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A note I had writen, last night... Its all my fault

Blagfar May 31st, 2015

Its all my fault.
I'm sorry I was to afraid to call you.
I'm sorry I'm a failure.
I'm sorry I push you away.
I'm sorry I can't give more.
I'm sorry I can't fight anymore.
I'm sorry I'm depressing.
I'm sorry I'm not worth fight for.
I'm sorry I can't change.
I'm sorry I disappoint you.
I'm sorry I ruined everything.
I'm sorry I didn't know what to do.
I'm sorry I'm lazy.
I'm sorry I don't want to get out of bed.
I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations.
I'm sorry I fell and couldn't get up.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
I'm sorry I'm hurting myself.
I'm sorry I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry I don't have any ambitions.
I'm sorry I'm not good at anything.
I'm sorry I'm not good enough.
I'm sorry I can't push harder.
I'm sorry I can't feel happy.
I'm sorry I'd been held back.
I'm sorry I'm stupid.
I'm sorry I'm not smart.
I'm sorry I'm not more patient.
I'm sorry I can't sit still.
I'm sorry I cried.
I'm sorry Its all my fault.

SixFtOfThisGuy May 31st, 2015

That doesnt solve anything. What it will do is cause more stress for your family. Your family loves you more than anything. Talk to someone about your problems. Tell them how you feel. Is this about a girl? Something happened?

Blagfar OP May 31st, 2015

No, no girl, Nothing "Happened", I was just sick of everything sick of being the failure everyone expects, sick of not being able to sleep, sick of being alone. so alone all the time. I have no one I can talk to. I can't talk with my parents, they are abusive and create a toxic enviroment. My only friend who lives out of state, was ocupied, and I had no one to talk with.

but the last few days weren't bad, not good. but even though it wasn't bad, I still felt terrible, I don't even know why I just feel terrible all the time, even when everything is alright, I just can't seem to find the joy others have, i cant find the love i once had for liveing and it just seems to hurt all the time.


I'm not a quiter, I wont kill myself but the thoughts still haunt me.

Blueberrysdeath May 31st, 2015

it will be okay dont worry and try to believe that life is beautiful and you deserve everything you wantheart

hollymcveigh456 May 31st, 2015

Try to block out them feelings yes you may mess up but your not a mess up you may make mistakes but you are not a mistake if people expect you to fail or give up prove them wrong be the person they arent expecting to be be stronger than they think you are always hold you head up high and no matter what happens dont let your head fall face each day with your head high and anyone trys to stop you just tell them where to go doesnt matter who they are dont feel as the only escape in life is suicide and yes them thoughts may always haunt you but just push them away get help and be strong and you can beat everything like this x

Blagfar OP May 31st, 2015

its so hard to be strong when everyone, makes you weak.

Its so hard to Ignore the thoughts when they're so pervasive and loud.

I already feel so little, the only thing I feel anymore is the lonelinessand sadness.

I can't "prove them wrong" I've tried, so fucking hard I've tried so hard to not disappointeveryone, I CAN'T do anybetter this is my best. idk.

I'm to much of a coward to kill myself, I'm to afraid of dieing to afraid of failing to end it and waking up in a hospital.

alice27 May 31st, 2015

I know you can do it. I know you don't feel like it! But you will. And your life will be better. I believe in you. Trust me.

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

I don't know if i can keep doing this i don't know if i can hold myself up anymore i don't know if it will get better . I just don't know...

yFrank May 31st, 2015

My two cents' worth: Each time evil thoughts haunt you, say a little prayer. Jesus Christ is so powerful that He can cast it in the ocean. He paid for our sins and sufferings so why would we have to bear it?

In the end, wouldn't you want to see the better version of yourself?

Blagfar OP June 1st, 2015

I'm not worth gods help. I'm not Even going to bother him. he has more to do than help some winyloserIn America. I'm not worth the prayers. not a single one.

yFrank June 5th, 2015

Blagfar, you are! He died for you, right? No matter what you do, you will not escape His love for you -- it is in you. I will pray with you, if you like.

