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Lenaye8 profile picture
Soft spiral
Depression Support / by Lenaye8
Last post
February 7th
...See more eye had a soft depression spiral and needed to be out of the house due to my mums constant spiral of depression due to losing her mum/my gma having to deal with the majority of the paperwork for her mum. Me and my sister have been doing our best not to dump any type of *stress* or our weight on her. Just to be present with her as much as possible and connect. Yet it hurts when she rejects my words/actions/love *that was our old way of living with her* Now she is lashing out just like my gma would for over the past yrs she was alive. The spiral of watching your parwnt spiral is hard on the mental. Doing my best not to keep that spiral going and pass that on to my child. Fuuuudge that frfr. this app is teuly helping me get thru life and declutter my space mentally & pysically. eye luv my mum yet she needs therapy and is sooooo stubborn looking on line to help find a therapist for her while eye keep my emotion in a peaceful space as always flowing thru the motiona today yet grateful eyem alive to process the day & love myself thru it all
Lenaye8 profile picture
Relearning love
35 & Over Community / by Lenaye8
Last post
February 5th
...See more Exhales relearning to love myself again is thee best part about life. Learning to love someone else has it motionz, my partner has entered into the next part of life learning how to love himself and that is not an easy task when you have not done it before. It is a slow process and eye had to step back and let him flow. Since we are in a distant lover relationship there are days when eye can only be his bestie and nothing more. I have to control my emoitons and not let them flood me like in the past when we began talking again. He needs this time for him to discover the other sides/parts/emotions/wonders of him. Me soft dating has always been our agreement, as long as eye stay safe and enjoy myself. Dating has not gone well in the past yet the future looks brighter until me and my partner cross the next path of our relationship. I know most ppl may not get this yet, while eyem here I am still want to explore a healthy side of dating where I am not always in a masc role with a man. Always in control and not being able to embrace my soft fem side naturally. Always cautious of my safety this a non-nego with anyone eye share space with. Eyem ready to just enjoy a day/night out and be soft beautiful orchid.
Lenaye8 profile picture
Back to back ancestors/angels
Grief & Loss / by Lenaye8
Last post
December 23rd, 2024
...See more Deeeep exhales eyem crying in bed like a big baybee writing this gained my gma as an ancestor & my uncle as an ancestor. the funerals were a week apart. I took off for my gmas since it was out of state. Came back to work after focused and ready my heart still hurts & working on clarity so I can focus while working. Today hurt even more knowing I was not able to attend my uncles funeral. Mentally eye knew being there would eat up my time before my shift/knew there was love in that room deeply.šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤ Missing them both is tough right now. Reflecting memories of the space we shared on living earth. Doing my best to stay solid for me. Happy to let these tears flow. I need more hugs right now, I need a day at the spa to reset my whole mind & body. Every day gets better. I need a moment of peace. Some extra peace of mind. *deep exhales*
Lenaye8 profile picture
35 & Over Community / by Lenaye8
Last post
November 16th, 2024
...See more one thing that sometimes is hard to enforce yet is hugh key needed for mental health and clarity. Last night me and my sister set a boundary. Mine hands down is if I am sleepy do not ask me to come outside, my innerg is low due to lack of sleep since my days have become longer with studying. Take that into cnsideration that my time frame now is different than before. My leisure is when I give my self that outside of my motherly duties. That our kids are into two diff age groups so follow suit. Since my sister is older/ has more freedom now to explore life I told her go out and enjoy ya life frfr. If I do go out wye have to be fully awake or have my own funds to get home. Right now I am still securing a consistent job while doing yoga gigs. It is the slow pace start right now, so I do not burn out. We both have to be mindful of how our life is flowing now. That is the part my sister tends to miss when we talk. *Exhales* the big difference is she has a car and I am saving for mine. My days are longer on foot/metro so my body pushes out more innerg than being in a car. Yes my health is great yet my feet hurt!! Eyem glad we had that talk cuz eye rather go out when I want to not just b/c she wantā€™s my company on her time.
Lenaye8 profile picture
Relationship Stress / by Lenaye8
Last post
October 24th, 2024
...See more Something eye have been learning along the way since my 20ā€™s they are fully important it did not really hit me till 26 that my boubdaries was messed up and eye slowly worked on them in some areas of my life then after having my daughter it took me 6 yrs to take control over my boundaries again after being pushed to the edge which had me spiral hard and was in a haze for a few years after. At 33/34 eye really took a hit with my mental health since I let all my anxiety get the best of me. After that I knew I had ro set stronger boundaries for myself, family & frnds and others. It made sense eye was losing all the good things about me. At 35 eye love my boundaries eye set for work, at home, with my partner. We had a break thru yesterday we had to set his own boundaries, not having them it was pulling him in all directions which cause his own spirals. It took a while for himto get what eye meant yet there was no yelling, just expressing how to create stronger ones for yaself and letting ppl around you know, there is a time period when eyem not available plz tlk to me after or just txt me if need be. When you set those boundaries nothing can sway you out of the emotions/space ya are giving ya self. We are still learning one another and it makes a difference speaking thru it together and making the strides for that extra peace of mind
Lenaye8 profile picture
35 & Over Community / by Lenaye8
Last post
September 22nd, 2024
...See more I keep telling myself to come on here and share even when I am in a good mood. Decided to take a mental health quick trip to florida. I needed the sunshien and a moment away from doing my daimy task/routines as a parent, guardianā€¦. Plus still awaiting to hear back from jobs. The mental moment away from home was worth the sunburnšŸ« šŸ„µšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ A moment to let my hair down. Trust this was a budget tight trip & it still worked. I am happy to continue to guve myself these moments asay so I can gain the clarity I need to keep pressing forward
Lenaye8 profile picture
Over Caring
General Support / by Lenaye8
Last post
August 5th, 2024
...See more My healing side/ down slide when it comes to me working for people. My heart is too big for places that are not in the space to grow. Loving my self along the way & eye got a bit lost while working for a company who halfway cares about us. Did my best to pull back and keep my heart calm. My heart was beating for my own practiceā€¦ my yoga practice when eye began to pour into that eye am already seeing my self bloom. Eyem sooo happie foy myself eye have to over care about my passions so they can grow into a beautiful garden. This bounce back of self love and sticking to it is my peaceful place. Every day gets betteršŸ’›šŸ«¶šŸ¾
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At peace
35 & Over Community / by Lenaye8
Last post
July 19th, 2024
...See more Peace Beautiful Ppl, today is day two of being let go from my jobā€¦ eye was fighting a wild battle of morale, sanity, consideration, mindfulness.. I love what I do outside of working for a company who does not care about us. It was a sad moment. I knew my next move was my best move for my sanity and body health. I knew from my on the job injury I had to leave asap. Highly greatful for my yoga career blooming. Needed the space to truly breathe and work on what keeps me happy and motivated!! Helping others feel better with gentle yoga & stretch therapy. My passion:misson in life is to help you re-learn your body once more gently.
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