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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling, and silently, at that. It can be really hard to get help, or even just support, for that kind of thing, but perhaps that would be the best idea in this case? You deserve much better than to be suffering silently through these types of things. These issues can be fixed. You're amazing, okay? Stay safe <3

Elinxs27 September 18th, 2015

it comes in waves and i can feel it building up and i just want to trigger it now so that i can just get this wave over with.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


I know exactly what you mean, and I can't say I blame you for wanting to trigger it. Sometimes that does seem to be the best option. I hope you're doing alright now though.

gracefulAngel96 September 18th, 2015

Today, I spent a lot of time reflecting on my life. I like where it is right now, but I haven't always. It took me a long time to get to where I am today, but I'm happy I've made it here.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


I am so so so happy for you! It must have been a tough journey. I hope you stay right where you're at, happy with your life. That's certainly something to be proud of.

Lparr00 September 20th, 2015

I'm right there with you! I have days of being grateful for having gotten this far in my life but there are still times I find myself struggling. Staying focused really helps.

It takes a lot of work but its an accomplishment well worth the journey.

NamelessLurker September 18th, 2015

It is frustrating. When you want to reach out to your friends who are feeling hurt and lonely, you want to sympathize and help them, but then you can't feel anything at all. Those precious people would of course think that you do not care for them when it's the opposite. There are times that you will be called numb, or strong for not getting affected. But feeling nothing...this emptiness is terrifying.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


I think I know exactly what you mean. I've been there and done that, maybe even bought some nice souvenirs. The best thing you can do for someone is just being there. You don't always have to talk about what's going on with them or what's upsetting them. Just let them know that you're there and you care for them. If they're genuine friends, they'll understand that you can't always help them out. Think of yourself first. Obviously, you need to get yourself help before you can be of any major help to them. You're an awesome person, helping or not, okay? <3

TealSkys September 18th, 2015

It takes a lot to post about my feelings but sometimes i wake up feeling so down i dont want to get out of bed. I try to be greatful for all that life has given me but feel down again this morning...

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


I'm so glad you decided to post about how you're feeling. It's wonderful that you try to be grateful, but sometimes that alone just doesn't work. You can't help the way that you're feeling about life right now, so try not to feel bad about that, okay? I hope you start feeling better soon <3

koizumi1527 September 18th, 2015

I moved to a new school not too long ago. My parents are usually on business trips so they are not in the house most of the time. They gave me this beautiful bracelet though.. with a bell and hearts. It kept me.. sane..calm. I loved it so much. I never really knew how to make friends so I would always hide out in the library. My grades are falling lower and lower.. why is that? I have an A+ in half of my 6 classes and and C on the rest.One day I noticed my bracelet was gone and missing. I searched EVERYWHERE,EVERY SCHOOL DAY.. during lunch,passing periods,looked around the classrooms,even checked for 10 minutes afterschool.

Just recently my math class changed assigned seats.. this girl who sat across from me.. she had it on her wrist. I knew it was mine that first second I saw it. I was shaky and I didnt know what to say. I tried asking her after class.. but she kept lying.. that her friend gave it to her. HOW CAN HER FRIEND POSSIBLY GIVE HER THAT EXACT ONE? HOW? Every time i hear that bell ring on the bracelet I get paranoid.. I needhelp..

easyWater4109 September 18th, 2015

Sorry you feel so crummy....people can be so mean and do the wrong thing, which is what that girl is doing to can try explaining it to your principal who will likely make her give it back once he hears the whole story. You could also try telling your folks and they can talk to her folks. At the end of the day, you can't make a person do what's right. If you believe in Karma, then she'll get what she deserves. And if it fell off your wrist because it was loose or doesn't latch all the way then she'll lose it too. Your parents could always get you another one. And she'll still be a rotten person, you won't. You wouldn't have done that to her so you are actually the winner.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


That is such an awful situation to be in, I'm so sorry! It was so wrong of her to take something that wasn't hers. I agree with what @easyWater4109 suggested - no guarantees it'll work, but it's something. Your emotions about this are nothing to be ashamed of, though. It was a prized possession and it was really important to you. I can't blame you for acting as you are, and no one else can really. I hope you're able to get it back and that you start feeling better about everything soon.