Blagfar OP June 1st, 2015

The more i read this the more it does sound like I may havebroken up with someone, I wish I had someone that close that I could even have broken up with them. Its just that, I don'thave anyone and i never will, because its my fault.crying

myfreedom1 June 1st, 2015

So sorry you feel this way. I have a son I know is going through the same thing you are. It is so hard to reach out and help someone if they won't let you. It may sound crazy, but I think it is good you write your feelings down. You sound like a very sensitive, intelligentand talented person. Don't let this gift go. What is the best thing someone could say to you to make you feel just a little better? Write that down and post it here. It may help others and that is a good thing.

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

I feel so selfish writing this, but...

It's not your fault, I love you. even if you don't deserve it, even if you don't want it, I love you. I will never leave you, I will always be right here for you, when you need me, and when you don't want me. I don't know if I can make you feel better, but I will never leave your side when I know you need me there. You may push me away but I will pull you closer. I don't care how smart you are, I just want to spend time with you. I want to help you, even if it doesn't benefit me. I want to make things with you just to make them with you. I want to talk with you just as much as you do to me. Its alright, theirs no reason to be afraid anymore, I will be there to shoo away the dark things in your mind. I want to help you, even if that means pushing you, But I will never hurt you. I love you, and I will always be here for you. I will try as much as I can. But Its not your fault and theres nothing to fear anymore.

I'm sorry I feel so selfish writing this, so wrong for saying this.

myfreedom1 June 2nd, 2015

That is so awesome and inspirational. You really have a talent. Continue writing. Thishas given me things to think about saying when talking with my son.This is a gift you have overlooked. Not everyone can put feelings in writing. Plus your words are very helpful for you and others. Never be sorry for this. Keep posting. Thank you again.laugh

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

My soul is drowning, my head being pushed into the dark waters of that sub dermal cavern its being drowned by a darkness with a thousand faces and a million voices, each screaming for my soul to lie still and let it happen. Each screeching voice like nails on a chalk board. I won't lie there and "let" it happen. My soul struggles and fights. I manage to gasp a breath of air after so long of chugging water. My soul is weak, but its not dead yet. And thanks to you and others i'm not alone in my fight I have others now who fight with me. Light in the cavern, that burns away the darkness, its tendrils ever dragging and ever present, still hold sway around this cavern, and beneath the waves, but now i have a lantern that can burn it away, if only for a while.

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

Don't I want to pass, don't I want to graduate.
A Simple Question asked of me.
A complex pain stirred in me.
Why must you Berate?
I'm trying my hardest,
I'm giving my all.
But when i get up, I fall. I know i'm not the smartest.
But is all I deserve,
The pain n' sorrow,
I try to keep the good, conserve.
But i can't find anymore, could I barrow?
I knock but theres no answer.
I sit in the cold out the door.
On the hard earthen floor.
I feel like a cancer.
something to abhor,
no one loves me,
I'm an eye sore.
I want to be set free.

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

I'm sticking these to the underside of my desk, i hope no on finds them.

myfreedom1 June 2nd, 2015

Don't hide these. You should check into publishing your writings. Some people may not understand. But believe me a lot more will. My ex father in lawwas an alcoholicand he use to write poems and little stories. Some were dark and some were of beauty. Some came from his darkest hours.I think this is how he fought his demons.But all were enlightening. He was sober for 11 years and passed at age 74. What a wise man he was. What comes from the soul onto paper is often wisdom that you don't even know you have. Try find the beauty from your soul. I know you have it in there. I think you are amazing.

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

I can't let my parents know, I'm posting them now but I hope no one i Know finds them. I would rather tell them myself in my own time than Have them find out from a note I accidentally left out.

LatteJoy June 2nd, 2015

I have depression. I attempted suicide a long while back. All I can say is that after reading all you've written, the poetry, I had tears in my eyes. I really did. It touched me. You have such a great gift of expression.

More often than not, life becomes very meaningless.I know how horrible that can feel. What I can tell you is that life keeps changing and along with it, we change as well. Maybe the change can be a sign that the pain and meaninglessness don't have to last forever.

I know that you don't know what you will or won't do. But just hang in there, please. I cannot assure you that life gets better, but maybe you'll get better.

You arenotalone in this. I would love to chat with you, so you can send me a PM anytime. I do understand what you're going through. And I really, really hope that you come out of this abyss.

Take care.

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

Thank you I'll keep posting, my weird Poems.

