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[Members]Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards

MonBon March 1st, 2016

We often time come to 7 cups in search of something:

-Someone who understands

-Someone to talk to

-Someone who will listen

-Someone to keep us company

Many of us find that - which is awesome!

However, there may come a time when as a member, you are ready to leave. And that is okay. It doesn't have to be forever or even an awfully long time. Maybe you are leaving to go out to eat with friends for the first time in weeks or months. Let us know so we can send you off with warm regards!

October 7th, 2021


Aww, thank you so much for letting us know! I hope you have a wonderful partial break, and I can't wait to see you in group chat rooms again real soon! ❤️

ShapeshiftSystem October 7th, 2021


Thanks nerd <3

October 7th, 2021


Take care! I hope you have an amazing break! <33

LavenderHere October 7th, 2021

Shift aww...I hope you have a nice break. We'll always be here for you when you want to reach out

PatientMate October 7th, 2021


Thank you for letting us know, Shapeshift! I hope your break goes as you expect it, and that you can come back fresh and happy! Take care and have a lot of fun! 😊
JemmyX0X0 October 7th, 2021


Take care on your break! 💖

Leyyyyyy October 14th, 2021


- @lookatthestars22
What's up friends! It's Leeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy! You may be wondering....why is she not on her listener...well im taking a break from that for a bit. Someone told me "You can't pour from an empty cup"....well im working on filling that cup now! i wont be on my listener but im not putting it on self-care lol. So if you need to tell me sumthing message my member cos if i go on my listener, I won't be able to leave. Anyway...while i figure myself out lol if ur a listener pwease dm me cos i get lonely *sighs* if ur a member...welp ig I'll see ya in ze group chatsss.


@shiningsky3745,@funnyapplehehehehe,@imsidhere,@Fujitheflowerboy, @KayEHS, @Crackedracc, @Greenchoice1, @Sia1325, @VicK5123, @WoahtasticOswald, @Zoup, @ConsiderateParadise6717, @Astro0koala240, @Zie0520, @JamieB5, @AgreeableGlobe340, @Bubbles2025, @CuteOrange213, @Starmelon7, @NaiK15, @helpfulGem04, @Greasemonky, @Robby05, @Akira000, @EmmaE, @Bearhugsxaesthetic, @Joyfulwaterfall695, @Sunshinegiraffe123, @DonaldDraper, @SpaceOrchid, @BabyFoxBoy, @Positivepumpkin22, @Fallenstarss, @MollyT, @Emily328, Kieran000, Daf8, Jv13076, @CharmingTalker8509

October 14th, 2021


Thank you for letting us know, Ley! Take care of yourself! < 33

- x Dahlia

WoahtasticOswald October 14th, 2021


I'm glad you're taking a break to help yourself <3

starmelon7 October 14th, 2021

@Leyyyyyy Awww thanks for letting us know Leyy! Have an awesome break and take care of yourself ❤️. I hope it helps you!

HelpfulGem04 October 14th, 2021


Glad that you are noticing that you need a break for yourself. And that's right, you can't pour from an empty cup. Good job taking care of yourself. See ya around Ley! Feel free to shoot me a message anytime. <3

charmingTalker8509 October 15th, 2021

Have a good break off the listener account! ❤

Crackedracc October 15th, 2021

@Leyyyyyy heyyyy leyyyy I hope you feel better! Take care!

sia1325 October 15th, 2021

@Leyyyyyy Thank you for letting us know, Ley! I hope you have an amazing break and take good care of yourself! (:

October 17th, 2021

@Leyyyyyy *hugs*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 1st, 2021


Aw thankyou for letting me know Angel , appreciate it so much! Glad to know you are prioritising yourself and taking time off here ! Ace all your exams, rooting for you. I hope everything demanding your time and attention goes well, amidst everything, don't forget to take super great care of your lovely self ! You'll be misseddd❤ Can't wait for December already ! Seee yaa 🤗 hugsss

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ferventflame November 1st, 2021


Chere Angel 💗👀

Thank you for sharing with us that, will surely miss your angelic presence here. One of my first friends here, I hold you close to my heart. This is definitely not a goodbye, still bit a of a bittersweet moment, hopefully I will see you soon. *Hugs you tightly*

I am glad you are taking time out for your exams, all the best for them, you got this 💗 we are here for you, rooting for you. Do remember to take time out for yourself. :) I am going to take a break from here as well. See you soon :)

//sends you a bouquet of red carnations

With love


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LavenderHere November 1st, 2021

Thank you for the tag Angel! And all the best for your exams!! We'll miss you and hope to see you around. Take care and study well!

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considerateOrange2567 November 1st, 2021


Good luck on your exams, Angel!! I know you will do amazing and I hope you enjoy your break! I'll miss you 🥺 see you soon in December and take care!!! 💜💜💜

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HealingBrokenWIngs November 1st, 2021


Take care Angel! Look forward to seeing you again soon :) <3

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SofiaStardust November 1st, 2021


Angeluu❤️ I will miss you! I wish you the best of luck in your exams. You're going to do great! Thank you for being as you are and I really hope that this break helps you!

