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Can’t Find A Job

drzombienoodles September 20th

I just got rejected from a job I REALLY thought I was going to get. They asked for my references and interviewed me twice and each time went well. I have been unemployed for four months now and had to move back in with my parents. My mother doesn’t want me here, I’m running out of money, and I just keep applying and applying to positions. I don’t understand. Why doesn’t anyone want me? I am applying to jobs that are within my field. I have four years customer service experience and that’s not enough! I have a masters degree and thats not enough! I’m spending all this money on gas to travel for these interviews just to be rejected and I can’t do it anymore but I can’t stop. My mental health is declining, I’m all alone, and I have no one to talk to. I’ve been crying all day because I just don’t know what to do anymore. Why am I not getting jobs? I do everything right on my resume and cover letter, I follow up in emails, I show up to the interviews early and dressed professionally and I’m getting nowhere! I just don’t know what to do anymore and I feel like I’m on the brink of homelessness because I have to step on egg shells around my house. If I do something wrong, my mom will kick me out and then I’m really screwed. I’m just really having a hard time right now.

toughTiger6481 September 20th


I am very sorry you are going through this.

It is frustrating when you do not have a reason or idea of why you are being passed on. Are you applying directly?     Have you considered applying in other fields that your skills can transfer to?  even if short term until you get a foot in the door of your chosen field. 

Depending on where you live have you considered talking to placement agency or a recruiter?  Interviews are weird in that MY worst interviews I got the job........ when i followed the standard interview rules i was passed over by a few i was totally qualified for.   

In my area MANY employers use recruiters/ agency and start as temp to hire because some do not live up to resume or maybe the person decides the job is not right for them ...kinda try before you buy for BOTH parties. 

Job i have NOW person before had the "right" resume the great interview skills but in end did not show up to work consistently and alienated co-workers.    the company  was lucky as they had not converted person to a full on employee and agency had to fire her not them. 

freshman12 September 20th

🫂 Don't worry just relax. Keep trying like you always do you will get it eventually 💯

blueears225 September 20th

@drzombienoodles i know how you feel even though...i know how painful  it is to have expectations and you end up getting dissapointed but its just the start of a new phase for'll eventually get a better one and we're always here for you

reallyoverallofit September 20th

Judging from your troubles it sounds like you might be attempting to navigate the job market in the US. I have been looking for 10 months, now. It's not you. It's billionaires. And this isn't tongue and cheek. The billionaire b*st*rds running Silicon Valley have laid off 500,000 people in the last two years. Funny how the news isn't talking about it at all. We are in a historical job market slump and because it's an election year no one is daring to talk about it. But the rate of unemployment is well beyond what they're reporting right now. It's not you. It's billionaires. 

courageousCloud7479 September 20th

@drzombienoodles Hey I can't imagine what you must be going through right now, you're stuck from all ends and on top of that not being able to relax even at home must be overwhelming. 

But I want you to know that this isn't the end, it might not seem like it right now but you'll get through this.

If you want someone to talk, we're all here for you and let me know I'll even shoot you a DM 🙂

kingbear1934 September 20th

Trust me I know your pain and struggle I'm currently unemployed suffering from ADHD, depression and anxiety. However, I'm between a hard rock, truthfully I feel all my life I had to fight. Here I am at 35 years old trying to restart my life.i want you to understand that you are not alone in you pain or struggle. Lastly I hear you and I know your pain.

chakragirl September 20th

Hey, we are here.

I get it, I spend a lot of time doing the same thing, like a looooot. On my personal experience, most times its not even fair how they choose. So actually it's nothing to do with you.

I think someone already said it but... try apply for something different, even short time. It will give you money and time to achieve on the field you want. Or try freelancer for a while (I know many people do it).

It will be OK. We are here to hear you, and help the best way we can. ❤️‍🩹

thelisteningartist September 22nd


I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. I can see that you're really trying and doing the best you can. I don't think it's your fault at all that you haven't been hired yet, the job market is really tough for everyone right now. You're not alone in this, I'm also struggling to find a job right now and it's so frustrating. I have a lot of hope for things to get better for you!

AngelR99 September 22nd

Hey, everything is going to be alright. Im in the same situation. Besides everything, my boyfriend is also pressuring me. During times like these it is difficult to find work with good employers. The sooner you understand it and calm down, things will be fine.

And don’t worry your mother will understand. 😊💕

Lenaye8 September 22nd

Supah Hugs To Yah!!! Finding a job is harder these days especially whebyou are fully qualified to do said job. Not sure why they waste time and play with our emotions. Please do not give up ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 rhe job you fully desire is within you. You are so close to getting it. Be kind to your self along the way & the right job will hire you on the spot✨💫 Have a peaceful day

reliableeagle6670 September 22nd


I get it. I was in the same situation last year. The job market is not a walk in the park right now. I understand that it might be hard to stay strong. Keep fighting, you're going to make it!

Wpdillon September 22nd

Trust me, I was right where you were at 15 years ago. It is tough and depressing. Some suggestions I have to improve your chances:

When applying, make sure to tailer your resume to the job description

Look for contract/temp jobs. This will help you build you build experience.

Go into interviews with confidence. By the time you get into the interview phase, they already know your qualifications. Hiring managers want to understand your personality and see if it works for the company you are interviewing for.