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

Someone told me, to write down how I feel, like start every sentence With, I feel like

I feel like an old tooth,
I feel like i'm not worth the effort,
I feel like I'm a leper,
I feel like I should never been born,
I feel like I can't get anything right,
I feel like all the light has been snuffed out,
I feel like I cant Find myself,
I feel like I died inside a long time ago,
I feel like My friend only hangs with me out of pity,
I feel like I'm alone,
I feel like I can't go on,
I feel like I don't deserve anyone,
I feel like I'm lost deep in the dark,
I feel like the mask I wear is wearing thin,
I feel like I'm not me,
I feel like I look in from hazy glass,
I feel like I took a wrong step somewhere,
I feel like its to late for me,
I feel like I'm just a burden on those around me,
I feel like I search for someone I used to be,
I feel like I killed the child I used to be,
I feel like a Child covering his eyes because hes frightened,
I feel like I have no one to stop me,
I feel like I want to die,
I feel like I can't bring myself,
I feel like a nuisance,
I feel like I want so much to find help,
I feel like I will never find it,
I feel like I'm to much of a coward to get it,
I feel like I'm always the butt of the joke,
I feel like a deep ocean of Anger and love Fight deep inside,
I feel like I'm straining to keep it dammed up,
I feel like I Shouldn't have to dam it up,
I feel like No one should have to help me,
I feel like I'm drifting away,
I feel like I hurt so much more than I can even begin to write down,
I feel like there are voices telling me to jump,
I feel like every word I type is a mistake,
I feel like every word They say is an edged blade aimed at me,
I feel like every thing is still my fault,
I feel like if i had never opened my mouth...
I feel like the tears are weakness,
I feel like the pain endured is strength,
I feel like the Fire is strength,
I feel like All I want to do Is end this,
I feel like I am broken,
I feel like No one cares,
I feel like I'm afraid of saying anything,
I feel like they'll just yell at me,
I feel like they'll just beat me,
I feel like they'll just Ignore me,
I feel like I don't deserve worrying them,
I feel like I'm not worth bothering them,
I feel like a soda bottle shaken but not stirred,
I feel like a water fall ever flowing never replenished,
I feel like My mind is Stuck on repeat,
I feel like I'm crazy,
I feel like no one around me understands,
I feel like I want to get injured seriously so I at least have a reason to be in pain,
I feel like I can't find my passions,
I feel like I Need to vent,
I feel like It does not help,
I feel like not lieing about being ok,
I feel like I'm not alright,
I feel like my mind is empty,
I feel like my mind is so filled with nothing,
I feel like my mind is so filled with HATE,
I feel like all the hate JUST AT ME,
I feel like a coward,
I feel like a failure,
I feel like I'm not Worth it.

And this did not help, does this actuallyhelp anyone?

Blagfar OP June 2nd, 2015

This helped much more...

we walk a path in this life,
along a rock wall,
over seeing a cliff face,
we inch our way along,
some of us look back,
and see the fallen stones,
but looking back,
simply makes it harder,
to move forward,
the edge here is slim,
it gets difficult,
when the stone pushes out,
to not fall,
to let go,
but we cling on,
ever so slightly,
many have fallen,
but it gets more difficult,
before it gets easy,
I picture a wide open field of grass,
at the end of this edge,
that's what i'm clinging on for,
to sit in the meadow,
and feel the grass,
tickle at my toes,
my toes bloody,
and broken,
from clinging here,
so tight to this wall,
I will cling,
till i fall.

myfreedom1 June 2nd, 2015

Again awesome. I understand you not wanting your parents or people you know to seeyour writings. They are personal and yours to share with who you want. I find them to be great. That is why I like this forum. No one has to know who we are only what we are. So never feel like a failure you have a god given talent and you are just not aware of it yet.

Blagfar OP June 5th, 2015

we are like rivers new born from a breach in a lake, we have a path. Not a path carved by some god or some man, but a path that we carve through the earth on our way to the ocean. a path that we cannot see right now, because it does not exist right now, we will find out way, just as every river does, we will make our way to the ocean at some point and join that great mighty body... ^U^

myfreedom1 June 5th, 2015

I really like this one. I am really down today due to some family issues and this has helped. Keep up the great work.smiley

Blagfar OP June 8th, 2015

I'm glad that I've helped someone it feels nice.

DouceFolie June 5th, 2015

Fuck it. I give up so whatever. Fuck the people that were evil to me, the people who pushed me out, the people who wouldn't let me in and the people who mistreated me. Fuck you. And I mean it.

