Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?
Absolutely sad and absolutely depressed.
I feel numb and tired.
I have schizophrenia and I have a voice talking to me all the time and I can't sleep I can't do anything without him criticising me, saying I'm not doing well. He's always telling me bad things. I'm so tired of him talking not stop, but I'm also not getting enough sleep because he talks all the time, never stopping. I can't deal with it anymore. He keeps telling me to cut and everything, I've been trying to stop but it's getting harder and harder. I can't cope anymore.
It hurts hearing from your own mother that she has favorites and your not one of them. Also when she tells you that your adopted and when she goes only against you when you do everything in the house and love her. I feel worthless, hurt, and miserable.
I feel betrayed. Like everyone is always talking behind my back. I can't trust anyone because they go and talk to everyone else.
I feel really lonely, how I can't make new friends easily since I am just unable of socializing, and how no one really texts me, or asks me to go out, how everyone seems busy when I ask, how I will always be the second option to everyone, and I don't exactly have someone I can call my best friend, and vise versa...
I feel like I'll never be good enough.
I just wanted to stay home and curl up in a blanket and cry, I'm sick of all the bullying attention I'm getting lately
I feel like my brain is going to explode. I can't stop it from thinking, I constantly want answers for anything I can think of. I just can't stop my brain from thinking and it's driving me crazy.....
Ever tried doing yoga? That's the on of the best things I've found to get my brain to shut up.
I feel empty.
Sad, lost, lonely and unworthy. Scared and very tired.