One thing I am feeling sad about today is....
why I have no bfirend
The amount of schadenfreude that appears to exist in this world and especially here in the US :(
That so many people especially in this country are made to feel ashamed of themselves just for who they are :( No one should ever have to feel ashamed for who they are; not for being atheist, not for being gay, or transgender, or disabled, or black, or unemployed, or homeless, or multilingual, or Muslim, etc. No one should! How miserable are the lives of those who go out of their way to shame and put others down?
not having many 'great' people in my life or people that i am close to. i feel that I may never meet people like that, that are the 'best of the best' and have a 'heart of gold.'
Everything works in this case. . .
my sad location
My mean greedy landlord
poor wifi
My drunken idiot of a brother
My no friends
My instant angry moodiness
No cats
No kitchen
No bathtub
Writer's block
No one who understands me. (I feel I am on a very lonely level and everyone else is a above me)
Fear if I go to the psych ward that when I come out everyone will not take me serious
My dark thoughts
I'm in a residency in a hospital and have no ambition. I'm so burnt out and am always so tired and don't want to learn anymore. So emotionally fatigued. How do you all get your ambition back?
The fact that I cant figure out how to deal with my anxiety, so Ive started digging my nails into my skin until I leave marks on my arm.
That my one sister and I aren't as close as I'd like.
Oof, I hear you. What kind of things keep you apart?
Partly physical distance - she lives in another state. Also, we had an old issue that needed to be forgiven.
That I feel like I have to walk on lava/eggshells around friends, I always manage to say the wrong thing. and heaven knows I broke a cardinal rule; having a crush or feelings for an existing friend let alone anyone.
That effort is meaningless; no matter what I do or say, me best friend(s) are still shunning me :( Talk about a subtle way of being made to feel unwelcome/no longer welcome. The
@lycan9826 I know this feeling all too well, and I hate it! Luckily, since then I've escaped their grasp, so I hope the same happens to you. Good luck out there!
Oof, I spent years like this until I found a medication that helped.
That anxiety can be overcome, but it might take a few years and some rough counseling/prescription to make it better. I hope you can get the right help. I hope things change for you and soon. :)
Most of the time I feel like I'm not good enough or that I should be doing more with my life than I can be but I don't have the motivation or will to do much and what I do do I'm okay with it's everyone else and there is a lot of pressure from everyone and it's difficult because my head always tells me that I "won't ever amount to anything" or "what's the point in doing anything" and I find myself wondering what's me being a lazy human or what is being said by depression and the distinction between the two is so blurred at this point it feels like both of them and I'm actually just an arse.
@Sadboi20 I hate that you are struggling with these issues. I deal with the same problems on a daily basis. I know for me that my depression tell me youre worthless, why try, youll never be good enough or amount to anything. This only causes my anxiety get worse and causes me to isolate. I feel alone and no one understands. Friends tell me its a mind over matter and just get over it. That makes it even worse. I decided to seek professional help and with the right doctor and the right antidepressant it has helped. It doesnt change my thought patterns I have learned over the years, which I am working through with self love and boundaries. When I do find myself that low, I push myself to do one thing good for myself that day; take a hot bath, make my bed, put on makeup sometimes even take a drive to clear my head. Be proud of yourself for being brave and sharing your feelings with others. It took me years to open up to others. You are not lazy!! You are just struggling right now. I feel your pain. You are brave and will make it through this. Just take care of you and dont let others bring you down. Thank you for sharing!!!💕🦋
I have to take medication to be fonctonnal every morning... I dislike that, because I depend of my medication.