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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

intelligentheather32 January 11th, 2015

I feel the same way. I see my doctor today so im pray something works for me medication wise. Ugh

ember64 January 11th, 2015

I hope it goes well for you, I really do!

intelligentheather32 January 11th, 2015

I hope the same for you.

KAL1588 January 11th, 2015

I skipped my medicine on accident last night. I am very very panicked. I just want to cry and I'm going through a rough time.

LonelyVixen97 January 11th, 2015

I feel really emotionless, like I'm completely empty. I try to be happy and I have to keep faking a smile, whenever someone asks me if I'm ok I lie and then run to cry somewhere private

intelligentheather32 January 11th, 2015

Hi everyone. With in a matter of two weeks my life turned upside down. I dont really know the one thing that put me their but all i know was i was scared. I felt like i could never get better no hope. I was hospitilized due to the depression. I was scared. I was then put on medication which had me feeling weird. The doctor told me to stop taking it. I also get to see him today and pray i get on somethg that makes me feel normal again. I want my life back!

NeverGiveUp1234 January 11th, 2015

Annoyed my lilbrother is being loud

Angelolives January 11th, 2015

Im not doing so good. My mom said she can't deal with me anymore. She just gave up on me and i just feel worthless.

Angelolives January 11th, 2015

Im not doing so good. My mom said she can't deal with me anymore. She just gave up on me and i just feel worthless.

Chloe01 January 18th, 2015

Just know that you aren't worthless. No one deserves to be called such a thing. You are a beautiful and strong and amazing person. Don't let what people say bring you down. Hang in there :) I'll support you from here :)

Spring19 January 11th, 2015

Ican't feel anything these days, and I don't know if it's worse than feeling all the pain.

Eless January 11th, 2015

Today I feel very sad. I can feel the emptiness making me sick again. Tomorrow I have to work again and it's like I want to work and then when I'm there it's to much for me, to much people to much sound. Then I want to be alone, and when I'm alone I'm getting more depressed. I'm a wreck.

Chloe01 January 18th, 2015

Somedays, we all feel like a wreck. Don't worry though. It'll pass. I am so sorry that you are feeling this way, but you sound like a strong person so you will survive this. Hang in there :) I'll support you from here :)

NeverGiveUp1234 January 11th, 2015

Like hurting myself

Shewrites1107 January 17th, 2015

Today. It was really all a blur. I don't think my whole day was spent in complete sorrow but towards the end, after I came home from school I guess I put my ownself into a terrible mood. I just kept thinking about things I knew would mess me up, I'm not sure why I do this I just do.

Chloe01 January 18th, 2015

Shewrites, I can relate with you. Don't worry, you aren't alone. You'll get through it. Sometimes, all you can do is hope for a better future, but I know that you will have a much better one :) Hang in there, dear :) You'll make it through the pain. I'll support you from here :)

Mickey9735 January 17th, 2015

I have so much on my mind today, so many changes and fears. Anxieties and things I'm overthinking. The day flew by and I felt empty through most of it

Chloe01 January 18th, 2015

Hi there, I'm sorry that I didn't reach out to you yesterday. If you're still feeling down, you can share with us anytime. If you don't feel like sharing, you can also go through the Anxiety guide. You're strong and you can go through this. Hang in there :) I'll support you too from here :)

Jaszyblue January 18th, 2015

Whats the anxiety guide if I may ask

maddie19 January 18th, 2015

I feel like there are so many things pulling me down right now that I don't know which one to focus on...The disentigration of my parents relationship before my eyes, the loss of loved ones, my own problems with school and life. So I just sit in the middle of them all and shut off, so I don't have to feel anything.

Chloe01 January 18th, 2015

Hi Maddie, I am so sorry for you. I can't imagine what it must be feeling like. I know that it must be so difficult especially when you have no-one to turn to in the middle of a crisis. And I also know that having problems at school can affect your self-esteem very much. If you ever need to talk to anyone, know that there is a whole team at 7cups for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out. Hang in there, you're strong and you can go through this :)

Tortoise January 18th, 2015

How do I feel today?

Like a member of the Outer Party working at Miniluv.

Like Big Brother says 2+2=5

Tortoise January 18th, 2015

which in other words is hell

Umm16 January 18th, 2015

I feel tired😴 stressed and completely terrified. I'm switching schools again for the second time this year! Blah! I really like my friends at the one I'm at now but... The teachers well shmerr. Ugh 😪 I want to cry but that just makes everyone uncomfortable...

thequietone97 January 18th, 2015

I've been doing so well recently, I was beggining to think I was geneuinely happy... but that's the thing with depression... it tricks you like that. I've just had a really bad argument with my long term boyfriend and I don't know what the next steps are going to be. I need to talk but I can't find any listeners and my councellors are out of hours at the moment, and my sessions have been reduced to fortnightly...