You are amazing😇✨


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November 1st, 2021


Hi Gelly! Thank you so much letting us know! I'm so proud of you for putting yourself first, and I wish you the best on your exams! We will all miss you, and we'll be excited to see you back here in December! Take care! 💜

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starmelon7 November 4th, 2021

@Angelx28 Awww thanks for the tag! Hope you have an awesome break and best of luck for your exams! We'll miss youuu ( although your bunking will not be missed 😀). Take caree of yourself! ❤ See you when we're both back from our breaks 😭❤

emotionalTalker2260 November 2nd, 2021


😮 tagging someone else huh. /jk

i wish you lots of luck with your exams, and of course when you come back of course I’ll remember your keyboard because it has provided granola laughs. 😆

emotionalTalker2260 December 8th, 2021


Yayyyyyyy, welcome back Bermuda😛 *hugs*

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Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 8th, 2021


Yayy hugsss Angelll🤗❤ missed seeing you spread all that love around :p welcome backkk lovely ❤ how did the exams and break go ?

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LavenderHere December 8th, 2021


Glad to hear that, thank you for the update! I hope your exams went well, See you around!

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starmelon7 December 8th, 2021

@Angelx28 Welcome backk Legnaa! Hope you had an awesome break and your exams went well, especially maths of course 😀❤️

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HealingBrokenWIngs December 8th, 2021


Welcome back!!!!!<3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 12th, 2021


Aw yay glad to hear that ,Angel ❤🤗

RiverTheWolf December 20th, 2021

This is a very tough thing I’m about to write. But please know that no matter what happens, I will miss you all and remember you all. I've decided that it is in my best interest… To leave 7 cups. I have thought long and hard, and have struggled to come to this decision. Please know that it was not easy and that it took a lot. You guys have truly changed me in the past year or so that I’ve been here. I’ve made so many friends, and have learned a lot. Having you guys be here to support me, despite my shortcomings- That's something I will never forget. I know this will not only be hard for me, but for many of you. But I do hope you can support me in this decision. 7 cups has been one of the best things to happen to me. But I have been struggling with my social life, and grades, and family, and it's time for me to leave. I can't keep worrying everyday. I have to have a life and I want to do clubs and get involved. Once more, I love you all so much. Please stay safe and be nice, and just… Please don't forget me.. Thank you guys..

I will be deleting my account Tuesday, December 21st at about 9pm EST. If you see me in the group chats, please don't make a big deal.. I just want to act normal until than.. Have an amazing life all <3 Take care If I missed tagging anyone, please tag them for me <3

@emotionalTalker2260 @BookishBlue13 @blueberrywaffles @CommunitymodChristine @Mel002 @ShawntellaVanillaStrawberry @BiaKiaSia @ticketdaenbyversion2 @StarryMilkywaySystem @ToastyMuffinKing @listeningArrow8342 @fallenstarsss @CommunityModCharlie @Listeningsarinn @CommunityModLou @CommunityModKay @RainbowdogsofParadise @kindNutella926 @CommunityModEver @CommunityModAnne @HealingBrokenWings @CommunityModWillow @Nerdtastic @CommunityModEden @kieran000 @JennyINFP @agreeableGlobe340 @Flaurie @PatientMate @Flicker200 @EmptyAquarium @knockoffwolf @jv13076 @KaikaiKitan @FallenStarss @Leyyyy @empatheticLavender @ShapeshiftSystem @Moonlemon48 @Artalistens @TayTayy @leader00 @WarriorHeartsSystem @sunshinegiraffe123 @amusingCoconut @RavenSky @ferventflame @navyHouse3677 @LoveLilly @simtheperson

emotionalTalker2260 December 20th, 2021


🥺 rivie *hugs tightly* 🥺 thank you for being one of my best friends on cups, I will never forget you and I wish you all the best for your life 🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 *hugs again*

Mack December 20th, 2021


Aww, Ill miss seeing you but I wish you nothing but the best in whatever life has in store for you. Ill never forget you. Thank you for being such an amazing person. Im so glad you are doing what’s best for you. Take care 🥺❤️


knockoffWolf December 20th, 2021


I'm going to miss you so much. You mean so much more to me than I even realized. But I admire your decision. It's one I've tried again and again to make and never succeeded. It breaks my heart to see you go but I'm proud of you for doing what's best for you.

ToastyMuffinKing December 20th, 2021


River! I will never forget the amazing memories and fun times we spent together. I sure will miss you, but I'm glad you've decided to work on your life! You are such an amazing person and deserve all the love the world can offer. You've given so much to all of us, and it's time that you take some time for yourself. If you ever decide to come back, we (well I guess I can't speak for everyone, can I?) will welcome you with warm hugs and cookies! You have a long life ahead of you, don't forget to live it to the fullest! You make the weirdest jokes, and they always brighten my day, I hope you have a great life, and Happy Holidays!!!

Yours (no, not yours, mine!),

Toasty 💙

December 20th, 2021

@RiverTheWolf im going to miss you so mcuh but i know that you do love us all and rember we all love you i want you to be happy and good and if that means moving on thats good! whatevr makes yout he best you life is more then a app on the interment but we are all still fmaily and family enevr frogets so we shall never frogoet you love you frothe starry milkway system with spelling mistake and all!

Moonlemon48 December 20th, 2021

@RiverTheWolf Aww river, it saddens me to know that you will no longer be around but i do respect your decision and i believe it is for the best. I want to say that you have been such a big support system to so many people here and changed soo many things, we are all grateful we got to know someone like you. I hope I get to see you soon. Best of luck with life rockstar!! We will always remember you❤ Take my ducky with you so the ducky can take care of you. Until next time ❤

LoveLilly December 20th, 2021


Hey River, you know everything I had to say about this, but never forget we love you and we send our utmost support to you always



NovaGalaxy December 20th, 2021


awww, you’ll definitely be missed river *hugs* I wish you all the best in life, and I’ll never forget you 💜

ToastyMuffinKing December 20th, 2021

