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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

NebulousCoffee June 15th, 2016

I've been feeling really lonely and anxious. This guy that I really cared about left for college and I realized that he didn't care about me as much as I cared about him. We never actually dated so I feel like I shouldn't be sad and none of my friends liked him so I feel like I can't talk about it. On top of that, it is finals week and I feel like I am dying. I need to do well and my parents expect me to get an A on mos tests, but honestly I don't know if I'm even going to pass most of them. I am so tired and I can't find motivation. At least I'll be done in a week...

APerk June 21st, 2016

I go long periods of time of being able to keep it all in but then one thing sets me off and I find myself spiraling into my depression, which in return makes my anxiety horrible, which causes my ptsd to kick in and making me paranoid. It gets to a point where I start crying while singing a freaking lullaby. I feel alone even though I'm not. I feel like no one is on my side, ever. I'm easily agitated in these moments.

BhDh1234 June 21st, 2016

I feel lonely, depressed and extremely sad. During the past few days, I found out about the true colors of my dear ones. I feel its extremely hard to trust people now, because people have deceived me in such a way. I feel like my head is going to explode, and I can't concentrate on what I do.😢

creativeMelon1653 June 21st, 2016

Once again like because of my gender, I don't matter as much to my family .

IveSeenThemArea51 June 21st, 2016

I feel alright today and I hope you guys do too!!!

warmheartedHuman2014 June 21st, 2016

I feel sad...I miss him...I try not to think about it and accept it..,I cried...I feel like an alien and so alone..,I feel horny and proud of my sexual awareness but then feel like that may be keeping me from finding a quality man because no one marries the woman who wants to make love more than they do...I want to be true to myself but no one understands me but him...and he is afraid and damaged. I love him and all of him. I don't want to change him but love him and grow with him.,,but I haven't seen him in 7 months or heard his voice in 5...only emails, text, and selfies..,I just want to see him and hug him tight...but he is fat away and trying to keep himself busy so he doesn't have to think about his problems. I know its highly I probable that he will make time for me or that things will change..,so, I stepo back and accept I will never feel his arms around me again or fall asleep listening to his heart beat...I also feel like I will just have to accept the guy who wants a commuted relationship anD who is nice to me...even if we don't have a special connection because I only connected with people who need nurturing without responsibility. I feel like my life will always be unfulfilled and I will always be on the outside looking in.

gregariousShade2356 June 21st, 2016

I feel hopeless

Tarea June 21st, 2016

I feel like I'm a mistake.

TemporarilyLost17 June 22nd, 2016

I feel selfish for wanting help when there's other people who have it worse. I feel like my problems don't matter.

dearhomebody23 June 22nd, 2016

I was feeling pretty good, a little anxious, but now I just feel sad.

masihsamara June 22nd, 2016

overwhelmed, angry

Millx08 June 22nd, 2016

I feel like peacefully falling to sleep,

Letting my world go black..

and never waking up.

Not dying

just sleeping 😌

trixierage June 22nd, 2016

Like a balloon with no air.

IronicSarcasm June 23rd, 2016

I feel like a volcano waiting to erupt.

observeroflife June 23rd, 2016

I feel two sided,one half of me is sad and depressed while the other half is positive ..

BarbedwireCowgirl June 23rd, 2016

I feel angry at everything, even my dogs. I hate everyone. Touch makes me panic.

Emilyy975 June 23rd, 2016

I feel like it doesn't matter how much sleep I get I will always be tired, tired of everything 😔

tealThinker7834 June 23rd, 2016

I feel like I don't matter. It doesn't matter how much I show & treat kids with respect. They are naturally disrespectful. They are little s***s. I think I am worth more dead than alive. I feel tha

friendlyTortoise7027 June 24th, 2016

wibbly wobbly. depressed and hopeless mixed with slightly hopeful and "I did it! I did some things!" battling a sense of failure. I am not the world I was born into.