MehIguess January 19th, 2015

I talked to an ex girlfriend and it's made things harder. I don't think I want her back but I miss her like crazy. I'm disinterested in everything and don't know who I am or who I want to be.

PowerfulHuman98 January 19th, 2015

They make me want to scream at the top of my lungs -_-

PowerfulHuman98 January 19th, 2015

They make me want to scream at the top of my lungs -_-

hellofriends January 21st, 2015

I'm sorry for my language /:

From last Monday until today, I was doing pretty well. I felt, not optimistic, but I didn't want to kill myself at all, and I felt like I was in control of my life for once.I didn't breakdown crying at all, which is good, I guess? But today it endedand I feel like shit again.

I don't fucking understand anything. What's the point? We all die anyway, who the fuck cares who you are, or what you do? The only thing that everything on this earth has in common is the end. Everything will die, everything will come to an end, everyone will be sad or anger or in pain at some point eventually? Does it even matter what happens between the beginning and the end if everything will end up in the same way?

What is this? What is this life? Is this life even real? I don'tfucking understand anything?

Sunfeather72700 January 21st, 2015

I feel like I want to get professional help but I can't tell my parents because I know they will treat me like a fragile doll that will crumble with one sarcastic comment. My mom has depression as well and that's who I got it from (It runs in my family) so I don't want her to have to worry about anything else. I can't tell my family and if I go to the counselors at school my dad who works at the same school with hear of it and I'll have a lot of awkward questions that I don't have answers too. So I don't know what to do. Sometimes I don't even know whether or not I'm depressed or if it's just hormones. I've taken some online self tests and they all say I have severe depression but I know they aren't that accurate. Plus they are designed for adults and I'm only 14! I have tried talking to some of the listeners from this site but everytime I do talk to them they try to get me to "talk about something else to get my mind off of it" but what they dint seem to understand is that I can't get my mind off of it! I call my depression my little friend in the back of my mind. I always feel it even when I'm not being affected by it. It's always there, trying to break free from the barriers u place around it. So I can't get my mind off of it. My friends (who don't know about this) can sometimes get me distracted but not always. The two friends that do know I'm not always up to talking to them about it. Because to me, I feel like if I talk about it I will be showing weakness that they can exploit and I can't stand doing that. So really I haven't talked to anyone about how I'm feeling. I just want someone I can trust enough that I know they won't judge me and that they'll understand.

MickeyJ January 22nd, 2015

i feel okay. im not sure what im doing as far as relationships but im trying to be happy

reliableMango71 January 28th, 2015

:-) congratulations!

hellofriends January 23rd, 2015

These are just my thoughts now.

I hate this world, but the only thing keeping me down is music. Music is my everything. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like sometimes even music is just an illusion of the senses.

I can't even cry anymore? I'm just so alone. I have no one who I can really trust. I hate myself so much. SO MUCH. I wish I at least had friends on the internet, but I don't. I don't even deserve friends.

I've been thinking a lot about Leelah Alcorn. I can't help but feel like I'm being so ungrateful and I shouldn't even be feeling sad. I can't stand myself. I wish I could just die in a car accident or get killed, that way it wouldn't be my fault. I can't even bring myself to kill myself. I will eventually, though. I'll do it one day.

reliableMango71 January 28th, 2015

Post again - I feel like I hate me too! It is a new feeling for me, it came on after trauma, how long have you felt that way. I wish the hatred would go away!

Mist63 January 23rd, 2015

I hate everything. Nothing matters. So sick of this horrible world.

plumCity78 January 23rd, 2015

I'm confused. One day I'm happy with my relationship and the next day I'm trying to devise a plan on how to move out without moving back into my parents house.

Mana1723 January 24th, 2015

I know exactly how you feel. What helped me though is this book called "Way to Love" by Anthony De Mello. This book is amazing! Check it out.

plumCity78 January 24th, 2015

I'll look into it. Thank you.

Leucoryx January 23rd, 2015

I`mdisappointedwith life, still trying every day, keep getting disappointed. I wish I know why.

leviatatingbowtie45 January 24th, 2015

I feel pain mental or physical or I feel nothing at all. School is hell and home is only slightly better. Distractions and a friend are my only tethers