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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Lolalovesyou May 7th, 2015

I'm not fine. Even though I will answer every question with 'I'm fine' I'm not!

freeyourmind2305 May 8th, 2015

I've been there initially, that feeling will lessen (not go completely away though) but one day at a time.

Kitkat11 May 7th, 2015

I feel confused, betrayed and hurt. Lonely and weak. The one person I trusted completely broke me. And all I can think of is how this is all my own fault for putting all of my trust into one person.

I think I've finally hit rock bottom.

Joker305 May 8th, 2015

That's such a coincidence the same thing happened to me today . The one person I loved and cared for completely betrayed me and abondoned me .

May 8th, 2015

I'm really in my head this morning. That feels a bit distressing.


Better then yesterday. My kitten turned out fine and cooling off about my ex-boyfriend trying to contact me.

psycheintaenares May 8th, 2015

I feel down. I keep eating bad things and then complaining about my weight. I don't know exactly why I've been doing it so much lately. I know my roommate not listening to me gets me frazzled. My house is a mess but, I can't seem to get myself to clean it up because I'm exhausted after work. Student loan debtors who try to manipulate you to pay more than you can afford blow up my phone. I feel like closing my eyes and hoping it will all go away.

Notsoglee323 May 8th, 2015

I am feeling more mentally quiet these days but my anxiety and panic attacks have hit the roof in the last couple of days (work stress).

Work chores, housework chores etc still overwhelm me but I'm taking baby steps in the right direction

Ledzeppers784 May 8th, 2015

All over the place mostly sick and sad because I had a dream about my mom that passed last august and she was reading her poetry to me one was called angel another one was called dream it was really weird idk if it was some coincidence or meant to be I was stuck in it for a while I don't believe it was bad. It just made me sad with mothers day coming up and she always had something nice or comforting when I didnt feel well or going through a touch time

freeyourmind2305 May 8th, 2015

I feel stupid for still caring about someone who broke my heart and who clearly shows that they don't care about me. I just want this feeling of being wounded it to end. Today is not a good day # setback. I really need to quit social media. It is making it worst.

TJoannJ May 9th, 2015

I feel worthless.

affectionateDime175 May 13th, 2015

I am barely functional today. All I've done is stare at my ceiling and lay in bed for hours. I feel numb, like I'm floating outside my body watching myself. I can't seem to care about doing anything or talking to anyone. It hasn't been this bad in a long time.

LovePom May 16th, 2015

I feel worse than before I told my friends and family what's been going on. My closest friend, the one I thought would be there for me since I am ALWAYS there for her won't even talk to me...She doesn't even do anything when I tell her she just goes and gets my other friend to help. We've been best friends for years now and we've told each other things we'd never tell anyone else.It's like loosing a chunk of me.Every single person I've told never stays friendly to me the next day or ask how I am. They just have fun and make jokes at me. I just wish I could cut myself again. I'd probably feel more at peace than having to suffer through this everyday.

May 16th, 2015

Confused. Apprehensive. Stuck.

cryingprincess May 17th, 2015

I'm so scared and depressed. How can I be happy again?

callmeinvisible May 17th, 2015

hopeless. empty. alone. rejected. unable to control my life.

May 19th, 2015

Existing in an emotionally driven state. I assume my lack of sleep is partly to blame for this.

thescarsoflife May 19th, 2015

Sometimes I forget why im here. Its like the sinking feeling that im stuck and i cant do anything about things or the way they are

Twistedharmony8 May 20th, 2015

I find that usually when I feel this way, it's when I feel trapped or I have no one to show me that life is alright out there.

Maybe you're in a shitty situation (I don't know) But all you're seeing is a black corner of life and just remember that there's a whole, colorful world out there. Things to experience.

Again, I don't know your situation, so I don't know what you can't change but maybe you should make a list of what you actually want your life to look like and think of small things you can change, then work to the big ones.

Ledzeppers784 May 21st, 2015

@ thescarsoflife

I've felt that way before, sometimes it's all to much to deal and cope with just know there is people who care and will support you especially on here it's helped my a lot I have severe anxiety depression ptsd and adhd I know what it's like to feel alone I hope things get better one easy way i cope i write down all my thoughts or emotions on paper then shred them it makes me feel better.

CosmicStresshead May 22nd, 2015

This is how I've lived most of my life, only to start doing something about it now. I'm now in my early thirties and,now I've identified my hitherto lack of care for myself, I can finally start adulthood properly. I went back to college to get a degree and am trying new things. I'm finding out who I am now. Emotionally, I've turned my powerful sense of empathy onto myself. It's difficult but I'm an emotionally richer person for it, and there is hope that my depression is becoming more manageable.