Goddessofjupiter June 24th, 2016

I feel blah today. No motivation to do things.


friendlyTortoise7027 June 25th, 2016

@Goddessofjupiter I've been having that issue too lately, my place is a wreck but I was so fed up today (and I had to find a coupon) that I filled a small box with recycling and collected two little boxes of legos off the floor...

Sometimes it's just the little things. :) Even washing a few dishes sometimes makes me feel better, even if it is like a crowbar to make myself start..

BouncyBrittney June 25th, 2016

On a daily basis I feel very trapped. It's hard to come to terms with my depression. So I feel like I'm trapped in a box that I can't escape.

IWriteNaked June 25th, 2016

In the back of my mind, I feel sad. Sad that things don't always work out. Sad that friendships fall apart. But on the surface, I know that I will be okay. I am going to make it through this, just as I always have.

Serife June 25th, 2016

Good heartsmiley

MyiahLove June 25th, 2016

I feel okay. I constantly think about all I've done wrong, and what I could've done better in the situation. Maybe I would be better off than I am now.

Flowerchild02 June 27th, 2016

Hello, I'm new here and decided to reach out. I have recently experienced a significant loss and I'm struggling. I can hardly get out of bed. =[

Thebablefish June 27th, 2016

It was a pretty good day for me actually. I went to the lake with friends but I was tired and didn't have enough energy to speak to people alot but my friends lifted my spirits even if it was just a little. I'm working on getting better I just hope it works out!

Anybody here who had a bad day I am sorry! I hope your days get better tomorrow! Remember there is always someone who cares even if you don't know it.

JustMeBunBun June 27th, 2016

I just called in sick to work. I can't face it. I feel so guilty and stupid.

Ren June 28th, 2016

Hello everyone and welomg to this depression thread. Depression is a very hard thing to go through especially if it is clinical. It is always good to remember that all tough situations, feelings and events will pass away at some point in time. The struggle is real and its not easy but it can be manageable with a support system like this one. I hope all the best to the survivors of depression <3

Zoeakp June 30th, 2016

@TheGoddessOfFlowers I feel disgusting. I feel like I'm the ugliest thing on Earth.

nattbatt June 28th, 2016

feeling trapped and as if I have no purpose. I lost interest in all the things I used to love and make me unique. I have no friends by choice because I feel useless to everyone around me. I can't express emotion properly so I just let it eat me alive. I berate myself on a constant basis and cannot take a compliment or others love at face value. I feel like all I do is make mistakes and beat myself up for them. I'm pushing the only few that care for me further and further away. I'm sinking to a whole new low.

IGuessImOrdinary June 28th, 2016

I can't feel anything anymore. I'm just numb to everything but the pain I feel inside now. I've gotten used to it.

Paulina2043 June 29th, 2016

I feel like I'm dying slowly.

Aggy June 29th, 2016

Mental torture

Jpmk June 30th, 2016

very anxious due to my drivers written test tomorrow. (I'm such an idiot that I didn't realise the test I had booked was just the driving test, and I can't do that without having first done the written test.)

I've been practicing parallel parking but have made a fair few mistakes and think I'm going to fail. It's making me beat myself up, feel horrible and hate myself.

Feelyourthoughts July 2nd, 2016

@Jpmk talking down to yourself won't help you achieve your goals, but encouraging yourself will. A small kind word from you to yourself can go a long way :)

Joinme4asmoke June 30th, 2016

I was feeling absolutely helpless, like an eternal bubble of emptiness and sadness. I greatly came across a meditation video that allowed me to stop all of my suicidal thoughts for now. It just feels so great to relax and not feel sadness.

Paulina2043 June 30th, 2016

I feel like I'm dying. I feel so alone and I don't have anyone.

hehku June 30th, 2016

Emotionally stagnant, no ambition, no aspirations.

derailments July 1st, 2016

@hehku in the exact same boat right now. I hope things look up for you. <3