl depending on the flow. The problem comes when I'll be staying at home during the day. Could you possible help?

Yeah i do think i wear them well and change them regularly hehe.

Umm... i dont want to mention that interesting thing here, it might not be the right thread to discuss that. If you're interested in knowing that interesting thing hehe, i can share it on our little space.

I know you weren't talking about tea. I was just saying that i dont even drink tea. Ok, herbs with boiled water? That's not a thing in our house, but I'll see. What kinda herbs?

Oh, got it. I'll sure let you know when thinks get better haha!

Thanks for being here for me Cottnie. Take care 🤍🤍

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 28th, 2023

@Cottonn Yeah, i might feel less worried if I'd use xl pads all the time, but i dont know if they really will prevent all the leaking. They might prevent the back or front leaking, but i dunno about the sides. But then what's the purpose of regular sized pads? When do i use them?

Thanks for your suggestion about the herbs. I dont know if i could ask my mother to give me something like that though. Because we dont ever put things like that in boiled water and then drink it. It's not something that ever is done in my home so it feels like too much to ask my mother to do that for me.

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP January 1st

@Cottonn Side leaks sadly do happen even if i wear them properly. i guess I'll just try changing them more quickly before they even get full.

oh, okay, i will try using regular ones around the end of my periods then. I'd try using xl the whole time during heavier days.

umm... no, i dont usually do anything myself in the kitchen so i guess I'll save that suggestion for later, i dont think i can try that one now, sorry.

thank you so much for helping me figure things out. I'll try all the suggestions i can for my next period and see how it goes. 🤍

Vagi December 24th, 2023

Hey sorry to know that you are dealing with such problem. But I would like to say that you are brave enough to talk about this😊.

I understand for some people period pains are too much and they get frustrated due to all this. More power to you dealing with your problems.

I can feel you when your mother doesn't allow you to use tampons or menstrual cups... Idk why does she say that some people have beliefs or it maybe because she haven't tried herself.. Just give her sometime... tell about benefits of using menstrual cups... till then try different pads.. you may use night pads.. or just check video on internet to confirm that you are using it rightly :)

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 24th, 2023

@Vagi Thanks for your reply. I dont the pain is always too much, it sometimes is, but even if it isn't, it's frustrating nonetheless.

Yeah, she wont allow me to use tampons or menstrual cups, obviously she hasn't tried them herself, she grew up using cloth and used pads as an adult. she claims that she's heard doctors not recommending tampons or menstrual cups for young people, so i need permission from a doctor to be able to use them. i honestly regret not asking the obgyn about this when i saw her in may because my mother might never take me again.

I understand her concerns, but she wont let me use period *** either. at least period parties might be less irritating than fragranced pads. keyword: might because i dunno. she says she'll buy them for me but then she comes up with the excuse of not being able to know the right size online and they're not available in stores you know. so i guess I'll have to stick with pads.

I've given her enough time, i first requested her to let me use something else back in march last year. i did a bunch of research and tried to write her a letter, but she wasn't convinced. I've given up hope now.

Yeah maybe I'll try more pads. i dunno what I'll do. yeah, i already use overnight pads at night when i need to. and i believe i'm using pads correctly, or so it seems. but i still leak, so i dunno what's wrong.

Vagi December 24th, 2023

Actually there is a taboo related with using tampons or menstrual cups.. hope that you get a chance to visit gynecologist... but I have never heard about that young people can't use tampons...

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 24th, 2023

@Vagi I agree. i probably won't get that chance though, so i wont hope for it.

adventurousBranch3786 December 24th, 2023

@exuberantBlackberry9105. Can you call the doctors office where you were seen and ask if they approve of tampons?

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 25th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I can't imagine doing that.

adventurousBranch3786 December 25th, 2023

@exuberantBlackberry9105. I have doctors that I have left messages for with the secretary or medical assistant. Just in case you ever get up the nerve to ask. It could be as simple as I forgot to ask the doctor if they approve of use of tampons.  I used to wear both a tampon and pad due to heavy periods. There are also adult diapers. If I wasn’t able to use a tampon I probably would have used a pad and diaper together on heavy days.

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 25th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I wont be able to do that, Branch. I can't just go take my mother's phone and call the doctor's office or leave a message for them asking if they approve of tampons. If anything, i have to convince my mother to call the doctors office or leave a message for them. I can't just do it myself from her phone, or can i?

And anyways, they probably would approve of tampons in general. what my mother is concerned about is my age, she doesn't want a 13 year old to use any internal protection products (like tampons or menstrual cups). and i understand her concerns. but she could let me use something else like period pant!3s too, right? or she could let me try other brands of pads other than the two brands I've tried so far.

i don't think i'd need to use two products at a time like both a pad and a tampon. my periods aren't that heavy. i know there are adult diapers hehe, but I'm not an adult, I'm 13. aww sounds like your periods used to be a bit hard for you, a pad and diaper together sounds uncomfy. I'm sorry for you.

adventurousBranch3786 December 25th, 2023

@exuberantBlackberry9105.   Using your  phone without her permission probably isn’t a good idea. Hopefully when you are a little older you will be able to have some more flexibility in the products that you can use.

adventurousBranch3786 December 25th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 *her phone

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 26th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 haha i agree, it might not be a great idea. I do hope i will have more flexibility about the menstrual products i use when I'm older.

bestVase7265 December 25th, 2023

Periods are not fun to deal with. They take quite a bit of adjusting to. You have to learn to figure out how often pads need to be changed. I was never very good at it, but I did become better. You also will become better over time at dealing with the pain meds. But if you ever feel like things are really excessive, talk to a doctor. They can help quite a bit. Sending peace. @exuberantBlackberry9105