Caring for yourself is just as important as everyone made it out to be when I was growing up, but I didn't understand it properly until now. I thought it was just airy-fairy believe-in-yourself trite Disney crap. Instead, it's by far the most important realisationI've ever had.

TL;DR: Take good care of yourself, it's just as important and possible as everyone says.

PriestessOfMars May 20th, 2015

I'm so over being scared all of the time. It's killing my motivation, it's keeping me from enjoying life. I wish I could stop second-guessing myself, putting myself down, and undermining my achievements.

Twistedharmony8 May 20th, 2015

Maybe you should try making a bucket list, things you really want to achieve or do in life. That's how I keep myself I want to travel the world and whenever I think about getting on that plane to somewhere new, it gives me a rush.

You could also make a list of things you've done that you're proud of. Even the little things. from "I gave someone a compliment and made them smile." to "I aced a test I was worried for."

You've got this.

halcyondayss May 20th, 2015

I am feeling very sad today. My boyfriend just broke up with me. We've been off and on, but I think this is truly the end.

Twistedharmony8 May 20th, 2015

Breakups are bad..but the memories are the worst...

If you're anything like me, you're going to wake up and a huge weight is going to drop on your chest, then as each day goes by it will get lighter. And as it gets lighter and you start to learn to breathe again, you'll begin to finally feel free and you'll be able to pursue other people.

Cry your little heart out but just know that it's all a process of making you stronger and there's someone out there worth really crying for, only you won't have to at all.

Twistedharmony8 May 20th, 2015

I feel tired, physically and mentally.
Things aren't that traumatic in my life but I still find myself disassociating and being unable to feel enjoyment. I'm also beginning to feel more cynical day by day and that maybe I should push away the people who don't care anymore...

Skyscraper83 May 21st, 2015

I don't know if I am depressed, butsometimes I am sad, and feel alone...

and I am working on trying to fill that hole.

jose96 May 21st, 2015

I feel so tired. Of depression, of loneliness, of going to work, of wearing this mask of happiness when i go outside...i just want to curl up in bed anddontface the real world. I just want it to end.

jzpanda1992 May 21st, 2015

This is what I feel today, too. Sometimes I just want to run away from everything. Leave my life right now, live somewhere no one knows me.

lauren1084 May 22nd, 2015

this is the same way i feel basically every day. there are some days that i just don't want to be around anyone because i just don't have the energy to pretend like everything's fine.

Coconutlove4 May 21st, 2015

Im drowning in my mind giving my headaches headaches.. looking at walls.. looking at nothing..

lifesuuuuuuuuuuucks May 21st, 2015

I've always felt worthless, like everything I do doesn't matter. I do think about suicide but I would never actually do it. I know i am surrounded by a family that loves me and i have a daughter that i love more than anything in the world but that doesn't even motivate me. Nothing in this world feels right to me. I feel like i don't belong anywhere. I've never felt pride for anything good I've done. I just look at my mistakes. It's like there's a voice in my head telling me that it's useless to try, I'm gonna mess up somehow anyways. Sometimes I pull myself out of it but it never really goes away.

Mistaken1977 May 23rd, 2015

I feel the same way that no matter how hard I try its never enough

lauren1084 May 22nd, 2015

hi - i just joined 7 cups and not really sure how to start off...

but i cannot imagine being any more depressed and empty than i do right now - and i don't see any way that it's going to ever change. i'm the only person that's going to be able to fix me and i just don't think i have the strength or motivation. i have no hope.

forcefulSky1532 May 24th, 2015

i feel the same way you do. at least i'm not the only one that feels this way

honestTree5201 May 22nd, 2015

Im feeling so bad today!! I actually think this is one of the most difficult days I have ever had, today my mom decided to send me to a psychiatric for more than a month, they're going to try to make me understand how valuable I am and stuff but to be honest I don't think that's the solution. I just feel so alone! I don't know if I'm going to be strong enough to handle this....

KatelynnGrace May 22nd, 2015

I always just want to curl up in a ball and cry. I'm just worried that my parents will notice that I'm sad. I don't want them to worry about me.

affectionateDime175 May 22nd, 2015

I feel terrible today and I don't know why. I had a couple of really great, high functioning days and that's just making it worse that I can't get out of bed today. I'm so worried about so many things that will be happening in the next week and I know it's just going to get worse over the next couple of days.

forcefulSky1532 May 23rd, 2015

I feel like I am a ghost. Like I am only going through the motions of my life while everyone else gets to live theirs and be happy. I feel like I'm at the bottom of a dark pit. I want to get better to have a chance to have my relationship and life back. I just want to be me again.

Sky5141 May 23rd, 2015

I feel like I'm so sick to my stomach and I have something in me and I just want to throw it up.