Medley September 18th, 2015

I was quite upbeat today.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


I'm so glad to hear that you were feeling good today! I hope it stays that way for a while (:

Seven07 September 18th, 2015

I feel worthless and angry today. My opinion doesn't matter nor do I.

liligrace September 19th, 2015

You DO matter. Although perhaps the folks you know do not think about your feelings or thoughts. Please know that they do not define how much you matter. I know this because ALL people matter <3 I am sorry though that you are going through this. Hopefully you will find friends who can see your worth. Even if you and family cannot

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling so badly, but please don't let that sort of thing effect how you see yourself! You do have worth, and your opinions very much do matter! You deserve to feel like you do matter as well. Perhaps if you're able to you can cut ties with whoever is making you feel this way? I also really agree with what @liligrace said! Very well summed up my thoughts (:

Briana98 September 20th, 2015

@Seveno7 ** It's so hard to tell the difference between an O and a 0 for me >.< and I'm frankly still not quite sure it's an o but at least I'm covering all the bases hah

Sherlock37 September 19th, 2015

My Gpa passed away today and now my cousin is trying to break the will and get all the money and blaming me and my family for all sorts of lies. I feel stressed, exhausted, suicidal, angry, etc. I really don't want to do anything but disappear but family is expecting me to help with every instance of the financial transition up to the reading of the will in the coming weeks. I literally don't have a moments break and the phone is ringing off the hook in an attempt to verify these so called 'claims'.

liligrace September 19th, 2015

This is horrible. First, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Second, do you have an ally irl? Anyone you can turn to during this time? Even an old therapist who can be paid to help you get through this? What you are describing is horrible. Just horrible. Sounds like family pecking at wounds. Because they cannot figure out things on their own. I wish you could explain to them how much you are hurting. But sometimes families when they do not have boundries cannot hear such things. I am so sorry <3 sending many safe hugs if you would like

Sherlock37 September 20th, 2015

I don't have anyone. Everyone is busy band heartbroken and I think my uncle is trying to commit suicide by drinking himself to death over from guilt. Everyone is depending on me to get the funeral and arrangements etc. sorted out and I've never done anything like that in my life before. Every few minutes they ask me what they need to do next etc. and I'm so tired! I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in three days now.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


Once again, @liligrace summed up my thoughts exactly. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in the way that you're feeling and that we're all here for you. Hopefully this will pass quickly and things can go back to normal. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with all this whilst trying to handle your grandpa passing. I hope you're feeling better soon <3

Sherlock37 September 20th, 2015

Thank you! *hugs*

Monarda September 20th, 2015

I feel horrible. I seriously want to die but my mother removed all the things I could use, because my sister was put on suicide watch a few months ago. I'm going crazy from it and I can't call a hotline because i don't have a phone :/

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


I am so sorry that you're feeling as bad as you are. I'm glad that you aren't able to go through with it. If you're still online and still feeling this way, please know that hotlines are not the only option. There are also online chats. Here are some that I have bookmarked: here, here, and here. I'm sure there are lots more if you just do a Google search. I hope you are feeling better soon. Stay safe, okay? <3

PRuby September 20th, 2015

Feeling bummed out. I am stressed to the point I want to disappear. The only person I can talk to is my bf but he has a hard time relating. I want to go to a retreat to improve my thoughts and feelings but idk where to go or if it's even an option.

Sophelia September 20th, 2015

Today I feel low Iv stopped enjoying nearly everything I want to feel uplifted I also suffer from GAD but at the moment I feel more depressed than anxious 😏 when will life be kind I always feel punished for some reason.

compassionateAvocado2724 September 20th, 2015

Feeling stressed and fustrated. Grandparents suffocating me. Cant understand that a 22 year old girl wants to do things independently. In the process of moving to dads and they are getting worse. Just want to take over and do it all there way for me when i want it my way.How do i stay calm and get round it! If anyone says somthing they get offended and moody. Help :(

1whoneeds1 September 20th, 2015

You sound like a very strong person. I am sure you will overcome this hurrdle. I am rooting for you.

DatCoolKid September 20th, 2015

Life's just so bland. Everything I view is through a B&W filter. No sunshine. Just a mess of emotions and numbness. I've got a fire in my heart to achieve my dreams but no matter how hard I work, it always seems as if the whole world is against me. Depression is one long and dreary path.

BTW, a shout-out to the rad @PurpleLychee for helping me out.

ilavayooux September 20th, 2015

I'm feeling better today!

AeroRoze3 September 20th, 2015

feeling pretty off..i woke up kinda energized and all of a sudden i feel drained and sad

creativeAvocado2338 September 20th, 2015

I feel so empty today and don't have any motivation to move. I can't even eat and even drink water today was hard for me.

Einhornscheisse September 20th, 2015

I am feeling just sad, lonely and weak.

Hollywoodglitter September 20th, 2015

I need help today. I am so lost in these thoughts and I can't handle it.

amiableCity9545 September 22nd, 2015

Better than yesterday. I think.

margaaarrr September 22nd, 2015

i've hit that point of emotional distress where i'm wallowing in so much pain and sadness, that i'm numb. the world is just spinning around me and i don't even notice it because i can not feel anything, which is up there on the worst feelings ever list.

schacherl September 22nd, 2015

I want you to know I know how you feel.

schacherl September 22nd, 2015

I feel detached, like I'm watching myself do things. Its like I can feel connected for a few minutes but if I get the least bit distracted by anything else, I'm gone again. I feel as if I'm waiting for the next bad thing to happen