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 25th, 2023

@bestVase7265 I agree hehe, they aren't fun at all. I guess i just have to figure it out. The problem is most of the leaks happen without the pad being totally soaked, so i dont know how I'll figure that out. But yeah, hopefully I'll become better at swallowing tablets over time because not being able to swallow them properly causes a lot of drama at home. I dont think I'll get to talk to a doctor about this, it's not too excessive anyways but still annoying nevertheless. 

bestVase7265 December 26th, 2023

Some of it is body positioning and it can be especially hard in terms of leaking out the back. Lots of people use menstrual cups or tampons which supposedly leak less. I was never really good with those though. @exuberantBlackberry9105

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 26th, 2023

@bestVase7265 i know! Leaking out of the back is hard and leaking out of the side is even harder hehe. I've heard that menstrual cups and tamons leak less, but my mother won't allow me to use them, so i dont know what to do....

bestVase7265 December 27th, 2023

You do the best with what you have and change pads more often than you think is going to be necessary, especially in the first 48 hours or so. @exuberantBlackberry9105

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 28th, 2023

@bestVase7265 Well said, Vase. Mmm, okay. I will try changing the pad more often that i think i might need to. Thank you so much for your suggestions.

courageousSea2758 December 25th, 2023


I sympathize a great deal as I also struggle a lot with my period.

One thing that can help with swallowing pain tablets is putting your chin to your chest and then swallowing.

Larger pads, while more uncomfortable, may help with the leaking.

Best wishes!

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 25th, 2023

@courageousSea2758 Hey, I'm sorry to hear that you struggle with your period too, i know it's not easy.

Oh, nice. Thanks for the suggestion. I think it means i should bend my head in front while swallowing the tablet. I'll try. I used to tilt my head behind while swallowing but recently discovered that it helps to not do that and instead keep your head straight, and I've tried it and it helps. Maybe bending my head in front will help even more. I'll try that out the next time i have to swallow a tablet. :)

Haha, i know, larger pads are more uncomfortable. Sometimes they do help, but i dont think they always help with the leaking. Sometimes i leak even with an xl or overnight pad. And my period isnt always heavy so I'm hesitant to use a large pad because they're more expensive and I'll still have to change them regularly even if they aren't full. I'm still willing to do that, but i dont understand why they still allow leaking......

Best wishes to you too, Sea!

calmingcomfortero December 25th, 2023

Hello @exuberantBlackberry9105 

I understand periods can be really painful and messy. You are strong for dealing with this.

Pads can make skin unnecessarily warm which can be uncomfortable. Some pad brands can also irritate the skin.

Periods are naturally messy. Sometimes it can flow sideways and leak out. (Even when sitting upright or standing) I am pretty sure you are using the pads correctly. It's stressful!!

Tablets can be hard to swallow, how about cutting tablets in smaller pieces? It is good that tablets help with the pain.

I understand period causes a lot of stress but don't give up.

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 25th, 2023

@calmingcomfortero Hey there! I do find pads can be uncomfortable and sometimes irritating. Not everyone feels that way, but i do.

Oh, periods are naturally messy? I dunno. But yeah, I know, sometimes it flows sideways and leaks out.

I actually never swallow those tablets whole, I've never even tried that. I break them in half and then swallow them. But the problem is, if i somehow fail to swallow it in one gulp, the tablet starts dissolving in water and that tastes so terrible that i cant keep it in my mouth. I immediately cough it out, maybe not exactly cough it out, but i dunno what to call that. If I'm near a basin, well and good, if I'm not, another mess plus yelling from my mother..... Any suggestions?

starryCandy6123 December 25th, 2023

Must be really hard, for you. You need to talk to mum, about other products , you can use

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 25th, 2023

@starryCandy6123 I agree it's hard. Talking to my mother sadly doesn't really help, unfortunately.

lavendereyes33 December 26th, 2023

Hey, thanks for sharing this ! Id like to suggest maybe u could use the 32cm - long pads.. if it’s irritating to your skin, sometimes it means u need to change the pads often when they are a lot.. some would suggest using a pad made from cloth that can be washed . U can get them through online shops . Hope this comment would help you get through messy periods!

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 26th, 2023

@lavendereyes33 yeah the overnight pads are 32cm long, and i do use them at night. But i feel like they're too big to use during the day.

I do think i change pads often enough, i change them when they're mostly soaked or after a couple of hours if my flow isnt that heavy and it's not very soaked. I still get irritation.

Yeah reusable pads right? My mother has been telling me that she'll buy them for me since months. She hasnt bought me anything yet, sadly.

JustWantingToMakeFriends December 26th, 2023

Have you maybe tried period underwear? I haven’t looked through all the comments, so maybe someone said this, but period underwear can be useful because they are just like pads though they are underwear so maybe it would be a bit less likely to leak. If it feels like they are getting dirty and uncomfortable over the day, just try using toilet paper to wipe them off. And you can probably wear a pad or another pair of under around them if it might work better. If your interested at all, you can find some on Amazon.

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP December 26th, 2023

@JustWantingToMakeFriends Hey thanks for your suggestion (hey, you dont have to worry about someone else saying that, and you dont have to read all the comments, it's too much time and energy). I havent tried period underwear, but i have heard of them. I do think they might possibly cause less leaking. My mother says she'll buy them for me but then she comes up with the excuse of not being able to know the right size online and they're not available in stores sadly. By the way, your username says that you want to make friends, I'm here if you ever want to talk.

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP January 7th

@JustWantingToMakeFriends ummm I'm not really sure about what you meant by "yeah". 🤔


We could talk, if you’d like