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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

SJcatlady9 September 14th, 2015

I used this for the first time last night.

I felt tired, empty and lost. I'm sick of feeling like an empty shell and my meds aren't working anymore. I have too many highs and lows at the moment.

Someone on here spoke to me through IM for hours and made me feel safe enough to not hurt myself or do anything else. I really appreciate her for that. I woke up today still feeling crap but took control and made an emergency GP appointment to discuss how i am feeling and my medication. I also then made another referral to do cognetive behaviour therapy when i'm feeling more stable.

QuietPastelRain September 14th, 2015

Completely and utterly just disappointed with myself. It's never a surprise anymore. I deactivate my dA account and now I have to wait two days to get it back. Job well done for panicking, me.

tinyDoReMi September 14th, 2015

I'm feeling better ... Confirmation that people actually do care was such a good thing for me yesterday. Trying to be positive and survive day to day.

gentleJackfruit663 September 14th, 2015

We care because we've all been there. Xxx

lovingPine3496 September 14th, 2015

I honestly feel like taking a shower.. eating something then being in bed by 1600. I can't deal right now

gentleJackfruit663 September 14th, 2015

I got through another day!! Nervous and scared. I start rape counselling tomorrow. Nervous about opening up a can of worms. I just can't wait for bedtime every day.

cocoon September 14th, 2015

sad & worthless.

TheSirenCalledLorelei September 14th, 2015

Like hiding under my desk and rocking back and forth nude a blanket. Instead I'm making calls and getting stuff done. I'd rather be asleep.

TheSirenCalledLorelei September 14th, 2015

*under. Not nude. Yikes haha

easyWater4109 September 15th, 2015

Thank you, that made me smile...spell correction has gotten me into trouble before too

Briana98 September 18th, 2015


It's awesome that you're getting stuff done though! I hope you got everything you needed to done and that now you're able to relax and sleep a while. <3

Solitaryshadow September 14th, 2015

lost alone gone. the darkness is consuming me. i want to let it take me.

courtly25 September 15th, 2015

I am currently feeling lost and confused about what direction I should take for my future. I feel as though everyone else my age (college - aged) knows exactly what they desire in life, while I am still stuck.

oatmealcookie September 15th, 2015

@courtly25 -- Don't feel so bad about not knowing what you want in life... where you want to go... what you want to do. I'm in my 40s and I still don't know! I definitely feel like everyone my age knows exactly what they want... You are definitely not alone!

What I wish someone told me when I was much younger -- Make 2 columns - in the first, write a list of what you love to do. Doesn't have to be a school subject -- just anything you enjoy. Then, in the other column, write jobs/careers that might correspond to those things you enjoy (if you can... there is probably not a career that corresponds to sleep, for example, which is something I enjoy smiley). Update the list as needed.

If someone told me to do this back in college, I might be an architectural engineer or something right now... instead of unemployed.

And remind yourself that you don't have to have it all figured out!

BlueNight1 September 15th, 2015

I feel like shit, school sucks and today I made my girlfriend give up on another one of her friends as she decides to plunge into the depths of isolation and accepts the fact that she is drowning in my possessively caring personality and we have to find happiness in the darkness for I eclipse the light she once had. And only I can see that light now.

thehoodlum September 15th, 2015

Extremely frustrated and less worthy

kawaiineko September 15th, 2015

I feel like being alone. Some place quiet forever. and wondering where did i go wrong.

Thegiver876342 September 18th, 2015

What makes you think you went wrong?

SunDropDown September 15th, 2015

Hopeless, sad for loved ones, and ready to give up. Ah well

paperplcnes September 15th, 2015

I feel overwhelmed and afraid.

sixelac September 15th, 2015

i just feel sad and annoying and almost inadequate. i'm in a rut again.. i just want to get out and i don't want to keep faking like i'm okay.

Sherlock37 September 15th, 2015

Depressed. Had a really bad morning and now I can't shake it. :(

MandyCandy0512 September 15th, 2015

Woke up sad. Hate when that happens. There's no reason and it keeps me down for days.

IwasinthedarknesssodarknessIbecame September 15th, 2015

crying I feel like dirt.. feel alone, sad, angry that My head is full of darkness

orangeWalker1813 September 15th, 2015


wittyKitten1039 September 15th, 2015

I just want someone to sit with me and understand.

lovingPine3496 September 16th, 2015

I feel horrible.. Nearly passed out a bit ago.. Now my head hurts and I can't sleep yet..ugh crying

FallenAngel1000 September 16th, 2015

great and not.

RaspberryKitten September 16th, 2015

I feel stressed. College applications are due pretty soon and I'm starting to panic.

discreetAcres6234 September 16th, 2015

Stressed but I have accomplished quite a lot for one day. Preparing for my big move to university has been hectic but today I feel good, despite only getting 4 hours of sleep last night. Why do I feel more awake with little sleep than with a normal amount of sleep? Strange

lavenderFarm4174 September 16th, 2015

Moved away from home back to uni for my second year, and I can't help but feel disappointed at how I don't feel as happy as I want to. I feel this sense of foreboding and just sad and down like I've been at home and it's upsetting me :(

Monarda September 18th, 2015

I don't know how I feel right now. It's confusing and I wish I wasn't so numb.

futurefarmerswife September 18th, 2015

my feelings have been like a rollercoaster here or late, its awful when depression comes back and hits you like a brick wall out of nowhere. I wish it would go away

scarletJet471 September 18th, 2015

I don't know. It's a roller coaster. Mainly stressed. Anxious.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


It can be super hard to deal with your emotions when they keep going up and down. I think the best thing to do in these situations is to just try your best to detach yourself from your emotions. Since you say you're feeling stressed and anxious, I hope you've been filling your days with de-stressing activities! Stay safe <3

Suiren September 18th, 2015

I'm literally crying right now, I was rejected twice by the guy I have loved since eighth grade and I thought he liked me too, since we talked daily for hours. That was until my best friend told me he liked someone else, and that was five minutes ago and I just.

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


That must feel absolutely awful and I'm terribly sorry that you got rejected. Please don't forget that you are not a reflection of those that don't love you, and you're wonderful. You can get through this. <3

Feralady September 18th, 2015

Like shit

Briana98 September 20th, 2015


Would you like to talk some more about it? Or if you don't feel comfortable talking about it so openly here, perhaps connecting with a listener 1-1 would be a good idea as well! I hope you're feeling better now since I'm a day or so late. <3

JandyFurther September 18th, 2015

I feel sad and lonely. From afar you might see me as this happy girl who loves to laugh and smile.. The girl whos popular and adored by other people but they dont see how much i am struggling inside. I have anger issues in where I cant control myself when being angry and emotional self harm. I just never let myself be too happy.. I always find myself wanting to feel those heart quench.