Blagfar OP June 6th, 2015

the nature of man is evil. we learn good through what we do and who we choose to be, choose to be a good man so that someone you meet can find the light in there dark times.Be a light in the dark to those who need it, this web site is filled with so many people so many kind hearts, I feel so loved here, its like looking out to sea, an every direction is darkness, and then I found this site and a few others like it, and I finally have an Island of light I can see far off in the distance, Now I have the first friend I've had in a long time because of a site like this. a small row boat that parks beside me, a small vessel along side my own, you are not alone, I am not alone, not anymore... I hope that this helped idk it helped me... I hope you feel the love i want to send to you right now.

Blagfar OP June 8th, 2015

I can't thank you enough,
words cannot tell,
how far I fell,
everything got so tough,

but now I have a new friend,
One who cares and is so kind,
I felt blind,
I wanted it all to end,

but there you were,
a small boat,
you came to float,
next to the poor,

we sat in a dark,
sharing the light,
that candle so bright,
we sat there in our barque,

we float together,
in a vast sea,
where darkness is all around me,
you came and I became tethered,

now I have someone with whom to share the dark lantern,
someone to show me the light when I have none,
someone who can be my Sun,
something that I've yearned,

for someone like you for so long,
and now when my light is burning,
I can turn and share the lighting,
with you and help someone else in this same throng,

for now my light burns bright,
and at night I can finally sleep,
because you cut out that creep,
of pain and blight,

and I just want to say,
I love you even if no one else will,
before it may have killed,
but now I have a reason to stay...

thank you I'm not good with my words and this took some time for me to write all the way out, with several drafts, but I think its easier to express how I feel with poetry and, I just wanted something for you to have of me, sorry if its a bit long but... idk I hope you like it...

I wrote this to a friend I made recently its been a little over a week and we both feel vary close to each other now... just thought someone might like to read it here and maybe find some strength from it. ^u^

myfreedom1 June 8th, 2015

Once again - AWESOME. I hope someday youcheck into having thesepublished. You are so great at this.

Blagfar OP June 8th, 2015

thanks I don't know if I will have them published, But I will post them here.smiley maybe one day I might... idk

whyme11 June 8th, 2015

@blagfar, you say yourenot good with words? When youre writing it looks like you are. Maybe youre like me, in that, you dont speak your words very well. I , somehow, get words crossed up or the meaning comes off wrong. I seem to be able to express myself better when i write. Please dont feel that youre worthless or any of the other negative things that you wrote and believe that your none of these things in Gods eyes. I hope you have a great day!!! :)

Blagfar OP June 9th, 2015

Its the depression it forms clouds that block out the sun, and its hard to find the light when your in the dark, but I have found some friends, and they bring me part of theyre light and brighten the skys, even if only for a little while, when they can... I drew this for one of my friends, it was a thank you, for everything they've done... and I think it explains nicely what I feel like

Blagfar OP June 9th, 2015

thanks... I'm trying

myfreedom1 June 9th, 2015

Never stop trying my friend. laughWish my son had it in him to do this. I'd be so proud of him. But he would be mad if I even mentioned it. Stay strong.

Breakneckbear June 9th, 2015

Bright, articulate, wordsmith...a rare combination...

Blagfar OP June 9th, 2015

I'm not quite good at articulation, I'm better in my writeing than I am when speaking...

I find that alot of creative things are alot harderwhenmy depression is in full swing, Like I can't draw when I'm down in the dark... I just can never find the beauty in my art, and will never finish it... drawing is the hardest when I'm down, I just keep eraseing what I draw, (its not right, its terrible...etc). but writeing is one of the things I think I can do... Idk...

I told a friend recently, that we all work with the tools given to us... and I make do with what I have...

Blagfar OP June 9th, 2015

I always feel like what I want to say is lost in the comunication... something is lost there...

Blagfar OP June 10th, 2015

Why do they love me

Why do they call me friend

Why do they stay here with me

Why do they not leave me

Why do they when I'm not worth the work

Why do they when i'm a lost cause

Why do they mock me

Why do they yell

Why do they no kill me

Why do they not see past these masks

Why do they throw stones

Why dos it hurt so much

Why do it burn inside

Why do I burn myself

Why do I feel so alone

Why do I stay here

Why do I hurt so much

Why do they want to be with me when there are soo many people they could be with....